-Caveat Lector- "Pat repeatedly conceded that she had originated all the memories herself. Her psychiatrist did not implant any memories."

"Halliburton has been charging the American people more than double the cost of transporting fuel into Iraq."

scroll for news articles

These articles have graphic descriptions of abuse.

Here's a summary of the research on Burgus v. Braun et al that was presented by Lynn Crook at the 2002 International Society for the Study of Dissociation conference last year in Baltimore

...In 1993 the Burgus family filed a malpractice lawsuit against Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke''s Medical Center, Dr. Elva Poznanski, the boys'' psychiatrist, and Dr. Bennett Braun, Pat''s psychiatrist. ...Before her hospitalization at Rush in 1983, Pat spent most days in bed in with the curtains drawn, unable to care for herself. She threatened to kill herself and others. Her husband came home for lunch to make sure the boys were fed. She became convinced that the doctor who did her tubal ligation had implanted a fetus during the surgery. She approached mothers of infant daughters, asking them if they would trade their daughter for her infant son, Mikey. Pat entered Rush diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and borderline personality disorder. Upon admission Pat was agitated and incoherent. During her first month on the unit and before she was placed on meds, Pat told staff "I'm switching [personalities] out of control today. I'm doing so much switching today I can't believe it." Pat testified that the rapid switching decreased over time as her medications were increased. ...Other patients said they recognized her from her participation in cult-related criminal activities.

At the time of her release from Rush in 1987 Pat was more stable and integrated. Did Pat's psychiatrist implant false memories as Pat has claimed? On January 17, 1997, a defense attorney asked Pat about the source of her memories. Pat repeatedly conceded that she had originated all the memories herself. Her psychiatrist did not implant any memories. He had simply passed on to her what the other patients had reported." The full article is at

Iraqi Doctors Dispute Lynch Rape Claim - Nasiriyah, Iraq (Ap) - 11/7/03  "Iraqi doctors who treated former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch dismissed on Friday claims made in her biography that she was raped by her Iraqi captors."  ""The book does indeed cite some intelligence reports that she was treated brutally and a medical record which says, in the book, that she was a victim of a sodomozing rape," Sawyer said.  Dr. Mahdi Khafazji, an orthopedic surgeon at Nasiriyah's main hospital performed surgery on Lynch to repair a fractured femur and said he found no signs that she was raped or sodomized.  Khafazji, speaking at his private clinic in Nasiriyah, said he examined her extensively and would have detected signs of sexual assault. He said the examination turned up no trace of semen." http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/11/07/sprj.irq.jessica.lynch.doctors.ap/

Medical checks reveal Lynch's rape hell By Paul D. Colford and Corky Siemaszko 11/7/03 Jessica Lynch was brutally raped by her Iraqi captors. "That is the shocking revelation in I Am a Soldier, Too, the much-anticipated biography of the former POW....Thankfully, she has no memory of the rape. "Jessi lost three hours," Bragg wrote. "She lost them in the snapping bones, in the crash of the Humvee, in the torment her enemies inflicted on her after she was pulled from it."  The scars on Lynch's battered body and the medical records indicate she was anally raped, and "fill in the blanks of what Jessi lived through on the morning of March 23, 2003," Bragg wrote."

from L Moss Sharman Priest flees U.S. before sex crime sentencing  - Ogden 11/5/03 - "A Catholic priest who pleaded no contest to a class A misdemeanor for cruising the Internet to meet boy sex partners was a no-show at his Tuesday sentencing hearing. Prosecutor Gary Heward had been prepared to argue Mario Arbelaez Olarte should spend a year in jail, followed by deportation to Colombia. But defense attorney Bernie Allen surprised the court by announcing the priest had already returned to his native country. Allen claimed the prosecutor, as part of a plea-bargain agreement worked out in September, had agreed Arbelaez Olarte could leave the country. Heward insisted there was no such agreement. Second District Judge Scott Hadley issued a no-bail warrant for the priest's arrest and set another sentencing hearing for Nov. 18, at which time he could sentence the priest in absentia." http://www.sltribune.com/2003/Nov/11052003/utah/108399.asp

'Highway Robbery' at Halliburton By Bracken Hendricks and Skye Perryman,
November 6, 2003
"Today, the US Army Corps of Engineers announced a suspension of Halliburton's no-bid contract for oil services in Iraq. This announcement comes after several weeks of pressure by House Democrats who have led the charge to increase transparency regarding Halliburton's prices and contracting procedures. For months, Congressmen Waxman and Dingell made inquiries to Bush's Office of Management and Budget as well as other administration officials asking for information on Halliburton's prices. Their requests were met with silence.  Halliburton has been charging the American people more than double the cost of transporting fuel into Iraq. Not only have energy experts said that Halliburton's prices amount to "highway robbery," but the Director of the Defense Energy Support Center, an office within the Pentagon, said that Halliburton looked as if it was charging "excessively high" prices to the American people. Reports released yesterday suggest that the Defense Energy Support Center can transport fuel into Iraq for less than half the amount that Halliburton has charged the American people."
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