-Caveat Lector-

Mormon Church - The Abomination?

"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed
till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried;
but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
but the wise shall understand. And from the time [that] the daily
[sacrifice] shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate
set up, [there shall be] a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1,290
days)." Daniel 12:9-11

"You don't know me--you never will. You never knew my heart. No man knows my
history. I cannot tell it; I shall never undertake it. I don't blame anyone
for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I could
not have believed it myself." J. Smith, April 7th 1844.

Here's what Mormons believe

In 1823, Joseph Smith, nearly 18 years old received a visit from an angel
called Moroni. And in 1827 the Angel Moroni delivered engraved metal plates
of brass and gold to Smith containing the historical record, from about
600BC to AD 400 regarding the people of America and a included the report of
the visit to America by Jesus Christ. The plates were written in what he
called "reformed Egyptian."  And Joseph Smith transcribed the plates into
modern speech and the books were published as the Book of Mormon on April
6th 1830, when Joseph Smith was 24 years old. Joseph Smith was killed with
his brother Hyrum, by a mob in Carthage, Illinois, on June 27th 1844, that
is 14.224 years after April 6th 1830 aged 38 years.

Joseph Smith said that the "Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book
on Earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to
God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."

A later President of the Church, Ezra Benson said that the book "establishes
and proves to the world that Joseph Smith is a prophet, for he received the
book from a resurrected personage and translated it by the gift and power of
God...The Church is thus the one true Church because it was set up by a
prophet acting under command of God."

And the Mormon Church believes in the Bible only in so much as it has been
correctly translated. Joseph Smith said, "I believe the Bible as it read
when it came from the pen of the original writers. Ignorant translators,
careless transcribers, or designing and corrupt priests have committed many

The Mormon Church came into possession of some ancient Egyptian writings on
papyrus scrolls in 1835. Although there was little known about Egyptian
hieroglyphics at that time. Joseph Smith said that it was written by the Old
Testament patriarch Abraham, in his own hand. And Joseph Smith, without
knowledge or schooling in the Egyptian language translated the hieroglyphics
from the papyrus scrolls and called it the Book of Abraham. The Book of
Abraham is now included in 'The Pearl of Great Price' and is one of the four
Mormon sacred books, along with the Bible, 'The Book of Mormon', and 'The
Doctrine and Covenants'.

And Joseph Smith said he had a revelation that was not written down until
1843 that commanded Mormons to the practice of polygamy. However, this new
doctrine was not officially announced and made public until 1852. It was
Brigham Young, the second President of the Church, who ordered the doctrine
made public and said that if any denied the principle of plurality of wives
that they would be damned. In 1862, U.S. President Lincoln signed into law
the Anti-Polygamy Act of1862 which made plural marriage illegal. The
Doctrine commanding polygamy was placed in the official Church Doctrine and
Covenants in 1876.

The Mormon Church has given unique meanings to many common religious
concepts and words: The Church teaches that the 'Gospel' means the laws and
ordinances of the Mormon Church, which includes the Book of Mormon, and the
Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price, as well as the Bible.
Mormons believe that the true gospel message was lost from the Earth shortly
after the New Testament apostles died, and now only the Mormons hold the
true gospel message. The Church teaches that you will know that the Book of
Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet by reading the book
and praying to God to ask whether it is true.

The Mormons believe that if you pray and receive the answer that the Book of
Mormon is true and Joseph Smith was a Prophet, that you will then testify
that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only true church
of Jesus Christ, God's restored Church on Earth today. Mormons believe all
other churches are false religions teaching incorrect doctrines.

Joseph Smith, the Deceived One?

