-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 15:22:00 -0500
From: David Sadler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Nicholson - CNSA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
     Chuck Geshlider - GSP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Open Forum -- 2 More in '04 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [2morein04_openforum] he IS the solution.  Re: [CCCC-USA] RON

No one person can do everything.
Alex Jones provides a forum that is highly educational to one wishing to learn about 
the emerging police state, one world government, new world order, the destruction of 
the US constitution, the criminal activities of our government and corporate state and 
many other topics you will hear from few other sources discussed AND BACKED WITH 


Some of you might be looking for a savior.
Someone to do it all for you.
Everything from investigation to solution.
It's this attitude that has bred the great mass of American apathy and ignorance 
concerning our society and government.

Name any other person who you think is really exposing the nwo.
Are they also providing the solution, or are they in the education business?

Jones' success hasn't been luck.
This guy started small, remains small and works hard.

His personality is that of a fighter jock, or someone who is just mad as hell and 
isn't going to take it anymore.
Loud, sometimes obnoxious and full of energy.
He interrupts but if you want to get on his show, call ...

He has helped educate you.
Now what are you going to do with it?
Complain that the educator didn't provide the solution also?!

Alex Jones provides a forum for Ron Paul to do what?
Educate the people and/or provide solution.

I agree with you that it is frustrating that the Savior has not yet returned to allow 
us to go back to being content little sheep grazing under his protection without a 
thought or worry in the world.
What we have is a bunch of frightened and frustrated sheep running back and forth but 
not attacking the wolves that are killing them off one by one.
We want someone to attack the wolves for us.
We want them to bleed.
We want them to risk their lives and limbs.

Most often, when people do state solutions, they are immediately attacked and the 
ridiculed, because solutions require action and action requires choice and choice IS 
CHOICE.  You can't travel both the left path and the right path.  You have to choose 
which path you are going to take.  The journey is long.  Some want to travel the left 
path.  Some want to travel the right path.  The leader chooses the left path.  Now al 
the right-pathers are mad.
No solution is going to make everyone happy.
No solution is going to solve the mideast crisis or the Israel Palestinian conflict to 
everyone's satisfaction.

Remember also, that STATING  a solution is not IMPLEMENTING a solution.
We have the investigators (media, independent investigators and analysts.)
We have the educators (media, speakers, writers, broadcasters ...).
We have the solution theorists (I'm interested to know who you would nominate for this 
We need more solution providers/implementers theorists (I'm interested to know who you 
would nominate for this category).

Part of the blame for the lack of solutions you heard during the Jones/Paul interview 
can be laid at the feet of Paul.
He should be taking solutions to this audience, that already knows the problem and its 
affects ...
This audience has already been educated.
Paul should be talking about the solutions.
He should be building coalitions to implement the solutions.
He should be laying out time tables for implementation.

But wait... Is Ron Paul the Savior/implementers or is he an 
investigator/educator/solution theorist?

I agree we need people in the media who go beyond the education to start theorizing 
and proposing solutions.
But getting in the media requires money.
I doubt this group is ready or able to provide donations for a radio show that is 
dedicated to solution theorizing and implementation.
In fact I know it isn't.

Janet said,
> You might find it interesting that I received an e-mail recently from
> someone who claims he has proof that Alex Jones is in cohoots with the CIA,
> perhaps as a op-ed.

That's pretty compelling evidence there that this criticism is based upon third-person 

> This person said a simple FBI background check would
> reveal all the information to back this up.

Well, we're waiting.
Can he show us?  If it's so easy, would you mind doing the investigation and then 
publishing it on your website?

Janet said,
> I, too agree with proponents of the idea that Alex Jones has become very
> successful , with shows on over 100 radio broadcasts across the nation,
> whereas none of the other people in this movement have had this kind of
> "luck".

As I drive across the country searching out the AM dial for Alex Jones, I find his 
voice and information missing from America.  100 low power AM stations is not a lot of 
coverage.  He's fought for every station.

I would just say that if you criticize Alex Jones in the nebulous way that you have, 
you are doing yourself a great disservice because Jones is one of the very few real 
American patriots left who is fired up and doing something to expose the NWO.  Ron 
Paul is another.  I'm on their side.  Neither one of them can do everything.  YOU MUST 

I'm wanting to get a short-wave program going for one hour each week for $50 per week. 
 That's the cost of the air time.  That does not factor in the time and energy spent 
preparing for the show.  That does not factor in the discipline required to show up 
ready week after week after week.

