-Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Scarlet and the Beast - A History of the War Between English and French
Freemasonry,Vol. 3
John Daniel (C)1994
John Kregel, Inc.
 P. O.  box 131480
Tyler, Texas 75713
ISBN 0-9635079-0-7
can be purchased from:
Global insights
675 Fairview Dr. #246
Carson City, NV 89701
800-729-4131(orders only)
The author most definitly has his worldview, but it does present some
interesting material.  Where are the Jesuits and others, while all this is
going on? The Author also gives the devil more credit than he is due,IMHO and
some of the connections are ...; but all in all it is interesting.

As, always Caveat lector



[The day] I [became] a member in the Masonic order, I [saw] the wealth and
power they possess, the influence they hold. I think over their ceremonies and
I wonder [how] a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times
appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an

Why should we not form a secret society with but one object—the furtherance of
the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under
British rule, for the recovery of the United States, [and] for...making the
Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?

Freemason Cecil Rhodes(1)

The once powerful British Empire, on which the sun never set, was on the wane
following the loss of its American colonies. Anything said about world
government emanated from Paris, not London. Throughout most of the nineteenth
century, French Freemasonry, and not English Freemasonry, appeared to be the
dominant revolutionary force in the Old World—offering the lower and middle
classes a voice in government.

English Freemasonry was partially to blame for the decline of the British
empire. Since its beginning in 1717, the British Brotherhood was aristocratic,
capitalistic, and monopolistic. Prior to the Victorian era of the nineteenth
century, upper class income came from ground rent, banking and trade. A middle
class hardly existed in England in those days. The uneducated lower class had
little chance of economic or social improvement.

The right-wing aristocracy of Great Britain, who were wrapped up in English
Freemasonry, were called "British race patriots" by their Grand Orient left-
wing opponents. British race patriots believed that the British race was at a
higher evolutionary level than other races. When French Grand Orient
Freemasonry sent a German-born Mason, Karl Marx (1818-1883), to England to
agitate the lower classes to rebel against the aristocracy, the British race
patriots at least became concerned about the political ascendancy which French
Freemasonry had enjoyed for the last hundred years. To counter the
increasingly influential ideology of French Freemasonry, in 1870 a select
group of English Masons devised a plan which would both satisfy the
proletariat and keep the Masonic oligarchy in power. The scheme was introduced
at Christ Church, Oxford, by Freemason John Ruskin.
John Ruskin (1819-1900), writer, critic, artist, and British race patriot, was
born of wealthy but strict parents. Ruskin had received his formal education
at Christ Church College, Oxford University. A course on Plato's Republic had
been his favorite. Ruskin's inspiration and devotion to the creation of an
elite of race patriots derived directly from Plato's Republic, which he read
almost daily. In the Republic, Plato called for "a ruling class with a
powerful army to keep it in power and a society completely subordinate to the
monolithic authority of the rulers."(2) Ruskin's studies of ancient political
philosophers taught him that the most effective way to conquer a man is to
capture his mind. Realizing that a century earlier French Masons had captured
the working man's mind through revolutionary propaganda, Ruskin set out to
recoup and extend the influence of British Masonry. He wanted to do this by
the education of the working man.
In 1870, Ruskin was asked to return to Oxford to hold a chair in the fine
arts. His inaugural lecture, which set forth his views on the ruling class as
developed from Plato's Republic, sent shock waves through Oxford. The
undergraduates to whom Ruskin spoke were the scions of the British
aristocracy. They listened with awe at Ruskin's message, of which a portion

[You, the undergraduates are] the possessors of a magnificent tradition of
education, beauty, rule of law, freedom, decency, and self-discipline
but...this tradition [can] not be saved, and [does] not deserve to be saved,
unless it [can] be extended to the lower classes in England itself and to the
non-English masses throughout the world. If this precious tradition [is] not
extended to these two great majorities, the minority of upper-class Englishmen
[will] ultimately be submerged by these majorities and the tradition lost. To
prevent this, the tradition must be extended to the masses and to the empire
[emphasis added].(3)

