-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.kwtelecom.com/chivalry/anjou.html">USES AND ABUSES OF THE


James J. Algrant

The titles Duke of Anjou and Duke of Anjou-Durazzo have been used and
abused for more than two hundred years and novels could be written about
some of their colorful pretenders.

In this paper we shall skim over most of them so as to deal only with
the XXth century ones we consider the most picturesque. In the XVIIIth
century, a Father Felix de Valois claimed to be descended from Louis,
Duke of Anjou, the alleged younger twin of Louis XIV generally thought
to have been "The Man in the Iron Mask" Then in the XIXth century,
besides the forty-three Naundorff claimants (Note 1) to the throne of
France who cheerfully assumed all the titles belonging to that House and
on whom many books have been written, there was one Antoine Dujol, son
of a humble shoemaker who called himself Antoine "de Valois, Duke of
Anjou, Duke of Alençon and Count of Ussex". He was followed by a Spanish
Duke of Seville. In the XXth century there was Don Jaime, Duke of
Segovia, the eldest son of King Alfonso XIII, head of the senior branch
of the House of Bourbon. In 1933, because of a birth defect which left h
im deaf and dumb he renounced his claim to the Spanish throne in favor
of his brother Don Juan, Count of Barcelona. He did not however renounce
the headship of the House of Bourbon. As head of that house he was, for
French legitimist monarchists, King of France (as Jacques Henri VI) and
of Spain. He was also known as Don Jaime, Duke of Anjou and of Segovia
(Note 2). Next comes the saga of Vassili Durassow, a Russian untitled
guards officer and of his alleged "son" Alexis which mystified the kings
of Spain and Italy in the early part of the century and continued to
entertain the general public until just recently.

Baron Hervé Pinoteau, one of the founders of the Institute of the House
of Bourbon, possibly one of most knowledgeable persons on the subject
and a staunch French "legitimist" (Note 3) states : In actual fact there
is only one royal house but two royal families, one of France and one of
Spain. Spanish Neapolitan and Parmesan princes issued from Philip of
France, Duke of Anjou (who became King Philip V of Spain in 1700) could
neither assume the style "of France" since succession laws did not
permit the style to pass to junior lines nor the title "Duke of Anjou",
as Philip had dropped that title returning it to the French crown when
he became Catholic King of Spain in 1700 as shown by Louis XIV (1638-
1715) conferring it on his grandson who later became Louis XV
(1710-1774) in 1710. He, in turn, passed it on to 1730 to his younger
son Philip, Duke of Parma. Following the latter's decease the title
reverted to the French crown. Finally Louis XVI (1754-1793) styled
himself Duke of Anjou while his father was still alive but upon his
ascension to the throne he relinquished the title to his brother the
Count of Provence who eventually became Louis XVIII (1755-1824).

This should be sufficient demonstration that the title of Duke of Anjou
has always been attached to the crown of France and should dispel any
arguments to the contrary. It is in keeping with Spanish "legitimist"
pretensions to that crown, however, (as the senior line of the House of
Bourbon) that Spanish pretenders have used the title.

King Charles IV of Spain (1748-1819) (not Spain's most brilliant
monarch) recognized three sons, one of whom was allegedly fathered by
his prime minister and lover of the the queen, Manuel Godoy, Prince of
Peace. This child was the Infante (Note 4) Francisco Duke of Cadiz
(1794-1865). The Duke of Cadiz was the father of Infante Enrique, Duke
of Seville (1823-1870) who in 1847 went against the dispositions of the
Pragmatic Sanction of Charles III of 23 March 1776 and married Elena de
Castellvi (1821-1863), a noble lady of inferior rank. As a result,
neither the wife nor the children of this marriage were recognized as
members of the royal family much to the ire of the Duke of Seville who
ranted publicly against his sovereign and "committed acts incompatible
with his responsibilities as a Bourbon, a Spaniard and military officer"
which resulted in his being divested of the dignity of Grandee of Spain
and of all his honors, ranks, titles and prerogatives (Note 5). Don
Enrique Pio de Borbon (1848-1894), eldest son of the former Duke of
Seville, Infante Enrique, was himself made Duke of Seville and Grandee
of Spain (Note 6) by the grace of King Alfonso XII on 1 July 1882,
twelve years after the death of his father in a duel with the Duke of
Montpensier. Not satisfied with this distinction, the new Duke of
Seville swaggered and took on the airs of a member of the Spanish royal
 family and of a Bourbon prince of Spain. To make matters worse with the
Royal Family, while on a visit to France he publicly declared himself to
support Philip, Count of Paris, the Orleans pretender to the French
throne (Note 7) rather than Don Carlos, Duke of Madrid, the legitimist
Bourbon pretender supported by Spain. He left two daughters, the eldest
of whom Doña Maria-Luisa de Borbón y Parade (1868-19??) succeeded him as
3rd Duchess of Seville by royal recognition on 15 May 1895 but who later
relinquished the title in 1919 to her sister Doña Enriqueta de Borbón y
Parade (1885-1967), who was invested as 4th Duchess on 24 May 1919.

The second surviving son of the former Infante Enrique was Don Francisco
Maria de Borbon y de Castellvi (1853-1942), a Spanish officer who
attracted some attention shortly before the turn of the twentieth
century. If his deceased brother passed himself off as a "Spanish
prince" but recognized the Orleans as the legitimate pretenders to the
throne of France, Don Francisco dropped his brother's absurd Spanish
claims (which the latter had the good sense not to flaunt in Spain) and
picked one which was even more grotesque. He assumed the title of Duke
of Anjou and proclaimed himself legitimate pretender to the throne of

e claimed, or at least his advisors convinced him (Note 8) that even
though descendants of his father the 1st Duke of Seville were born of an
unequal marriage, the principle of morganatic marriage did not exist in
the House of France, making them in effect, "princes of Bourbon" when in
fact, there never has existed the title of "Prince of Bourbon" except in
Luxembourg and for certain princes of Bourbon-Parma.

Count Zeiniger de Borja, closely associated with the household of King
Alfonso XIII states that a parallel may be found in the case of Duke
Gaston d'Orléans (1608-1660) brother of King Louis XIII who had married
secondly (1632) Marguerite de Lorraine-Vaudemont (1615-1672). Following
this marriage (2 January 1634) the King instructed the Parliament of
Paris, equivalent to the Supreme Court to nullify Gaston's marriage
because it had taken place without the king's consent. At the same time
the General Assembly of the clergy was convened and asked to rule on the
following question: "Are marriages of princes of the blood who can
pretend to the succession, valid and legitimate if they are performed
not only without the consent of he who wears the crown but against his
will and with his disapproval?" The Parliament of Paris annulled the
marriage of Gaston d'Orléans and Maguerite de Lorraine in a decision
dated 5 September 1634; the General Assembly of the clergy followed suit
in a similar decision dated 10 July 1635.

Thus it would follow that in the case of the two dukes of Seville the
lack of consent of the heads of the House of Bourbon invalidated their
claims to the succesion of both Spain and France.

