-Caveat Lector- For Release September 30, 2003:
The Israeli government must be held accountable to international law:  Sanctions must be imposed to enforce compliance.
We need to talk to each other.  And there are a lot of you who will receive this message.  For your information, the messages I send out are sent to over 5,000 mainline recipients worldwide, who represent collective membership in the ten's of millions, perhaps surpassing 100 million.  Recipients are widely respected and recognized NGO's, institutions and public service organizations and individuals, all widely involved in domestic and political affairs and all devoted to peace, justice, integrity and the truth.  The truth must be spoken as it is our moral fiber and conscience and in the face and honor of our children we can do no less.  Depending on the message, some documents will be reworded for sending to Head's of State, Foreign Ministers, the International Court of Justice, official's of the United Nations and the member's of the United Nations Security Council.  But by all means, every document gets sent to media sources in virtually every country in the world.
Releases are rarely picked up by the U.S. media and there is a reason for that, but elsewhere the truth resonates with people and nation's of integrity.  Unfortunately the people of America have been isolated from reality and the truth by the intentional and calculated effort's of the media to censor and manipulate events to portray a false representation of fact, especially when it involves Israel and the Israeli government.   I'm telling the people of America and for that matter the entire world, we have a serious problem on our hands.  America and the world must wake up and speak up forcefully.  We have a very serious and deepening crisis developing and it must not be allowed to continue.
I take what I do extremely seriously.  People of all walk's of life are dying unnecessarily, families are being ripped apart and our children will suffer the worst fate.  They will have a lifetime to deal with the consequence's of what is taking place at this moment and our reluctance to confront and deal diligently and forcefully with those issues.
I live what I speak.  I was a military man and I did so proudly, but then soldiers were warriors to protect freedom, democracy, justice and did so with fierce determination and justice.  In the process I received catastrophic injuries for which I have dealt with my entire lifetime and have had to fight for thirty years to get treatment from our U.S. Government, who vainly and ingloriously lie to our current men and women we send off to fight these dirty conflicts that they will be taken care of and that they will get quality medical care and benefits for life.  And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell.
America we've got a problem.  Don't dismiss it.  It will devastate our children.
I just returned from a 6,000 mile trip through the Heartland and all is not well.  We've been injured, we're bleeding from the policies and actions of not only President Bush, but from our entire Congress.  Our government has been infiltrated.  This isn't a wild conspiracy theory, but cold hard fact.
We have been taken over by ideologues, extremists and Zionist agents that have infiltrated the U.S. government and American society as a whole and involves a highly structured criminal component -- highly evolved organized crime.  There should be no underestimating the devious and calculated plans of this cabal and nationwide effort.  They are intent on taking complete control of America which they will and are using to attack the rest of the world for expanding their philosophical beliefs in Zionism, Israel and massive criminal profit.  We should make no mistake about who is calling the shots and who pulls the strings within the US government -- the term they use for us is the goy, or goyim, which is a synonym for stooge, or dupe. Jews control America, no ifs ands or buts.  Take a look at our entire infrastructure and our government, all controlled by a Jew, or Jews.  Media outlets, financial institutions, school boards, city councils, ad agencies, television networks, ad nauseam.  Take a look at the Peace Institute, the reach of the AEI, the CFR, the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, Justice, the Courts and with the exception of Powell and perhaps Armitage, the State Department; all deeply penetrated and imbedded with Jews who support financially and philosophically, the Zionist pledge and campaign.  If we give up they win.  That's the bottom line.  Bush doesn't and isn't calling the shots.  I don't believe that Rumsfeld is either in regards to the DOD, nor Ashcroft in Justice.  Intelligence has been penetrated and infiltrated by the Mossad and Shin Beit and both have opened offices in the Pentagon with unfettered access and full clearance to U.S. intelligence.  They have even been given the secret codes to tap into our spy satellites.  And who do you think controls the wiretap abilities in the U.S. and controls the data over all telecommunications activity in the U.S.?  Israeli companies. Bush has even given Israeli agents permission to carry out targeted assassinations right here in America, without interference, or prior approval/permission, from any U.S. authority.
