-Caveat Lector- THE HOFFMAN WIRE
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

July 24, 2003

A Losing Proposition for Zionism: Philistines vs. Art

A Leading Kosher Conservative Warns that Mel Gibson's Movie May Prove to
be the "Undoing" of the ADL

Hoffman peers beneath appearances to deconstruct the tactics and
strategy of a "Zionist Gentile”

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright(c)2003 by hoffman-info.com

Joseph Farah is an infamous kosher conservative who has defended Israeli
war crimes against Palestinian civilians and misled the right wing
concerning the ongoing Israeli holocaust in the occupied territories.
What then are we to make of Farah's dire warning to the Anti-Defamation
League of B'nai B'rith (reproduced below). Is it sincere or a feint?

Perhaps a bit of both. It looks as though Hollywood fixture Mel Gibson
has made a movie about the torture and execution of Christ that is such
a compelling piece of cinematic art that to condemn it is to render
oneself an instant Philistine and bigot. Farah seems to be signaling to
the Zionist elite that they had better take a pass on "The Passion,"
lest they suffer a serious loss of credibility in campaigning against

Gibson has used a virtually unassailable tack to get his orthodox
Christian viewpoint into mass circulation-- the prerogative of the
artist -- something this writer has for years been recommending to World
War Two revisionists, who mostly rely on tedious number-crunching and
technical reports as a means of persuasion. My 1986 novel, "A Candidate
for the Order," and 1989 illustrated satire, "Tales of the Holohoax,"
were attempts to use art and literature to open hearts and minds to
revisionism's skeptical take on Holocaustianity. True believers in
homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz can dismiss revisionist technical
reports as "junk science," but they will have a much harder time putting
down Art with a revisionist theme.

Americans have not been processed these past forty years into submitting
to Jewish supremacy, abortion, homosexual "marriage" and corporate
pollution and depredation mainly on the basis of scientific reports and
statistical studies. They have been dumbed down and bestialized
primarily through the pop alchemy of beautifully photographed movies
with hideously ugly themes, "Tonight" show monologues, songs, novels,
theatre, Oprah and Orwellian Newspeak. Obtusely, World War Two
revisionists have chugged along these past twenty years blissfully
ignorant of the psychology and epistemology of “the arts, the academes,
That show, contain and nourish all the world.”

Gibson's previous movie, "Braveheart," is a recognized masterwork of the
silver screen. If Gibson has brought similar talent and resources to his
film about Christ's suffering and torture (known in theology as the
"Passion"), then his movie will turn the tables on the Establishment and
bowl over every last lilliputian who stands in its way. Farah does not
want to see his Zionist cohorts stigmatized as hopelessly narrow-minded
and prejudiced. Zionists have had too much fun pinning that tail on the
populist and Christian donkeys, to want to witness the devastating
effects of being hoisted by their own petard.

Farah, though he assumes a pious Christian pose worthy of  Tartuffe, is
in fact, like many ambitious gentiles, a Zionist by political conviction
and mercenary consideration. When he warns his Israeli-American buddies
that Gibson's art is too compelling to overcome with the usual draconian
methods, this does not signal that Farah has been converted to the cause
of Truth, but rather that he’s recognized the enduring power of Art,
even in these Judaic times, and is calling for caution and tactical
retreat, the better to retain an enduring strategic advantage for the
"Jewish community" and the turncoat, ecumenical "Christian-Jewish
relations" movement. 

The kind of clever chess play exhibited by Farah, a hallmark of
traditional masonic and Judaic skullduggery, has been on the wane in our
modern era of Jewish supremacy, where we have seen clumsy,
over-confident Zionists promote brutal criminals like Ariel Sharon to
positions of international leadership.

One of the characteristics of the Judaic mentality is megalomania. As
accursed people (for reasons of ideology, not race), Zionists and
Talmudists are destined to destroy themselves. If they fail to heed
Farah and go after Gibson with a junkyard-dog ferocity bred of an
End-Times hubris, they will find themselves held evermore in popular
contempt and evermore the targets of insurrection at home and abroad.

Mel Gibson's "The Passion"

by Joseph Farah
July 23, 2003

EXCERPT: "...if the Anti-Defamation League chooses to make an issue of
this film, it will be the organization's own undoing. In effect, the ADL
will be telling Christians their most deeply held beliefs, their faith,
their Holy Scriptures are offensive. To take issue with this movie is,
essentially, to take issue with the Gospels, to take issue with the
Christian faith...I wouldn't recommend that path to my friends in the
Jewish community. It would be a dreadful mistake."

I saw a movie this week that moved me, changed me, inspired me and
deepened my faith.

I was blessed to be part of a small group of people invited to a
screening in Washington of Mel Gibson's "The Passion."

Even better was the fact that Mel Gibson was there to introduce the
rough cut and answer questions for an hour afterward.

It was a memorable day, but it was Mel Gibson's art that stole the show.

It's not an easy picture to watch. It's grueling, in fact. It's
torturous – as it should be under the circumstances. It's the story of
inhuman suffering willingly accepted in the ultimate substitutional
sacrifice. It's hard to watch such graphic depictions of a man suffering
and dying – even when you know the ultimate outcome. But it is worth it.
This is horror we all need to see and understand. This is a death that
shouldn't be glossed over.

Before seeing the picture, I had read quite a bit about this movie. I
had read it was controversial. I read some considered it anti-Semitic. I
had read there was great concern expressed over the story.

I don't understand why.

I consider myself a good friend to the Jewish community in the U.S. and
around the world. On an average, I speak to one large Jewish audience
per month. I have warned Jewish audiences around the nation and the
world about the rising tide of anti-Semitism. I believe it is real. I
know it is a threat. I am deeply concerned about it.

But let me tell my Jewish friends: You have nothing to worry about in
this movie. Drop it. Forget it. Don't waste another minute concerning
yourselves with it. It is a wonderful, inspirational Christian movie
that in no way takes any potshots at the Jews as a people.

It is a thoughtful, sobering, accurate recounting of the torture, death
and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospels. Nothing more. Nothing
less. Why this should be threatening to Jews is beyond me – particularly
when Jews and Christians are making historic efforts to get along with
one another, to find common ground and to recognize and celebrate their
common values.

There's nothing remotely controversial about this movie for Christians –
not real believers, not Protestants, not Catholics. So, if the
Anti-Defamation League chooses to make an issue of this film, it will be
the organization's own undoing. In effect, the ADL will be telling
Christians their most deeply held beliefs, their faith, their Holy
Scriptures are offensive.

To take issue with this movie is, essentially, to take issue with the
Gospels, to take issue with the Christian faith and to take issue with a
monumental artistic achievement by a filmmaker of increasing stature.

I wouldn't recommend that path to my friends in the Jewish community. It
would be a dreadful mistake. It would set back Christian-Jewish
relations – now at a high point in this country.

This is a movie that may not be the biggest box-office success ever, but
it will resonate in the hearts and souls of millions and millions of
Christians when it is released next spring – and, I suspect, for
generations to come.

I am impressed beyond words.

Yet, the New York Times has tried to savage the movie. The New Republic
is attempting to do it now. Others will certainly jump into the fray,
having been stirred to passion by Abraham Foxman and the ADL.

They will all fail. They will all look foolish in the end. This is Mel
Gibson's artistic triumph. It is his spiritual triumph. It is an act of
faith that I believe will be rewarded.

It's time to get out of the way. It's time to let the artists finish
this movie their way. It's time to stop all the idle gossip about it.
It's time, simply, to wait – to give this film a chance to speak for


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