-Caveat Lector-


August 8, 2003

Space Warriors
Iraq War Emboldens Bush Space Plans

Military victory in the Iraq war has emboldened the Pentagon in their
claims that space technology gives the U.S. total advantage in time of war.
According to Peter Teets, undersecretary of the Air Force and director of
the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), American capability in
space, "must remain ahead of our adversaries' capabilities, and our
doctrine and capabilities must keep pace to meet that challenge."

"I think the recent military conflict has shown us, without a doubt, how
important the use of space is to national security and military
operations," Teets, a former Lockheed Martin executive recently said.

In order to accomplish the goal of technologically leapfrogging the space
program to the point of global "control and domination" a new agreement has
been signed by NASA, U.S. Strategic Command, the NRO and the Air Force
Space Command to fully mesh all their research and development efforts
together. Thus, we witness the takeover of the U.S. space program by the
military and the weapons corporations.

One such example of this new emphasis on technology sharing is the Bush
administration announcement of Project Prometheus, a multi-billion dollar
program to create a nuclear rocket.

NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe, who claims everything NASA does from now
on will be "dual use" (meaning it will serve both military and civilian
purposes) has said, "propulsion power generation advances that are so
critical to the purposes of achieving our exploration and discovery
objectives are the same technologies that national security seeks to
utilize." It has long been claimed by the Pentagon that they will require
nuclear reactors in space to power space-based weapons.

Another example of this new dual use relationship is the effort to replace
the unstable space shuttle fleet. A $4.8 billion development program is now
focusing on the "military space plane," with the Air Force playing a larger
role in calling the shots.

A fleet of space planes will be designed to attack and destroy future
satellites of enemies and rivals. A prototype is expected by 2005 with
deployment envisioned around 2014.

According to James Roche, the U.S.A.F. Secretary, America's allies would
have "no veto power" over projects like the military space plane that are
designed to give the U.S. military control of space.

The NRO, the super secret spy agency that is responsible for U.S.
satellites, has been given the job to develop the strategy to ensure
American allies or enemies never gain access to space without U.S.
permission. European efforts to build the multi-billion dollar Galileo
satellite navigational system is seen as a direct threat to U.S. plans for
space dominance.

In a computer wargame held at the Air Force's Space Warfare Center at
Schriever A.F.B. in Colorado this past spring, the U.S. practiced such
space "negation." The wargame, set in the year 2017, pitted the blue team
(U.S.) against the red team (China). Its scenario was fairly complex,
incorporating several "opportunities for conflict in southwest and southern
Asia." Unlike the last such game in 2001, this year's version urged
participants not to get "bogged down in discussions about space law and
policies, which disrupted the game's military operations," reported
Aviation Week & Space Technology. This time around the ABM Treaty with
Russia was no longer in existence.

Russia and China are renewing their call for a global ban on weapons in
space. On July 31, 2003 the two powers delivered their pleas at a session
of the U.N. Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. Both countries worry that
Bush's call for early deployment of National Missile Defense (NMD) will
create a new and costly arms race in space that will be difficult to call
back. So far the U.S. refuses to discuss a moratorium or ban on weapons in
space ­ saying there is no problem and thus no need to begin negotiations.

Bush is calling for deployment of six NMD missile interceptors in Alaska,
and four in California, by September 30, 2004. Ten more are due in Fort
Greely, Alaska by 2005. The $500 million silo construction project is
headed by Boeing and Bechtel corporations. The big problem for Bush's
deployment plan, to be carried out just prior to the 2004 national
elections, is that the testing program of the interceptor missiles is not
going well. In addition to the fact that the hit-to-kill mechanisms are
proving unreliable (trying to have a bullet hit a bullet in deep space),
the booster rockets that are supposed to launch the "kill vehicle" into
space are months behind schedule in development. The Bush solution to the
problem has been to say that future testing will be done in secrecy.

Each of these Missile Defense Agency (MDA) tests cost over $100 million.
Boeing was recently promised a $45 million bonus if it could carry out a
successful test, but failed to do so.

In fact Boeing has other troubles. Last January, two Boeing managers
stationed at Cape Canaveral, Florida were charged with conspiring to steal
Lockheed Martin trade secrets involving another Air Force rocket program.

Despite such fraud, delays, cost overruns and technology problems the U.S.
House and Senate continue to grant the Pentagon virtually every penny they
request for Star Wars. In 2004 $9.1 billion will be awarded to the MDA for
space weapons research and development.

Bush has, in his first three years in office, created the largest budget
deficit in U.S. history. As money for education, health care, social
security, environmental clean-up, and the like are cut, military spending
now accounts for the majority of federal spending in nearly every state.
The U.S. now accounts for 43% of world military spending.

The U.S. is anxious for Australia, UK, India, Israel, Russia, and others to
become international partners in Star Wars. The program will be so
expensive (some say the largest industrial project in the history of the
planet) that even the U.S. can't pay for it alone. By pulling in the
aerospace sectors of other countries, Bush knows he can blunt international
opposition to his goals of a new and very expensive arms race that will
clearly benefit the aerospace industry and the politicians that get the

As we recall George W. Bush's post 9-11 statement that, "It's going to be a
long, long war" our eyes must turn to the larger issue of U.S. plans for
global empire. Recent disclosures in U.S. News (7/21/03) about
Pentagon "Operations Plan 5030" reveal a new war plan for North Korea. One
scenario calls for U.S. surveillance flights bumping up alongside North
Korean airspace in hopes of creating the right incident to spark the
pretext for war.

Expanding U.S. military presence worldwide is intended to secure scarce
resources like oil and water for U.S. corporate control. Growing "global
strike capability" means smaller but more maneuverable troop deployments to
rapidly suppress any opposition to U.S. dominance. The people of the world
are being told to submit to U.S. authority or pay the price. U.S. space
technology is intended to tie this global military package together and to
ensure that no military competitor can emerge.

The global peace movement we witnessed prior to the recent U.S. attacks and
occupation of Iraq is the other superpower in the world today. U.S.
ambitions for global control and domination in the end will fail because
the people of the world will not allow any one nation to be the over lord
of the planet.

On October 4-11 the Global Network will hold its annual Keep Space for
Peace Week: International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of
Space. Local events are expected to be held on virtually every continent of
the world to show the growing consciousness within the peace movement about
the current U.S. plan for control of space. We urge local groups to
organize actions in solidarity with other groups on this day. Check our
website at http://www.space4peace.org for details.

Let us all do what we can to non-violently resist this frightening global

Bruce K. Gagnon is coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear
Power in Space based in Brunswick, ME. He can be reached at:


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