That story begins around 1820 when the young Joseph Smith walked over to a
grove near his family's farm in Palmyra, New York and knelt in prayer where
asked for God's mercy. "The Lord heard my cry in the wilderness", he wrote
in his diary several years later, "and while in the attitude of calling upon
the Lord a pillar of light above the brightness of the Sun at noonday came
down from above and rested upon me and I was filled with the spirit of God
and the Lord opened the heavens upon me and I saw the Lord." After this
visitation he found himself lying on his back and drained of strength. And
it was not until 1823 there came a second manifestation. On the night of
September 21st 1823 while engaged in prayer, a light suddenly began filling
his room and within the light there appeared an angelic being. "His whole
person was glorious beyond description, and his countenance truly like

And this 'angel of light we are told was the angel named Moroni who
explained there was a book deposited in a nearby hill, a record written upon
gold plates by the ancient inhabitants of the American continent. Joseph was
instructed that in due time he would be allowed to obtain the record and
commence its translation. No sooner had the messenger departed and the
vision ceased, than it began again. Three times the messenger came, each
time repeating exactly the same message. As the cock crowed dawn, the final
apparition ended. His experience of, I say a fallen angel of light, had
taken until the dawn.

And that day Joseph Smith visited the hill as directed by angel Maroni where
he found the location shown to him in the vision, and there unearthed a
stone box containing the plates. The angel Moroni again appeared, however,
warning he could not yet remove the plates from their resting place.
Instead, he would need return to the spot on this same appointed day each
year for four years. Only on the fourth visit would he be allowed to remove
the treasure and begin the work of translation. Joseph Smith did as
instructed and four years later, on September 22nd 1827, the angel delivered
the record to his charge.

Soon after obtaining the records, Joseph began his translation. The record
was engraved upon the plates in so called 'reformed Egyptian', a language
Joseph Smith read by gazing into the 'Urim and Thummim', the biblical kind
of 'seer tokens' delivered to him with the plates. And Joseph Smith
transcribed the plates into modern speech and the books were published as
the Book of Mormon on April 6th 1830. This the Book of Mormon was said to be
the record, that is an abridged history of America's ancient inhabitants
descendants of a Jewish clan who fled Jerusalem shortly before destruction
of the first Temple. Led by a prophetic patriarch, the wandering Israelites
had built a boat that eventually came ashore in the Americas. After arrival
in the new land, their descendants multiplied greatly, although most died
and only a few of the people that remained stayed loyal to God, to their
prophets and their heritage as descendants of Israel., According to the
Mormon Book, Jesus Christ had appeared after his resurrection and taught
this American remnant of Israel. For a century thereafter the converted
Christians lived in peace; but inevitably there was dissension among them.
About 400 years after Christ's visitation there came a final series of great
wars in which the unbelievers vanquished the last of Christ's people. Prior
to this final catastrophe, the golden records comprising the Book of Mormon
were hidden up to wait until God would call would want them revealed. I say
the Mormon God is a great fallen angel of light.

Then a few weeks before April 6th 1830, the Church of Christ (as it was
first named) was established with Joseph Smith as its prophet, seer and
revelator, some three thousand copies of the Book of Mormon were printed.
Though central to Mormon events, the Book of Mormon was, however, only one
element in the complete 'restoration'. Smith soon produced several other
prophetic texts under identity of the ancients: books of Enoch, Abraham, and
Moses. After the Angel Moroni came and retrieved from Joseph Smith the
golden plates, and there were several other angelic messengers also came
bearing 'keys' pertaining to the true church of God. Even John the Baptist
was said to have appeared and ordained Joseph Smith who was ordained to
baptize. Next came a visitation of the apostles Peter, James and John, who
ordained Joseph to the higher priesthood after the ancient order of

And there is a complete absence of any traditional Christian symbols such as
the plain Calvary Cross, or the Chi-Rho insignia, or a lamb or the Ichthus
etc., inside the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City.

So was Joseph Smith a kind of prophet with the knowledge of the Kabbalists
and the understanding of the Gnostics, added to which were unspecified
Ancient Egyptian secrets?

The Mormon Temple's Alchemy of Numbers - The Serpent and Abomination

It was in 1847 that Brigham Young (the second President of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and soon after arriving in the Salt Lake
valley area said there should be a large edifice that was to be the Mormon
Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. The construction work began on the
granite-sandstone structure in 1853 with some 150 stonecutters, masons,
carpenters, and other artisans working on the project at any time. After 40
years, and at a cost of about 4 million dollars, the Mormon Temple was
dedicated on April 6th 1893 that is 63 years after the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized on April 6th 1830 in
Fayette, New York, with six members. As the Church reached membership
milestones throughout the twentieth century, one million in 1947, two
million in 1963, three million in 1971, and four million in 1978, the
demographic makeup remained primarily American but was beginning to change.
Today, congregations of the Church are found in more than 160 nations and
territories. With more than 10 million members, it is one of the fastest
growing religions in the world and one of the largest so called Christian
churches in the United States.

