-Caveat Lector-

Terror Puppets of 9.11 – Iraq?

“Is there a paradigm in Art which transcends the classical categories of line, form, composition and spatial arrangement? – the answer lies in the recovery of ancient wisdom we refer to as the Essential Canon of Measure.” Bernard  I. Pietsch.

"The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics." Johannas Kepler (1571-1630)

We told that both President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair are of the Christian faith. Yet both leaders led the United States into a war with Iraq. Yet seemingly the majority of thinking British people think the Prime Minister had not the reasons to go to take our country war, a war at not only at a great financial cost to the taxpayer but the cost of the lives of British and US soldiers. The war is over, and now terrorism has begun so costs and killings continue.

Now, those of the three main religions, the Muslims, the Jew and the Christians all believe that they have an authoritative basis for their faith, and these religions not only believe in a Good God but also an Evil God, the Christians call the Adversary of humankind. The Bible tells us that the fight for humans takes place first in the mind. Meaning demonic thoughts can easily entered into the mind of those so selected, even leaders of nation states. Of course some demonic thinking is thought by the receiver to be that of their own ‘brilliant’ thinking, and so a leader with such ‘illuminated’ thoughts, will often believe he or she is right and all who oppose the proposition are simply wrong. So we must beware of our leaders who seemingly take no notice of the majority and adamantly continue on and on in their ‘own’ revelation of the ‘Truth’.

So do I think Prime Minster Tony Blair was so illuminated by the Adversary’s demonic spirit via telepathy so to back the President to go to war against Iraq? I obviously don’t know, but I can weigh up the circumstantial evidence formed and fashioned out of number crunching.

“Know that the men of the heart are shown the secrets of the worlds through inspiration [into the mind], or through true dreams, or through visions while awake. This is one of the highest grades of the degrees of prophethood, as a true dream is one of the forty-six parts of prophethood. So beware of denying this knowledge through lack of understanding.'' Philosopher Ghazali (died AD1111).  “Revelation is one of the characteristics of the chosen ones of God. To give arguments without revelation is a mark of being rejected from the Divine Presence.” Imam Ja`far Sadiq (died AD765). “The true, righteous Muslim is he whose condition resembles the condition of the prophets. He is favoured with that with which the prophets were favoured, that is, information of the unseen.'' Imam Qurtabi

"...In the Lord's Divine mercy I have been allowed constantly and without interruption for several years now to share the experiences of spirits and angels, to listen to them speaking and to speak to them myself. I have been allowed therefore to hear and see astounding things in the next life which have never come to any man's knowledge, nor even entered his imagination."  and "I am well aware of the fact that many people will say that nobody can possibly speak to spirits or angels as long as he is living in the body, and that many will call it delusion. Some will say that I have spread these ideas around so as to win people's trust, while others will say something different again. But none of this deters me; for I have seen, I have heard, I have felt." From the 18th century Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg

It's really not surprising that many devout Christians react to Swedenborg with suspicion, for Christ's warning to us is clear: "Take heed that no one deceives you... Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many…” Matt. 24:4,11.

OK, the Bible says that not only does humanity have an Adversary, but the Adversary is also called the Deceiver of the World, who is Satan. And Satan’s primary aim is to cause death, so that ‘freedom’ is given to the spirit body within so to enter instantly into the other set of four dimensions, Satan’s other temporary realm where he has even more control over the people.

And the Deceivers secondary aim is to create fear, so ‘Terrorism’ is out of the very demonic heart of Satan. Now the Deceiver uses human minds to make them undertake a terrorist act.

Thus it can be said that some humans, even world leaders, can be used as ‘Terror Puppets’.

Now Britain’s Joint Intelligence Committee told Prime Minister Tony Blair five weeks before the invasion that al-Qa'eda and other terrorist groups "represented by far the greatest threat" and they warned the Prime Minister that toppling Saddam Hussein would increase the risk of terrorist attacks against Britain. Yet, the Prime Minister never told Parliament.

OK, now to delve into a few of the references from my ‘Alchemy of Numbers’.

The Puppet Terror Dictator

The lawyer Maximillien Robespierre became the leader of the Jacobins of Paris who were called the ‘Mother Society’. And Robespierre became known as the ‘Terror’ and a member of the ‘Mountain Brotherhood’, which the eventual enemies of Robespierre, the ‘Thermidorian Talliens, called the ‘compressed mountain’ (‘French Revolution’ by Thomas Carlyle). And I say this ‘compressed mountain’ refers to the Great Pyramid, the world’s symbol of Death.

It was on June 8th 1794 (20 Prairial), the ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’, when Robespierre stated that all France must now believe in a Supreme Being, and that he was the High Priest to this God. What worried the people was that were told that they had souls once again, and this meant judgment after death. But the ‘Terror’ lived only 50 days after his Field of Mars statement, for he was his decapitated by Madame Guillotine.

The Central American Maya people considered the ‘Age’ to be their ‘Long Count’ that is 13 periods of 144,000 days which ends December 22nd 2012. And when I deduct one period of 144,000 days from the Time Marker of September 11th 2001 it is just after 10:15am June 8th 1607, and 187 years before June 8th 1794, the ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’. So by deducting 144,000 days from September 11th 2001 and adding 187 years it is the ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’. And the reference number 187 is the Ancient Egyptian falcon masked god Horus at 61, the merciless killer of the sky, plus the ‘man’ factor, which is spirit body in all humanity, and 126 is also called the ‘Eye of Horus’.