Example:  A while ago Bush demanded that Sharon and Israel had better heed his warnings and accede to US demands.  Two days later, looking visibly shaken, he had a complete reversal and sided completely with the Zionist/Sharon opinion.  Since then, when Bush is in the presence of Sharon, he seems to be bent in submission and dragged along obediently.  At the past  AIPAC meetings, the major speakers were Daschle, DeLay, Pelosi, Powell and Rice, all extolling the virtue's of Israel.  During the recent congressional recess, over 100 Representatives traveled to Israel under AIPAC sponsorship, to pledge allegiance to Israel.  It's obvious the Zionist Jews could give a crap less about the Palestinians and even Americans -- the goyim -- are held in the same regard.  And the Palestinians do not stand a chance because the leaders of the international community, through the vehicle of the United Nations, don't have the courage to stand up to the U.S. government and they fall back in fear and intimidation of Israel and the Israeli plans for the Palestinian people is complete elimination.  Why?  Because no one has the courage to stand up for them, not even their own Arab brethren. What is just as onerous and foreboding is what they have planned for the US and Americans -- total subjugation, containment and completely isolated and marginalized from the government, free speech and right to assembly.  The motive?  Control of the United States, its resources and its wealth. Pure profit.
Example:  Patriot Acts I and II were pledged as tools to seek out terrorists.  Americans were promised that no rights would be abrogated.  Now Justice, the Courts, US Attorneys and local Prosecuting Attorneys are expanding the authority and reach of Patriots I and II to reach into the lives of Americans by eliminating due process and using these tools for all other domestic crimes, or suspected crimes, with the legal authorities defining 'suspected' as cause de jure to lock up those deemed a threat, any kind of threat, real or perceived.  Lest no one be deceived, we should consider ourselves in the throe's of battle.  This battle is deceitful, well camouflaged, surreptitious, but none the less just as real as open warfare and includes not just the Palestinian people.
Let me provide you with some provocative details. Prior to 9/11 and immediately following, I was in communication with an Afghanistan resistance group locked in struggles against the Taliban.  I was providing a communications link to get their messages to the outside world and to seek humanitarian assistance to support their efforts.  Before the U.S. bombing raids even began they had personal, verified and first hand knowledge of where the top leaders of the Taliban and Al Qaeda were located.  I'm talking about Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden.  I asked my sources to verify the information and they sent people into the field to re-verify and came back positive for their physical locations.  I can't and won't provide full disclosure, but conversations took place between myself, certain intelligence officials, certain US Senate intelligence interests and the office of the US Ambassador to Pakistan and the information was deemed reliable and factual.  Certain intelligence interests wanted me to travel to Pakistan to retrieve the information and were making the preparations, but they informed me they were told to stand down, that the issue was too political.  I can tell you this intelligence officer was aghast and deeply troubled by this development.  It's important to note here that the people I was talking to were reporting these events and developments at a very high level in the Chain of Command.
There was little room to the very top.  I can tell you with certainty that the very top officials within certain commands of our government were aware of this intelligence and if it didn't get to the President, it got to his top aides and it was not acted on. 
I was then put in touch with another intelligence service to seek a covert operation to retrieve the information, but was told that if they wanted it they would get it themselves.  I told them I was going to go get it, but they said, "... and do what with it?  If you do that and get it, who will you give it to?  We'll make certain we get control of it and it will not see the light of day!"  My contacts never were contacted and the information on capturing Bin Laden went unheeded.  Shortly thereafter my computer system security was breeched and my entire hard drive and all files  were destroyed.  Why??  Admittedly it is conjecture on my part, but I believe that if they had captured Bin Laden too soon and dismantled the leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taliban too soon, there would have been no excuse to carry out the bombing and attacks within Afghanistan.  The intent was to secure a presence in Afghanistan for securing routes for future oil pipelines and that bombing was needed.  Consider that Karzai, Khalilizad and others installed by the US government are all past employees of Chevron (Condoleeza Rice was also a past employee of Chevron) and Chevron had plans in the works some time ago for a serie's of pipelines across Afghanistan to Eastern Asian markets.
Contrary to the explanation's of others, the whole muddled affair centers around certain U.S. interests securing access to the worlds supplie's of crude oil and the ability to secure along the route right of way for pipelines to move that oil to markets.  Centered precisely in the middle of this desire sits Israel.  The cooperation of Israel is critical to allowing the U.S. a strategic foothold in the region to carry out these plans:  1.) Because Israel is strategically located to provide a pipeline terminus to the Mediterranean most likely at Haifa and 2.) Israel provides a strategic base of cooperation, alliance and foothold into the entire Middle Eastern and Central Asian areas in which to stage operations to pursue complete control of the vast supplie's of crude oil in the Middle East and the Caspian regions.  To do so, the U.S. must allow Israel freedom of movement to carry out its nefarious plans against the Palestinian people.  Strategic to these U.S. plans is the securing of first Iraq and then to other targets:  Syria and Iran.
