-Caveat Lector-
So -- Richard Perle played a key role in knocking down what was apparently a legitimate peace offer from Iraq, one which was certainly in the interests of the United States, the West and the world.
Why did Perle do this?  To pursue a strategy on behalf on Israeli interests, as defined by Likud, which he had helped design years before in the Clean Break paper for Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies.
The American major media, once again, have backed away from looking at the Israeli angle on the Iraq War.  As one reason after another for the war goes up in smoke, including the oil rationale, the big media scratch their heads and ask in a puzzled way, what could the real reason have been?  We're so baffled.  We just can't figure it out.  The true cause will remain a mystery forever, like the identity of the leakers in the Valerie Plame affair.
Perle's influence in this matter has cost Americans at least $100 billion and their good relations with the rest of the world, including their traditional allies.  Perle and his neocon colleagues have also greatly increased the risks of terrorism for Americans.  And yet the American big media continue to treat him respectfully.
U.S. Advisor Says Iraq Peace Offer Was a Trap

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A last minute peace deal offered by a top Iraqi official in the run up to the war that toppled Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was a trap designed to discredit U.S. policy, an advisor to the Pentagon (news - web sites) said on Sunday.

Richard Perle, former chairman of the Defense Policy Advisory Board who had met with a Lebanese businessman who conveyed the Iraqi offer meant to prevent an invasion, said the offer had not been credible.

Perle told ABC television's "This Week With George Stephanopoulos" that the offer by former chief of intelligence, Gen. Tahir Habbush made through Imad Hage, a prominent Lebanese-American businessman, was one of many approaches for a last-minute peace deal.

"There were a number of governments that were trying to broker something with the Iraqis," Perle said. "So this was not credible, this offline approach, indirect as it was."

The Bush administration has been accused by Democrats of being overeager to go to war with Iraq (news - web sites), ignoring possible diplomatic avenues to peace including that conveyed through Perle and exaggerating the threat from Iraq.

The offer that came to Perle was to allow the United States to inspect for weapons of mass destruction, which the Iraqis said they did not have, and to turn over a top al Qaeda operative who was in Iraqi custody.

Perle said it also included oil concessions and he thought it was part of an effort to use that offer to discredit U.S. intentions.

"This was a trap," Perle said. "I think it was clearly a trap. It was intended to discredit the administration's policy, it was intended to discredit our effort to liberate Iraq."

ABC News reported last week that Hage had met with Iraqi officials, including Habbush, to discuss the peace offer. Hage had also met with Perle in London to convey the information.

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