-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/9/2003 12:34:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sooner of later the Jewish State will fall, as it always has in the past
This statement is probably prophetic.  First, however, it will be allowed to exercise whatever will it  wants.  I've always thought that God takes pains to allow mankind time to show its true spirit.   The Israeli may believe they are exempt from punishment for actions taken against gentiles, but no one with true faith in God would ever believe that.  The Jews of the Holocaust demonstrated astonishing faith in God and unbelievably positive attitude and behavior afterwards.  Something happened when the Jews went to live in what they claim is the land God promised to them.  God must be watching the developments there very carefully.  Is there something in the prophecy that I've missed.  Does it say the Jews should torture and persecute the people living there when they arrive?   Prudy 
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