The architect for the Salt Lake Temple was Truman Angell, who had been the
construction supervisor for the Kirtland Mormon Temple and he was Brigham
Young's brother-in-law. Upon returning from a visit to study architecture in
England. The dimensions of the temple are 181 feet long, 118 feet wide, and
107 feet high. The east center tower is 210 feet high; the west center tower
is 204 feet high. The exterior walls are 8 feet thick at the base (and 6
feet thick at the top), so an inside base 173 feet long and 110 feet wide.

So I feel that maybe Brigham Young was thinking that the great new Mormon
Temple should be of Ancient Egypt in measurement and so at 181 x 118 x 107
feet at 2,285,306 cubic feet is equivalent to some 450,939 cubic Ancient
Egyptian cubic cubits. And the Serpent at 17,000,000 and /Pi and /12 is
450,939.005 cubic cubits. So the Mormon Temple is seemingly the 'House of
the Temple' when considering the external measurements.

OK, and so the internal measurements at 181 less 8 feet x 118 less 8 feet,
that is an internal foundation for the Mormon Temple of 173 x 110 feet and
equivalent to 6,450 square Ancient Egyptian square cubits, and 6,450 x 2 is
the Abomination at 12,900.

Imagine that, the Serpent himself covers the Whore of Babylon, the
foundation of the Mormon Temple, Salt Lake City.

Of course, spiritual death is found in the Abomination herself, the Mystery,
at 1,290 + 1,290 is 2,580 and as cubic feet, I suggest is the missing
capstone of the Great Pyramid. And 2,580 cubic feet is 95.55556 cubic yards,
and squared twice, and /2,000,000 is 41.686340 cubic feet and this is about
the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great
Pyramid. In that 41.686340 cubic feet is equivalent to 78.06 x 26.81 x
34.42010 inches (Flinders Petrie gives 34.420 inches).

And 'Moon Time' is found in both the Abominable capstone and the body of the
Great Pyramid. In that the volume of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000 cubic
feet less the Abominable capstone at 2,580 cubic feet is 91,572,420 cubic
feet and squared thrice x 9 and cube root and /12 lunar months and
/1.0000e+19 is one synodical lunar month of 29.5305884 days, that is 29 days
12 hours 44 minutes 03 seconds. Whereas the Abominable capstone at 95.555556
cubic yards squared twice (the sarcophagus) x the Ancient Egyptian god Horus
at 61 x 7 times and /800 and cube root and /12 lunar months is 29.530625
days of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 06 seconds, so only 3 seconds more than
the synodical lunar month found in the capstone less volume of the Great

But then the falcon masked god Horus at 61 is found in lunar time, in that
6,100,000 x 12 x 6 and /Pi twice and cube root is a lunar month of 29.530646
lunar days, or 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 08 seconds.

Or one Martian orbit at 686.98 days x 686.98 days x Pi + 686.98 days x 30
and cube root and /12 lunar months is 29.5305987 days or one synodical lunar
month of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 04 seconds.

One could say that the Abominable capstone is the 'Measurement Capstone' and
compares to Mount Sinai, the 'Measurement Mountain'. For Mount Sinai as two
peaks, at 7,363 feet and 6,937 feet, and added is 14,300 feet (Father God
1,700 + Son of Man at 12,600). And 14,300 feet is equivalent to 8,250 Hebrew
cubits of 20.8 inches and 2,650 x Pi Ancient Egyptian cubits of 20.6120
inches. And 14,300 + 8,250 + 2,650 is Hades at 12,600 + 12,600. And the
Abominable capstone at 2,580 cubic feet and increased to 2.580000e+91 and
/12 and /3 and square root twice is equivalent to the body of the Great
Pyramid at 91,572,420 cubic feet x the body of the Great Pyramid at
17,584,030.35 Hebrew cubic cubits x the body of the Great Pyramid at
18,069,502.07 Ancient Egyptian cubic cubits. Thus the body of the Great
Pyramid can be formed thrice out of the Abominable capstone.

