-Caveat Lector-

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"Claims for 90 former child psychiatric patients who allege they were abused, beaten, raped and given shock "treatment" while they were in hospital, are being lodged in the High Court in Wellington New Zealand. The claimants, most of whom were in hospital during 1960s and 1970s, were seeking damage for ill-treatment and abuse they claim they suffered. "The abuse our clients suffered at the hands of hospital staff included rape, sexual assaults, beating, long periods of solitary confinement and the use of electro-convulsive therapy as punishment," Roger Chapman, one of the layers acting for the group, said." Contact Johnston Lawrence Barrister & Solicitors PO BOX 1213 Wellington NZ also see  Patients' Rights Advocacy 65 Tawa Street, Hamilton, New Zealand Telephone: International + 64 - 7 - 8435837 Contact: Anna de Jonge Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How Ireland Hid Its Own Dirty Laundry By Mary Gordon "The Magdalene Sisters," by the Scottish director Peter Mullan...The film follows three young Irish girls who are sent to one of the Magdalene Asylums, institutions run by nuns, primarily in Ireland, to house girls who got pregnant outside of marriage, or who were considered too sexual, too flirtatious or even too attractive. They were incarcerated in these asylums, which doubled as laundries, where they worked, unpaid, seven days a week, 364 days a year, with only Christmas day off." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/03/movies/03GORD.html?ex=1060984390&ei=1&en=01eb126b29b3be2d

from mparent
Key suspect in ritual murder case 'killed 11 children' 8/4/03 "Onojhighovie, who had been setting up branches of a demonic cult in Germany and London, had killed 11 children, including the couple's eldest daughter, she said, according to the same source. Police arrested 21 people around London on Tuesday in connection with the Adam case."  ttp://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/08/03/1059849278119.html
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