-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 16:03:51 -0500
Subject: [JBirch] NOLAJBS ::: United Nations Earth Charter ::: UPDATE

"Communism is one of the options that can improve people's lives."
--Tom Hayden, the New York Times, 1975


Here is more information we just received on Jean's activities:

Jean will be on a local TV program to talk about the Earth Charter Friday June 13.

I will be on TV next fri 6/20 9pm
it is on cox channel 8 every fri at 9pm
then repeats on channel 77 wed 10:30 am and 10:30 pm
name of program "Speak now or forever hold your peace"


----- Original Message -----
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 13:15:08 -0500
Subject: [Patriots] NOLAJBS ::: United Nations Earth Charter


As you may already know, Jean Vegas, organizer of our local UNO Earth Charter Summits, 
has been very busy.  I attended her first summit and reported on her activities by 
posting it on http://www.nolajbs.net/ as well as distributing the information in our 
cover letters with TNA's reprint "The New World Religion," and by doing so, I blew my 
cover and was removed from her e-mail list to receive updates on her activities.  This 
proves that we are on the right track in exposing their demonic and deceptive agenda.  
[Video Presentation]

Recently, I have obtained a mock e-mail address with a phony user name.  By doing so, 
I have obtained some updated information on their activities:

Someone from the Mayor’s Office on Environmental Affairs will be working with this 

Jean will be on a local TV program to talk about the Earth Charter Friday June 13.

Following is Jean's invitation to community---

NOLA Earth Charter Community Summit

We will be meeting on Saturday June 7, 2003 at Noon

The Community Book Center at 217 North Broad St.  [Joe's Note:  New Age Book Store]

This meeting is to coordinate and brainstorm ways invite local participation in the

New Orleans International Earth Charter Community Summit

Saturday October 11, 2003


Some of the goals of the local summit are:

  a.. Create an awareness of the Earth Charter
  b.. Encourage individuals, business and organizations to endorse the Earth Charter
  c.. Explore ways in which the Values and Principles of the Earth Charter resonate 
with the community work that is done / needs to be done in Louisiana
  d.. Create opportunities for Education based on the Earth Charter
  e.. Introduce the Earth Scouts Program to the youth of Louisiana
  f.. Experience a spirit of international solidarity with other Earth Charter 

            The planning of the summit is open to any interested member of the 

We will invite local activists and someone from the Mayor’s office.  We will seek out  
 local business and university participation.

Related websites:




I have some ideas that I'd like to put into action that may hinder their progress.  
I'd like to set up a meeting so we all can discuss them.  For those of you who live in 
or around New Orleans, are you interested in attending?  Please let me know either by 
phone or by e-mail.  Thanks!


Joe Molero

(504) 615-4441


PS - Please think about supporting us financially.  Donations will go towards an ad in 
the Times Picayune.

Donate by using PayPal  (use account: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Or send a check payable to "Joe Molero"


PO Box 793

Metairie, LA 70004


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