-Caveat Lector-

The Wisdom of the Parasite:
Growth Through Misfortune

Randy Lavello
September 8 2003

Every time a catastrophe strikes a people, a government seems to gain from it.  The 
very instinct to form a government is guided by a desire for safety from outside 
enemies and domestic problems.

It logically follows that any time the people are endangered or inconvenienced, the 
government corporate entity currently in command will always reap the benefits.

Blackouts and energy privatization have gone hand in hand both in Californian and 
South America.  We're now being told, here in the Northeast, that the electrical grid 
needs to be updated; with Bush Jr. squatting in the Oval Office, we'll likely see the 
same results he allowed to transpire in Texas while governor.  Bush Jr. deregulated 
emissions for energy consortiums based in Texas while governor and allowed his friends 
at Enron to do as they pleased.   Should we expect a different result while he 
occupies the White House with every sort of parasitic energy baron?  What lesson was 
sent to energy corporations by the Enron case?  Why would they cease in pillaging when 
they can always escape justice?

The corporations, with price gouging on the horizon, are not the only beneficiaries of 
this blackout; our government was able to test for a Civil Preparedness Emergency.  
Director of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge said of the Blackout, on Tuesday, August 
19th, "Let's just call it an initial test of our relationship, and I think it worked 
pretty well."  Every Police Officer in New York State was on duty, patrolling every 
street, and guarding "potential targets."   Now, when a State of Emergency is 
declared, and when we'll all be arrested for merely leaving our houses, they know just 
how many cops they can place on just how many corners.  In White Plains, New York, the 
police exercised their ability to institute laws on a whim by forcing all bars to 
close.  While they didn't say it was illegal, they said the owners couldn't sell 
alcohol to people during a blackout.  I guess there was no such thing as a pub in New 
York State prior to Edison's invention of the light bulb.

All those who believed oil had nothing to do with our adventure in Iraq can now say 
with conviction that they were correct, as they hand their money over at the gas 
station attendant.  The logic being that, had this been a war for oil, we wouldn't be 
paying over two dollars a gallon.  The oil companies will pounce on the slightest 
excuse to gouge prices; we now can see that it makes no difference to consumers 
whether oil comes from foreign oil companies or U.S. based oil companies.  Though, it 
seems they're all agents of foreign powers these days:  whether it's corporate 
chairmen or government officials!

When societies are struck with calamities and inconvenience, it is viewed by the 
people as a misfortune and a bad thing.  However, to the wealthy men manipulating 
events, these are always the greatest opportunities.  Every horrible event in modern 
history has benefited the globalists, bankers, and governments.  Were the wealthy men 
who control our government committing suicide during the Great Depression?  To them it 
was the time to buy - truly a time for consolidation!  FDR allowed the tragedy at 
Pearl Harbor to happen; what seems like a disaster to us is actually a lever of power 
to others.  The World Trade Center was obviously demolished by bombs at the bases of 
the structures, yet the people are made to believe that the diversion of the airliners 
brought the towers down…all to force us to accept larger, more corrupt and tyrannical 
government!   What seemed to us like the greatest tragedy in our nations history was 
made to happen in order to reap the immense benefits of th
 e dis
solution of the Bill of Rights and wartime profits.  This blackout, which logic tells 
was likely invented, is only another step in corporate consolidation of our income, 
our rights, and, finally, ourselves.

These men, who scurry through the corridors of our nation, are truly the lowest form 
of human life yet to dwell upon this earth.  There is nothing so lowly and disgraceful 
as the parasite - as that which dwells upon the misery and misfortune of others.  The 
lowest type of person manipulates life on earth - what a sad, sorry time!  At least, 
in times long past, tyrants were visible and the hand of oppression was seen.  These 
unseen parasites, not even noble enough to show their rotten faces, have plagued 
humanity for hundreds of years… but their time is coming.  These ticks and leeches, 
these defects of the gene pool, these who actually believe the parasite is the highest 
type of man, their time is nearing it's end.  As the clasp tightens, a reaction draws 
ever nearer.

Randy Lavello welcomes your comments at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites 
living on the labor of the industrious."
- Thomas Jefferson, in a Letter to William Ludlow, 1824

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