I've made overtures to a few people to help get $50 measly dollars per week so that we 
can start suggesting and brainstorming solutions to a radio audience.
If I have Ron Paul on as a guest, I'm going to be asking, "What are your solutions?  
Where is your timetable?  How much time do we have before our fate is sealed?  What 
can we do in that short amount to time to turn this around?  How do you deal with the 
Legs of Tyranny (my term) problem? (See below.)"  That's the first 10 minutes of the 
program.  Would you like to hear those questions instead of a repeat of, "The neocons 
are bad.  Tell us about the Federal Reserve again."  Instead, I would ask, "How can we 
kill (I've been listening to Bush, Rumsfeld and Kristol too much) the Federal Reserve? 
 We know it is bad, but what do we do about it and how do we do it?  Who is leading 
the charge and what is the timetable?"

My few overtures for monetary help with this broadcast have been met with a resounding 
shrug of silence and limp excuses.  I'm not surprised because when I ran for congress 
in 2002 as GOP, all the noisy 'patriots' wanting change clamed up and didn't donate a 
dime, didn't ask to help pass ballot signature petitions, didn't offer to help in any 
way.  Here's what the 'patriots' and 'conservatives' told me they would do.   "I'll 
vote for you.  Thanks for running."  Here's what the 'conservative' Christian groups 
say.  "We'll vote for you.  We will pray for you."

Great.  Better start praying for yourselves because we are in melt-down right now.
Enjoy your car and your air-conditioned house and your job while you still have them.

Quite frankly, anyone who has stuck their head above the herd and taken some form of 
action knows the frustration that comes from realizing the world is full of 
complainers and opinions, but not many contributors unless they are government workers 
required to buy a ticket.

When I look at people like Ron Paul and Alex Jones and several others who have 
actually achieved a measure of success fighting for what's right, I have to admire 
that, not criticize it.  They can't do everything by themselves.  They need help.  
What are you going to do but offer your opinion and criticism?

I can hear it now.  "Well, I don't have a lot of money, or I'm sick and disabled, so I 
can't do a lot."  All you can do is criticize from the sidelines.


I'll be on two broadcasts this next week.
You can tune in by short-wave or internet.
Go to www.david-sadler.org
Scroll down to the story...
David Sadler world-wide radio appearances
Click on each website in the story to see how to receive the broadcast.

I'm going to start laying out some solutions that, to some, are going to sound harsh.

If you are a libertarian or globalist or one world government supporter THAT SUPPORTS 
If you support the growth of world government institutions such as the WTO, IMF, World 
Bank, ICC, UN, EU, AU then you are the enemy.
If you support the deindustrialization of the United States through trade policies, 
such as Free Trade, then you are the enemy.
If you support the destruction of the US constitution, for any reason, then you are 
the enemy.
If you support setting aside the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution, for any 
reason, then you are the enemy.
If you support an aggressive, interventionist foreign policy of global military 
occupation and government manipulation, then you are the enemy.
If you support a private corporation (the federal reserve) controlling the money 
supply of the US, then you are the enemy.
If you support an open US border to illegal and uncontrolled immigration then you are 
the enemy.
If you support the calls of the ADL and Simon Weisenthal Center and Southern Poverty 
Law Center to censor the 1st and 2nd Amendments, then you are the enemy.
If you support an open US border to illegal and uncontrolled immigration then you are 
the enemy.
If you are a member of any group supporting the open US border to illegal and 
uncontrolled immigration then you are the enemy.
If you are a Zionist intimidating American patriots and attempting to censor the New 
Testament and the US Constitution in America, then you are the enemy.