And counting from midnight September 21st 1823, the night when a light
suddenly appeared to Joseph Smith and began filling his room and within the
light there appeared an angelic being, that of the 'angel of light' we are
told was the angel named Moroni, who I call a fallen angel until 9pm on
April 6th 1830, when the Mormon Church officially began is 6.539 years or
2,388.56 days x 100 is equivalent in miles to 238,856 miles, (384,400km) the
average distance to the Moon from the Earth.

And counting from July 4th 1776, the first day of American Independence to
9pm April 6th 1830 is 53.758 years x 53.758 years is the Serpent Rouge at
2890 (17 x 170). Thus the Alien Flag was flying over day one of the Mormon
Church when counting from day one of the United States of America.

And when the Alien Flag at 289 + the Skull and Bones Flag at 611 is 900 and
the square root of 9.0000e+12 and /Pi and square root twice is 41.68625
cubic feet, the internal volume of the sarcophagus, the symbol of spiritual
human death.

So to midnight December 31st 1999, that is the Millennium 2000, which is
169.73750 years after 9pm April 6th 1830, the foundation day of the Mormon
Church, and divided into the area of the Moon at some 14,656,080 square
miles (a diameter of 2,159.90 miles) and squared x 9 is 6.710000e+10, or 11
times Horus at 6.1000e+09. So the area of the Moon divided by the  Mormon
Church foundation date to the Millennium, reveals Horus who rules the 11
lands, that Ancient Egypt called the world.

And counting down for April 7th 1844 when Joseph Smith said, "You don't know
me--you never will. You never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I
cannot tell it; I shall never undertake it. I don't blame anyone for not
believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I could not have
believed it myself" to Saturday, the Sabbath, the day of Passover, April 7th
AD30 and the day after the Crucifixion, is 1,814 years. And counting down
from 9pm April 6th 1830, the foundation day of the Mormon Church to the
betrayal by Judas at the Last Supper at about 9pm Thursday, April 6th AD30
is 1800 years. So 1814 + 1800 years is 1807 + 1807 years. And the full
volume of the Great Pyramid is 91,575,000 cubic feet, that is equivalent to
18,070,000 cubic cubits. So the Mormon Church is the 'Church of the Traitor'
and the 'Church of Christ's Death Day' and symbolized by world's symbol of
human death, the volume of the Great Pyramid, at 18,070,000 cubic cubits.
(Not forgetting the are of the Great Ward, the 16th century hospital on
Malta, belonging to the Knights of Malta, including the Knights Templar was
520 x 34.75 feet at 18,070 square feet).

Thus in everywhichway, the Mormon Church is out of Ancient Egypt.


John D. Miller


And the Mormon Church displays astrological symbols and Satanic pentagrams
instead of the Christian cross. Even the 'Eye of Horus' is found embedded on
a capstone over the window of the east central tower. The 'all-seeing' eye
of Horus is located over the window of the east central tower. It is known
as the 'evil eye' and is regarded by Satanists as the symbol of Lucifer. And
the usual reference number for the 'Eye of Horus' is 126, and x 20/12 inches
is 210 feet, the height of the east central tower. So the 'East Tower' has
the reference number 126 and that is also the number for Hades, the inner
Earth sphere 1,260 miles above the 'Gates of Hell' the center Earth sphere
at 1,833 miles in radius.

The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) constellation symbol is found on the west tower
at 204 feet high, and was known by the Egyptians as the 'Dragon of the Seven
Stars'. It was also known in the second and third centuries AD as the
'Seven-headed Beast' of the Bible's Book of Revelation chapter thirteen and
the arch enemy of the Church of God. And 204 feet is 12 times 17, that is
the Serpent, and the Great Pyramid, the symbol of the first death, has a
square base at 440 + 440 + 440 + 440 + a height of 280 is 2,040 Ancient
Egyptian cubits.

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