Subject: Richard Mellon Scaife Speaks!
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Goldman)
Date: Thu, Dec 17, 1998 16:16 EST
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Right's answer to the Hollywood Money Bags.......

>               Scaife Accuses Clintons of Cover-up

>               Thursday, December 17, 1998; 2:30 a.m. EST

>               WASHINGTON (AP) -- Conservative billionaire Richard
>               Mellon Scaife says President Clinton is ``an
>               embarrassment'' but denies that Scaife money helps support
>               a right-wing conspiracy out to hurt the president.

>               ``I just want the truth to come out about Whitewater,'' the
>               reclusive Pittsburgh philanthropist told George magazine
>               editor John F. Kennedy Jr. in a rare interview.

>               ``I think there's been a massive cover-up about what Bill
>               Clinton's administration has been doing, and what he was
>               doing when he was governor of Arkansas,'' said Scaife,
>               who funds many anti-Clinton groups.

>               Saying Clinton ``can order people done away with at his
>               will,'' Scaife suggested that the president might be linked to
>               the deaths of dozens of administration officials and
>               associates, including White House aide Vince Foster,
>               whose death was determined to be a suicide by
>               investigators, and former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown,
>               who died in a plane crash.

>               The 66-year-old heir to the Mellon oil and banking fortune,
>               estimated at over $1 billion, also had harsh words for
>               Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, whose investigation
>               led to the Monica Lewinsky probe and the specter of
>               impeachment now threatening Clinton's presidency.

>               ``Four years and $40 million later, we haven't gotten
>               anything,'' Scaife said. ``Maybe Ken Starr is a mole working
>               for the Democrats.''

>               Scaife controls several foundations that have given millions
>               of dollars to organizations run by critics of Clinton. That
>               money included $1.7 million for a project at the
>               conservative American Spectator magazine to dig up
>               information about Clinton's role in the Whitewater real
>               estate deal.

>               A federal grand jury is probing whether some of the money
>               was improperly diverted to Whitewater figure David Hale,
>               an Arkansas businessman and convicted felon who testified
>               against Clinton in the Starr investigation. Hale has denied
>               receiving any money.

>               Scaife was reportedly called as a witness in the grand jury
>               probe.

>               Scaife's money also helped fund a chair at Pepperdine
>               University that was to go to Starr. The prosecutor later
>               turned the job down.

>               Earlier this year Hillary Rodham Clinton said there was a
>               ``vast right-wing conspiracy'' out to destroy her husband.
>               The comment was considered by some to be a veiled
>               reference to a cadre of Scaife-funded anti-Clinton groups.

>               ``If there is one, I don't know of it,'' Scaife said when
>               if such a conspiracy exists.

>               He said he doesn't hate Clinton and gives money to support
>               groups ``presenting ideas that most colleges and universities
>               and television don't promote.''

>                      © Copyright 1998 The Associated Press

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