-Caveat Lector-

The Thrill Report #121998
Aristocracy vs Kakistocracy

If I had not found the word I would never have understood what is going
on in the House of Representatives right now. The Impeachment of
President Clinton has brought out the stark difference between the two
parties at war over the issue of Impeaching President Clinton.

The word that brought everything into focus is: kakistocracy.

kak is toc ra cy (Gr. kakos=bad and kratein=to rule) government by the
worst men in the state: opposed to aristocracy.
--Websters New Century Dictionary 1964

This word is so important that it has been dropped from Webster's New
World Dictionary (1970) and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary
(1984). Like many important pieces to the puzzling events in the world
today, it has been removed, hidden from view, erased. This is a form of
"book burning" only it is being done to words. Word Burning. Scorched
Words. Getting rid of the evidence. Without the word "kakistocracy" how
would I have known that the Democratic Party is behaving like the worst
"men/women" in the state? How would I have been able to look at
President Clinton and say, "That man is a member of a kakistocracy"?

Now that I know there is a word for it, I can look upon the Impeachment
Hearings and tell the difference between an aristocracy and a
kakistocracy. In this matter the Republican Party is demonstrating the
qualities of an aristocracy, the best men/women of the state.

This also calls into question the dangers of a system that is based on a
majority rule. If we are to ever achieve the highest standards of a true
democracy all people must be highly educated and given the opportunity
to engage in work that satisfies their mental capacity. There can be no
exceptions. Otherwise the poor and uneducated shall become the majority,
and fall prey to the unscrupulous manipulators that are ready to use
them to further their low and mean-spirited designs. If you think
Clinton's behavior is reprehensible:

"...get ready for The Future, it is murder."
--Leonard Cohen, The Future

Education must be the top priority for all our citizens. It is evil to
allow poverty to stand in the way of education. It is evil to condemn
poor children to inferior educational opportunities. It is evil to
ignore the power of television as an educational tool. It is evil to let
our children be educated by low, base, violent programming calling
itself "childrens television". To turn our backs on these children is to
promote the qualities of a future kakistocracy. Today's vote for
impeachment was close. If we continue to ignore the dangerous attacks on
our children's intellects by the sinister forces controlling the media,
we can watch the word "aristocracy" go up in smoke.

The Rogue Butterfly
Scribe in the Ancient Language of Thrill

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