After a few problems with the French authorities, Don Francisco Maria de
Borbón y de Castellvi came back into line and concentrated on his
military career eventually attaining the rank of lieutenant general. In
1927 he received the Order of the Golden Fleece from King Alfonso XIII
with whom he had reconciled. His eldest son, Don Francisco de Paula de
Borbón y de la Torre (1882-1952), married his cousin Doña Enriqueta de
Borbón y Parade, 4th Duchess of Seville in 1907, and he assumed the
title jure uxoris according to Spanish usage. It should be noted that
the marriage only obtained royal consent in 1919 when Enriqueta acceded
to the title of Duchess of Seville. Their son Don Francisco de Borbón y
Borbón (1912-1995), who renounced the ducal title in favour of his
eldest son, became Grand Master of the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem,
as did the said son, Don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany, 5th Duke of
Seville (1943- ).

Soon we shall see how in 1911, King Alfonso XIII, who was still annoyed
at Don Francisco Maria de Borbón y de Castellvi, was given the
opportunity to spite his cousin but first a brief look at the cadet line
of the royal house of France, that of Anjou-Naples is in order (Note 9).

According to historian and genealogist Michael Sturdza (Note 10), in
1263 the House of Anjou-Naples began to play an important, though less
than glorious, role in the history of a divided Greece during the Middle

The founder of the House was Charles, Count of Anjou, Count of Provence
and of Forcalquier. He was born in 1227 and was the fourth son of King
Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castille. As a younger son he was
destined for a career in the Church but the premature death of two of
his elder brothers resulted in his becoming Count of Anjou. In 1253, as
a young man he had been offered the crown of Sicily by Pope Innocent IV
who wanted to replace the Hohenstauffens who ruled there. At the time,
Charles had other plans. By force of arms he conquered the county of
Hainault in northern France and later acquired the county of Ventimiglia
in northern Italy by treaty. In 1263 he was ready and accepted a second
papal offer to assume the crown of Naples. In 1268 he killed Manfred,
bastard son of Frederick von Hohenstaufen. Following the battle of
Tagliacozzo which he won, he later executed the sixteen year-old
Conradin, last branch on the Hohenstaufen tree, thus extinguishing the
house and installing a French dynasty on the throne of Naples and

The Angevins ruled for more than one hundred and fifty years over Corfu,
Lepanto and the Albanian fortified strongholds known as the "Kingdom of
Albania" or "Duchy of Durazzo" as well as over a great part of the
Peleponesus which they considered secondary territories subordinate to
their kingdom of Naples and destined as stepping stones in their plans
for the conquest of Byzantium.

In 1272 Durazzo submitted to Angevin sovereignty but this submission
alternated according to the moods of the local potentates sometimes
allied to the emperor of Byzantium or to the Tsars of Serbia. Other
territories and titles obtained by the Angevins by conquest, murder,
marriage and intrigue were the kingdoms of Hungary, the county of
Gravina and the principality of Achaia. With this very brief glimpse at
the origin of the claims to Durazzo by the House of Anjou we can now
return to the early twentieth century.

King Alfonso XIII had been thoroughly beguiled by a Mr. Vassili
"d'Anjou"-Durassow-Schiskow, an untitled Russian gentleman who had
managed to introduce himself at Court. Vassili, a member of the Imperial
Russian Academy of Archaeology, was responsible for codifying the rules
of duelling prevalent in Russia at the time and was the author of a
well-received book on Russian princely families (which he may have
written to further his own claims). He had drawn up a genealogy which
purported him to be directly descended from Robert de Valois, Prince of
Morea, third son of Prince John of Sicily who was the first duke of
Durazzo and himself the grandson of Charles I king of Naples and Maria
of Hungary thus making Robert a great-grandson of Louis VIII King of
France. According to the chronicles of the time, however, Robert died,
wifeless and childless, at the battle of Poitiers in 1356. According to
Vassili, Robert's great-great grandson, after wandering through Hungary
and Poland wound up in Russia in 1482 and was integrated into the ranks
of the Russian nobility.

Vassili had managed, shortly before, we dont know how (nor are we
certain of the chronology of the events), to convince Kings Victor
Emmanuel III of Italy and Alfonso XIII of Spain of the authenticity of
his genealogy and on 27 July 1911 the latter recognized him as the head
of the "royal Neapolitan House of Anjou-Durazzo" (Note 11) and with it
the right to style himself with all the titles appurtaining to it (Note
12). This was tantamount to resurrecting the House after a slumber of
some five hundred years!. (What still puzzles us is that the latest
edition of the "Official List of Titles and Grandeeships of the Kingdom
of Spain states that the title "Duke of Durazzo (Neapolitan) was
proferred by the king of Italy on 31 August 1911 to Don Basilio d'Anjou
Durassow y Schiskow and it was authorized in Spain on 27 July of the
same year. That is to say one month earlier. (We dont know if this is a
typographical error or if we are missing some additional details.)
Entries in the Gotha Almanachs of 1915, 1919 and 1936 appeared to
confirm these claims but then this was not the first time that the Gotha
erred. French genealogist Count Raoul de Warren also asks himself why a
princely family of royal family waited some five hundred years to have
its claims recognized and when it finally did so why it applied to the
kings of Italy and Spain rather than to the Tsar who was, after all, its
legitimate sovereign (Note 13). The kings of Italy and Spain may have
been within their rights to allow Vassili to use these titles on their
soil but this in no way legitimized the claims historically and other
monarchs would be equally within their rights, if they so chose, not to
recognize their validity in their realms.

The decree signed by the King of Spain was based on the same genealogy
recognized by King Victor Emmanuel much to the dismay at the time of Don
Francisco de Borbón y Castellvi, who having no notion of genealogy
thought this was a direct affront to his own pretensions. On 6 March
1914 the title and arms of the family were recognized as genuine and
registered by the College of Arms in London! (Note 14)

The first known individual to style himself Duke of Durazzo was John
(1333) son of Charles II d'Anjou, King of Naples. His eldest son
inherited the title and passed it on to his daughter Jeanne who in turn
handed it to her husband Louis of Navarre, Count of Beaumont-le-Roger
who died without issue. John of Durazzo's second son, Louis, Count of
Gravina, who died in 1362 is the grandfather of Ladislas, King of Naples
who died in 1414, and of Jeanne II, whose adopted son René d'Anjou had a
daughter Yolanda, wife of Ferry de Lorraine, Count of Vaudemont.
Ladislas inherited the title Duke of Durazzo and transmitted it to his
descendants. This line died out in 1493. Mr. Durassow's ancestor is
allegedly Robert of Morea third son of the Duke of Durazzo and Spain and
Italy have recognized this succession in spite of the fact, as we
pointed out above, that he died wifeless and childless at the battle of
Poitiers in 1356.

Historically, the question of whether this line could in fact inherit
the title in 1911 is moot. Since Salic law did not apply within the
House of Anjou-Naples following the deaths of Charles of Durazzo, of
Louis of Navarre, of King Ladislas and of John of Calabria, it can be
clearly shown that the nearest eligible line is that of Ferry de
Lorraine, whose direct descendant and heir to the title of Duke of
Durazzo was, in 1911, H.I. & R.H. Franz Joseph of
Hapsburg-Austria-Lorraine, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.

