-Caveat Lector- http://www.etherzone.com/2003/shpa062003.shtml



By: Max Shpak

It should come as little surprise that weeks after a war that was sold to the public on the grounds that proponents of the war "knew" that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s), they are nowhere to be found. Because the self-styled Mideast warriors at various neoconservative propaganda rags assured the public that there was indeed hard evidence of these WMD’s existence, common sense implies that they, or at least their sources, knew where they were and would surely be able to find them well over a month after the invasion. The fact that nobody is able to do so now proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the neocons were then as throughout their shady careers feeding lies to the American public.

When it comes to the countless overblown claims made by the neocons to propagandize their war against Iraq, it should come as no surprise that the Emperor has no clothes. The neoconservative litany of lies and distortions over the past few years contains enough material to fill several encyclopedic volumes (perhaps one day such a set of volumes will be published as a "how too" guide for the self-styled Ilya Ehrenburgs of the future). Elsewhere I have discussed some of the past hypocrisy, rhetorical sleights-of-hand, half-truths, and outright lies that have surrounded other neoconservative crusades, from the first Gulf War to Kosovo to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I have also discussed the fact that the public, and for that matter much of the self-congratulatory "watchdog" media, are utterly numb to the fact that neoconservatives habitually lie. Indeed, the mass media organs and their eager viewers still seem ever ready to swallow the newest batch of swill produced by the Kristols and Frums of the world without the slightest hindsight or concern about their past deceptions.

Where the neoconservative program of deceit has taken a new and interesting angle this time around is the way in which they are handling the (minimal) extent of discussion and revelation surrounding their nonexistent "evidence" for Hussein’s WMD’s. Knowing perfectly well that they were the agent provocateurs behind these claims, the neocons have quickly moved to cover their flank by effectively pinning whatever blame there might be on those they swindled. It’s a strategy all shysters use: find a willing dupe and junior partner for your scam, and then when the effort fails, pin all of the blame on unwitting assistant.

In his effort to nip any criticism of WMD lies at the bud, William Kristol began his self-exculpatory memo with the claim "We shouldn't deny, those of us who were hawks, that there could have been misstatements made, I think in good faith," Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol told "Fox News Sunday. Asked, by whom, the leading Iraq war backer explained, "By the president and the secretary of state, [statements] that will turn out to be erroneous."

Ignoring for the moment that Kristol, true to form, uses the euphemism "misstatement" for what most normal people refer to as a "lie," and the fact that he assures us that his lies (oh, pardon, misstatements) are in "good faith," there is nothing new or surprising about the first part of the statement. This is the same tactic Kristol and all of his chattering disciples have been using for decades. The second (bold) portion of the statement is the more interesting and unprecedented part.

In a less than subtle manner, Kristol fingers the blame for the "misstatements" on Bush and Powell, when in fact Bush and Powell were simply reading from scripts created for them by individuals such as Kristol himself and his cabal of White House insiders such as Paul Wolfowitz. Along the same line, Kristol also informs us,

"People like me, who were hawks, said the war was both just, prudent and urgent," he said. "I think just and prudent - fine. But it is fair to say that if we don't find serious weapons of mass destruction capabilities, the case for urgency, which Bush and Blair certainly articulated, is going to be undercut to some degree."

Now just a moment, Billy. Do you mean to tell us that it was only Bush and Blair who "articulated" claims about Hussein’s WMD capacities, or rather, made "misstatements" about it to project a sense of "urgency" when there was simply no foundation for any of it? Are you implying that these "misstatements" made in the name of "urgency" originated de novo in the minds of Blair, Bush, and Powell? Surely they didn’t. In fact, all examination of the neoconservative propaganda mill in the months preceding Bush or Powell’s call to war tells us that these claims found their beginnings in the scribblings of neoconservative pundits and the babbling of neocon talking heads on major network television. If Bush or Colin Powell (the second of which was mercilessly chastised by neocon warmongers for not playing along with their agenda in the beginning) began to talk about WMD’s and "urgency," they were simply echoing the disinformation neoconservative think tanks had fed them, or, as is likely in the case of Bush, simply mouthing words written for them or drummed into their heads by neocon handlers.

The fact that shameless liars like Kristol can without reservation use even the President of the United States to cover their own flanks is testament to just how pronounced neocon hubris has become. And why shouldn’t it, after all, there is hardly a major figure in politics or in the media to take them to task for their long careers of swindling and dishonesty. We certainly don’t see anybody from the White House shouting with indignation about Kristol’s memo, now do we?

Ideally, statements such as those made by Kristol would be a perfect opportunity to drive a wedge between the White House (and the GOP establishment) and the neoconservative cabal that has invaded it in precisely the same way that cowbirds and cuckoos invade the nests of more productive birds. In the first few decades of what Samuel Francis aptly named the "neocon invasion," that would indeed have been possible, because there would have been a Republican establishment in place to act as a counterweight. As late as the Reagan administration, there were individuals like Eagleburger, Meese, and Buchanan to counter the agitprop of Abrams, Wolfowitz and Perle (indeed, many of these individuals spoke out recently against the latest neocon crusade in the Middle East), and even the first Bush administration had James Baker, known for his skepticism towards neocon warmongering on behalf of Israel.

Today, such voices are nowhere to be found. They have been relegated to fringe publications, to attending conferences and joining think tanks which never reach the ears of the power elite in either the public or private sectors, or, worse still, they have sold their souls and jumped aboard the neoconservative bandwagon. Strangely enough, the only voice of foreign policy reason in the current Bush White House during the months following 9/11 was the social liberal Colin Powell. But given his lukewarm stance on domestic issues, it comes as little surprise that he chose to go with the current and let the neocons hijack the White House without the least resistance.

That leaves the American public, at least those who have the sense to remain skeptical of what they are fed by the mass media, to hold congenital liars like Kristol and his associates accountable for their actions. Though the neocons have acquired enough power to use Presidents as "fall guys" whenever their last propaganda house of cards collapses under even the most superficial scrutiny, that is all the more reason for the skeptical reader or listener to be skeptical, or rather, outright hostile, to the neoconservatives and their sinister agenda.

"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."

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