-Caveat Lector-
It never ceases to amaze me when this discussion of sodomy comes up,
which is the correct term for homosexual behavior (NOT GAY, as gay is
just a political brainwashing agenda term), that the majority discard the
teaching and fact that God is holy and that he does punish people for
their sin and corruption. If there is no absolute moral standard in this
universe as the new agers and pagans claim, then they are right, but
the fact remains that is an untenable premise when squared with reality.
Every action in this universe has a corresponding action and consequence.
What one sows they will reap, even in polytheistic hinduism they hold to
such a concept in the form of karma. Although I personally do not hold
to a polytheistic concept of God as the hindus and new agers do, it
is more than abundantly obvious to any thinking person in ethics and
philosophy and theology that there is moral accountability and standards
in this university. Ask yourself, could a house be built without plans or logic
and design behind it?? How much more so is the creation of this universe?
There is absolute law and absolute moral standards and accountability
in every realm, from the heights of heaven, to the lower courts of man,
there is no getting around it. From the sodomites point of view, just chuck
the bible and say its a bunch of myths and mere legends and NOT the
literal word of God and "God Breathed", and sure yes, its not to hard to
see what the next step is in their thought process.
The fact that the sodomite agenda has infiltrated the church via freudian
psychology and a deistic concept of God that is NOT sovereign and holy,
doesn't change the FACT that God holds ever soul accountable for their
actions. Since when is murder or rape or any other heinous crime viewed
differently than sodomy, as the sodomites would like to portray it. Is Sodomy
any less a heinous crime, than say adultery which destroys homes and marriages???
Here we can see the bind the whore roman catholic institution has gotten
itself into, with the pederastery and closed door sodomite agenda that
has been propogated within their ranks for the centuries.
Furthermore its no mystery that in the highest levels of satanism, an asexual
sodomite outlook and view is promolgated and propogated from the
highest ranks of their pyramid structure, so is it any wonder roman catholic
priests inline with the vatican practise likewise.. after all they are in the same
league, from my research. What a mess, Svend Robinson points the finger
at the corrupt papists and fundamentalists who rightfully condemns sodomy,
when he in his own corrupt backyard promotes an agenda that seeks to
overthrow traditional marriage as the norm and fact of reality that has been
such from day one since creation.
Make no mistake about it.. this sodomite agenda has only one design,
to bring down traditional marriage and displace it with a pagan panacea
of free for all with no accountability before God.  If you think this isn't the
case, you are deluded.... Sodomites will not stop till the biblical standard
of what marriage is and where it originated from is totally eradicated.
HOW can a sodomite concept of sodomite union co-exist with a biblical
concept of marriage from a sodomites point of view? After all, as long
as the church won't marry a sodomite couple, what peace can a
sodomite have with the bible or a biblical concept of marriage.
This all adds up to one thing and one thing only, the sodomite
society having the rest of society at large putting a stamp of
approval on their corrupt evil wicked agenda, and you know what?
By and large it is working, the majority of society is now brainwashed
to believe that its okay for two men or two woman to engage in
sexual practises behind closed doors. I got news for them. God is
watching their every filthy corrupt move, they will not escape the judgment
of God. God is omniscient and sees and knows all. He will not be mocked.
Sodom and Gomorrah was for real and God destroyed it, just as he
punish all sodomites for thier activities ... IF they do NOT repent of this
unnatural sin. And unnatural it is. Anybody that states, it is natural and
fine for two men to kiss with their tongues in public displays plastered
all over the media.... has not only a morality problem big time, but needs
some serious help in their thinking process which somehow had gotten
corrupt along the line somewhere...
What room is there for discussion and debate now with sodomites
about what is right and wrong?? Its too late for that... only God can
help them and change their hearts....  If Sodom and Gomorrah is
NOT enough of an object lesson for anybody regarding how much
God hates sodomy as an unnatural behavior to be rightfully condemned
by any thinking virtuous person, then I repeat only God can help such
a deluded soul.
Archeological Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found
A Bible scholar believes he may have found the ruins of Sodom and
Gomorrah. Michael Sanders and an international team of researchers
in November used a mini-submarine to find what appears to be the
salt-encrusted remains of ancient settlements at the bottom of the Dead Sea,
the Daily Telegraph of London said. Sodom and Gomorrah are the evil
cities that the Bible says were destroyed by God with fire and brimstone.
Sanders, who is British-born but lives in the United States, said the team
would return to the area to chip off the salt for more conclusive evidence.
...There is a good chance that the mounds Sanders found are "the
lost cities of the plains, possibly even Sodom and Gomorrah,"
said John Whitaker, a geologist from Leicester University and
former editor of Geology Today.
by the Editors of ReligionToday
March 29, 2000
Also have you ever noticed, when talking to a sodomite, first and foremost
how much they hate the bible period especially when it is viewed as Gods
word and as absolute authority in all moral matters and judgments. The bottom
line is.. sodomites hate the "Judeo Christian" concept of a Monotheistic God
who comdemns their actions as lewd lascivious and improper behaviour,
that brings reproach on the monogomous union of man and woman in a
biblical concept of marriage. I have found this to be the case with every
sodomite I have talked to. Plain and simple they hate the judeochristian
concept of a monotheistic holy God. I got news for them... God hates
their behaviour as well, so there is enmity from both sides.

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