Historians have touted Ruskin as a protector and educator of the downtrodden
masses of the working men and the poor. In reality he had another rationale
for proclaiming such ideas. He planted in the fertile minds of his Oxford
students the theory that if they educated the working man and elevated him to
the middle class, he would then labor in behalf of the aristocracy to
perpetuate the tradition of the upper-class Englishmen—which tradition was to
control the finances of nations through ground rent, banking and trade. Ruskin
taught that it was the essential duty of the aristocracy to guarantee an
education for the poor—not at the expense of the aristocracy, but so that an
expanded middle class would, to all appearances, rule the country. This
arrangement would be a type of legal slavery whereby both classes would
benefit. Through the power of finance, the ruling class would maintain control
from behind the scenes, while the working class would have opportunity to
share in the common wealth made available through loans.(4)
Ruskin successfully transmitted this vision to his students at Oxford. They in
turn became the Masonic movers and shakers in the new politics and economics
that today govern the seven industrial nations of the world—the United States,
Canada, England, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan. The six key men in
Ruskin's audience of undergraduates were Arnold Toynbee, Arthur Glazebrook,
George Parkin, Philip Lyttleton Gell, Henry Birchenough, and Alfred Milner.
These men were so moved by Ruskin's speech that they devoted the rest of their
lives to carrying out his ideals. The most famous of the group were Toynbee
(1852-1883) and Milner (1854-1925). Arnold Toynbee died prematurely in 1883,
and in his honor the remaining five, along with Samuel Barnett, built Toynbee
Hall in 1884 in London's East End slums as a model for government housing
projects and welfare programs, and it remains so to this day.(5) Alfred
Milner, who is the most famous of the six disciples of Ruskin, coined the
phrase "British race patriot." More on Milner later in this chapter.

Freemason Cecil Rhodes

A wealthy young man by the name of Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) had begun his
eight-year college career at Oxford in 1873, just three years after Ruskin's
speech. Upon reading Ruskin's allocution, Rhodes was so impressed that he
copied it in longhand and kept it with him for the rest of his life. Like
Ruskin, Rhodes believed that the British and their Empire were the blessings
of Providence upon the earth and its inhabitants—that only the British elite
could and should rule the world to the benefit and happiness of mankind. To
that end Rhodes labored for the rest of his short life.
As a youth, Rhodes had been sent by his parents to join his brother in South
Africa to mine for gold. He was already a wealthy man when he began his
education at Oxford in 1873. Shortly after arriving on campus, Rhodes was
initiated into Freemasonry at the Apollo University Lodge No. 357. On April
17, 1877, he was raised a Master Mason in the same lodge. Rhodes also joined a
Scottish Rite Lodge at Oxford called Prince Rose Croix Lodge No. 30.(6) Rhodes
divided his life between his studies at Oxford and mining at Kimberley, South
Africa, and eight years later, in 1881, he graduated. By this time Rhodes had
built up enough collateral that with backing from the House of Rothschild he
was able to finance the purchase of DeBeers Diamond Mining Company and
Consolidated Gold Fields in South Africa. By 1890 he had become the British
administrator and financier of South Africa.
DeBeers and Consolidated produced for Rhodes a present-day equivalent of $10
million in annual income. When Rhodes died in 1902 at age 48, he left a
will—the third—which dictated that a trust of his disciples govern the
gigantic fortune he left behind. He wrote seven famous wills, of which the two
most remembered are his first, which funded a secret society he had outlined
but not organized in his lifetime, and the last, which established an
educational grant to the University of Oxford—the Rhodes Scholarship.
What sort of character was Cecil Rhodes? Rhodes was, in fact, a critic of
English Freemasonry—of its impotence and incompetence in advancing British
race interests. His wills, and a document he composed in 1877 while at Oxford,
testify to this fact. After being raised to Master Mason on April 17,1877,
Rhodes drafted a three-step program for world dominion for the British race
patriots. The first part of the program enunciated the racial assumptions of
the ruling elite and voiced their lingering regret over the loss of the
American colonies. Rhodes wrote:

