-Caveat Lector-

posted by ewing2001 on Friday October 10, @11:00AM
from the Deutsche-Welle dept.

9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books Dominate Debate at Frankfurt Book Fair
Deutsche Welle -October 10

At the Frankfurt Book Fair, 9/11 conspiracy theory books are a hot topic of
conversation. And three books -- all by German authors -- are topping the
country's bestseller list. Why are the works such a focus of interest? At this
year's Frankfurt Book Fair, the world's largest gathering of publishers,
editors and writers, everyone's talking about 9/11 conspiracy theory books.
Organizers may have highlighted Russia as the official country of this year's
conference, but it's the United States -- particularly its role in 9/11 -- that
has captured the popular imagination.

Three books, all by German authors currently topping the German bestseller
list, are conspiracy theory accounts about 9/11. Perhaps the most famous of the
bunch is written by Andreas von Bülow entitled The CIA and September 11 . A
former government minister of Research and Technology, von Bülow suggests that
U.S. and Israeli intelligence services blew up the World Trade Center from the
inside and that the two planes were flown in by remote control.

Why? This, quite obviously to von Bülow, was part of a plot by the
neoconservatives to give the Bush administration the necessary cover to launch
an attack against Iraq and, ultimately, take over the world.

Perhaps von Bülow could be dismissed as a one-off crack-pot, if there weren't
so many others peddling similar tales of deleterious intent. Von Bülow is
joined by fellow authors Mathias Bröckner and Gerhard Wisnewski. Wisnewski, in
his book Operation 9/11, also believes that the towers were toppled using
explosives, and Bröckner, in Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets
of September 11th, offers, as the title suggests, a similar catalogue of such

Profits driving publishing buzz
Clearly, writers making such allegations are open to criticism. And the best
means of isolating themselves from attack would be to rely on iron-clad sources
and systematically substantiate each and every one of their claims. Yet, these
books largely rely on dubious sources, and that is why they have become a
subject of debate at this year's book fair. Editors are not only debating the
validity of the claims made by von Bülow and friends, but they are debating
whether the publishing industry is doing itself a disservice by distributing
work based on questionable reporting.

Klaus Stadler, the editor of Piper Publishers, which published von Bulow's
book, knew his company would face criticism. "We told ourselves that we would
take it seriously, but we do not feel obligated to independently check each and
every detail," Stadler told Deutsche Welle. "And my own personal position is
that Mr. von Bülow poses a number of very interesting and important questions.
The answers to these questions should be weighed by responsible readers, who
should take time to consider them. We don't want to patronize people."

Others, however, who have observed the German book industry of late, believe
that the drive to increase profits is what has prompted publishers to accept
and distribute such books. They are likely to sell, and in a competitive market
-- 90,000 new titles appear every year -- publishers must take on ever more
spectacular tomes in an effort to gain an edge over their competitors.

"The pressure to be successful has increased," Christoph Heimann, from German
bookstore Börsenblatt said. "And that might help explain why some books that
are appearing today might not have appeared five or six years ago -- or at
least not so quickly."

Conspiracy theories finding increasing takers?
But it's not just the publishers who have shown interest in the conspiracy
theory books. A recent poll published in German weekly newspaper Die Zeit,
found one in five Germans believe Bush orchestrated 9/11 as a pretext to
further his aims of world domination.

In some ways, these books are not entirely out of the ordinary in Germany. They
are simply an extreme example of books and journalism critical of the U.S.
government, which increasingly resonates with the German public. Michael
Moore's Stupid White Men, a biting criticism of the Bush administration, has
enjoyed great success.

German editorials and magazines too have hinted that a sinister plot -- though
perhaps not so malefic as suggested by von Bülow -- is behind the Bush
administration's foreign policy. In a cover story earlier this year, respected
German news magazine Der Spiegel suggested that U.S. policy, largely influenced
by the oil industry and the religious right, was driven by a desire to control
the world.

Top 20 German 9/11 Sites
(compiled by ewing2001, October 2003)
http://www.daniels-kommentare.de/ (Good Link Collection)
http://www.serendipity.li/wtcg2.html (Schweiz)
http://www.ceiberweiber.at/wahl1/panorama1.htm (Austria)
As far as i know, Andreas von Buehlow still has no own website.
Here is one of the better interviews with him:
Book at


"The sole purpose of news is to keep the public in a state of fear and
uncertainty so that they'll watch again tomorrow to see how much worse
things got and to be subjected to the same advertising." - Tim O'Shea

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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