-Caveat Lector-

For those who had the naivete' to believe that FOX was an alternative to the
Big 4.

/s/ Nick Landholt, CPTX

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Condit Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: [NA] FOX Replaces BBC on Israel's Big Cable Network

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July 19, 2003 NA (Network America) e-wire

FOX Replaces BBC on Israel's Big Cable Network

To no one's surprise - no one who's paying attention to these things,
that is - FOX Cable News has been chosen to replace Britain's BBC on the
major cable network in Israel.

Does not this speak volumes?

On the one hand, the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is trying to
prevent World War III by pointing out that Israel is being allowed to
act as a dangerous rogue nation, and on the other hand, FOX Cable News
is the most craven news operation in the world when it comes to
parroting the Israeli government line.

FOX Cable News should change it's name to "Israeli Press Office Cable
News" - in the interest of Truth in Advertising.

Below we reproduce the entire news article from the Baltimore Sun on
this subject from July 7, 2004, sent to us by a friendly researcher.

Before reproducing the article, a few comments are in order, especially
comments about certain lines in the article.

Just last night, July 18, 2003, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard, a
regular FOX commentator, called for US troops in Iraq to make war on
Iran for the purpose of "regime change", and asserted that he would
support a TAX INCREASE to make war on Iran and Syria (Jewish Supremist
Kristol is, of course, delivering the Jewish Supremist party line,
courtesy of FOX Cable News).

Now here are lines from the below article, with my comments following"

Item: "The prime minister's (ed: Ariel Sharon's) office is prohibiting
government aides, spokesmen and Cabinet ministers from being interviewed
on the BBC."

Comment: Time honored tactic when Jewish Supremists get their hands
around the throat of a nation. President Dwight Eisenhower, whose
caption in the 1915 Army yearbook was "the terrible Swedish Jew",
employed exactly this tactic against the valiant anti-communist
investigations of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Eisenhower forbid all federal
government officials to respond to subpoenas from McCarthy's committee.
See the excellent report up on realnews247.com on Senator McCarthy -
it's the feature story today. There is a 1954 voice clip from McCarthy
lasting 12 minutes which is worth listening to, and an excellent column
by Henry Makow called, "Senator McCarthy and the Khazars' Curse."
Anyway, Jewish Supremists running Eisenhower's administration employed
this tactic against Senator McCarthy then, and they employ it again
today against the BBC.

Item:  "The top liaison to foreign news organizations said punishment
will extend beyond a boycott: The network's reporters will find it
difficult to renew visas, cross Israeli borders and navigate the
country's sometimes confounding bureaucracy when it comes time to deal
with permits and other matters."

Comment: Yes, this is exactly what I ran into while we were trying to
run our radio ads on WLW and WKRC last October - every manner of petty
obstruction. The Jewish Supremists keenly understand a simple principle:
if one is playing defense, one is not playing offense. So the
persecution that BBC reporters will now undergo is meant to make their
job - reporting the news --- next to impossible. Incidentally, the point
man who is acting as my harasser at WLW and WKRC, Bill Reinberger, has
been billing my campaign for $900 that we do not owe for the last 9
months. I don't know what their game is here, because all radio
stations, including these, have the policy that NO radio ad is run for
political candidates UNTIL the money is paid in full, by money order or
something equivalent. These stations did have to run numerous make up
ads, because of their sabotaging of our program - but it is
unbusiness-like and perhaps even crooked for a radio station to try and
bill for make-up spots.

Item: "Our feeling is that they have a policy that is biased against
Israel," said Dan Seaman, head of Israel's Government Press Office, who
complained that skewed BBC reports feed anti-Semitism in Europe. "Our
appearing on their show allows them to give the appearance that they are
professional and objective. They have no intention of doing an honest
piece of work."

Comment: Here we have two vintage Jewish Supremist tactics. First, when
someone is telling the truth about them, they start screaming
"anti-semitism", in hopes that the "Holocaust" guilt trip engineered by
the founders of Israel in cooperation with Hitler's Nazis then, and the
Jewish Supremist media masters now - will cause the target to mentally
shut down and give in. Second, when they have enough chokehold on the
press, they refuse to engage in open debate or exchange with people who
they don't have bought off in one way or another, claiming that they
can't "dignify" such truth tellers by participating.

Item: "The army maintains a censorship office, and reporters can be
required to submit stories dealing with the military and troop

Comment: Yes, Israel maintains a censorship department - healthy
Christian countries used to have them too, as did the Vatican when it
was in the hands of Catholics. The Jewish Supremists demand no
censorship when they are working their way up to take control of a
country, but quickly impose as much censorship as they can get away with
once they seize control.

