-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-

One of the "profound" connections of the West to the Japanese elite prior to
WWII is revealed in the fact that Emperor Hirohito (and indeed, his father
and also later his son) was made a Garter Knight by England's royal family.
When one looks at other knights of this highest ranking Order of Chivalry,
one begins to see just how closely all these interests intersect.

If one were really a true conspiracist one might ask if WWII was begun in
order that the wealth of nations might be collected and secretly accrued for
later purposes?  Such a question may, in the light of history, be
far-fetched but even so there lingers a sliver of suspicion that far greater
plans were in progress then we are so far aware of.  In this category I
would also mention a post I made some months earlier about the curiosities
surrounding the Allies Operation Market Garden in September 1944 that aimed
to capture the bridge at Arnhem (resulting in a bridgehead into Germany) and
thus end the war by Christmas 1944.  Bormann's plans to get the captured and
domestic wealth of Germany out of the reach of the Allies had only seriously
begin one month before, in August 1944.  To be successful, his Eagle's
Flight plans called for a years hard work.  History shows he got 10 months.

What is the nature of your theory that global banking interests were
responsible for JFK?

> Another JFK Enigma:
> Japanese "Journalist" in Photograph with Jack Ruby
> John, over at Cryptome, is looking into a possible Japanese thread in
> the JFK imbroglio. I'd like to offer some context to get us thinking
> about possible Japanese connections:
> Before we focus on Japan, though, let's take a brief look at Post
> World War II Germany.
> Anyone who has looked into the American efforts to de-Nazify Germany
> after World War II knows that the entire thing amounted to a shell
> game. Their Nazis became our Nazis, company names were changed,
> Gestapo personnel shed their black leather and death's head regalia
> and worked seamlessly with all order of American spooks. The U.S.
> National Security Agency set up its German HQ in the I.G. Farben
> building in Berlin, for example.
> With American de-Nazification turning into an open joke, what was
> happening on the other side of the planet in Japan? Quite simply,
> American efforts to breakup the Japanese keiretsu organizations were
> as flaccid as those aimed at de-Nazification in Germany. You see,
> fascism works, until interstate wars breakout among competing powers.
> But with the U.S. victorious, what was to become of the vanquished?
> Understanding the primacy of fascism, U.S. geostrategists (Council of
> Foreign Relations), undertook perception management campaigns in
> Germany and Japan designed strictly for public consumption. Out with
> old, in with the new, etc. In reality, what happened was that the
> U.S. and other elites used a Roman-style, integrative strategy in
> order to maintain and co-opt the established German and Japanese
> elites, rather than scatter them to the wind. The ultimate goal, of
> course, was global fascism.
> In Japan, keep in mind that the political, industrial, banking and
> mafia organizations are integrated in a type of meta keiretsu that is
> based on ancient familial hierarchies (1). Richard W. Wright notes:
> Before World War II several large industrial groups dominated
> Japanese economic activity. They were centrally owned and controlled
> with common interlocking directorships. After the war the United
> States forced Japan to dissolve these groups as they contravened anti-
> monopoly and anti-combine regulations. Since that time a number of
> major groups, or keiretsu, have reformed. Today each group is
> clustered together in voluntary association with a central bank at
> the core. http://www.cic.sfu.ca/forum/wright.html
> If you don't believe this, take a look at Japanese activity in the
> international currency markets and note the beneficiaries: the
> largest Japanese corporations and banks via the U.S. consumer. <---
> This is a gross oversimplification. Literature on the Japanese
> keiretsu model is particularly interesting and illustrative of
> fascist organizations generally. I highly recommend that individuals
> pursue further research on their own in this area.
> The U.S. pays great lip service to the rhetoric of "open markets and
> free trade." However, while I can't say with certainty that U.S.
> elites were jealous of the imperial Japanese economic model, the
> political economy of the U.S. in the post World War II era seems to
> have borrowed heavily from the keiretsu system (2).
> Let it suffice to say that Japanese elite are part of the Them. One
> can safely assume that if the plot to murder JFK was carried out by
> international banking interests, as I suspect,3 Japanese would be
> involved at the highest levels of planning. Also note that one of the
> three spheres of influence and focus in the Trilateral Commission is
> Japan. Although the Trilateral Commission did not come into existence
> until 1973, working relationships between Japanese elite and their
> counterparts in the West were well underway by the late 1940s. I
> would assume there were profound Western connections to the Empire of
> Japan (pre-WW2) but I have not looked into that area of inquiry.
> So, if the Japanese man in the photograph is Atsuyuki Sassa, a man
> with formal national security training from the most prestigious
> university in Japan, what was he doing at Dallas Police Headquarters,
> within a few feet of Jack Ruby, all those years ago?
> Notes:
> 1 Keiretsu: A Japanese term describing a loose conglomeration of
> companies organized around a single bank for their mutual benefit.
> The companies sometimes, but not always, own equity in each other.
> 2 That system was cemented in the U.S. with the re-formation of the
> Military Industrial Complex. I say re-formation because the armaments
> complex in the U.S. existed long before World War II. The elite in
> question weren't about to make the same mistakes that were made after
> World War I by allowing the armaments industries to fade away after
> the end of hostilities.
> 3 More JFK Theories: All These Secrets Are the Same Secret
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?S55826C56
> "Networking in Japan: the Case of Keiretsu"
> http://www.cic.sfu.ca/forum/wright.html
> Cryptome: Japanese Person in Dallas at JFK Assassination
> http://cryptome.org/jp-journo-id2.htm
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?E30822C56
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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