-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bush's Oil Move Backfires (Flashback)

SNIP ---
If you want to grasp what the neocons are all about, read a large stack of issues of Commentary -- their key issues come into focus quite quickly.  Everything they say and do revolves around the interests not simply of Israel in a practical sense, but of Israel as a grandiose and messianic myth.  The neocons are ethnocentric wankers.
George W. Bush has gone along with the neocons not because of his oil industry connections, but because of his Christian Zionism  -- the neocons have exploited that primitive superstition to the hilt.
You are correct, in terms of the perennial Mid-East conflagrations and problems, in the sense that oil cannot possibly be the sole motive for what the Iraqi war.
That is not to say it does not have a role. After the horror of the twin towers devastation, the "oil weapon" arose as a more prioritised issue, and viewed as an important instrument in the potential arsenal of unfriendly Arab states. 
Likewise, a number of other factors played a part, including the removal of Saddam Hussein, which cannot be viewed as a totally cynical gesture, since many Iraqi peoples and other anxious Arabs themselves had genuine Human Rights concerns, and had petitioned the global community in general and the US in particular, to act against the despotic Iraqi regime. 
In any case, the simple fact is, for millennia, many foreign powers have poked their political noses into the Mid-East region and been left the worse for it; and this was in historic periods when OIL was not even an existent or known commodity.
Also, and in part, "the no blood for oil"  campaign was a chimera which disguised the multi-faceted aspects of the whole operation; political, religious and economic; making it appear that a singular objective alone was in play.
This was also an important propaganda slogan developed by the Roman Catholic ecclesia, which today feels betrayed by Mr Bush II; after he successfully captured a good deal of the conservative Catholic American vote, with the aid of the pope. 
Part of the papal angst began when President Bush II, publicly proclaimed that the Infallible pope of Rome, gods very own voice on earth, was wrong over his anti-war stance. Such humiliation and snubbery, from all people, the leader of the worlds most powerful nation, went down like a lead Zeppelin in Vatican circles. 
The present toxic venin toward Bush II is such that; it has been publicised that many insider clerics within the Vatican claim that the Pope considers Bush II, the Antichrist.
Hence, Bush II is being presently crucified by so-called anti-Zionists and anti-Neo-Cons who mewl their chorus lines inspirationally Scored by clerical theoreticians and propagandists who are centuries-old-practiced in the art of malice and hate.
In the past, the pope spoke out against the war, but did very little to speak out against Saddam's despotic regime.
It was more important for the pope to decry and protest American power, even when clearly it was used for a good end.
Given the popes alleged high moral turf right beside Jesus; ethical people were left to ponder whether the Vatican and the pope had gone troppo, assuming they were ever sane in the first place.
Even significant European Liberals dissented from their predominantly anti-American colleagues, who disguised their anti-Americanism with a bloated, sanctimonious anti-war rhetorical facade.
"I think it's not by chance that the idea of confronting evil may have found more support in those countries that have had a recent experience with totalitarian systems compared with other European countries that haven't had the same sort of recent experience." - Vaclav Havel 
The situation of the US today near-parallels the power of ancient Imperial Rome in the Mid-East some two millennia ago.
The issues the Caesars faced in the region were manifold in number; waring religious and political factions fighting one another internally and everybody else externally; which all tended to impede Rome's military lebensraum and its economic interests. Rome, like the US, sought a negotiated peace in the region, but alas there was none.  
The modern State of Israel simply would not exist if it were not an invented and empowered by the Christo-Zionists.
Religiously, many pious Jews themselves see Israel's modern re-establishment in terms of an ungodly urge by other apostate Jews; and political Israel as a mere ersatz State.
They may be correct. There is a prior biblical case study with a similar paradigm and outcome.
This involved Abraham, the founder and patriarch of the Hebrews, who attempted to self-fulfil gods promise to him that he would be the father of the gods chosen people.
Abrahams matrimonial wife Sahara, via whom the messianic people were to arrive, was childless and barren into her old age.
Thus, Abraham and Sarah reasoned, they would help Providence along a bit and decided the best way to do that was to have a sexual liaison with a young Egyptian slave girl named Hagar.
Abrahams intention was noble, but his desire to self-fulfil gods promise proved to be a source of disharmony between Sarah and Hagar, because Sarah finally, by a miracle of god; fell pregnant in old age and birthed Isaac. However, Sarah after having her own child, she was no longer secure with a competitor to the Abramic lineage and had her hubby remove Hagar and Ishmael from the family environ. 
It is said by some commentators, that this ancient tale incorporates the source of a long enmity between Jews and Arabs.
In Christianity, the apostle Paul makes an allegorical use of this episode in the history of Ishmael and Isaac to support his argument for the transitory character of the Jewish ritual and the final triumph of Christian freedom over all Judaizing tendencies. 
Many reason today that Israel is a ersatz political State, like the son of Hagar, an impetuous act against Providence by its progenitors which gave birth to disharmony.  
That said, the root of the idea of the Jewish Diaspora returning to the "Promised Land" came to prominence via the intellectual arm of the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation movement; the Jesuits.
The Jesuit apologists sought to dispel the Reformation idea that the despotic Roman Papacy was the citadel of Antichrist and the idea that the pope himself was the Antichrist; an idea widely disseminated, believed and acted on as drives abandoned the papal system.
The Jesuit writers invented and widely circulated the idea of an apocalyptic future, wherein the Jews would return to Israel and rebuild their Temple.
Additionally, somewhere in the process; a Jewish Antichrist would arise, a fiery Armageddon would ensure, the majority of Jews would perish in the inferno; after which, a thousand years of peace would usher in; and Catholicism would rule the whole earth. The destruction of the Jews probably emanated from the long and virulent anti-Semitism of the papacy and later the Jesuit intelligentsia.
Like a mycelium, this Jesuit Futurism came to infect bible interpretations amongst a multitude of future Protestant sects around the world; particularly in the United States and Britain. Today, the concept is highly popular, particularly amongst the Dispensationalist crowd, many who also subscribe to the whacky Rapture fiction.
Amongst these Jesuit Futurists and their spiritual progeny, the Dispensationalists, the return of Jews to Israel was seen as a necessary fulfilment of bible prophecy.
This idea became a powerful motive; political and clerical influence was bought to bare in order to make the prophecy eventuate.
Most people in the West do not understand the fact that Zion is inherently a populist term developed by Christendom's clerics.
Zion, for the Christian, is an epithet for the "New Jerusalem," found in the Christian apocalyptic book of Revelation; and the New Jerusalem itself is a euphemism for the golden age of Christianity, wherein a new heaven and a new earth are ushered in and the Christians are divinely appointed rulers in New Zion.
Zion, is simply another pet name for the Christian "City of God".
For a Jew living in Israel, made cognizant of megalomaniac theories of Christo-Zionists, one would have to be anxious as to who posed the greater threat; Israel's Arab neighbours, or the wild-eyed fantasies of Christo-Zionism. 
The latter believe that the Jews will in the 'End Times' serve a demonic personage of Jewish extract they call Antichrist; that most of the Jews will be barbecued in the fiery, some say nuclear, war of Armageddon; and the Jewish survivors will be happy, converted servile sods ruled by a divinely appointed Christian elite who, perhaps given such nightmarish prognostications, might better be called KKKristians.
So no, oil is not of sole import in the Iraqi region of geo-politics.
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