If we look at Durazzo as no more than a simple title, it is evident that
Robert's line could not succeed. If it is viewed as a fief, the branch
has even less justification since the "Duke of Durazzo", if there can be
said that there was one in 1911, was the Turkish Sultan who ruled over

This should make it evident that recognition of descendants does not
necessarily imply their right of succession to a title. If the branch of
René d'Anjou did not claim it, it is because the title was tied to the
fief. When the fief, Albania, fell into the hands of the Turk, after the
capture of Constantinople, there was little point in claiming a title
which was now empty and meaningless.

The fantastic saga of Vassili Durassow "d'Anjou Durazzo" and his family
does not end here. He was a subaltern in the Imperial Russian Cavalier
Guards regiment and was subsequently assigned as an attaché to the
imperial Russian embassy in Rome. After the first World War he
established himself as a gentleman of means and leisure, a confirmed
bachelor who divided his time between his Rome apartment and his manors
in Alba (Abruzzo) and Narni in the province of Perugia. According to his
obituary, he died childless in Rome in January 1971.

Vassili's uncle, Russian general Nicolas Durassow, born in Russia in1870
lived in Nice, France, and married Berthe Buisson a French lady who gave
him three children: Alexandra, born in Moscow in 1905, Pierre, born in
Nice in May 1911 and Louis Nicolas also born in Nice on 12 March 1917.
When in March 1917 the general appeared at the Nice city hall to
register Louis Nicolas' birth, the authorities refused to enter the
child's name in the register with the alleged Russian titles confirmed
to his nephew by the the Kings of Italy and Spain. The following month
however,while on a trip to Russia he managed to convince the local civil
authorities in Kiev to carry the child in their books with all the
titles (Note 15). We have no idea why the general did not follow the
same procedure with Pierre, his first son or with Alexandra. One
possible reason might be that his nephew Vassili had not as yet obtained
recognition of his claims from the Italian and Spanish monarchs.

In 1939, Louis Nicolas, a French citizen was drafted into the army and
reported for service with identification documents purporting him to be
Louis Nicolas Durassow "d'Anjou de France". He was indicted for using a
false name and title and condemned by the court at Nice to a two-year
suspended sentence. He appealed but the court rejected the appeal for a
lack of sufficient justifying evidence. He appealed again,and this time
a judgement by the Nice court of appeals dated 24 November 1942
supported his claim ruling that the child born in Nice on 12 March 1917
was one and the same as he whose birth was registered in Kiev in April
of the same year and that consequently, the data appearing on the
Russian birth certificate including the names and titles of the family
should be added to the birth records of Nice. Thus according to French
law, "Prince" Louis Nicolas "d'Anjou- Durassow" was now perfectly within
his rights to use these titles in France!

Vassili who, after all, had had the original bright idea of capitalizing
on the similarity between his family name of Durassow and Durazzo and
creating a line to the House of Anjou-Durazzo and getting it recognized
by two European monarchs, was not happy with his relatives for
exploiting his efforts. Neither was he taking their mischief lightly. On
24 February 1943, having learned of the Nice Court of Appeal's decision,
he filed an action with prosecutors in Nice and Aix-en-Provence against
his cousin for usurpation of name and titles adding that Louis Nicolas
Durassow had no right to the name d'Anjou nor to the title of prince and
that the emperor of Russia had never conceded nor confirmed them to him
or to Nicolas, his father. There followed a number of court cases. The
13 May 1958 judgement of Aix proscribed Louis Nicolas from using the
name d'Anjou. He lodged an appeal with the supreme court in 1962 but
lost. In May 1959,an article appeared in the Rome magazine "La Tribuna
Illustrata" which referred to "Princess Alexandra d'Anjou Durassow,
princess of Gravina d'Alba and Mount Sant'Angelo", as a descendant of
Charles d'Anjou and thus a pretender, along with several others, to the
throne of France. Vassili asked the magazine to publish his side of the
story, which it did. In his article Vassili stated that "1) He is the
sole representative of the House of Anjou descended from Charles I of
Anjou (1220-1285), King of Naples and Sicily, and that he has no living
relatives; 2) that his only brother Dimitri, a lieutenant in the Russian
Imperial Guard, died a bachelor on 8 March 1919; 3) that in late 1950 he
appealed to the French courts to take action against those in France who
had usurped his name. In particular he cited Louis-Nicolas Durassow,
Alexandra's brother, and the other members of the family who had spread
the rumor of his death in the Second World War; 4) that by judgement
(No.1622/57) of 13 May 1958 the court of appeals of Aix-en-Provence
formally prohibited Louis Nicolas' use of the name d'Anjou, to which
neither he nor his family had any right; 5) that in the same judgement
it is stated that by the use of the name and title of princess of Anjou,
Alexandra has committed illegal acts; 6) that this judgement affirms the
right of the accuser to see to it that his name is not used for illicit
purposes." (Note 16)

The press and the public eventually lost interest in the claims of the
two branches of the Anjou-Durassow until 1982 when it surfaced again
following the publication in Paris of a book entitled "I, Alexis, Great
Grandson of the Tsar" by "H.R.H. Prince Alexis d'Anjou
Romanov-Dolgorouki, Duke of Durazzo". Though the book never made the
best seller list, it was translated into Spanish and its author was
still in the news ten years after its original publication.

Who, one might well ask, is Alexis d'Anjou Romanov-Dolgorouki, Duke of
Durazzo, if Vassili who, as we noted earlier, died a childless bachelor
in 1971 as did his male cousins Pierre and Louis Nicolas? And how did
the Russian princely family of Dolgorouki and by extension the Romanovs
get dragged into this? The answers to these questions, the author tells
us, are to be found in his book. It would seem that Alexis was much
taken by the Summers and Mangold work, "The File on the Tsar" which
attempts to show (inconclusively) that not only did Anastasia escape
from the massacre of the imperial family at the Ipatiev house in 1917,
but also the Tsar's other daughters the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana
and Maria. Alexis strives to show that he is the grandson of Grand
Duchess Maria (Note 17).

The true story originates in Bukavu, Zaire (formerly Costermansville,
Belgian Congo) on 4 May 1946 and not the same date two years later as
the author would like us to believe that he was born.

On the earlier date Beatrice di Fonzo, nineteen year-old Belgian wife of
thirty-two year-old Luxemburger agronomist Victor Alfred August
Brimeyer, gave birth to Alex, Ceslawa, Maurice, Jean Brimeyer. Two days
later, Beatrice's father, Nicolas di Fonzo, an ex-naval officer and
settler in the Belgian Congo brought the birth certificate signed by
Dr.Pieraerts, the physician who delivered the child, to Roger Stocquart,
the civil registrar at Costermansville. The entry in the town's birth
register was witnessed by two people (Note 18).

Two months after Alexis' birth Beatrice divorced Victor Brimeyer and
four years later on 13 September 1950 she married Ferdinand Joseph Oscar
Fabry in England with whom she remained until the latter's death on 29
March 1979. On 6 August 1984 in Martil, province of Tetuan, Morocco she
was to marry "H.S.H. major general A. Bruce Alfonso de Bourbon, Prince
of Condé" whose titles we shall examine later.

