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-Caveat Lector-

--- Misty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To: Armageddon or New Age
> From: Misty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 23:52:36 +1300
> Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] UFO'S, ALIENS AND
> Nice to think nothing is out there eh? Nothing in
> the 100 billion galaxies
> or however many there are. Ignorance is bliss. We
> are a sitting duck for
> invasion.
> ---- Original Message -----
> From: "scott michaels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 10:27 AM
>   Ever since the late 1940's a mass psychological
> operations program has been developed and carried
> out
> against Americans and people world-wide in order to
> condition them into believing in a future attack on
> Earth by invading "space aliens". This mind
> conditioning campaign, orchestrated by the Edomite
> Controllers of the global Illuminati, started as
> early
> as July 4th 1947 with the hoax of the Roswell, New
> Mexico crash, which was actually the crash of at
> least
> one antigravity aircraft of WWII German technology,
> and continues to this very day with black project
> aircraft sightings on every continent, mind control
> "alien" abductions perpetrated by CIA, NSA and
> covert
> military teams and public brain-washing facilitated
> by
> legions of motion pictures like "Independence Day",
> books and magazines as well as "documentary"
> specials
> on television. If you haven't figured it out by now,
> the fix is in.
>   In 1959 a special report by the military was
> written
> by General Edward Lansdale and General Richard
> Stillwell at the request of CIA director Allen
> Dulles
> and Army Special Warfare strategists at Fort Bragg,
> North Carolina. This paper, prepared for the Special
> Presidential Committee of President Eisenhower
> outlined different strategies for keeping a country
> coherent and stable in the absence of any "real"
> immediate threat or enemy militaries. The report
> reviewed the established doctrine of "governing the
> employment of the military instrument, in peace and
> war."
>   Then, in 1967, the now defunct Dial Press
> published
> a very similar study, in word and content, entitled
> "Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and
> Desirability of Peace". This report was, said by
> Leonard C. Lewin, drafted by a commission "of the
> highest importance" that met in Washington D.C. in
> the
> early 1960's to consider the problems that America
> might encounter if permanent peace should suddenly
> break out, and the solutions to those "problems".
> What
> made the "Report from Iron Mountain" unique in
> comparison to the Lansdale-Stillwell document was a
> strategy seriously presented for a faked threat from
> outer space via a hoaxed alien race invasion which
> might be adequate for holding individual states
> together through fear and even proficient for
> uniting
> the countries of the world under a global government
> or confederacy of nations. This strategy was
> seriously
> presented as a powerful psychological ploy to be
> applied to the masses for the purpose of
> consolidating
> an increasingly centralized state.
>   The following three quotes are from the "Report
> from
> Iron Mountain".
>   "Credibility, in fact, lies at the heart of the
> problem of developing a political substitute for
> war.
> This is where the space-race proposals, in many ways
> so well suited as economic substitutes for war, fall
> short. The most ambitious and unrealistic space
> project cannot of itself generate a believable
> external menace. It has been hotly argued that such
> a
> menace would offer the 'last, best hope of peace,'
> etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of
> destruction by 'creatures' from other planets or
> from
> outer space. Experiments have been proposed to test
> the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion
> threat; it is possible that a few of the more
> difficult-to-explain 'flying saucer' incidents of
> recent years were in fact early experiments of this
> kind." Page 66, par 2
>   "Nevertheless, an effective political substitute
> for
> war would require 'alternate enemies', some of which
> might seem equally farfetched in the context of the
> current war system." Page 66, par 3
>   "However unlikely some of the possible alternate
> enemies we have mentioned may seem, we must
> emphasize
> that one MUST be found, of credible quality and
> magnitude, if a transition to peace is ever to come
> about without social disintegration. It is more
> probable, in our judgement, that such a threat will
> have to be invented, rather than developed from
> unknown conditions." Page 67, par3
>   Almost predictably, several leading military and
> political personages of America publically proffered
> this SAME strategy for societal unification as a
> possibility, or even inevitability, for the
> country's
> future. This conditioning propaganda was uttered
> almost word for word right out of the Iron Mountain
> Report.
>   A high-ranking Air Force intelligence officer,
> Colonel W.C. Odell, in the early 1950's wrote an odd
> article entitled "Planet Earth- Host to
> Extraterrestrial Life". The Colonel's article
> curiously coincided with the CIA-convened Robertson
> Panel which emphasized the potential use of the UFO
> phenomenon in psychological warfare. The CIA wanted
> to
> use a contrived threat from "UFO's" as a mass
> mind-control tool. In the article, Colonel Odell
> claimed that extraterrestials were examining planet
> Earth, considering it as a possible "second home"
> since their civilization was dying on their own
> planet. These nefarious aliens wanted to carry on
> their race in another suitable system. Earth,
> according to Odell, was being invaded.