In the process, the U.S. government, aka petroleum interests,  has turned a blind eye to the infiltration of those Zionist interests/agents that have penetrated the rank's of the U.S. government and U.S. society.  There is no regard for the American people.  We are disposable.  It is all about oil and vast criminal enterprise.
Keeping in mind previous to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, all of the talk out of Washington and the Bush administration regarding the need to confront terrorism and rogue states, all we heard about was that it was imperative to stop terrorism and the center of terrorism was Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Palestine.  Now, post Afghanistan and Iraq, all we hear about is the need for Americans to spend hundreds of billion's of American tax dollars to rebuild Iraq and a relative pittance for Afghanistan and the imperative to confront Syria and Iran.  We won't attack Saudi Arabia, but make no mistake in thinking we won't either 1.)  Attack one or both of Iran and Syria, or 2.) Engage in a hard press to depose the leadership of both countries with puppet U.S. regimes.  U.S. government/big oils design is determined and focused on securing the vast crude oil reserves of the Middle East and the Caspian region.  To do so they are willing to overlook the atrocities of the Zionist campaign and to throw the American people to the wolves.
Look at a map of the Middle Eastern and Central Asian regions carefully in a political and strategic context.  This is the reality:
Afghanistan has been secured as far as pipeline routing is concerned, at least well on its way by the U.S. building  military bases to station U.S. troops to protect those pipelines.  My contacts in Afghanistan tell me there is no U.S. effort to assist the Afghan people.  The Taliban are regrouping in South Western Pakistan and relaunching efforts through South Eastern Afghanistan, again seeking control of the Afghan people.  Again recently we offered the U.S government privileged intelligence on these activities, locations and leadership of the Taliban and again they have shown virtually no interest in coming to the assistance of the people of Afghanistan -- either in security, or humanitarian function.
Afghanistan is secured in the definition of the Bush administration.  The Caspian is loaded with as yet undetermined but vast reserves of crude oil.  How to secure a dominant foothold and secure pipeline routing?  Keep in mind that a pipeline to the Mediterranean will potentially save 30% in transportation costs over ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Oil Carrier ships) transportation shipping.  Further, shipping by using ships will mean using the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.  Not a very secure prospect given the animosity against the U.S. government and its hegemonious policies heavily in support of everything Israel and the poor security thereof by using these traditional passageways. Considering it costs relatively little to pump out crude oil (the majority of costs is in exploration and transportation) and crude oil is one of the few resources where the volume you start with actually increases during the manufacturing process and you end up with more than when you started, a saving's of 30% in transportation costs is a staggering increase in profits, therefore the motives are clearly evident.  Strategically, the U.S. oil interests are using the U.S. government and military action to takeover sovereign and independent nations, either by leverage, or force if necessary,  to secure pipeline routes.
The problem was the unwillingness of the periphery countries to allow U.S. interests to simply walk in and walk out with full control of all aspects of getting the crude out of the ground, to refineries and to markets, bypassing them and the OPEC cartel completely.
This is one of the reasons the U.S. has done all it could to protect its relations with Turkey.  The problem is is that transporting oil by super large crude carriers through the Bosporus, Dardanelles and Aegean Sea is limited by treaty to protect against what would be a catastrophic result of a grounding and breech of one of these behemoths.  Again, though the U.S. would still be faced with uncertainties in political relations with Turkey, that could pose undue and unwanted leverage by the Turkish government, especially recently, which has shown wise signs of not following the bell of its American masters every time they rang.
Representatives from the U.S. State Department have been courting many governments in the region and why?  What is in our perceived national interests that they feel the need to so aggressively pursue alliances with these governments by doling out billion's of dollars in surreptitious aid and favors?  Controlling access to the oil reserves in the region and guaranteeing access to safe and secure pipeline routes.  That includes every country in the region:  Of course Turkey, Armenia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan and of course following in line Afghanistan; all receiving courting, favors, promises and vast sum's of American tax payer money, all paid out quietly and discreetly.
Bush and Co. wanted nothing to do with taking the matter of dealing with Saddam Hussein before the U.N. and the Security Council, doing so would not have been condusive to allowing development and deployment of their plans for capturing the vast oil reserves of that region and Bush is a vengeful man and he has a nasty temper.