Item: "Israeli reporters, though, are strictly bound by the rules.
Newspaper and television correspondents receive security clearance, have
routine access to field commanders and are privy to military briefings
that are closed to foreign colleagues."

Comment: Yes, Israeli "reporters" are in actuality nothing but arms of
the Israeli government - just like Bill Kristol, Fox News, Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Bill O'Reilly are in this

Item: "The rules for moving about the West Bank and Gaza Strip are
changed regularly, often without notice."

Comment: Another favorite tactic of Jewish Supremists. We experienced
this in 1986 in Cincinnati when hundreds of protesters were  active in
front of the Margaret Sanger abortuary every Saturday. The obsequious
judge, the apostate Catholic Thomas Crush, gave the Planned Parenthood
officials the ability to make rules, as well as issuing their impossible
to interpret "order." So, we in Cincinnati experienced then, to a lesser
degree, what the Russians experienced in 1917 to the extreme. When
Jewish Supremists get control, then that's what you have to expect. No
civilized country should let these moral barbarians have ANY power

There are even worse sentences near the end of the following article -
and the article is worth reading in its entirety.

Here begins the entire article from Sunspot:

Seeing bias, Israel bars contact with BBC network

Documentary examined secret N-arms program

By Peter Hermann
Sun Foreign Staff

July 7, 2003

JERUSALEM - The television documentary that was rebroadcast twice the
last weekend in June by the British Broadcasting Corp. was titled
"Israel's Secret Weapon", and its intent, with the help of hidden
cameras, was to expose Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons program.

The documentary, originally aired in March, criticized what it
characterized as Western hypocrisy that allows Israel to develop weapons
of mass destruction while demanding that other countries end their own
such activities under threat of force.

Israeli officials have reacted strongly, in effect barring official
government contact with the news organization that reaches viewers in
256 million homes around the globe.

The prime minister's office is prohibiting government aides, spokesmen
and Cabinet ministers from being interviewed on the BBC. The top liaison
to foreign news organizations said punishment will extend beyond a
boycott: The network's reporters will find it difficult to renew visas,
cross Israeli borders and navigate the country's sometimes-confounding
bureaucracy when it comes time to deal with permits and other matters.

"Our feeling is that they have a policy that is biased against Israel,"
said Dan Seaman, head of Israel's Government Press Office, who
complained that skewed BBC reports feed anti-Semitism in Europe. "Our
appearing on their show allows them to give the appearance that they are
professional and objective. They have no intention of doing an honest
piece of work."

The dispute has been portrayed as Seaman's personal fight, but it also
can been viewed as the Israeli government taking a stand against what it
perceives as a daily battering of the truth and its image on front pages
and television screens around the world.

The unusually harsh reaction to the BBC stunned local news commentators
who are used to working in a media-saturated environment, where a
vibrant press actively encourages criticism and fights for exclusives,
sometimes at the expense of fairness and accuracy.

'In good company'

Meir Schnitzer, a media columnist for the Israeli daily Maariv, called
the BBC documentary - first aired in Britain before the Iraq war and
rebroadcast this week on its world service - a "hackneyed and gratuitous
report." But he criticized the Israeli government.

"There are international precedents to decisions of that type," he wrote
in Tuesday's column. "Events of this nature used to happen in Albania
and East Germany. Then in Iran and Afghanistan. Once again, Israel finds
itself in good company."

The BBC said Israel's actions would "not prevent us from continuing to
cover events in Israel, the occupied territories and the Middle East
region with due professionalism and impartiality."

"Whether or not official Israeli spokesmen are allowed to appear on air,
BBC programs will continue to ensure that the Israeli view is heard
alongside others in the region," the statement concluded.

Last year, Israel's primary cable company yanked the BBC from its
package and replaced it with the more Israel-friendly Fox News, pointing
to financial reasons. The BBC is still available here on the more
expensive digital cable and via satellite.

Israel has one of the highest concentrations of journalists in the
world, feeding what seems an insatiable appetite for news of the
conflict with the Palestinians. There are 350 foreign news organizations
based in Jerusalem, a city about the size of Baltimore, with 800
reporters, cameramen and technicians. This year, 1,300 other journalists
have visited.

Yet the Israeli government often feels demonized by the foreign press
corps, with Israel portrayed as the aggressor and Palestinians projected
as helpless victims. Perhaps nowhere is a story more covered and more
scrutinized; at least two Internet sites are devoted to catching
mistakes or perceived bias against Israel.

