-Caveat Lector-

Gun-Wielding Cops Conduct Drug Sweep At School

Drug Sweep Finds No Drugs

POSTED: 3:52 p.m. EST November 7, 2003
A drug sweep Wednesday morning at a South Carolina school has some parents and 
students questioning police tactics.

[] []
[]Police Draw Guns In Charlotte School []
Surveillance video from Stratford High School in Goose Creek shows 14 officers, some 
with guns drawn, ordering students to lie the ground as police searched for marijuana. 
Students who didn't comply with the orders quickly enough were reportedly handcuffed.

Police didn't find any criminals in the armed sweep, but they say search dogs smelled 
drugs on a dozen backpacks.

The school's principal defended the dramatic sweep.

"We received reports from staff members and students that there was a lot of drug 
activity," said George McCrackin. "Recently we busted a student for having over 
300-plus prescription pills. The volume and the amount of marijuana coming into the 
school is unacceptable."

The parents of some students who were subjected to the sweep disagree.

"I was just upset knowing they had guns put to their head and a canine was barking at 
them and about to bite somebody," said Latonia Simmons, the parent of one student. "It 
was awful."


There is also a poll on the website, so far 34 percent of your disgusting pathetic 
moronic braindead fellow Americans think this a good idea.  Yeah, it's really a good 
idea for cops to bust into schools a stick a gun in your kids face and cuff 'em.

These cops, these criminal terrorists in Darth Vader suits, need to spend some time 
behind bars to think about their violation of the oath they took to uphold and defend 
the Constitution.
Then, slap hundreds of lawsuits on the bastards, break the town's treasury, and take 
away the homes, and cars, and property, and pet dogs of these scumbags that would 
actually participate in such a un-American tactic.  Then jail the principal as a 
reminder to any other government official that when you violate the rights of 
Americans you will go to jail for a long long time.

AmeriKa...it's beginning to look a lot like a Third World Police State and the 
Brownshirts are coming for your kids.

Meanwhile... get your kids out of the Government Schools.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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