We have culled information from a number of Belgian, French and Spanish
newspapers dating from 1966 to 1992 and based on this material we shall
attempt to shed some light on the character and validity of this latest
"Duke of Anjou Durazzo's" titles. Since his mother's latest marriage
these have been expanded to include "H.I. & R.H. Prince Alexis d'Anjou
de Bourbon Condé Romanov Dolgorouki" and most recently "By right of
succesion and the will of the people, Crown Prince of Serbia"!

Alexis denies that Victor Brimeyer was his father. He admits that his
mother Beatrice (now princess Olga Beata) had the misfortune to be
married for the first time to Brimeyer but only very briefly between
June and October 1945 three years before his (alleged) birth which he
gives as 4 May 1948 and not 4 May 1946 as we showed above. He claims
that his mother then married sixty year-old Vassili d'Anjou Durassow on
15 April 1947 and that he is the issue of that marriage a year later.
This second marriage was allegedly annulled and Olga Beata then
allegedly married for the third time "her cousin" Prince Igor Dolgorouki
on 6 September 1948 in the Greek Orthodox Church in Albertville, Belgian
Congo. This supposed marriage was not to last long either because on 7
September 1950 (13 September according to our records) she married
Ferdinand Fabry .

We could speculate why Alexis might not have been proud of his real
father, Victor Brimeyer, but that is hardly germane to the subject. We
imagine that the romantic, practical and materialistic sides of his
complex nature must have developed in close harmony and that he came to
the conclusion early in life that a prestigious name and title would do
much to smooth the way to fame and riches. His first attempt (that we
know) at self-aggrandizement was at the "College Albert et Isabelle" in
Brussels where he registered as "Brimeyer de la Calchuyère". In 1966 at
the "Institut Saint Louis" he registered as "His Serene Highness Prince
Khevenhuller-Abensberg". This title was particularly ill-chosen because
a genuine Princess Khvenhuller lived in Brussels at the time and
threatened him with legal action. When he realized that the game was up
he wrote begging her forgiveness for "a youthful mistake" adding that he
had used the name only to gain access to Belgian society in order to
marry a wealthy woman, and that he had now found a person fitting that
description who was willing to adopt him.

We have no idea who his benefactress might have been but we do know that
he indeed made efforts along those lines. We have a photocopy of a
handwritten letter he wrote to a Princess Galitsine on 24 August 196-
(Note 19) begging her to adopt him. Since he has not added her name to
all the others we assume that she refused. In addition, we note from a
photocopy of an English-language will which appears in his book that he
managed to get himself recognized by the 87-year-old Vassili d'Anjou
Durassow. The document attests that Vassili recognizes him as his only
son and heir by his "former consort Princess Olga Beatricia Dolgorouki"
and cites his date of birth as 4 May 1948. We believe these statements
are false and whether the document was actually signed by Vassili, we
are unable to say. There are, however, no witnesses official or
otherwise to the signature. Further,as we related earlier, the Rome
death records show Vassili to have died a childless bachelor. We also
have before us a photocopy of a letter dated Rome, 6 August 1978 from
Alexander Messoyedoff, representative in Rome of the Union of the
Russian Nobility to Mrs. Olga von Daehm in Lausanne, Switzerland which
states: "I hasten to reply and to let you know that my parents and I
have always known Prince Vassili d'Anjou, Duke of Durassow-Durazzo,
whose title is recognized in Russia and in Spain (Spanish recognition of
31 August 1911 with Grandeza of Spain) (Note 20) for him and his direct
issue and I can certify that at no time has he linked his name with that
of Dolgorouki with which family he has no ties. The Prince d'Anjou died
several years ago in Rome without posterity. There is no way that the
person who claims to be Prince Alexis d'Anjou Durassow Durazzo
Dolgorouki and the godchild of King Carol II of Roumania can be the
direct or indirect descendant of the Anjou-Durazzo family".

Interestingly in 1979, eight years after the demise of Vassili, Alexis,
now living in Spain, contacted the cadet line of the Anjou Durazzos and
managed to gain their support convincing them to sign a statement
recognizing him since the decease of his alleged father (Vassili) ,"as
the only and authentic head of the royal house of Anjou-Durazzo, the
status of which was decreed by King Alfonso XIII of Spain on 31 August
1911." The announcement also pledges the allegiance of the signatories
to Alexis. It is signed by Pierre d'Anjou Durassow, Prince Nicolas Louis
d'Anjou Durassow and Princess Alexandra d'Anjou Durassow. The original
document is written in French but neither witnessed nor notarized. There
is a Spanish translation which carries a certification authentifying the
translator's signature. We found another adoption document reproduced in
the book rather curious. This one is the adoption of Alexis by "Prince
Nicolas Louis d'Anjou Durassow." The paper dated Nice, 1 November 1979
states that "the undersigned Nicolas Louis Durassow, Prince d'Anjou
Durassow, by these presents adopts his well-beloved cousin H.R.H. Don
Alexis Dolgorouki d'Anjou Durazzo, prince d'Anjou Durassow, Duke of
Durazzo, stateless and under the protection of the Spanish state with
identity document N.93.315, born in Bukavu, 4 May 1948, only son of my
deceased Cousin and head of our family Prince Basil d'Anjou Durazzo
Durassow, Duke of Durazzo (1887-1971)." The document concludes that
Louis Nicolas authorizes his adopted son and heir as of the date, to
style himself in Spain using the traditional and complete form of the
name as recognized by King Alfonso XIII: "Durassow d'Anjou-Durazzo". We
shall discuss yet another adoption of Alexis when we take up the
question of the title Bourbon-Condé. Why he had to get himself adopted
by Louis Nicolas after having himself adopted or recognized by old
Vassili, we'll never know. It seems like an awful lot of adoptive
fathers for one single "prince".

In 1969, by means of a passport he obtained from the artificial island
of "Sealand", Alexis metamorphosized into the "Prince Romanov
Dolgorouki". This island had been built by the Royal Navy during the
second World War and was located off the southern coast of England. It
had been used in connection with the Normandy landings in 1944 and after
the war, the Navy decided to get rid of it. A wealthy English gentleman,
Mr.Danyl Stevens (Note 21) who had long had a dream to rule over his own
country bought the island. Subsequently, he sold nobiliary titles to
enterprising individuals each of which came with a passport from the
"Principality of Sealand". It was thus that on 4 June 1969 Alexis obtain
ed passport No.6949 in the name of "His Highness Prince Alexis Romanov
Dolgorouki". Oddly the passport showed neither his place of birth nor
the identity of his royal parents. Apparently this was of no importance
in the "Principality of Sealand". What counted was that the bearer was
presentable, in his early twenties, and carried himself with style. He
spoke French, English, Italian and Spanish but curiously no Russian. It
was this lack of what should have been his native tongue which three
months later aroused the suspicions of Father Jean Maljinowski, a priest
at the avenue Dupré Russian Orthodox Church in Brussels. On 7 September
1969, Alexis called upon Father Jean and asked to be baptized. The
priest was nonplused. How, he asked himself, could a Russian prince of
royal blood have waited until he was twenty three years of age to be
baptized? Further, he did not speak one word of the language of his
illustrious martyred ancestors. The priest, who had never heard of the
island of Sealand, refused to administer the sacrament. Mr. Nicolas
Zouboff and his daughter who were visiting Father Jean, witnessed the
exchange. The "prince" was furious. He apparently needed to obtain a
baptismal certificate in Russian, but the priest was adamant. As he
stormily took his leave, Alexis angrily told him: "You'll see, you'll
soon know who I am!"

