-Caveat Lector- http://www.joevialls.co.uk/transpositions/hussein.html

Update 28 July 2003

Baghdad Morgues Challenge Madam Tussaud’s

A pale, wax-like putty covered part of the two unknown men’s mutilated faces, according to a press photographer who viewed the bodies which lay naked on metal stretchers except for blue cloths over their midsections. "The two bodies have undergone facial reconstruction with mortician's putty to make them resemble as closely as possible the faces of the Hussein brothers when they were alive," a US military official told the journalists viewing the corpses late Friday, in the presence of three forensic pathologists.
The whole Rumsfeld morgue road show was bizarre in the extreme, not unlike leading a pack of journalists around Madam Tussaud’s in London or New York, while asking for their subjective views of the wax exhibits lining the hallways. You can almost hear the proud wax technicians asking, “Does our John Lennon  look a little like John in real life, about the same as John looked in real life, or even more like John than John managed to look in real life?”
The entire conjuring trick revolved around keeping the media pack focused on how much the poor abused cadavers looked like the Hussein brothers, thereby artfully preventing anyone from saying or reporting that there was no resemblance at all. To an extent this worked, with the obedient western media slavishly reporting the “dramatic deaths” of Uday and Qusay Hussein, the fall of the “Saddam Regime”, and anything else their creative proprietors in New York directed them to say.
Rumsfeld’s pathetic propaganda scam did not fool the experts. Independent American forensic pathologist Peter Kirsch, MD, knocked the whole sick subterfuge on the head when he stated in writing, “As a retired forensic pathologist, I can say the photos presented clearly are NOT of Saddam's sons. One of the most individual things about a person is the ear, and on this evidence alone, the corpses shown are not those of Saddam's sons.”
What may be of more interest is why Rumsfeld felt so compelled to go the extra distance of shaving the faces of the unknown men, liberally plastering them with twenty pounds of Play Doh, amputating the leg of one corpse, then placing a plastic bag full of nuts and bolts next to the severed limb on the mortuary table. It is always possible that Rumsfeld suffers from some sort of rare psychiatric disorder we know nothing about, but the more likely answer is that he was over reacting to criticisms of his earlier pathetic efforts in the morgue, mine included.
Although my “Uday & Qusay Hussein Forged Photos – Forensic Analysis” [above] was first posted on Rumor Mill News late on 25 July Australian time, it was first posted on a low-bandwidth building page 24 hours earlier, and thus available for viewing by anyone who knew exactly where to look. After about 12 hours I usually check the building page and do an “edit” for context, grammar and spelling mistakes, then pass the final edited page address on to Steve Seymour, who kindly mirrors it unaltered on a high-bandwidth page, which is then eventually linked by me at Rumor Mill and several other web sites. A slow process, but a sure one.
Obviously Rumsfeld received plenty of scathing criticism from many different directions, but little of this was in the published form. It therefore may or may not be more than a simple coincidence that the new arcane activity in the Baghdad Morgue, sought to specifically address and obliterate all of the criticisms made in my own report.

I criticized the fundamental forensic failure to match the profile of the cadaver to that of the photograph allegedly being used for positive identification. The Baghdad Morgue Play Doh forgery team responded by removing the identification photograph completely, and switching the angle of the cadavers through 90 degrees to further confuse the viewing public.
Where I slammed Rumsfeld for presenting bearded cadavers for “identification” [a criticism enthusiastically supported by senior mortuary staff at one of Australia’s biggest teaching hospitals], the forgery team responded by semi-shaving the cadavers, then reconstructed the jaw lines with putty in an unsuccessful attempt to make them look more like the Hussein brothers. Then the forgery team used more putty to obscure the all-important shaving line on the “Uday” lookalike cadaver. 
My comments and those of Dr. Peter Kirsch on the ears were potentially fatal, so the forgery team responded by repackaging the mass media photos so that both ears on the lookalike “Uday Hussein” were tastefully covered by blue plastic sheets. Voila! Unfortunately they missed a crafty Indian photographer who managed to shoot the black and white image shown on this update, which gives a perfect view of “Qusay’s” right ear. You’ve guessed already, haven’t you? The ear on the lookalike does not belong to the real Qusay Hussein.