Despite the overwhelming news coverage, Israeli officials can keep
secrets, especially when they revolve around security. The army
maintains a censorship office, and reporters can be required to submit
stories dealing with the military and troop movements.

Foreign reporters must sign an agreement to adhere to the censor's rules
in order to receive credentials needed to attend briefings and travel
freely. However, few reporters ever submit articles for prior review and
they rarely if ever hear from the censor's office. Before the Iraq war,
the censor met with the foreign press to impose restrictions on
reporting the precise locations of any missile strikes against Israel.

Israeli reporters, though, are strictly bound by the rules. Newspaper
and television correspondents receive security clearance, have routine
access to field commanders and are privy to military briefings that are
closed to foreign colleagues.

Tight restrictions

The main complaints of foreign reporters are the relative lack of access
to combat areas and the difficulty of obtaining credentials for
Palestinian translators and aides. The rules for moving about the West
Bank and Gaza Strip are changed regularly, often without notice. During
a military sweep through the West Bank last year, reporters were barred
from most areas. Two of the many who found a way in were shot.

Rules were tightened again last month after an Italian journalist
unwittingly helped two suicide bombers cross into Israel from Gaza. And
as a result of complaints that soldiers were targeting reporters in
Gaza, journalists are now required to sign a waiver acknowledging that
the area is classified as a war zone and absolving the military in case
of harm.

Israeli officials point to security reasons for the restrictions. But
the Foreign Press Association has complained that Israeli authorities
unhappy with coverage find ways to complicate reporters' lives by
singling them out for harsh questioning at the airport, stripping their
Palestinian translators of credentials, restricting the use of foreign
camera crews and periodically dispatching tax inspectors.

Seaman denies that his office purposely hinders the work of reporters,
maintaining that Israel is one of the easiest places for journalists to
work. Despite a daily flood of reporters, he said, his staff usually
gets them credentials within 15 minutes of their showing up at his

The press office assists reporters in obtaining work visas and other
permits, documents that might otherwise take months to be issued by
government ministries. The press office also provides letters to ease
reporters through laborious airport security checks.

It is that sort of help that the BBC correspondents will no longer get.

"If they get stuck at the airport, we won't be offering them any
assistance," Seaman said.

Seaman said the BBC story on Israel's nuclear program was merely the
catalyst for the harsh punishment. He said the network has a history of
biased reporting over the past three years.

"According to the BBC, Israel is a country that abides by no
international law, is a rogue nation," Seaman said. "They put is in the
same category as Iran, Iraq and Libya." He said the program on nuclear
weapons contained no information that hadn't already appeared in the
Israeli news media.

It was the program's premise and the fact that the BBC rebroadcast the
show that irked Israeli officials.

The documentary - produced by Giselle Portenier and reported by Olenka
Frenkiel - said that as the United States and Britain were "preparing to
wage war on Iraq for its undisclosed weapons of mass destruction,
Israel's nuclear, biological and chemical capabilities have remained

The program focused on Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli who has been
imprisoned here for 17 years for, in the program's words, "exposing
Israel's secret nuclear bomb factory to the world." Israeli censorship
laws bar local newspapers from quoting Israeli officials on the
country's nuclear capabilities and Vanunu's secret trial, but
publications have gotten around that by using sources in the United
States and Europe.

The BBC statement says the network stands by its reporting.

The Foreign Press Association warned that taking punitive action against
a news organization puts Israel on a "slippery slope that can lead to
illegitimate attempts to exert political pressure ... on organizations
or journalists whose reporting is deemed unfavorable to a government's

Copyright (c) 2003, The Baltimore Sun

Link to the article:

Visit http://www.sunspot.net

End of article from The Baltimore Sun, found at sunspot.net.

End of this Network America ewire.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Network America Ewire List
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin


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9-11 TERROR ATTACK INFORMATION: For perspective on 9-11 attacks you must see
the articles lined up at www.sweetliberty.org -- when you get to that home
page you will see on the left hand side under the headings a section in red,
"America's New War, or War on Americans?" When you click on that and scroll
down you will find a section in blue letters called "Attack on America",
when you click on that you find many key articles on 9-11, including:
"Operation 911: No Suicide Pilots!" by Carol Valentine; and "Who We Need
Fear and What is Global Hawk?" from this e-wire; and "More 911 Questions;
Anthrax; Who's the Coward?" also from this e-wire. After today's message you
can find how to go to the Topica website to read any and all of our back
articles since January 10, 2000.]