Six months were to pass before the prediction came true. Imagine the
good father's surprise when on 22 January 1970 he noticed two obituary
notices in the Brussels evening paper "Le Soir" concerning the same
person. The first was His Highness Prince Nikolai Antonovich Romanov
Dolgorouki and the second immediately below that of Mr. Nicolas di
Fonzo, navy captain. Both were born on the same 23 May 1895 in Russia,
albeit apparently in different towns, and both died on 19 January 1970
in Brussels. First a twenty three year-old Dolgorouki from the island of
Sealand and now another who dies in Brussels, doubled by a naval officer
with the name of di Fonzo. Alexis claimed that di Fonzo was an alias
which Prince Nikolai Dolgorouki used when he escaped from Russia in 1917
and that consequently Beatrice di Fonzo, his mother, is in reality Grand
Duchess Olga Beata Grand Duchess of Russia which is patently false. It
was the first time that the press mentioned what appeared to be a new
princely and imperial dynasty of Romanov-Dolgorouki.

After this, events developed rather quickly. The Princess
Khevenhuller-Abensberg lodged a complaint against Alexis as did Princess
Maria Dolgoroukoff and Prince Alexander Pavlovich Dolgorouki (Note 22).
Their action accused Alex Brimeyer of illegally using the titles of
Prince of Khevenhuller-Abensberg and of Prince Romanov-Dolgorouki as
well as the name Brimeyer-Abensberg with intent to deceive. Amongst the
evidence shown was an alleged certificate of adoption issued by the
principality of Sealand dated 6 August 1969 purporting to show the
alleged "prince Nikolai Antonovich Romanov-Dolgorouki, Count di Fonzo to
have adopted his grandson Alexis born 4 May 1948 in Bukavu, Congo." In
this certificate Alexis' mother is none other than Princess Beatrice
Helene Nikolaevna Romanov Dolgorouki, (also known as Olga Beata Grand
Duchess of Russia) whose second marriage was to one Victor Brimeyer, a
citizen of Luxembourg. Another exhibit presented by the prosecutor as e
vidence was an amateurishly fabricated patent of nobility, allegedly
issued by Emperor Charles V, dated 1546 which ennobled the Brimeyers. A
further exhibit was a decree supposedly signed by Tsar Alexander II
dated 5 February 1860 conferring nobility and the title of "imperial
highness" to a Dolgorouki family. The use of the word "automatically" in
the document proved it to be indisputably false as that word was not in
use in the Russian language in 1860. It would be too long to cite all of
the documents used by the prosecution. In any event, Alexis Brimeyer was
sentenced to eighteen months in jail, but he had, by then, put some
distance between himself and the Belgian authorities and had taken
himself to Greece.

In a letter he wrote to the Belgian prosecutor from Athens, which he
signed: "Imperator Rex", he complained bitterly about the unfairness of
his sentence and informed him haughtily that he was a direct descendant
of among other former reigning monarchs, the emperors of Byzantium,
which might lead one to suspect that in addition to any other tendencies
Alexis suffered from an imperial case of megalomania.

He managed to get the most out of his stay in Athens. At first, the
eighteen month Belgian sentence which hanged over him was the cause of
some concern vis-a-vis the Greek authorities. The passport and
identification document with which he had travelled to Greece, both of
which were in the name of Brimeyer had to be gotten rid of as
expeditiously as possible. An old adage has it that the simplest is
often the best way to solve a problem. Alexis boldly presented himself
to the central police station and reported the theft of his passport and
identity card and requested a temporary identification document until he
was able to obtain a new passport (Note 23). A sympathetic Greek police
official took down the following data which Alexis dictated: Name:
Alexis Romanov Dolgorouki, Nationality: Russian, Citizenship:
Undetermined, Profession: Prince, and handed him a paper which he was
able to use for over ten years to confirm his identity and "prove" his
princely status.

Since his Greek period Alexis has travelled all over Europe avoiding,
naturally enough, the Belgian borders and making contacts and convincing
people of his bonafides in all sorts of milieux from government circles,
the salons of the aristocracy, the cloisters of various Orthodox
churches down to the sewers of bogus chivalric orders (Note 24) out of
which and in conjunction with the sale of fake titles he has been able
to earn a precarious living.

One of his most notable successes was to convince the Metropolitan of
the Carpatho-Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in America,
Archbishop Ambrosij, of his authenticity as a Romanov and a Dolgorouki.
This was to be extremely helpful to him in establishing solid contacts
in the Ukrainian diaspora. Some have said that until recently he has
received a monthly living allowance from these Ukrainian circles, but we
have no way of verifying this.

To summarize Alexis' claims to the titles Duke d'Anjou-Durazzo and
Prince Romanov-Dolgorouki. We can say that for the first, Alexis managed
to obtain a non-certified or notarized combination and statement of
recognition as his natural father and adoption from an 87 year-old
Vassili d'Anjou-Durazzo, whose Roman death certificate states that he
died a childless bachelor. Vassili's own claims to the titles are highly
debatable in themselves historically although they were recognized in
Spain by the late King Alfonso XIII (Note 25) and in Italy by King
Victor Emmanuel III.

So far as the title of Prince Romanov-Dolgorouki is concerned we have
seen how the French and Belgian branches of the Dolgorouki family have
denied that Alexis is in any way related to it adding that his alleged
father prince Nicolas Dolgorouki was executed by the Communists in Kiev
on 26 January 1918. The Belgian court has pronounced in their favor. The
alleged Romanov-Dolgorouki connection is ridiculous as can be seen by a
glance at the genealogical tables of the various families concerned.
Alexis bases this claim on the allegation that his maternal grandmother
was Grand Duchess Maria, one of the four daughters of Tsar Nicolas II
(who, he claims did not perish at the Ipatiev house, but married prince
Nicolas Dolgorouki, who used the alias "di Fonzo" in order to escape
from Russia). The recent identification of the bones of the martyred
imperial family including those of Grand Duchess Maria, Alexis' alleged
grandmother, show once and for all that his claims are nothing more than
evidence of a combination of megalomania and enormous effrontery which
has been convincing enough to hoodwink a rather substantial and
susceptible audience.