If we had retained America there would at this moment be millions more of
English living. I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that
the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just
fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable
specimens of human beings. What an alteration there would be if they were
brought under Anglo-Saxon influence. Look again at the extra employment a new
country added to our dominions gives. I contend that every acre added to our
territory means in the future birth to some more of the English race who
otherwise would not be brought into existence.(7)

The second step of Rhode's program outlined the imperial ambitions of the
British race patriots, of whom Rhodes was clearly one. Rhodes explained, "It
is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory. And we
should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes—more territory simply means
more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human. most
honourable race the world possesses."(8) The third step of the program set
forth Rhodes's political goals for world peace. World rule would bring world
peace. As Rhodes said, "the absorption of the greater portion of the world
under our rule simply means the end of all wars."(9)
To guarantee the funding from his vast wealth of his world vision for the
British empire, Rhodes wrote in 1877 the first of seven famous wills that he
composed over his lifetime. Each of the wills was discrete and legally
binding, and none superseded any other. The first will called for the
formation of a "secret society" whose primary function would be focused on
returning England to her former glory. He viewed English Freemasonry and its
conspiracy as impotent and in effect defunct in this regard. Ironically, when
the society Rhodes had envisioned was finally organized after his death, its
membership consisted only of English Freemasons. "The Round Table," as it was
known, soon became the most powerful appendage of the British Brotherhood.
Rhodes's new conspiracy would ultimately reach most of the developing world,
and recapture the United States. In this first will Rhodes compares the
ineptitude of English Freemasonry with his own scheme:

[The day] I [became] a member in the Masonic order, I [saw] the wealth and
power they possess, the influence they hold. I think over their ceremonies and
I wonder [how] a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times
appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an
Why should we not form a secret society with but one object—the furtherance of
the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under
British rule, for the recovery of the United States, [and] for...making the
Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire?'(10)

Rhodes Scholarships

Cecil Rhodes's last will established an educational grant to the University of
Oxford—the Rhodes Scholarship. The Trustees of the scholarship, who select
students for the prestigious award, are all English Freemasons and members of
the secret society of which Rhodes dreamed. Adhering to the racial beliefs and
prejudices of Cecil Rhodes the Trustees were originally highly selective and
racist. Until 1976 the scholarship was bestowed only on hand-picked white
males with at least five years' residency in the British Commonwealth or
colonies, the Republic of South Africa, or the United States of America.(11)
Recipients of the Rhodes Scholarships have never been required to be Masons,
but they are indirectly controlled by English Freemasonry for the rest of
their lives. As you recall, the control mechanism was established by John
Ruskin, who realized and taught that the mind of the laborer could be shaped
and directed through education—not to elevate the laborer at the expense of
the aristocracy, but so that an expanded middle class would, to all
appearances, rule the country.
Rhodes Scholars study at Oxford under English Masonic professors, who, for a
century have been believers in, and promoters of, the natural superiority of
the British race. Not surprisingly Rhodes Scholars become British race
patriots. Upon graduation they return to their respective countries to act out
the role for which they have been educated. Masons or not, as Anglophiles
favoring England and everything English, they further the English Masonic
conspiracy. Some become professors. Others go into finance, politics, or
become political advisors. In America, in addition to their chosen vocation,
they become "fellows" in one or more of the Anglophile Masonic fronts, such as
the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral
Commission. Hence, we see the importance of a Rhodes Scholar. His or her
career is devoted to the furtherance of English Freemasonry's plan to rule the
world with her elite.