You see, not only is our government controlled and manipulated, but so are the people.
Most people need to be unplugged from the matrix, they need to be deprogrammed from 
decades of establishment brainwashing.
Until then, they are the enemy.
"The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you 
look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very 
minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of 
that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand most of these 
people are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the 
system that they will fight to protect it."  -- Morpheus in 'The Matrix' --

We are in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers scenario.
That isn't your next door neighbor anymore.
He or she belongs to MEChA.
Behind that smile and wave, they want to invade, conquer and expel non-Hispanics from 
the great American southwest.
That's an act of war, and for our government to treat these organizations any way 
other than an invading army is treasonous.
If you are Hispanic, but wish to remain a citizen of America rather than be a citizen 
of Aztlan, you might have to move as well.

That isn't your friendly, co-worker.
That's a person who believes an open border policy is 'freedom.'
Actually, an open border is a breech in the perimeter of your safe encampment.
Why not leave your keys in your unlocked car?
Why not leave your house unlocked and your wallet and purse on the front door step?
Why not pick up that hitchhiker?
Why not allow that stranger to take your children to a movie?

That's not a nice fellow citizen minding his/her own business and leaving you alone.
That's the person working for the tax collection agency that will start the paperwork 
that will impose huge fines and all kinds of psychological and economic terrorism 
against you for failing to fill out a form when you were last robbed by the state and 
federal government of 30% of your income.

These are the LEGS OF TYRANNY.
These are the people at the local level who are willing to serve the nwo, one world 
government and tyranny that comes eventually to all governments.
Without them, the tyrants would have no power.
Do you thing George Bush is going to knock on your door and deliver a summons to a 
hearing about your dog being too loud on your own property?
Do you think Rumsfeld or Hussein are going to be guarding your cell for being caught 
with $5,000 worth of cash in your pocket?
No, it's going to be someone in your community, perhaps living next door that enforces 
the tyranny of the tyrants.
And they will enforce the tyranny on their neighbor so they can have a job, a house 
and car.
Just the things they are depriving you of in the course of their duties!

Think about it, and now tell me what your solution to our crumbling society is.
Changing the faces in the oval office?
Yeah, that helped a lot, didn't it?
Changing parties that control the government?
Oh, haven't we learned anything yet?

Fight off that feeling of doom and hopelessness.
Stay focused on the fact that this is a fight for your very survival in a free and 
prosperous nation.
But you can't stay on the sidelines.
You can't stay out of the argument, the debate, THE SOLUTION.
You have to get involved BEYOND OPINION.
And you must act differently than all those who acted in vain before you.
We don't need new blood in the game playing by the tyrants' rules.
We need new blood in the game playing by rules that will allow change and a chance to 
win the game.

According to Miguel Perez, mechista of Cal State Northridge,
'The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlán. ...
Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled. ...
Opposition groups would have to be quashed because you have to keep the power.'

Perez just told you that if you live in any of the seven states MEChA WANTS FOR 
AZTLAN, then you (if you are non-Chicano) are going to be kicked out if they succeed.  
What if you like living in California?  What if all you own is there?  Who are they to 
tell you to move out of California, a state in the USA?  Will Americans not stand up 
now to this and tell these people to get the hell out of this country if they are here 
illegally?  Will we not seal our borders to this silent invasion?  Or is our 
government just waiting until the foreign army is in place so that it can manipulate 
that foreign army into helping the government disarm America?  Maybe that's not the 
reason MEChA is being ignored and the borders are being left open to uncontrolled 
invasion.  What's the reason?  Do you know?

Do you have to know the reason why, before you come to the conclusion that this is a 
national security, economic and potential terrorist threat to the US?  Are you going 
to wait until you know the 'why' before you stand up against this movement and these 
people in your local neighborhood.  If you know of illegals, I would report them.  
Then I would document as best as I could what the government DOESN'T DO TO THEM.  I 
would note which local officials look the other way and don't expel these invaders.  
Then I would provide that information to the next candidate slate that is running to 
expel illegals from their communities and work to expel from the nation all illegals.  
Maybe its too late for your community if you are in the southwest.  Maybe legal 
Americans of all colors are already the minority in their own community.  Maybe your 
local government's official language is already Spanish.  Maybe the occupation of your 
community has already begun and ended in victory for the invaders.

