-Caveat Lector- ï
The social conditions you describe happen to some extent in most countries. Aspects would naturally be intensified in areas of near non-abated violence and conflict.
As mostly armchair prognosticators, its not going to make any friggin difference what we say as to what goes on their. Israel has probably the most powerful military and technological capability in the region, I think that if Israel, and its leadership,  were as evil as so often portrayed by such articles as the former, they would have applied the military resources to frizzle the Mid-East. They haven't; and to me, this is an indicator of the Israeli's intellectual and moral resolve and character, to find peace through other means than total annihilation, which is what some of her critics would like nothing better for her.
From where I sit the mad Arabs and the Islamists are the losers.
And I don't mean in terms of Israel, but in terms of their own moral actions. Strapping bombs to your kids and having them blow up others kids, is a completely beyond-dickhead mentality; and that dickhead mentality is instilled into them from youth.
One cannot even begin to imagine what life would be like in such a society. How can the likes of some Palestinians, who have no respect for their own lives, and vicariously through no respect of their children's lives; possibly respect their neighbours lives much less the social welfare of their neighbour. And if they are not maddeningly bombing the Israeli's; they are busy killing one another. 
The mullahs and clerics must bare vast blame for the violence and the darkness of their societies, and should be exhumed from their society until open, free secular education is allowed to prosper, not barbarous clerical brain-washing and hate. 
If Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is culpable of delays in the peace process than at least equal culpability, if not vastly more, ought be laid at the feet of Yasser Arafat. But of course, let's not forget that there also external foreign powers involved here, and one must ask, even if sounding cynical, is Middle-East peace the genuine agenda of these foreign interests? Or is it a peace based majorly on foreign interests that is sought?
What would a united Democratic Middle-East, sitting atop earths mega-oil reserves, a wealth of human history, religion, archaeology, culture and so on, look like in terms of the world stage, as a united Democratic front?
As a consequence of their bitter experiences over the centuries, Jews have stood at the forefront of human rights and civil rights issues across the world. Sure Israel has and will make mistakes, as has America and every other Democratic society.  But to have the Jews and Israel demonised in it's formative stages, whilst encompassed by terrorists who want nothing more than Israel's complete destruction, is a myopia that rivals Dr Goebbels.
----- Original Message -----
From: Prudy L
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Icy gust cools Israel's relations with EU - from an ICY QUEEN "(Li...

-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/5/2003 2:51:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hence, one would imagine that any State that has received a fair amount of favourable US attention and is consistently in the headlines as a potent US ally, could be anything but disliked in parts of Europe.
Furthermore, there is the fact that Europe is the historic homeland of the Jewish-killing Nazis, the Inquisition, Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox anti-Semitism; its hardly surprising that Israel would ever come up trumps in any Euro-pop contest.
I'm glad you think of Israel as an ally of the United States, but that just doesn't wash with me.  There isn't even any reason why Israel should be.  Israel is her own country and has obligations to no one.  That Israel is a country which behaves abominably to its native peoples who frequently happen to be Moslems and occasionally Christian is a sad fact.  It has parallels with the old South in that even Israel's Jews who are sympathetic to Moslems can be persecuted.   To lay the blame for the behavior of Israel's Jews on the fact that they are Jews is a mistake.  Sharon may be a man of peace in George Bush's eyes, but he is not.  Does he do what he does because of his faith or even faith in God?  Of course not.  He is a master politician "in charge."  He has power and wants more.  Israel has land and wants more.  And for some reason, Israel (with or without Sharon) does not want to share governance with anyone who is not a Jew.   And now it seems that anti-Semitism is rearing its ugly head.  So easy for others to blame someone's faith for actions that have no connection with that faith.  European nations suffering economic problems look at a world in which every nation can be castigated except Israel.  The United States is showering favor on Israel who can defy United Nations' resolutions without receiving even a frown from the country that declared Iraq a terrorist nation for defying UN resolutions and along with some mystical WMD used that as an excuse to attack.  Of course, people in Europe read all the papers, frequently in more than one language.  They watch very closely the behavior of Sharon and Bush and everybody else as well.   When they read Sharon's enemy list and watch our foreign policy, when they note that they are being insulted by a powerful man whose close advisors are Jews, when they are expected to treat their citizens (of every denomination) fairly no matter what problems arise and Israel has a free pass on that matter,  then the climate for anti-Semitism is perfect.   Before Sharon and his ungodly policies, Israel was admired and respected.   Everyone knew there were problems, but it seemed that they could be worked out.  Now much of Europe is watching as Israel does what the Nazis did; they're just doing it to a different group of people.  Europe received disdain for years for allowing Hitler and his minions to commit their disgusting acts without trying to stop them.  It was the United States in particular who told them that their behavior was vile and must never be condoned again in any place.  Yet Israel .....?  And NO, what is happening anywhere in which people are persecuted for being Jews or any other faith is NOT acceptable.   The world (including Israel) should take a long, hard look at what is happening to its ideals.  Prudy 
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