-Caveat Lector-

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Survivor of Nazi Experiments Says $8,000 Isn't Enough by Steven Greenhouse 11/19/03 ed: November 19, 2003 "The medical experiments that Simon Rozenkier says he saw and experienced in Nazi concentration camps strain the imagination." "This year, Mr. Rozenkier filed a lawsuit accusing two German pharmaceutical giants, Bayer and Schering, of providing experts and drugs to Dr. Mengele and other Nazi doctors for sterilizations....His lawsuit, in Federal District Court in Newark, has created a legal and diplomatic tempest because the German government and German companies insist that there is no place for such litigation now. They point to a 2000 agreement between the United States and Germany that created a $5 billion fund to compensate Nazi slave laborers and victims of medical experiments. German officials and companies say the fund was created partly to prevent lawsuits like Mr. Rozenkier's, which are difficult to litigate and which embarrass the Germans with details about past Nazi horrors." http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/19/nyregion/19SURV.html

Vermont Catholic diocese settles another lawsuit 11/23/03 Rutland, Vt. "Vermont's Catholic Church has settled a second lawsuit accusing its priests of child sexual abuse. The Diocese of Burlington will pay Ronald Ploof, a 44-year-old Colchester man, an undisclosed sum in return for his dropping a court case against it." " http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2003/11/23/vermont_catholic_diocese_settles_another_lawsuit/

2nd Circuit Rules Statutory Rape a 'Crime of Violence' Kellie A. Wagner The Connecticut Law Tribune 11-24-03 "A person convicted of statutory rape is considered to have committed a crime of violence even if the perpetrator did not actually physically harm the victim, a three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled." http://www.law.com/jsp/printerfriendly.jsp?c=LawArticle&t=PrinterFriendlyArticle&cid=1069170401061
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