The Palestinian people, unfortunately for them, are in for the fight of their lives, their very existence.  We could very well be witnessing the very genocide, the very elimination of an entire peoples from the face of the world and the world watches and impotently does nothing to defend them.  Every person in every country, every government including Arabia,  every one of us will be equally responsible for what ultimately happens to the Palestinian people.  There will be no excuses and no one will be excused, or forgiven.  History will judge each and every one of us harshly and deservedly so.  For the U.S. it is simply a matter of oil.  For the Israelis it is for their pursuit of their crazed Zionist doctrine and scheme -- Eretz Yisroel -- Israel from the Jordan River to the Sea is the accepted call.  I believe that that call has been expanded to from the Tigris and Euphrates to the Sea.  The Hashemites had better be very concerned and watch their backs.
The end result is that the U.S. and its secretive wealthy get access to all of the oil supplies and hence increased vast wealth they covet and the Jews get the realization of their grand Hertzl/Ben-Gurion/Sharon plans.  The victims will not only be the Palestinian people, but also the American people who will be so marginalized and subjugated there will be no escaping.  We will be essentially corralled and captive.  The further erosion and disparities of the distribution of the wealth will continue to unprecedented levels.
And then where does that leave the rest of the world?
Oil in a large portion of the Caspian area is controlled by a single Jewish company,  the Merhav Group and its extremely influential president Yosef Maiman.  The Merhav Group enjoys development and marketing exclusivity in Turkmenistan and has considerable influence in Azerbaijan as well.  Yosef Maiman has declared that he will abide by every measure that is important to Israel and the Azerbaijani government has closely followed.  So it stands to reason that the U.S. government oil cartel will not risk offending Israel.  Hence the rebuke by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, "...don't tell me about worrying about the U.S. government.  I tell you we own America" and he damned well meant it literally.
So we will continue to turn a blind eye and offer a willing economic and military hand to the atrocities of the Israeli/Zionist siege and decimation of the Palestinian people -- even in violation of the Leahy Amendment, the Export Control Arms Act, the Geneva Convention and complicitor and co-conspirator with Israel in violations of almost seventy United Nations General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions regarding the conflict and attacks against the hapless and defenseless Palestinian people.
The end prize?  Oil and vast profits and wealth.
Not only is securing the Caspian Region at stake and that securement goes through Tel Aviv, but vast quantities of gas reserves have been discovered in the Mediterranean off the coast of the Gaza Strip and the possibility that crude oil reserves may lie under the Negev desert (which lies in Israel).  All further peril for sealing the fate of the Palestinian people.
For the American people?  Ever wonder how much of our tax money actually goes to Israel?  The commonly accepted figure is around $3 billion annually.  Nonsense.  Try in the tens of billions annually in the form of military, direct aid and surreptitious aid secretly diverted by third parties and store fronts to the Zionist regimes.  SOD Rumsfeld was given sole discretionary power of over $30 billion, it is a certainty that a significant portion was misdirected secretly to Israel.  Of the current $87 billion requested by Bush for the reconstruction of Iraq, a significant portion will be earmarked for delivery to Israel.  Do you know that the U.S. military has gone to Israel and actually built two, that I know of, military bases at U.S. taxpayer expense and given them free to the Israeli IDF? Are you aware that three bids were awarded to three companies for work earmarked for projects indicated for the Middle East totaling around $4 billion?  There should be no mistaking where these funds will end up.  Consider that one bid remains unidentifiable, the other to a company in bankruptcy and another to a small business lacking the ability to provide the substance for supporting delivery of performance for such a large contract, yet the money is earmarked for projects at an unidentified Middle Eastern location.  The recipient is no secret.
If we take the opposite of the intent in which Secretary Powell made the statement that we are a Judeo - Christian country, then it is up to the decent and righteous Jew's, Christian's and Muslim's of this country to depose this entire government at the ballot box -- though we have seen what can happen there -- and start all over.  We must return as the beacon of truth, justice, integrity, freedom, resistance and equal rights for all for the rest of the world to observe and follow.
Stand up America, Jew and Christian alike and let your voices not be denied.
Patrick Johnston
VoxRx.org ~ A United Nations/UNESCO, Culture of Peace, peace and conciliations NGO.  Providing communications links and lobbying services for  political and humanitarian disadvantaged and the at risk in regions of conflict and hostility.  Peace, hope, freedom and equal rights for every man, woman and child, regardless of culture, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or socio-economic circumstance.  Sovereignty and equal opportunity for all people.
VoxRx.org, PMB 129, 14419 Greenwood Ave N Ste A, Seattle, Wa 98133

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