Rhodes's Secret Society: The Round Table

In his third will Rhodes left his entire estate to Freemason Lord Nathan
Rothschild as trustee. Rhodes stipulated that his gigantic fortune be used by
his disciples to carry out the program he had envisioned. As trustee,
Rothschild appointed Freemason Alfred Milner to head up the secret society for
which Rhodes's first will made provision. Lord Milner was the ideal man for
the job. He once remarked of himself: "I am a British nationalist. If I am
also an Imperialist, it is because the destiny of the English race...has been
to strike fresh roots in distant parts.... My patriotism knows no geographical
but only racial limits. I am an Imperialist and not a Little Englander,
because I am a British Race Patriot."(12)

>From 1897 to 1905, Milner was governor-general and high commissioner of South
Africa. Upon his appointment by Rothschild to chair Rhodes's secret society,
Milner recruited a group of young men from Oxford and Toynbee Hall to assist
him in organizing his administration of the new society. All were respected
English Freemasons. Among them were Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Balfour, Lord
Rothschild, and some Oxford College graduates known as "Milner's
Kindergarten." In 19091 Milner's Kindergarten, with some other English Masons,
founded the Round Table. The grandfather of all modern British Masonic "think
tanks" was born.
Three powerful think tank offshoots of the Round Table are (1) the Royal
Institute of International Affairs [RIIA), organized in 1919 in London; (2)
the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR], organized in 1921 in New York City;
and (3) the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), organized in 1925 for the
twelve countries holding territory in what today we call the Pacific Rim.(13)
Subsequent events reveal that the initial assignment of the Round Table was
not necessarily to destroy the political experiments of French Freemasonry,
such as socialism and communism, but to cooperate with them for the
advancement of the English Masonic conspiracy. For this reason the Round Table
think tanks opened their membership to men with contrary political and
economic opinions, men who were noted Marxists such as H.G. Wells (1866-1946)
and John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). Yet, without exception, all were English
Freemasons. Dr. Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope (1966) notes the impact
these men had upon the politics of their day: "Through [Milner's] influence
these men were able to win influential posts in government and international
finance and became the dominant influence in British imperial and foreign
In 1902, the year Cecil Rhodes died, and some seven years before the
organization of the Round Table, of which H.G. Wells would be a founding
member, Wells anticipated the future existence of these British Masonic think
tanks in a work entitled Anticipations of the Reaction to Mechanical and
Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought. In this farsighted piece,
Wells explained the strategy by which aristocratic English Freemasonry would
reach its goal of world dominion. He called it an "Open Conspiracy" as opposed
to French Freemasonry's closed, or secret conspiracy.

The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization
of intelligent and quite possibly in some cases wealthy men, as a movement
having distinct social and political  aims, confessedly ignoring most of the
existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental
implement in the attainment of these aims. It will be very loosely organized
in its earlier stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain
direction, who will presently discover with a sort of surprise the common
object toward which they are all moving....

A confluent system of Trust-owned business organizations and of Universities
and reorganized military and naval services may presently discover an
essential unity of purpose, presently begin thinking a literature, and
behaving like a State—a sort of outspoken Secret Society—an informal and open
freemasonry [sic]. In all sorts of ways they will be influencing and
controlling the apparatus of the ostensible governments.(15)

Wells was in fact describing the methods and purposes of what would be the
Round Table. The activity of the Round Table, operating as "an informal and
open freemasonry," closed the era of British colonialism and opened the new
era of a Commonwealth of Nations. Under Lord Milner's direction, from 1909 to
1913, Round Table groups, as the appendages of the original group were
referred to outside of Great Britain, were organized in the chief British
dependencies and in the United States. The scheme included bringing the United
States of America once again under the dominance of London. These Round Table
groups still function in eight countries today, and keep in touch through
their quarterly magazine, The Round Table.(16)
While the Round Table is an Anglophile secret order, conspiracy researchers in
America have described it as left-wing because of its anti-American activity.
Dr. Quigley explains:

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international
Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical
Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may
identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the
Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so.(17)

