On Saturday, November 29, 2003, at 03:09 AM, William Shannon wrote:


Bush and the Nazis: New Documents
Herbert Parmet,  November 26, 2003

The link for Anton Chaitkin in the article above turns up this interesting recent letter to the History News Network site:


EDITOR'S NOTE: We received the following email from Mr. Chaitkin on Nov. 13, 2003.

I co-authored {George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography}, published 1992, the definitive story of the Bush family's relations with the financing of Hitler and the Nazi war machine. I wrote that account based in part upon the work of my father, Jacob Chaitkin, the legal cousel and strategist for the Boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress.
I am history editor of Executive Intelligence Review, the weekly 72-page magazine associated with the political movement of Lyndon LaRouche.
In the "Bush / Nazis" field at present, you are operating in the following geometry. We, and those working with us, are acting to bust up the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Ashcroft-Wolfowitz cabal, aiming for the immediate ouster of Cheney. This fight is now at the stage of an absolute showdown, with a potential nuclear war the possible outcome if we do not break these lunatics right away. IN THIS SITUATION, some people are reviving the Bush / Nazis story in order to deflect attention from the political struggle now underway. For example, as you know, former President Bush ("41") has been acting in what strikes many as strange ways recently, evidently trying to restrain Junior from going over the abyss with Cheney. Thus, the story - which I put into the political mainstream in 1992 is only now being trotted out, for NOT necessarily good purposes.
For example, John Loftus, who did almost no original research, is now being hyped as the big source for the Bush-Nazis story; Loftus was recently at a war-crazies' "summit" in Israel with Richard Pearl et. al., promoting a new set of wars. [*]
A test of the sincerity of any new promotion of this story, would be whether the promoters actually get in touch with me, now. Here is my phone number - XXXX. Please give me a call -- I'd be pleased to talk with you, and assist you in any way that I can.
By the way, you can access the entire Unauthorized Biography, on many different websites. Just put my name and Bush into a search engine.
Yours truly,
Anton Chaitkin
Executive Intelligence Review
60 Sycolin Road, Leesburg, VA 20175

[* http://www.jerusalemsummit.org/eng/summit.php]

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