-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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-Caveat Lector-

    First, a note to readers outside the U.S.: California votes tomorrow
(Tuesday) on whether to recall its elected governor (Gray Davis) and, if
recall carries, then who to replace him with. If the latter, the winner
will either be film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, of Bush' Republican
Party, or the present Lieut. Governor, Cruz Bustamante, Democrat.
Because we are in our majority a country of immigrants or the children
or grandchildren of immigrants, and generations elapse before
discrimination against the most recent immigrant population is
eliminated and/or dies out, voters of that ethnic origin predominantly
favor candidates of their own ethnicity. In California that is
reinforced by the fact that it was taken from Mexico in the 19th
century, and the largest number of Latinos are of Mexican birth or
    Schwarzenegger, Austrian-born, is hardly thought of in terms of
ethnicity, because he is European and, of course, white. In our peculiar
psychology, that makes him essentially American. The fact that he knows
German plays no role. Bustamante speaks fluent Spanish as well as
English, as is the rule among Latinos born, as he was, in the stupendous
agricultural Central Valley of California, and generally the case among
those in cities like Los Angeles, our greatest metropolis, San Jose, and
San Francisco. To the 31% of Californians who are Latino, that makes him
"one of ours."
    For a Latino to have been nominated for lieutenant governor in the
last election is due to the fact that Gray Davis needed a Spanish name
to accompany his own, in order to win. He won by the tiniest of margins,
and the number of Latino votes cast for him made the difference.
    Now to Californians, and Americans in general. Neither retention of
Davis or election of Schwarzenegger will change this country nor, very
much, the state. In the former case that is self-evident. In the latter,
there will be the opposition to Schwarzenegger's proposals from the
Democrats who control the state legislature, led by a tough liberal,
John Burton.
   The Republicans would interpret a Schwarzenegger victory as an
endorsement of the president now in office, who shows no signs whatever
of changing his policies. The interpretation is invalid because no one
regards the election as a vote for or against the Democratic Party on a
national level. It is a vote on Davis' failings.
no hero, possesses no charisma. But because his core constituency is
Latino, his platform is more progressive than that of, for example, any
Democratic candidate for the presidency other than Kucinich and
   His article in Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle could not be more
specific. He wants "fully funding K-12 education" (pre-school through
high school). He wants the tax on automobile ownership, which was
tripled last year, to be reduced or eliminated. He specifically would
exempt vehicles costing under $20,000, which is the category driven by
low-and-medium-paid working people including, for example, those,
particularly Blacks who, living in ghettoes, need a vehicle in order to
get to work. California is notoriously weak in availability of public
   He wants to reinstate the top income tax level. He proposes to
eliminate the loophole in Proposition 13, to permit more frequent
reassessment of real property values and particularly that of commercial
property. My own city, Oakland is suffering a destructive loss to public
education because the last previous superintendent of schools brought it
the largest budget deficit of any school district in history. The change
Bustamante proposes would bring a massive increase in income from
Oakland-based firms such as World Savings, a six-BILLION-dollar
institution, Clorox, which sells half the bleach this whole country
uses, the stupendous Shorenstein holdings of office buildings, and from
American President Lines, a major world shipper.
   Bustamante writes: "I support legislation to provide health care
benefits to one million working Californians by requiring large
businesses to either provide health insurance or pay into a fund so that
the state can buy it for them."
   He speaks to the issue that is probably more responsible for the
disgust with Gray Davis than any other: "As lieutenant governor, I filed
a class action lawsuit against the energy companies and got $1.8 billion
back. But that is not enough. I want to...stop the gouging by oil
companies. We have 21 oil refineries in California. We ship gasoline to
Nevada and they pay less for gas than we do. In fact, we pay more than
any other state. As governor, I will regulate the oil companies."
   Until I did the research for this post, I was vastly less interested
in Bustamante than in increasing registration of Latino voters, because
pursuit of their needs will automatically turn the state in a
progressive direction. But Americans are exceedingly practical people.
They want results now. They want to know what the man they elect is
committed to. So I was very pleasantly surprised to discover what I have
described above.
   My primary interest was actually in learning the potential for
increasing Latino registration. Until 1974 it was negligible. Then, in
consequence of the rebellion among Latino youth, primarily in Los
Angeles, awareness of the importance of the vote increased. Today there
are 2,300,000 Latinos registered in California. That is between 12 and
15% of the registered voters, depending upon the source one reads. But
with Latinos 31% of the state's population, another 2,000,000 can be
added to the voting lists. Three-quarters of Latinos vote Democratic. In
the last election, the figure for Bustamante was even higher:
   At this writing, all that can be done is to cast one's ballot
tomorrow. On recall, the situation is nip and tuck. But there is a
presidential election next year. California, being the most populous
state, has a larger vote in the Electoral College than any other. A
large increase in Latino registration in the next year can drive Bush
back into the bushes. For the world, that would offer the opportunity of
a reversal in present American policy of open imperialism and wars to
control the oil resources of the planet. For Latinos, it would end a
situation in which they comprise the largest component of American
deaths in Iraq, because the army is the way for poor youth to make a
    As the Latino population is expected to continue rising,
participation in elections in proportion to population would restore
this state to the progressivism that marked it until Reagan. If Latinos
provide even 25% of the state's vote, there will be no more Reagans and
Nixons coming from here for at least a generation to come, probably much
   Most readers of this post are not Latino, but that does not stop
others from participating in voter registration. And the one thing they
can do more of than Latinos, because "white" incomes are higher, is to
donate to the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, which has
an office in Los Angeles. Since 1974, it has registered 2,200,000 of the
8,000,000 Latinos registered nationwide. Look it up on Google. I have no
association with it, and did not know of its existence until I began
this research.

                    William Mandel


The title of my autobiography, SAYING NO TO POWER (Introduction by
Howard Zinn), is based on my demolition of Sen. Joe McCarthy and later
of HUAC in hearings of 1953 and 1960. It is a history of how the
American people fought to defend and expand its rights since the 1920s
(I'm 86) employing the form of the life of a 30s AND 60s activist, one
who was involved in most serious movements: student, labor, 45 years of
efforts to prevent war with the USSR and Cuba, civil rights South and
North, women's liberation [my late wife appears on 50 pages], 37 years
on Pacifica Radio [where I reinvented talk radio, of whose previous
existence I had been unaware], civil liberties, and opposition to
anti-Semitism and to Zionism. You may hear/see my testimonies before
McCarthy and, later, HUAC on my website, http://www.billmandel.net  I am
the author of five books in my academic field, have taught at UC
Berkeley, and earlier held a postdoctoral fellowship, by invitation, at
Stanford's Hoover Institution.
 The book may be ordered through all normal sources. For an autographed
copy, send me $24 at 4466 View Pl.,#106, Oakland, CA. 94611

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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