There remains another title used by Alexis which needs to be clarified.
This is that of "Prince of Bourbon-Condé". The society column of an
English-language newspaper in late July 1984 announced the forthcoming
union on 6 August 1984 in Martil, Province of Tetuan, Morocco of "H.I.H.
Princess Olga Beatrice Nikolaevna Romanovskaia Dolgoroukaia, Princess of
the Ukraine, Countess di Fonzo with H.S.H. Major General Bruce-Alfonso
de Bourbon, Prince of Condé." Here we clearly recognize Alexis' mother
marrying for the fourth time but the bridegroom is a new character on
the scene. Who is this Serene Highness who, incidentally, following the
wedding adopts Alexis (who, he says,descends from the female line of the
house of Condé) and allows him to add the name of Bourbon-Condé‚ to his
own as well as to succeed him as twelth Prince of Condé of the ancient
kingdom of Navarre? Alfonso also authorized Alexis to use the titles
which have traditionally belonged to the house of Condé, i.e. Duke of
Enghien, Duke of Albret, Prince of Conti and of Laroche-sur-Yon, Count
of Soissons and of Charolais, Count of Dunois, Viscount of Meaux and of
Breteuil and Baron of Alais. The proclamation is written in Spanish. We
shall see that Alfonso is almost as fascinating a character as old
Vassili d'Anjou Durazzo.

Among some of the press clippings we have collected is an article dated
February 1966 in the French magazine "Le Monde et la Vie" signed by
Raymond Loir and titled "For the love of Islam a Bourbon becomes a
Yemeni". According to Loir, the Bourbon in question is one Bruce de
Bourbon-Condé, colonel in the royal Yemeni army, who is also known as
Abderrahman el Kindi. We are told he was born in California and,
according to the same author who seemed to be favorably impressed by
him, "belongs to a branch of the family which settled in California
after the French Revolution of 1789. He has a distinguished record in
WWII and as an airborne infantry captain was parachuted into France and
awarded the Croix de Guerre." He may have developed partial amnesia
because eighteen years later in an interview he gave to a Spanish
magazine in 1984 he related that at the outbreak of the war he
volunteered for the U.S.Army and was immediately commissioned, serving
until the end of the War in the Pacific Theatre of Operations and remai
ned in Japan until the fifties. Nowhere does he mention his
distinguished service in France!

What seems to confirm his service in the Far East is an item by an
unnamed contributor to the July 1985 issue of the French monthly journal
"l'Intermédiaire des Chercheurs et Curieux". He writes that while he was
stationed in Japan from 1946 to 1949 as a member of the French liaison
mission to the Supreme Allied Headquarters, he recalled an American
friend mentioning a fellow American officer Major Bruce-Alfonso de
Bourbon-Condé. His curiosity was aroused and he looked for an
opportunity to meet the personage. Invited to a wedding in Osaka where
he knew that the major would also be a guest, the French liaison officer
made the trip from Tokyo to present his respects to "His Highness". The
confrontation took place among a small group of American friends he had
thoroughly briefed on the Bourbon genealogy. The "prince" was in uniform
but it seems that every accessory that he carried was strewn with
fleurs-de-lys, his handkerchief, his cigarette case, his wallet and
probably his socks and underwear. The liaison officer explained that as
a Frenchman he was indeed honored but somewhat mystified to be
introduced to His Highness, especially since the latter's existence
totally upset his notions of history: the last Condé having, to his
knowledge, ended his days by hanging himself from the hasp of awindow of
the chateau at St.Leu in 1830. The "prince" made no effort to deny it
and said "actually my name is Smith (or Brown or Evans, it makes little
difference) but, to make a long story short, my mother was the niece of
someone who was the daughter-in-law of someone who was the friend of
someone who was the mistress of the last Bourbon-Condé (Note 26) Since
the name is more romantic than Smith, I thought I would take it on.
Naturally, I don't guarantee all of the details of this descent, but I
do guarantee it in its broad lines." (Note 27)

Another French witness, Mr.G. Dardaud, who was impressed by Condé,
states that he met him when the latter was a young Arabic-speaking
professor at the American University in Beirut in the 1950s. The
professor, engrossed by the history of the Middle East, was also a
journalist and wrote serious articles on the countries of the region for
the English-language paper "Daily Star". In 1955, he published a book
entitled "See Lebanon, "a well-researched guide to sixty archaeological
itineraries in the country.

Bruce-Alfonso lived modestly in moorish style among his books in an old
house overlooking the bay of Ain-Mresse. There, he befriended the young
princes of the royal Yemeni family who were studying at the American
University as well as a number of other Arab personalities. The witness
states that Bruce-Alfonso was friendly with the celebrated English
explorer of Saudi Arabia, H. St John Philby, who was at the time an
adviser to the Saudi monarchy and sometime suspected of being a British
MI-6 officer. Bruce did not hide his "princely" origins (Note 28) but
neither did he manifest any royal ambitions except perhaps to play a
role in the modernization of Yemen as a useful adviser to Imam Badr
(Note 29), who succeeded his father Imam Ahmed when he was murdered in
September 1962.

After Egypt's attack on Yemen, Bruce-Alfonso presented himself at Imam
Badr's headquarters and actively joined in the struggle against the
Egyptians and the republican government they had formed in Sanaa. He was
named Minister of Propaganda and Information in the resistance
government of the Imam who had taken to the hills moving from one cave
to another while being bombarded by the Egyptian airforce (Note 30).
After the abdication of the Imam Badr, an exhausted Bruce-Alfonso moved
to Spain for rest and urgent ophtalmic care.

To our knowledge, Bruce-Alfonso has not tried to capitalize on his
alleged ancestry, nor has he sold titles, or so-called orders of
chivalry and he has not done anyone any harm. He strikes us as an
amiable adventurer with some delusions of grandeur, but then who is

We must now return to Alexis because, like a bad penny,he keeps cropping
up on the scene and attracting a certain amount of attention in the
international press.

When we first got wind of his latest involvement we must admit that we
thought he was not responsible but was, rather a victim of
circumstances. We were naive. We shall show how he rigged the whole
thing up through an intermediary.

In early February 1992 in a grotesque contortion of the Yugoslav
political scene, the Spanish conservative daily A.B.C. reported a
Serbian delegation headed by Milan Babic, president of the Autonomous
Serbian Republic of Krajina, a territory in Croatia with a strong
Serbian majority and by Vojislav Seselj, president of the Serbian
Radical Party and commander-in-chief of the Chetnik guerilla forces, was
due to visit Spain momentarily to meet with Alexis d'Anjou, who resides
in Madrid, to offer him the throne of Serbia! The visitors were members
of a Serbian extremist faction.

With the exception of Babic and Seselj the delegation was made up of
lesser figures known for their extreme nationalism and aspirations for
"Great Serbia", or the incorporation to Serbia of all the territories of
the former Yugoslav republic with a Serbian majority. Thus a Serbia
which would include a good part of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
naturally Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. Further, Milan Babic and
Vojslav Seselj oppose the UN peace plan for Yugoslavia and the presence
of the "Blue Berets" in territories with a Serb majority in Croatia.

Rade Atic, publisher of the Yugoslav opposition magazine "ON" and a
member of the delegation, said that the purpose of the visit to Spain
"was to offer the Serbian crown to Alexis d'Anjou" but he refused to say
if the initiative was official or private.