And when Horus at 187 adds two crowns, one for the north and the other for the south, each at 87, Horus now can be seen as his father Osiris at 361, the King and Judge of the Dead. (In fact Osiris is also a ‘man of Fire’ at 126 + 126 + 109).

Puppets of Judgment?

Now, March 20th 2003, was the day President George Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair went to war against Iraq. And counting to about 10:30am on June 8th 1794, the ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’, is 208.7797 years and squared thrice is 3.61000e+18, the reference for the Judge of the Dead.

Whereas counting down from 10am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 to 2:30pm June 8th 1794, ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’ it is 207.25959 years and squared thrice is 3.4050000e+18. And 340.5 pounds is the weight of one Ancient Egyptian cubic cubit filled with male human blood. So the reference for Blood is 340.5 x 2 at 681 or one third of 681 at 227.

So add to the King and Judge of the Dead at 361 the shed male human blood at 227 it is 588 and this is equivalent to 4 souls each at 147, or sheep at 147 days gestation. And when Horus at 187 (17 x 11) is added to his father Osiris at 361 + the blood at 227 it is 775 or Satan at 155 x 5 lots. (Also 775 is made up of blood at 227 + 227 + Room No 321, the crown and sword room at the Skull and Bones Society).

And so thanks to the choice of ‘Terror Day’ September 11th 2001 and war with Iraq on March 20th 2003, and both dates locked into ‘Festival of the Supreme Being’ on June 8th 1794, when the ‘Terror’ ruled France, there is shown Satan and his guises of the Ancient Egyptian gods of Horus the merciless killer of the sky and his father Osiris, the King and Judge of the Dead and the shed blood of the fallen.


John D. Miller


The Sphinx, the Terror, walks in Israel

 The Arabs called the ‘Guardian of the Great Pyramid’ that is the Sphinx, the ‘Terror’.

The Great Pyramid was once called ‘Ta Khut’ the ‘Light’ and ‘Ikhet’ the ‘Glorious’, and has a volume of 91,575,000 cubic feet. And this volume can be formed out of Sun time, because 284,000,000 days and /Pi + 2,840,000,000 days is 32 lots of 91,575,000.24. And Sun time at 2,840,000 and /Pi + 2,840,000 days is twice 1,872,000 days that is the Maya Long Count of 13 periods of 144,000 days.So Sun time relates to the Mayan’s end time and the construction of the Great Pyramid, the first wonder of the world.

Now I.D.S. Edwards in his book ‘The Pyramids of Egypt’ gives the Sphinx at 240 feet in length, and 66 feet in height and the widest part of the face at 13 feet 8 inches, so a volume of box to contain the Sphinx, at 216,480 cubic feet.

And when the ‘Guardian of the Great Pyramid’ at 216,480 cubic feet is multiplied by the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, less one tithe (x 0.9) it is 1.784174040e+13. And this is equivalent to the Serpent at 1700 x 2 and by the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, at 41.686271 cubic feet squared and cubed.

The usual volume for the sarcophagus is 41.6862516 cubic feet, and this is fashioned and formed out of the number ‘9’ at 9.0000e+13 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 41.6862516 cubic feet, so an infinitesimal difference with 41.686271 cubic feet, which is 72,033.876 cubic inches and /0.2 and /Pi thrice is 11,616.015 and as cubic feet is equivalent to the missing apex of the Great Pyramid, that has a top platform of 33 x 33 feet.

Occasionally there are items that use three of the important measurement standards that of the English foot, the Ancient Egyptian cubit and Hebrew cubit. For example Mount Sinai, a twin peaked mountain that Moses ascended, is a sacred mountain with two peaks, namely Jebel Musa at 7,363 feet and Ras Sufsafeh at 6,937 feet, and added together is 14,300 feet.
And 14,300 feet is equivalent to 2,650 x Pi Ancient Egyptian cubits of 20.612 inches and 8,250 Hebrew cubits of 20.8 inches, and all three added is 12,600 + 12,600. (And the difference in the height of the twin peaks is 426 feet and /15 is 28.4, that is one Sun day in Earth days, so a Sunday mountain so to speak).

The container for the Sphinx, the ‘Terror’, at 216,480 cubic feet is equivalent to 41,569.22 cubic Hebrew cubits and by some 42,716.3086 cubic Ancient Egyptian cubits and all three multiplied is 3.8440000e+14 x 10 and square root is 62,000,000 which is 4 x Satan at 15,500,000 (62 is the reference for the gray wolf founded of Rome).

So Satan himself is all boxed up nicely with the Sphinx, the ‘Terror’ and the Sphinx walks the land of Israel where there is perpetual Terror.

And those in the United Nations that carved up the Middle East to form the new State of Israel, wrote ‘Terror’ into the land, because the area of Israel is 7,992.6 square miles, and of this is the Dead Sea area under Jewish authority of 108.10 square miles. And the total area of Israel at 7,662.6 square miles x the Dead Sea area at 108.1 square miles is 864,000.060, x 2,000 is 1.728000120e+09 (1200 x 1200 x 1200.000083) and square root is 41,569.220, that is as Hebrew cubic cubits (20.80 inches per cubit) is equivalent of 216,480.185 cubic feet, the Sphinx at 240 feet in length x 66 feet in height and a maximum face width of 13 feet 8.00014 inches.

 So the Terror walks over Israel, for the Israel has been made the Terror.


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