According to Carol White, in The New Dark Ages Conspiracy (1980), the
consensus of the British Round Table groups, even before the First World War
was a reality, was two-fold. First, America's industrial military complex was
to be utilized to fight Great Britain's wars, pay its bills, and force
London's policies on the rest of the world. Second, Germany France, and Russia
were to be pitted against each other in conflicts that were expected to erupt
into war.(18)

The Round Table was more informally known as the Cliveden Set.(19) Cliveden
was the name of the powerful and influential Masonic Astor family's estate
where the Round Table met. The Astors owned two London newspapers. the Pall
Mall Gazette and the London Times.(20) The Round Table and its think tank
spin-offs were the first organizations to engage in crisis management. English
Masons did not conspire to create crises to overthrow governments, as did
French Grand Orient Masons. Instead, the Round Table operated according to the
doctrine of gradualism. Instead of instigating the political and economic
chaos that pervaded society prior to and after World War I, these
organizations took a "wait and see" attitude. They attempted to shape and
manage crises to the advantage of Great Britain.
Most of these conspirators were 33rd degree Masons. Their motto emblazoned on
their Supreme Council Jewel, is "Order out of Chaos." "Order" was their
desire, "Chaos" their dilemma. After studying a problem and agreeing on a
solution, they would then make themselves available to the seven industrial
nations around the world as advisors. In turn, these governments seemed always
to react positively to their suggestions.

The British Masonic Capture of World Governance

In volume one, chapter 21 of Scarlet and the Beast, we learned that the League
of Nations, established after World War I, was the creation of French
Freemasonry, and for the most part, Paris determined its direction. The
League, however, was not intended to be the handmaiden of French Freemasonry
alone. The Grand Orient made this clear several years later, when in 1923 at
its annual convention, all Freemasonry was invited to participate in the
League; in fact, all Masonry was urged to fulfill its "duty" to help in the
creation of a unified Europe and ultimately of a world government:

It is the duty of universal Freemasonry to co-operate absolutely with the
League of Nations in order that it may no longer have to submit to the
interested influences of Governments.
The principal task of the League of Nations...[isl...the creation of a
European spirit...in brief, the formation of the United States of Europe, or
rather World Federation.(21)
Of course, the British race patriots of English Freemasonry were not at all
happy with a United States of Europe that would eventually merge into a World
Federation, for it was evident to them that French Freemasonry intended to
dictate policy in the League of Nations. The Round Table went into session to
determine what could be done. The conclusion, as subsequent events reveal, was
to usurp control of the League. This meant that both the British and American
governments would have to participate in this world government body. England's
cooperation was certain, but the United States Congress had read the
Versailles Treaty and wanted nothing to do with the League. Yet it was
imperative that the Americans cooperate if English Freemasonry was to be
successful in a coup. The consensus of the 1918 Round Table meeting,
therefore, was to send a delegation to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference in
Versailles, and while there, meet with the American members of the Round Table
to see how best to change the attitudes of the American people, not so much to
save the League, but to guarantee that the American people would fully
cooperate with the next World Government—a World Government that English
Freemasonry intended to control.(22)

After the Peace Conference: New Round Tables

The Round Table made its appearance at the Paris Peace Conference for the
purpose of organizing a takeover of the League of Nations. The Round Table
conspiracy involved a few Americans summoned to the Peace Conference—Americans
who were willing to betray their own country for prestige and money. They were
33rd degree Grand Lodge Mason "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, 33rd degree
Scottish Rite Mason Christian Herter, the Dulles brothers, John and Allen, and
Walter Lippmann.(23)

On May 19, 1919, just twelve days after the final draft of the Treaty of
Versailles had been distributed and condemned by the world, Colonel House led
his coterie of Americans to the Majestic Hotel in Paris to meet with members
of the English Round Table "in order to form an organization whose job it
would be to propagandize the citizens of America, England and Western Europe
on the glories of World Government."(24) This secret meeting resolved to
expand the Round Table, not only in England, but in America and the Far East,
by creating additional front societies to influence foreign policy in those
various arenas.

