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Plot to assassinate Arafat feared
Ramallah | By Ala Mashharawi, Special to Gulf News | 12/09/2003

Palestinians have thrown a tight security cordon around President Yasser Arafat fearing his assassination by unconventional means that could be construed as "a natural death", highly informed sources told Gulf News yesterday.

The new security steps include searching and clo-se monitoring of all Arafat's visitors. The sources said that one speculated method of assassination could be the direction of poisonous rays towards Arafat's brain.

These rays can cause palpitations in the heart leading to a failure of brain resulting in gradual stop in breathing and ultimate death.

"It is only curable by a specific antidote as in the bungled assassination of Khaled Mashal the head of Hamas political bureau in Jordan several years ago," the sources said.

The new security concerns come as the Israeli leadership is becoming increasingly impatient with the expulsion of Arafat, an issue which has not been given a green light by the Bush administration.

The sources also said that the decision to "eliminate" Arafat from the political scene came after the United States and Israel realised that he is a "stumbling block" in the path of their purported peace process and their failure to isolate or sideline him politically.

On the contrary, they feel that he has proven to be the main player in the Palestinian political arena whether they like it or not.

"It is believed that the American and Israeli inclination to get rid of president Arafat or resume dealing with him comes after the admittance of the Israeli security services of the sheer stupidity of deporting or murdering President Arafat in a traditional manner, which would have grave political and security repercussions in region," the sources added.

Meanwhile, sources in the Islamic group Hamas, said that Dr Abdul Aziz Rantissi and other leaders have recently refused to give interviews to foreign television channels, especially after the failed assassination of Al Rantissi and the Israeli intention to assassinate the entire Hamas leadership.

"There are fea-rs that the Mashal assassination attempt will be repeated on other leaders by a device emitting poisonous rays embedded in a video camera," the sources explained.

Israeli Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz has revealed to his inner circle that the expulsion of President Arafat is the least the Israeli political leadership can approve, and that they should not rule out physical liquidation.

Mofaz is pressing Ariel Sharon to expel Arafat, but the prime minister supports the view of Israeli intelligence that warns against such a move.

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