-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 12/14/2003 8:44:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Mission accomplished, so whatâs next?  Any student of history knows all too well that the U.S. involvement into Iraq will not be temporary or that the boys wonât be coming home anytime soon.
Since tribal allegiences were all that Saddam had left (the constant reference to Sunni as being his supporters is nuts), his capture means nothing except a few photo ops.  Our troops will be in Iraq and under attack forever.  Immediately after our invasion of Iraq, the Iraqi really thought we had come to free them.  It was a short time later when our troops started disciplining them for minor protesting, that they began to have doubts and finally they began to have experiences that required them to seek vengence.  The blood feud is alive and well and living throughout the nations of the Middle East.  Now that we have adopted the Israeli methods there will be no end to it.  Our troops will likely be sent there with short trips back to the States until they are dead or injured so badly they are of no further use to the military.  Of course it will be just fine, since all the comfortably ensconced conservatives  will be here or in Qattar "supporting" them.   The Israeli will be very pleased to share the actions of the various "terrorists" with us.  Prudy     
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