The organizational structures of three political think tanks that would
influence the politics of London, Washington and Tokyo were

drawn up at the Paris Majestic Hotel meeting.(25) The purpose of these groups,
of course, was and is to develop an international consensus in the project to
create World Government with the cooperation of all three Masonic
obediences—American, English and French.
Returning to London immediately after the Paris Peace Conference, the British
Round Table met again at Cliveden, the estate of the Masonic Astor family, to
implement their plans. The front organization which the British Round Table
had already established to influence the foreign policy of Great Britain was
the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). The chief financial
supporter of the RIIA was the Astor family. In the Far East, the Institute of
Pacific Relations (IPR) was established. The machinations of the IPR would
eventually involve America in a ten-year drug war in Vietnam for English
Freemasonry—a war never intended to be won militarily.

Colonel House took the plans for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) back
to New York where he completed its charter.(26) All the key members of the CFR
were and are Scottish Rite Freemasons.(27) However, it also admits members
from other Masonic affiliations, as well as from all secret and metaphysical
societies. On July 29, 1921, the following Masons were present at the founding
meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations: 33rd degree English Grand Lodge
Mason "Colonel" Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), personal advisor to
President Woodrow Wilson; 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason Christian Herter
(1895-1966), later to be appointed Secretary of State under Eisenhower after
John Foster Dulles's death; two 33rd degree Grand Orient Masons, Paul Warburg
(1868-1932) and Jacob Schiff (1847-1921), both German born bankers sent to
America to establish a central bank; Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman
(1891- ), whose family built the railroads of America; and 33rd degree
Scottish Rite Mason Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), an American Jewish banker and
investor in silver. Other important founding members with no record of being
Masons were Walter Lippmann (1889-1974), who would become one of the liberal
establishment's favorite syndicated columnists and a contributing journalist
to The New Republic—the Anglophile magazine in America named after the Round
Table's design for recapturing the United States; John Foster Dulles
(1888-1959), later to serve as Secretary of State under President Eisenhower;
Allen Dulles (1893-1969), John's brother who was destined to become director
of the CIA in 1953; the banker J.P. Morgan, Jr. (1867-1943), son of the Civil
War banker J.P. Morgan, Sr. (1837-1913); and the banker and oilman John D.
Rockefeller (18391937). When Rockefeller's sons came of age, they too joined
the CFR. The most famous of the brothers, and the most successful financially,
is David Rockefeller (1915- ), a major stockholder in the Exxon Oil Company
and the Chase Manhattan Bank. In 1973, David Rockefeller founded the CFR spin-
off—the Trilateral Commission (TC).(28)

The CFR immediately began the long-range process of replacing pro-American
politicians with Anglophile politicians. From the 1920s through World War II,
pro-America Masons held key positions in our government. For example, in 1923,
69 percent of congressmen and 63 percent of senators were Masons. By 1948 that
percentage had dropped to 54 and 53 respectively. By 1984 the percentages had
fallen to 12 and 14 percent respectively.(29)

What is not normally realized is the fact that many government positions, once
staffed by pro-America Masons, are now filled by persons who are members of
the pro-British Masonic front, the Council on Foreign Relations. For example,
in the 1920s and 1930s, many young and aspiring politicians were "appointed"
to the CFR, where they were educated on the merits of Anglophile
internationalism. Likewise, young American intellectuals selected for the
Rhodes Scholarship and educated at Oxford, were sent back to the United
States, where they entered political life. These students of the CFR came of
age in 1939 when they began filling posts in our federal government. By 1945
the State Department had, in effect, been completely taken over by the Council
on Foreign Relations.(30)