>   Suspiciously, Colonel Odell's paper was released
> to
> members of the Washington D.C. press and to retired
> Marine Corps Major Donald Keyhoe who was the early
> director of the National Investigations Committee on
> Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), a "civilian" UFO
> organization which was heavily infiltrated by the
> CIA.
> Kehoe, at the time, thought that the press release
> was
> highly strange and suspect.
>   Brigadier General John A. McDavid, director of
> Communications-Electronics for the Joint Chiefs of
> Staff, said, in the early 1960's, that a meeting
> with
> extraterrestrials would most likely lead to a
> violent
> confrontation. The NICAP board member who was chief
> of
> the CIA's Psychological Warfare staff, USAF Colonel
> Joseph Bryan, retired, stated that, "UFO's are
> interplanetary devices systematically observing the
> Earth, either manned or remote-controlled or both.
> Information on UFO's has been officially withheld."
> Former USAF Major F. Thomas Lowrey said, "I am
> thoroughly convinced that the 'flying saucers' come
> from some extraterrestrial source...I cannot
> understand the AF policy of pretending they do not
> exist."
>   In 1955, General Douglas MacArthur was quoted as
> saying, "The Soviets and the Democracies will adopt
> the best characteristics of each other and, in the
> process of many years, there will not be a strict
> line
> of demarcation between their ideals; therefore no
> causes for war between them." (He must have been
> privy
> to part of the master plan or had read The
> Protocols.)
> Then, MacArthur said something very bizarre:
> "Because
> of the developments of science, all countries on
> Earth
> will have to unite to survive and to make a common
> The
> politics of the future will be cosmic or
> interplanetary." During the 1962 graduation at West
> Point, MacArthur said to the graduates, "We speak of
> ultimate conflict between the united human race and
> His comments were broadcast over quite a number of
> radio stations.
>   In late 1985, President Ronald Reagan said to the
> Soviet leader, Mikail Gorbachev, at a Geneva Summit
> meeting, that if space aliens attacked earth,
> America
> and the Soviet Union would quickly forget their
> differences and band together to fight against their
> common enemy. After addressing students at Fallston
> High School in Maryland, Reagan said, "I couldn't
> help
> but say to him, just think how easily his task and
> mine might be in these meetings that we held if
> suddenly there was a threat to this world from
> another
> species from another planet outside in the universe.
> We'd forget all the little local differences that we
> have between our countries and we would find out
> once
> and for all that we really are all human beings here
> on this Earth together."
>   As if to drive home the point, during the
> remainder
> of his presidency, Reagan used two more occasions to
> bring up his space aliens invasion topic. During a
> luncheon Reagan hosted for the visiting soviet
> foreign
> minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, in October 1987,
> Reagan
> was said to have broached the same propaganda spiel,
> again. The "New Republic" senior editor, Fred
> Barnes,
> now with Fox News, reported that Reagan said to the
> visiting soviet, "Don't you think the United States
> and the Soviet Union would be together?", after
> having
> first raised the "alien threat" subject. Barnes
> reported that Shevardnadze answered yes and added,
> "we
> wouldn't need our defense ministers to meet." A nice
> touch for the public consumption of the "alien
> invasion" scenario for mass psychological
> conditioning. ("Tell a lie often enough and most
> people will believe it.")
>   In 1988, Reagan spoke to the National Strategy
> Forum, in Chicago, a foreign policy and national
> security review group. He asked the members what we
> might do if threatened by: "a power from outer
> space,
> from another planet. Wouldn't we all of a sudden
> find
> that we didn't have any differences between us at
> all,
> that we were all human beings, citizens of the
> world,
> and wouldn't we come together to fight that
> particular
> threat?"
>   These statements sound IDENTICAL to the strategy
> presented in the "Report from Iron Mountain". An
> important question in this regard is "Why are so
> many
> 'ex' military and CIA men leading lights in the UFO
> field? Why are these 'ex' government men allowed to
> endanger national security by talking on such
> sensative subjects as 'outer space aliens' and not
> be
> punished for it in the slightest? If the government
> were covering up the existence of space aliens why
> does it allow 'leaks' of information without limit
> and
> without penalty, without end?" The answer is: It
> must
> be deliberate.
>   Most of the above quotes were taken from the newly
> published, very important, work, "The Great UFO
> Hoax-
> The Final Solution to the UFO Mystery" by Gregory M.