Contacted by the press, Alexis confirmed that he had been in touch for
the last six months with Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic who
favored a restoration of the monarchy. He recognized that there was a
wide difference of opinion between Milosevic, who accepts a UN role, and
Babic, who does not. Milosevic allegedly told Alexis that he would like
to make use of him in some way in an effort to find an honorable "way
out" but that he is, in the final analysis, responsible for the war.

Asked if he was willing to go to Serbia, Alexis wisely replied that
before making up his mind he would have to to know all of the details of
the offer being extended.

To understand the rationale behind these démarches, we must examine the
10 January 1992 "communiqué" issued by the magazine "ON" from which we
quote freely. It states that there has been much well-founded excitement
generated in Serbian circles in the last few weeks on the subject of
"Prince Alexis II Nemanitch Romanov Dolgorouki, Grand Master of the
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem" (Note 31). Well-founded because
"Prince Alexis is undoubtedly the descendant of the glorious Serbian
Tsar as well as of the famous royal family Nemanitch". It seems that
"Mr.Rade Atic and Mr.Borivoje Borovic, after two months of research
which included the examination of many documents, genealogical tables
and correspondence, had come to the irrevocable conclusion that Prince
Alexis II is the descendant of glorious Hrebeljanovic Nemanitch and
great grandson of Nikolaj II Tsar of Russia." It continues "that Prince
Alexis II is the son of Prince Vassili d'Anjou", adding that the Anjou
family, of French, origin had ruled a number of countries of central and
eastern Europe. "The Serbian connection comes through two marriages. The
first, was that of Jelisaveta, daughter of Dragutin Nemanitch, with
Etien Kotormanic. Their grand daughter, also named Jelisaveta, married
Louis I d'Anjou, King of Hungary. The father of Prince Alexis II is a
direct descendant of that marriage. The other connection comes through
the great grandmother of Prince Alexis II, Princess Cleopatra Dabic
Kotromanic, who was the descendant of Prince John, married to Maria,
daughter of Tsar Lazar." So much for the genealogy.

Skipping ahead, we learn that "many Serbs want" Prince Alexis II to
accept the crown and that Serbia will soon become a monarchy. Prince
Alexis II, however "will accept only under the condition that it
reflects the will of all Serbian people including the Serbs who are now
in Bosnia, Croatia,Slovenia etc." Not long ago Messrs. Atic and Borovic
contacted the Russian embassy in Belgrade with the request to open the
appropriate archives in order to obtain a final solution to the 75
year-old mystery of the death of the Russian imperial family. Why, you
may ask,did this initiative originate in Serbia? The reason is that
Prince Alexis II wants to help the Serbian people with a part of the
huge Romanov fortune(sic?). Thus his Consuls (Rade Atic and Borivoje
Borovic) contacted the Belgrade City Assembly with a request to return
part of the treasure of the Romanov family (case of Mrs. Vera
Parahomenko) which is still in the possession of the City through a
certain bank as well as other goods and fineries of the Romanov family
which are now in the former Yugoslavia." (Note 32)

The interesting communiqué goes on to speculate that a part of the
Romanov treasure is located in the catacombs of Bukovar!

Finally, we learn that Prince Alexis has written to the President of the
Turkish Republic, Mr.Turgut Ozal, through the Turkish ambassador in
Belgrade, requesting the return of the head of Tsar Lazar and Milos
Obilic buried under the feet of the Turkish Sultan Murad. A "high-level"
Serbian delegation will be the guest of the Turkish authorities later
this year (1992) to discuss the opening of Sultan Murad's tomb after six
hundred years. This "historical mission" will be joined by the prince's
personal counsellors, Mr. Alain Mesl and Mrs. Mirjana Zelen, as well as
"Serbian Consuls Rade Atic and Borivoje Borovic".

To get back to the Serbian delegation's visit to Spain, we take up the
Spanish paper A.B.C. again to learn that Alexis solemnly accepted the
crown of Serbia and in his acceptance speech made an allusion to God and
referred to a "Great Serbia" which would include all the territories of
the former Republic of Yugoslavia. At the same time he inducted Messrs.
Atic and Borovic as knights in his "Orthodox Order of St.John of
Jerusalem" (Note 33). He also stated that his heart bleeds for the
suffering of the Serbian people and made reference to several of his
ancestors among which were the Serbian Nemanitchs, Serbian Tsar Lazar
his great grandfather twice removed and Tsar Nicholas of Russia his gre
at grandfather. He promised to undertake to assume his obligations as
"Prestolonaslednik and Great Voivod of Greater Serbia and of all Serbian
lands." The Spanish paper concluded that Alexis in reality is accepting
the crown of a huge nonexistant Serbia whose borders he claims were
those of 1918.

Mr.Vojislav Selsej, commander of the Serbian guerilla forces and leader
of the delegation which visited Alexis in Spain, gave a very revealing
interview to A.B.C. He was asked what his plans were with respect to the
restoration of the monarchy upon his return to Belgrade. The first
thing, he said, would be to try to bring back the head of Tsar Lazar,
Alexis d'Anjou's ancestor, which is buried in Turkey, and then join it
to the rest of the body which is buried in Serbia. "If Alexis is able to
accomplish this, you can be sure that he will be King of Serbia." He was
asked how much popularity Alexis d'Anjou enjoyed in Serbia. "It seems
that he is quite popular now, but up until a few months ago no one knew
anything about him. However, since Mr.Atic began featuring articles
about him in his magazines, the people have come around. The people want
a Tsar and we dont like Alexander Karageorgevic (Note 34) or Nicholas
Petrovich" (Note 35). The reporter followed up on the question and asked
whether he had understood correctly that he and Mr. Babic had only
learned about the existence of Alexis d'Anjou through the magazine "ON".
Babic confirmed it and said this was the first occcasion they had had to
meet personally with Alexis,except for Mr. Atic who had met with him
twice before in Geneva. It also surfaced that Mr. Atic had first heard
about Alexis in November 1991. Asked to explain the circumstances, he
said that an adviser to Alexis, Mrs. Mirjana Zelen, a Serbian lady
living in Paris had called him. and made the introduction .The reporter
told Babic that ABC had published proofs showing that Alexis d'Anjou's
claims are false and asked if this was of no concern to them, Seselj
replied: "even if Alexis d'Anjou does not descend from the Russian Tsars
he could still be king because he is of royal blood." Not letting go,
the reporter pressed on saying that ABC's proofs clearly showed that
Alexis had no more royal blood than either of them. Seselj was
dumbfounded. As incredible as it may seem he had never considered the
possibility that everything was not as it seemed!!

We started absolving Alexis of any responsibility in this latest episode
of his eventful life, but we were wrong and it was through Mrs.Mirja
Zelen, his contact in Paris, that he was indeed behind the Yugoslav

We end this paper by citing a communiqué from the European Monarchist
Association which states:

Following various news items which appeared indivers media including
Spanish Radio and Television over the alleged restoration of the
monarchy in Serbia in the person of one "Alexis d'Anjou de Bourbon Condé
Romanov Dolgorouki", the European Monarchist Association wishes to make
the following statement:

(1) The real name of this alleged prince is Alex Brimeyer, born in
Costermansville, Zaire.