How influential has the council on Foreign Relations been? Since its founding,
and continuing through the Clinton administration, seventeen of twenty-three
secretaries of the treasury have been members of the CFR. Another seventeen of
twenty-one secretaries of state have been members. Since 1944, all
presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrat, have either been
members of the CFR or its 1973 offshoot, the Trilateral Commission. The only
exception was Harry Truman, who though a 33rd degree Mason, was not voted into
office. Six of the seven superintendents of West Point, every Supreme Allied
Commander in Europe, and every U.S. ambassador to N.A.T.O. has been a member
of the CFR.(31)

British World Governance and the United Nations

After World War I, French Grand Orient Freemasonry considered itself mistress
of the future. Grand Orient Masons were in charge of the new European politics
from 1918 to 1930.32 They promised the world an era of peace, happiness, and
prosperity through their Grand Orient children—socialism and communism.
Instead, Europe was plunged into revolution followed by counterrevolution,
fought between proponents of English and French Freemasonry. Traditional
monarchies, under the aegis of English Freemasonry, were destroyed in favor of
French Freemasonry's socialist and communist republics. Left-wing
dictators—more despotic than former sovereigns had ever been—ruled the new
republics. Grand Orient republics, whether communist or socialist, became
instruments for terror and disruption of order. French Freemasonry showed
that, when in power, it was incapable of governing and maintaining order.
General chaos and financial breakdown followed—ending in the Great Depression
of the 1930s.
In Germany, Austria, Hungary and Italy, communism was eventually strangled at
great cost and much bloodshed. In place of communism, authoritarian regimes
sprang up by popular consent. Such were the dictatorships of Admiral Horthy in
Hungary, of Mussolini's fascism in Italy, of Chancellor Dollfuss in Austria,
and Hitler's National Socialism in Germany.
By 1939, the French Grand Orient, which had once envisioned itself mistress of
the future, found it had fallen on hard times. As one critic and chronicler of
French Masonry Leon de Poncins wrote: "The results were disastrous. The Treaty
of Versailles quickly led to widespread breakdown of order, to revolutionary
unrest, to the opposing reactions of the Fascist and Hitler regimes, to the
Spanish Civil War, and finally to the Second World War."(33) English
Freemasonry, which had been patiently implementing its policy of "gradualism"
through the Round Able groups, saw its opportunity to regain dominance. She
would accomplish this not by reinstating her kings throughout Europe, but by
providing financial support for the extreme right-wing dictators who had
wrested government from the hands of the extreme left-wing despots.(34)
In 1939, the moment the round Table groups had been anticipating arrived.
World War II began and the League of Nations ceased operations. London's Round
Table groups in America made their move, in effect, to take over world
governance. That year the Council on Foreign Relations offered its services to
the U.S. State Department. By 1940 the State Department had created the
Division of Special Research headed by CFR member Leo Pasbolsky. The task of
Pasbolsky and his CFR staff was to submit a plan outlining an organization
that would replace the League of Nations: they called their international body
the United Nations.(35) At least forty-seven members of the CFR were in the
delegation that attended the U.N. Conference in San Francisco in 1945. And CFR
members occupied nearly every significant decision-making post at the

The stage was now set for America's entrance into this world body. Sympathy
and receptivity toward the creation of such an institution had been cultivated
in the House and Senate by a significant number of congressmen and senators
who had become members of the CFR. When it was time to vote upon American
entry into the United Nations, the majority voted in favor. The Rockefeller
Foundation donated the land upon which the United Nations building would be
built. Not surprisingly, at the time David Rockefeller was chairman of the
Council on Foreign Relations.

By founding the United Nations, English Freemasonry effectively wrested
control of world government from French Freemasonry. As for America, the
freedom from English rule that we won by our War of Independence in 1776, we
returned to England with the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations.
With the United Nations planted on our soil, the powerful might of our
military would be co-opted. As the British Round Table had planned in 1909,
the United States would fight Great Britain's wars and pay her bills. The
former was accomplished by coming to the aid of Great Britain in two world
wars. The latter was accomplished by the British Masonic takeover of our
banking system, which will be discussed in the next chapter.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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