-Caveat Lector-
Some more tedious number crunching to show one do it. Ugh!

 Sphinx spiritual conspiracy

The Sphinx is the ‘Guardian of the Pyramid’ the ‘Terror’ of the world.

The Great Pyramid was once called ‘Ta Khut’ the ‘Light’ and ‘Ikhet’ the ‘Glorious’.

The Bible says Satan comes as an ‘Angel of Light’.

Now the author I.D.S. Edwards in his book ‘The Pyramids of Egypt’ gives the Sphinx at 240 feet in length, and 66 feet in height and the widest part of the face at 13 feet 8 inches, so a volume of box to contain the Sphinx, at 216,480 cubic feet, some 8,017.7778 cubic yards.

So to number-crunching the Sphinx so to transform himself into the symbol of Death, that is the original ‘White House’, the Great Pyramid.

The Sphinx at 216,480 cubic increased to 2.1648e+553 and /27 cubic feet x Pi and squared twice x 10 and square root 8 times and cube root once is 755.773546 feet x 12 inches is 440 Ancient Egyptian cubits (20.612005 inches). 

So on the drawing board was the Sphinx, the symbol of the Adversary, and also drawn by the architect, was a huge octahedron, another symbol for the Deceiver of humanity. The volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet x 2 is 183,150,000 cubic feet, and one tithe less than an octahedron at 203,500,000 cubic feet with all 12 edges 755.773546 feet.

So the Sphinx not only forms the foundation area for the edifice of Death, it shows the volume of this same edifice. Clever those Ancient Egyptians.

Thus the Sphinx is guarding himself, the Sphinx called by the Arabs the ‘Terror’.

And the architect also knew that a Sun’s day could form the Great Pyramid’s volume of 91,575,000 cubic feet. And a Sun’s day is 28.4 Earth days, and increased to 284,000,000 days and /Pi + 2,840,000,000 days is 32 lots of 91,575,000.24. And Sun time at 2,840,000 and /Pi + 2,840,000 days is twice 1,872,000 days that is the Maya Long Count of 13 periods of 144,000 days. So Sun time relates to the Mayan’s end time and the construction of the Great Pyramid, the first wonder of the world.

And when the ‘Guardian of the Great Pyramid’ at 216,480 cubic feet is multiplied by the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic feet, less one tithe (x 0.9) it is 1.784174040e+13. And this is equivalent to the Serpent at 1700 x 2 and by the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, at 41.686271 cubic feet squared and cubed.

The usual volume for the sarcophagus is 41.6862516 cubic feet, and this is fashioned and formed out of the Virgin Mary’s favorite number ‘9’ and increased to9.0000e+13 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 41.6862516 cubic feet, so an infinitesimal difference with 41.686271 cubic feet, which is 72,033.876 cubic inches and /0.2 and /Pi thrice is 11,616.015 and as cubic feet is equivalent to the missing apex of the Great Pyramid, that has a top platform of 33 x 33 feet.

Occasionally there are items that use three of the important measurement standards that of the English foot, the Ancient Egyptian cubit and Hebrew cubit. For example Mount Sinai, a twin peaked mountain that Moses ascended, is a sacred mountain with two peaks, namely Jebel Musa at 7,363 feet and Ras Sufsafeh at 6,937 feet, and added together is 14,300 feet.
And 14,300 feet is equivalent to 2,650 x Pi Ancient Egyptian cubits of 20.612 inches and 8,250 Hebrew cubits of 20.8 inches, and all three added is 12,600 + 12,600. (And the difference in the height of the twin peaks is 426 feet and /15 is 28.4, that is one Sun day in Earth days, so a Sunday mountain so to speak).

The container for the Sphinx, the ‘Terror’, at 216,480 cubic feet is equivalent to 41,569.22 cubic Hebrew cubits (20.8 inches per cubit) and by some 42,716.3086 cubic Ancient Egyptian cubits and all three multiplied is 3.8440000e+14 x 10 and square root is 62,000,000 which is 4 x Satan at 15,500,000 (the gray wolf at 62 founded Rome).

And those in the United Nations that carved up the Middle East to form the new State of Israel, wrote ‘Terror’ into the land, because the area of Israel is 7,992.6 square miles, and of this is the Dead Sea area under Jewish authority of 108.10 square miles. And the total area of Israel at 7,662.6 square miles x the Dead Sea area at 108.1 square miles is 864,000.060, x 2,000 is 1.728000120e+09 (1200 x 1200 x 1200.000083) and square root is 41,569.220, that is as Hebrew cubic cubits (20.80 inches per cubit) is equivalent of 216,480.185 cubic feet, the Sphinx at 240 feet in length x 66 feet in height and a maximum face width of 13 feet 8.00014 inches.

So Satan himself is all boxed up nicely with the Sphinx, the ‘Terror’ and the Sphinx walks the land of Israel where there is perpetual Terror, for Israel has been made the ‘Terror’.

The Sphinx is the Serpent Rouge

The Red of the Red Serpent is blood, male human blood. And there is two ways to establish the calculation, the first is to take the basic number for the falcon masked Ancient Egyptian god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky at 61 x 2 is 122 and 0.122 squared and reciprocated is 67.186240 pounds of blood per cubic foot. The second way is that 2 Ancient Egyptian cubic cubits filled with male human blood weighs 681 pounds or thrice 227 and at 67.18935 pounds per cubic foot, so an average weight of 67.1878 pounds per cubic foot.

The Sphinx is a transformation of the Serpent at 17,000 x 17,000 is 2.89000e+08 (the Cross Bones), x male human blood at 2.27000e+08 x 4 is equivalent to the Sphinx at 216,480 cubic feet filled with cold dense water at 62.425 pounds per cubic foot x 216,480 cubic feet x male human blood at 67.187804 pounds per cubic foot.

Hence the Sphinx is a symbol of the Serpent Rouge.

But the Sphinx is also a symbol of the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis.

For the goddess Isis at 58, and increased to 5.8000e+15 and quartered and square root is equivalent to the Sphinx at 216,480 cubic feet filled with human blood at 67.18788 pounds x the ‘Door’ that is Phi squared at 2.618033989. So standing one step back is the great goddess Isis herself, the Mystery, the Bible’s ‘Whore of Babylon’ filled with the blood of the saints, is this Queen of Heaven, this ‘Mother of Harlots’ and the ‘Abomination of the Earth’ (see Book of Revelation chapter 13).

I repeat, the Sphinx is the Terror, and the Sphinx symbolizes Death, the Great Pyramid, and the Sphinx represents Satan, and the Sphinx is the Serpent Rouge, and the Sphinx is the Queen of Heaven, the Abomination.

And to think ‘They’ designed the new State of Israel to be the ‘Sphinx, and so Terror walks the land, as seen time and time again.

Extremely clever those Ancient Egyptians to have first calculated this, and I just stumbled over it like a blind man wandering in the dark.



Curiously the reference number for the Sphinx at 216480 into the GRID Code is 433 and 433 into the GRID Code is 90 and 9.00000e+13 forms and fashions the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, the symbol of the second Death.
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