Then, foolishly perhaps, I wrote that Secretary Rumsfeld dare not release full body photographs, largely because “The real Uday has some very significant scars from the attempt on his life,  which are not present on the lower torso of the cadaver.”  It sounded sensible at the time because I was still unaware of the severe psychiatric problems gripping not only the Defense Secretary but also the entire forgery team in the Baghdad Morgue. Incensed by my analysis but unable to show the real scars because they didn’t have the real Uday Hussein, Rumsfeld and crew decided to cheat in a most gruesome but nonetheless ingenious way.
Without stopping to think, the forgery team hacked the left leg off the “Uday” cadaver, laid it on its side [thereby completely obscuring the area where the real Uday was operated on] and placed a plastic bag full of bloody orthopedic pins, nuts and bolts next to the severed limb. The hushed media throng was then told that the bag of bloody bits had been “removed from Uday’s leg, and would be confirmed by X Rays.”  What a sick joke! The only way any X ray could confirm this false claim would be for the X ray to be taken live in the presence of the media, while the pins etc were still INSIDE the leg, with matching scar tissue on the outside.
Next I wrote that these men had both been tortured before death, ”The massive bruising around and behind the eyes of both men proves that both were beaten severely [tortured] while still alive, most probably by members of Adnan Chalabi’s 21st Century equivalent of the barbaric Iranian Savak”. This precise observation was countered by another two pounds of putty placed around the eyes of the cadavers, obscuring the massive bruising completely.
Unfortunately the forgery team completely forgot to use any putty around the ankles, which was a most unfortunate oversight. If you look at the color picture of the two cadavers lying side by side, the one on the right has unique brown marks on both ankles. These marks have been identified by experts as pressure sores, caused by iron clamps used to hold the ankles while this poor man was suspended upside down for torture in the “Adnan Chalabi Hilton”. As I wrote earlier, death must have finally come as merciful relief for these two.

The media pack was told that each man had been “shot about 20 times in the gunfight at Mosul”, and there are indeed an impressive number of holes in the torso of each cadaver. The question is, what caused the precise round holes? We know that the 101st Airborne uses 5.56-mm and 7.62-mm high velocity weapons, known for their ability to make small entry wounds before punching out through exit wounds the size of your fist. There are no exit wounds on either cadaver.
On the same subject, why would anyone believe that two men allegedly involved in a ferocious four-sided gunfight involving assault rifles, rocket grenades and anti-tank missiles, would only suffer neat round gunshot wounds to the front of their bodies. Impossible! If these men had ever been in the Mosul villa, they would have large holes and burns all over them, as observed by a 101st Airborne Lieutenant Colonel at the time at the time of the Mosul firefight.  Most likely cause of the neat round holes in the cadavers are low-velocity .32 wadcutter pistol bullets, fired after death from a range of about six feet. Best to ask Adnan Chalabi, who carries a rather effeminate nickel-plated .32 automatic pistol in a shoulder holster.
The last pathetic Rumsfeld trick was to show dental records allegedly of Uday Hussein on all of the media networks, in turn allegedly “proving” they had the real man on the slab. It proves no such thing of course, because we have absolutely no idea what the real Uday Hussein’s dental records look like, and even if we did, there has been no physical comparison with either cadaver in the Baghdad Morgue. No prizes for guessing why not.
I have been asked by a number of people why I am going to so much trouble over this gross deception, which is a question I’d already asked myself more than once beforehand. In the end I suppose it comes down to the ability to prove that the American Government has been deliberately lying to the American, British and Australian public, using only photographic material officially released by the same American government officials.
Those who are old enough to remember the assassination of JFK, will also know that although countless books have been written on the subject, there was and never will be sufficient hard forensic proof of who shot the President, nor who at the Government level might or might not have conspired to conceal any meaningful trail of evidence. Nor does any of it matter very much, because as with all politicians, another was ready to step into JFK’s shoes.
The current provable American Government deception in Iraq is far more important, because it has been deliberately manufactured to drive more and more America, British and Australian servicemen on to their certain deaths for purely political and monetary gain. The official “spin” that the “deaths” of Uday and Qusay Hussein would ‘frighten” the Iraqi people into giving up is pathetic rubbish, and every politician in Washington knows it. We have illegally invaded their country, and tens of thousands of Iraqis will fight to the death to kick us out again, of that you can be sure.
The “Uday and Qusay are dead” scam was contrived and implemented by Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld, in order to trick the American people into believing that the “end” of the “war” is getting closer, though they all know this is a shameful lie. Iraqi counter-insurgency is increasing exponentially each week,  in turn killing ever-increasing numbers of American soldiers, in an invasion illegal not only in International Law, but also in flagrant violation of precedents set by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. However, it is one thing to claim that American officials are war criminals, and quite another to prove it in a court of law.
What I have written on this page is not important, but the photographs are. Remember again that every one of them was officially published on the orders of Bush, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld, in the full knowledge that they were forgeries. These images are fast disappearing off the mainstream media sites, so right-click and “save as “ each images to your hard drive in case they are needed. If you have the skills and the available web space, go ahead and mirror the information so that it is available from more than a single source.
Though war crimes trials for American politicians and officials seem far off now, they may be much closer than you think. I do not have a crystal ball, but do not need one to see very clearly that the American military is growing restless, and with good reason. The Baghdad Morgue scam is probably the clearest proof of Washington’s determination to sacrifice more and more American servicemen for no reason at all, and the worst war crime of all is cynically killing your own men for political and monetary gain. This quite simply is murder, for which I believe the punishment in most American States is death by lethal injection.

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