(2) He has no historical or dynastic right to any of the titles he has

(3) His long career has resulted in his being sentenced in several
countries as a fraud and embezzler most recently in Madrid on 20 October

FINAL NOTE: Mr. Brimeyer died in Madrid in early March 1995.


1.There are two Naudorff branches claiming to be descended from Louis
XVII son of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. The elder or French branch
is headed by Hugh, son of Charles Edmond, Count of Poitiers by the
latter's second wife Renée Paulette Divoux and the cadet or Dutch line
now residing in Canada and headed by Charles-Louis, Duke of Berri. Each
branch has a few loyal followers.
2.He claimed the title of Anjou in keeping with his pretensions to the
French throne. The title Duke of Segovia was bestowed on him by his
father King Alfonso XIII.

3.French "legitimist" monarchists support as head of the House of France
and pretender to the throne the senior line of the House of Bourbon in
the person of Louis XX Alfonso, b. 1974, Duke of Anjou 1979. French
"Orléanist" monarchists support as head of the House of Bourbon-Orléans
and pretender to the throne of France, Henri, Count of Paris.

4.The children of the King of Spain are "infantes" of Spain as are the
children of the King's eldest son.

5.Enrique became involved in a plot against the monarchy which
originated in the province of Galicia. Apprehended, he divulged the
names of his co-conspirators who were executed. ("Les Secrets du Gotha",
Christian de Diesbach)

6.All Spanish dukes are ipso facto "Grandes de España".

7.France at the time was under the Republican régime of the Third

8.Though a valiant military officer he was highly susceptible to
flattery and came under the influence of a coterie of self-serving

9.There are two French houses of Anjou. The first, which was founded by
King Louis VIII which had two lines one which produced Charles I & II,
Kings of Naples and was extinguished in 1414 and the other which
produced the Kings of Hungary which was extinguished in 1382. The second
House of Anjou originated in the Valois dynasty with Charles, Count of
Valois and Anjou and extinguished itself in 1482.

10.See "Les Grandes Familles de Grèce, de l'Albanie et de
Constantinople", Michel Sturdza, Paris 1983

11.This is the cadet line of the first House of Anjou of France.

12.These titles are: Prince of Anjou-Durassow, Chief of the royal house
of Anjou-Durazzo of Naples, Royal Prince of Anjou, Count of Gravina of
Alba, Lord of the Honour of Mount Sant'Angelo.

13.Count Raoul de Warren, "Les Prétendants au Trone de France"

14.Serious genealogists have expressed strong reservations on the
validity of genealogies confirmed by the Spanish Chroniclers of Arms and
English College of Arms in the XIXth and XXth centuries and some abuses
have been noted as recently as 1992.

15.The Russian birth certificate is virtually a verbatim translation of
the Spanish recognition granted to Vassili.

16.In 1942 Louis-Nicolas decided to revive the "Ordre du Saint Esprit du
droit désir" founded and extinguished in 1352 by King Louis I and his
wife Jeanne. He named himself its Grand Master and the order attracted
some attention in the French press.

17.Alexis' story is academic now that Russian and American forensic
authorities have found the bones of nine (including those of Grand
Duchess Maria) of the eleven executed at the Ipatiev house by the
Bolcheviks and are currently genetically testing them and comparing them
with samples of hair belonging to members of the family.

18.Désiré Laurent and Hermann Gabriel Hontheim.

19.The quality of the photocopy is bad and the last digit of the date is
not visible.

20.A foreign ducal title recognized for use in Spain does not
automatically confer a Spanish Grandeza as it does for all Spanish ducal

21.There is some question as to who first bought the island, Mr. Stevens
or Mr. Roy Bates. Be that as it may, in 1969 Mr. Stevens was the
individual who was dispensing titles and passports.

22.We have a photocopy of a handwritten statement from Warvara
Dolgorouki dated Rome, 8 August 1978 which states: As the daughter of
Prince Alexander Dolgorouki, Grand Marshall of the Russian Imperial
Court and of Countess Olga Shouvaloff, I am able to state that there
never has been any link between my family and that of Durassow and
especially with Vassili Durassow "Prince d'Anjou-Durazzo" who, in fact,
I have never met. Therefore it follows that the so-called "Prince
d'Anjou" has no right to the name or title of the princes Dolgorouki.

23.We assume that it was his Luxemourg passport showing him to be Alexis
Brimeyer which he claimed to have lost and that he presented the Sealand
passport in order to obtain the Greek identity document but we have not
been able to establish this.

24.Alexis' career in bogus orders of chivalry especially those which
invoke St.John, and the sale of worthless "titles of nobility" thrived
until his death in the spring of 1995.

25.The late Count Zeiniger de Borja, a confidant of King Alfonso XIII
stated that the King had told him after the fact, that he had been
misled by Vassili's claims but that once he had approved, he could not
go back on his word.(See column 358 in April 1983 issue of
"l'Intermédiaire des Chercheurs et des Curieux" by Hervé Pinoteau.)

26.There are several female descendants in the illegitimate line of this
family but there are no males.

27.Using this procedure it is possible to trace any genealogy back to
Adam and Eve, to the prophet Mohammed or to anyone else.

28.He actually claimed to descend from the female line of the House of
Condé as a direct descendant of the fifth generation of Louis-Joseph de
Bourbon-Condé (1736-1818) who married Cobera Desant, Lady Strudwick, and
had a son Edmond de Bourbon-Condé (1759-1814) recognised by his father
as "Count de Clermont" and thus was half brother of Louis Henri de
Condé, father of the Duke d' Enghien. Edmond's children, according to
bruce, settled in California in 1830 and had issue. He claims to have
obtained confirmation of his name Bourbon-Condé from a ruling by the
U.S. Supreme Court dated 29 June 1939. No historian of any reputation
has heard of Lady Strudwick or of her alleged son Edmond. The family
died out in 1830. (Cited from "Les Prétendants au Trone de France" by Co
unt Raoul de Warren, {Paris 1990}.

29.In an interview given to a Spanish magazine, Bruce-Alfonso stated
that he had first met Imam Badr while a mercenray soldier in Angola.

30.Imam Badr's forces were supported by a contingent of French
mercenaries under the legendary Bob Denard. These men were extremely
suspicious of Condé whom they considered to be a fraud and possibly an
intelligence agent.

31.A notorious false order of Saint John.

32.There have been many claims to a huge Romanov family fortune in the
Bank of England. We were not aware of any Romanov fortune in Yugoslavia
and it is rather piquant that Alexis should want to turn a part of it,
if it exists, to the Serbs. Alexis at one time when he was playing his
Ukrainian role promised to return a substantial portion of the Romanov
treasure to "his subjects in the Ukraine".

33.The official name of his order in Spain is "Military and Hospitaller
Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, O.S.J., Sovereign Ecumenical Order of
Rhodes and Malta." Unoficially it is known as the "Ecumenical Order of
Malta" and is totally bogus.

34.Son of and successor to the last reigning King of Yugoslavia, Peter

35.Son of and successor to the last reigning King of Montenegro,
Nicholas I.

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Last updated at 10:39 PM on 16/04/96
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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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