-Caveat Lector-
The Armageddon Time Formula?

We are told, and the Church also tells us, that we do not know the date for the coming ‘Battle of Armageddon’.

OK, but the Bible says we will be aware of the End Times that are leading up to this great Biblical war in Israel.

 As a number cruncher, I have a theory that the so called ‘Elite’ and some of the world’s leaders of today know the probable date for the ‘Battle of Armageddon’ and knowing this coming date will cause them to act accordingly. And I strongly suggest that the ‘Battle of Armageddon’ will take place on December 22nd 2012, the same day as the end of the Maya ‘Age of the Jaguar’.

The last the date when there was much ‘spiritual activity’ seen over Israel was 1,933 years ago when the ‘angels’ saw the destruction of the Temple of God in Jerusalem by Emperor’s Vespasian son Titus, who burnt the Temple during the weekend of August 4th and 5th August AD70. And this was after months of attacking Jerusalem and killing hundreds of thousands of Jews.

The ‘Battle of Armageddon’ will last only on day, even though the world’s largest armies will gather over 5,000,000 military personnel and the greatest amount of military weaponry and equipment ever recorded in the history of the world, so to war against the army of Israel and the Lord God of hosts.

And just like the witnesses who wrote about that terrible week-end in AD70 there will be angel air battles seen in the sky above Jerusalem once again. And this event will be a one off, a light fantastic show of fire and thunder and explosions, mayhem and of course the destruction of the all the attacking armies, so to killing most in this great army.

And remember the Central American Maya priests have waited for the end of their ‘Long Count’ calendar of some 5,125.36 years, that is 1,872,000 days, or 13 periods of 144,000 days for December 22nd 2012, to the probable ‘Battle of Armageddon’.

Now Adam was the first Adam and Jesus Christ the second Adam, and so counting from Adam’s creation in the other world on May 18th 3871BC, in this world, it is 3,900 years to May 18th AD30, when Jesus Christ showed himself as the Messiah on Ascension Day.

The Hebrew calendar usually starts in September each year, and September in the year 2003 is the Hebrew year 5764. So the Hebrew calendar began in our world in September 3761BC, and maybe on September 14th 3761BC and so 3,789.6742 years until the Messiah on May 18th AD30. And God told the Israelites very soon after their Exodus from Egypt to follow Moon time that is a lunar month of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 03 seconds, x 12 lunar months is 354.3670538 days. And 3,789.6742 years is equivalent to 3,905.975 lunar years, and multiplied by the 3,900 years from Adam one to Adam two as the Messiah and squared thrice and /400 and square root thrice and /100 is equivalent to 72,033.840 cubic inches, that is 41.68625 cubic feet, the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. And the sarcophagus is the symbol of the second death. Thus thanks the Hebrew calendar, the symbol of the second death is discovered in ‘Time’ and so the second death can be defeated.

Thus the importance of the 3,900 years from Adam One to Adam Two as the Messiah is obvious. And counting from about 10:15am on the morning of Thursday, May 18th AD30 until December 22nd 2012 is 1,982.595694 years.

And counting from Adam One at 10:15am on May 18th 3871BC until 10:15am May 18th AD30 is 3,900 years + 1,982.595696 years is 5,882.595694 years until December 22nd 2012, my suggested day for the ‘Battle of Armageddon’.

So the multiplication of the three time periods, 3,900 years x 1,982.595696 years x 5,882.595692 years and cube root and squared 4 times x 12 and cubed is 5.80000e+173. And the goddess Isis has the reference 580.

And the volume of the most important ‘Temple’ of the 19 temples within the Masonic edifice at Great Queen Street, London, a center of Masonry, is 171,912 cubic feet. And this main Masonic temple at 171,912 cubic feet is 78 x 38 x 58 feet. And 78 + 38 + 58 is 174, or 87 + 87, and 870 miles down below the equatorial radius of the Earth at 3,963 is 3,093, that is the inner sphere of Hell at 1,833 miles + the next inner sphere of Hades, the Underworld with a thickness of 1,260 miles, and above this spiritual ‘sky’ a ‘halo’ some 870 miles wide and coming down from the surface of the Earth.

And the total length of all 12 edges of the Masonic ‘Temple’ is 12 times 58 and 58 is the reference number for the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, of Great Queen Street, London, UK. But then… there is Lucifer, who is in the falcon masked Ancient Egyptian god Horus, the merciless killer of the sky, who are the Masonic Temple’.

For Lucifer is 611, that is the ‘Skull and Bones’ flag of ‘No Mercy’ and Horus has the reference number 610 (the skull at 322 + crossbones at 289).

And the ‘Gates of Hell’ at 1833 (611 x 3) + the ‘Gate Keeper Horus’ at 1830 (610 x 3) is twice 1831.5 and 1.8135000e+69 and cube root 4 times is 7.1630235 days, the ‘birth to blood covenant’ the circumcision of Jesus Christ, and x 24 hours x 1000 is equivalent to the Masonic ‘Temple’ at 171,912.564 cubic feet at 78 x 38 x 58.000190 feet.

So I  repeat, counting from the creation of Adam One as the first ‘man’ down in Earth’s twin, the Underworld, latter called Hades, to Adam Two, the Messiah, is 3,900 years. And 3,900 years multiplied by the creation of Adam One to the end of the Maya ‘Age of the Jaguar’ December 22nd 2012 of 5,882.595692 years and multiplied from the Messiah at 10:15am May 18th AD30 to December 22nd 2012 is 1982.595696 years and cube root and squared 4 times x 12 and cubed is 5.800000e+173, that of the goddess Isis, who is of Lucifer and her son Horus, the merciless killer of the sky.

Therefore I will keep ‘banging – on’ about this, for it is obviously extremely important, and a date locked into and that which coincides with the Maya ‘Day of Chaos’ the end of the Age of the Jaguar and the jaguar is the most ferocious beast on land and has a gestation period of 203 days x 2 is 7 time 58, the reference number for the Whore of Babylon, the Mystery, that is the great Ancient Egyptian goddess Isis.

We should keep counting the days.


John D. Miller


Of course you need to know the formula for why the ‘Battle of Armageddon’ is expected on December 22nd 2012, the end of the Maya ‘Age of the Jaguar’ after 1,872,000 days to midnight on December 21st the winter solstice. The formula is the time from a moment after midnight on American Independence Day July 4th 1776, to a moment after midnight on ‘American 9.11 Day’ on September 11th 2001 is 225.188915 years and multiplied by 236.46812 years, that is a moment after midnight on Independence Day July 4th 1776 to a moment after midnight on ‘Armageddon Day’ of December 22nd 2012 and x 4/100 is 2,130.0005. So September 11th 2001 is part of the end time plan.

And 2,130 is the ‘Key’ for the distance of 2,130 miles below the equator of the Earth that has a radius of 3,963 miles, are the ‘Gates of Hell’, for Hell has a radius of 1833 miles. And 1833 is thrice 611, that of the ‘Skull and Cross Bones’ (at 322 + 289) and 611 is Lucifer, and is the Order of the Illuminati, and is the Great Pyramid, and is the diabolical ‘Mother Isis and ‘Son Horus’, the merciless killer of the sky. Please note some will not enter the ‘Gates of Hell’ and will journey down spiritually only 870 miles until Hades, that is 1,260 miles above Hell.

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