Another important 9-11 website is www.public-action.com which is Carol
Valentine's website.

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votefraud.org website.  These archived messages can be found at
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RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest
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archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest; there
is also an hour interview on the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election
in the www.rense.org archives for the night of December 6, 2000.

background" e-wires -- can be found at votefraud.org by scrolling down on
the home page to the section: "The Full Story behind the Radio Ads". These
e-wires give you a better overview of what's happening in America and the
world then you would get by spending 4 years in political science classes at
Harvard or Yale, or another other major university. Save yourself time and
money -- read those important NA e-wires.

MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION 2000 MESSAGES: Also, see Network America e-wires for
October 19, November 6, 7, and November 24, 26, and 27, 2000 give critical
information on previews and aftermath of Election 2000.

ELECTION 2000 RADIO ADS: For our Election 2000 Vote Fraud Radio Ads -- Go to
www.votefraud.org, and pick the section on the home page entitled, "Listen
to all the Vote Fraud ads You've heard about" to hear -- or read the text --
of the Radio Ads which aired in the month before the 2000 election over WLW
Radio -- which station reaches into 38 states at night -- and several other
midwest stations. These radio ads exposed the easily rigged computerized
elections which "elect" public officials in the USA, and also exposed the
coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken
Lowndes for Congress, the radio stations were REQUIRED BY LAW to air these
ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting
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LEWIS NEWS ARCHIVE: A limited archive of some of the "Best of" Network
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CRASH COURSE, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! What follows is a Crash Course on the
current progress of the Occupation Government Now Ruling America. This
Occupation Government is stilll using the forms and institutions of the
United States Government, but is increasing bringing its World Tyranny
Government out of the shadows and into open view:

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN,
and FOX), the AP wire service, and their two major papers (the New York
Times and Washington Post) are making peaceful change impossible at the
ballot box.

They are effecting this by protecting computerized VOTE FRAUD, that is --
elections easily rigged by computerized methods from centralized
locations, -- by Big Media Censorship of candidates which this Ruling Elite
does not control, and a cover-up and suppression of many other aspects of
votefraud-related manipulation of America's future. A key part of their act
is the constant release of manipulated Public Opinion Polls to convince
Americans that the majority of people support the direction along which the
Ruling Elite is taking America.

The Ruling Elite has also engineered an increasing flood of illegal aliens
into the USA via their agents in both major political parties. Furthermore,
the two major parties are officially sanctioning RIDICULOUS loopholes
allowing these non-citizens to become registered voters . . . The more
registered voters -- legal or illegal -- who do not vote -- the easier to
manipulate elections by centralized computer fraud. (However, elections
could now be manipulated by centralized computerized votefraud, even if
every last voter voted.)

All of the above factors make peaceful political change more remote by the

President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution
inevitable." President John F Kennedy

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are:

1) Massive coverage of the Ruling Elite's favored Candidates, coupled with
ruthless Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public
Opinion Polls jammed down the public throat for months before each national

2) phony exit polls published by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on
Election Day through the sinister New York City-based company, Voter News
Service, which company is jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and the
AP wire. For 25 years, the major networks have conducted a HOAX competition
to call winners and losers on election night -- and their hoax is thoroughly
exposed on votefraud.org on the Home page in the section with the little
Newsboy Guy called, "Voter News Service" -- and in our e-wires of Jan 24,
2000 on the 1996 Iowa Caucus, May 30, 2000 on "A House Without Doors", June
17, 2000 "Vicki Collier vs. VNS", 8-25-00, a part of which deals with
Senator Bob Smith's interview on C-Span about the VNS/TV Networks wrong call
that he would lose his 1996 election.

3) and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which
make the polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are
barred from touching or counting their ballots, the election officials are
barred from knowing what is in the software program that instructs the
computers how to count the votes.)

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ALERT OPINION MOLDERS: Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public
officials, and the newsmedia know -- that a growing number of citizens do
not accept "Election results" -- and will not accept "election results"
until paper ballots -- with citizen checks and balances -- are restored to
the process at the local (neighborhood) precinct level.

The continuation of unverifiable, easily rigged computerized elections -- is
planting the seeds for the necessity of citizens of the USA to take other
routes regain control of our national destiny by restoring honest,
verifiable elections, -- as is our right, enunciated in the founding
documents of the United States of America, under the "consent of the
governed" and other relevant sections.

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