> Kanon. Mr. Kanon's well-documented 210 page book is
> a
> must read. The book is published by Galde Press,
> Lakeville, Minnesota. It sells for 14.95.
>   When the above information is coupled with the
> facts
> that Nazi Germany had developed antigravity aircraft
> in the 1940's and that much of this hardware and
> many
> of the German scientists who developed the crafts
> were
> transported to America under Project Paperclip as
> revealed in well-researched books like "The Hunt for
> Zero Point- Inside the Classified World of
> Antigravity
> Technology" by Nick Cook, aviation editor of the
> world
> famous "Jane's Defense Weekly"; "Hitler's Flying
> Saucers- A Guide to German Flying Discs of the
> Second
> World War" by Henry Stevens and "Man-Made UFO's
> 1944-1994- 50 Years of Suppression" by Renato Vesco
> and David Hatcher Childress, one is faced with hard
> evidence indicating that the objects being seen in
> the
> skies around the world are nothing but highly
> advanced
> black project antigravity aircraft that have been
> developed from technology originating in WWII
> Germany.
> Even many photographs of these saucers and triangles
> have been taken showing conventional military
> aircraft
> escorts. Amazingly, many of our stealth jets,
> especially the stealth bomber, possess uncanny
> resemblances to documented, advanced, Nazi
> prototypes
> of the late 1940's. These crafts are being used to
> help convince the unsuspecting public through
> planned
> world-wide sightings, a la "Report from Iron
> Mountain", that the Earth is being visited by "evil
> aliens".
>   To further convince the public that these "aliens"
> have malevolent intentions, special mind control
> teams
> have been deployed to simulate alien abductions via
> hypnotic trance and microwave induced hallucinations
> against individual citizens around the world,
> complete
> with implants. The evidence for this assertion is
> both
> comprehensive and shocking. The astounding number of
> "smoking guns" can be found in well-documented books
> like: "MILABS: Military Mind Control & Alien
> Abduction" by Dr. Helmut Lammer & Marion Lammer;
> "Saucers of the Illuminati" by Jim Keith and "Mass
> Control: Engineering Human Consciousness", also by
> Jim
> Keith.
>   Additionally, it is very important to mention the
> crucial fact that even after decades of non-stop
> surveying of the heavens through the world-wide SETI
> Project (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
> ONE alien radio signal has been detected. This
> result,
> of course, flies in the face of the expectations of
> numerous high-profile astronomers who had written
> books on SETI and crowed proudly that it was merely
> a
> matter of a short time before the first alien
> civilization signals would be recorded through the
> use
> of radio telescopes. Books like "Is Anyone Out
> There?-
> The Scientific Search for Extraterrestrial
> Intelligence" by Frank Drake and Sava Sobel and
> "First
> Contact- The World's Leading Astronomers Confront
> the
> Ultimate Question: Are We Alone in the Universe?"
> used
> the "Drake Equation" to predict that intelligent
> life
> in our galaxy was a common occurrence.
>   The Drake Equation is defined as: "The number (N)
> of
> detectable civilizations in space equals the rate
> (R)
> of star formation, times the fraction of stars that
> form planets, times the number of planets hospitable
> to life, times the fraction of those planets where
> life actually emerges, times the fraction of planets
> where life evolves into intelligent beings, times
> the
> fraction of planets with intelligent creatures
> capable
> of interstellar communication, times the length of
> time (L) that such a civilization remains
> detectable."
> "Is Anyone Out There?", page 52.
>   Is it possible there is something WRONG with the
> concept of cosmic evolution? Nah, couldn't be.
> Right?
>   As we progress into the early decades of the 21st
> century, look for increased and accelerated
> propaganda
> programs, movies, magazines and books pushing the
> "evil aliens are coming to get us" paradigm. Then,
> one
> day, perhaps even in our life times, don't be
> surprised to see a live telecast showing a "flying
> saucer" landing and a "real", live alien (possibly a
> genetically cloned construct) stepping out of the
> craft. Finally, if it's not too far off in the
> distant
> future, expect to see a simulated invasion of Earth
> by
> attacking alien entities bent on "taking over" our
> planet. If or when this happens, probably amidst
> increased pre-planned world terrorism, an instant
> world government will coalesce.
>   Then, say hello to Lord Lucent Light. The serpent
> was the most SUBTLE of all the beasts of the field.
> In
> that Day, it will be better to be numbered among the
> Remnant, for the Great Harvest will soon follow.
> "Tick, tick, tick..." says the prophetic clock.
> Scott

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