The person that spoke about it being time to give 'browns' a chance to rule made me 
Freedom isn't about color.
As long as we agree on freedom, who cares what color you are?
It's not about the blood.  It's about the belief and behavior.
Pacifist Americans who will allow their nation to be overrun by a foreign power using 
women and children as human shields are enabling the destruction of America.
All those Aztlan chicanos are moving out of Mexico because they don't like it there.
They should make Mexico into an Hispanic paradise.
They should lead the way in Mexico for the world to show us all what the 'browns' can 

Anyone with half a brain that is still functioning at 10% can see that MECha and 
Aztlan are about racism, not freedom.

Here is something that absolutely floored me.
Even though I'll have nearly 25,000 hits against my website this week, I have not 
received one email regarding the embedding of the NAZI swastikas into symbols of our 
Homeland Security Dept.  I guess people just don't care if we might be turning into 
the Fourth Reich.

We are now embedding the swastika in our Homeland Security logos for Pete's sake.
Go to my website to see this logo.
Scroll down to
America: The Fourth Reich

I'll have more to say about solutions on these radio broadcasts and my website.
I need help with these costs, but I'm not even going to ask this group, because I know 
you can't spare a $10 check.
You need that to attend Arnold's latest movie.  Make him rich so he can become your 
Or you need it for that beer or makeup bag or purse or DVD or something.

I was going to promo the 2morein04 concept on my broadcasts, but have reconsidered.
I'll use an excuse very familiar to all of you.  I just don't have the money.

Chuck Geshlider has the right perspective when he says,
"Aside from replacing our present lot of socialist/fascist stooges by Ballots or 
Bullets with constitutionists, may I ask, what else is there?  (and even with bullets, 
in some sort of War of Restoration, assuming victory for our side, wouldn't we be back 
at the Ballot Box the following November battling the same thing?  Who cares whether 
Alex Jones provides any solutions?  Let's do it ourselves.  Ron and Alex helped 
attract approximately 300 folks to attend that Assembly (most from within a 50 mile 
radius), and that was quite inspiring to me!!!   ...and quite motivating."

So the solution, is not violence, but it may come to that if we don't hurry.
The solution is taking sides and enforcing policies and laws that preserve freedom and 
prosperity in America.
The solution is in making America the haven of those who are pro-American, 
pro-sovereignty, pro-constitution.
The solution is sealing our borders and assimilating the people we have here now into 
what's left of the American culture.
Once the melting-pot is working again, then we can allow more in, but in a controlled 
Assimilation into the American culture is a key.
Otherwise, pack your bags and move to Mexico or Hong Kong because you're going be 
living in a totally different socio-political environment if these trends remain 

The solution requires that we REindustrialize America.
How do you do that?
By making it in the companies best financial interest to site here and hire here, not 
in China or Mexico.

The solution requires that we break the government monopoly on education.
We must introduce choice back into American education.

"The nation that expects to be ignorant and free . . .
expects what never was and what will never be."
- Thomas Jefferson -

"If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America
the mediocre educational performance that exists today,
we might well have viewed it as an act of war.
As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves."
National Commission On Excellence in Education report 'A Nation At Risk', 1984

The solution requires that we stop taxing Americans into oblivion so that government 
can grow.
We need to starve government, not the people.

The solution requires that we become energy self-sufficient by the year 2000.  Yeah, 
2000.  We're late.  Very late.  This is the biggest threat to America in the short 
run.  I'll be posting on my website a scenario of how America's enemies could 
literally throw American into a dark, cold depression literally overnight with a team 
of about 200 people.  It involves our national security infrastructure, which is 
exposed and vulnerable.  Homeland Security is so disorganized and overwhelmed with the 
immensity of the task of securing this infrastructure and solving our energy 
dependency crisis that all it can do is become a police state and turn us all into 
groveling prisoners in our own country.  It can and will succeed at that IF we don't 
stop it.  That means YOU, not just Alex Jones or just Ron Paul, but YOU.

That's much longer than I had intended, but, Janet, you hit my hot button today.
It's been brewing all week.
Can you say Heil Hitler!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Everybody wants to know about UA flight 175 and whether or not N612UA had a fuselage 

Get off the bench, Janet.
Stop criticizing from the sidelines.
Accomplish what either Alex Jones or Ron Paul has and you will be an asset rather than 
a part of the problem.

I hope to God you've at least watched some of his videos.
Try the police state series and 9-11, the road to tyranny.
Make copies and distribute them.
At least help educate.

David Sadler

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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