-Caveat Lector- http://www.joevialls.co.uk/subliminalsuggestion/whatshisname.html

America Commits Suicide in Iraq
They should have left bearded whatshisname in the hole

Copyright Joe Vialls, 20 December 2003

Everyone knows that when police officers pick up a suspect, the last thing on their minds is running a complex two-day DNA test to check his ancestry, or to see whether suspect whatshisname might allegedly be predisposed to Alzheimerâs or some other quasi-medical horror. Of course not! If there is the slightest doubt about identity, police officers fingerprint whatshisname, and then compare those prints with incriminating prints from various different crime scenes. Get sufficient identical characteristics or âpointsâ with fingerprinting, and you have the perfect match.
In the case of the real President Saddam Hussein this would be simplicity itself, because perfect copies of the Iraqi Leaderâs thumb prints are scattered liberally across Baghdad, and are also held in the safes of one German and two British companies, including the Morris Singer Foundry. During 1986 Morris Singer was part of a German-led consortium, which cast the bronze arms for Saddam Hussein's enormous Hands of Victory Arch in Baghdad. We will return to this fascinating story later.
Unfortunately, fingerprints would have proved the complete undoing of the recent Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld mega-scam in Tikrit, which relied primarily on âsmoke and mirrorsâ to convince a very skeptical world population that America was really winning the war in Iraq, meaning in turn that all countries opposed to Americaâs illegal invasion should now get on board, and start throwing some heavy cash in the general direction of Washington, DC.

The second purpose of the Tikrit mega-scam was to psychologically undermine the Iraqi people, which was carefully arranged by ensuring that whatshisname crawled out of his hole in the ground without firing a shot, and then meekly submitted to intimate personal handling by a heavyweight skinhead American doctor. They teach this basic crap in Psych 101, and the underlying message for the Iraqis was, âWhat kind of leader hides in a hole during the heat of battle, and refuses to put up a fight?â Almost without realizing it, the reader is drawn inexorably backwards in time to September 11, 2001, when President George W. Bush scuttled down into a deep âspider holeâ beneath Offutt AFB in Nebraska, and sat there sucking his thumb until the âAll Clearâ was sounded. George had a much bigger [fully air conditioned] spider hole of course, with the extra space needed to accommodate his grossly inflated ego.
At the tertiary level, the Tikrit mega-scam severely damaged the American Democrats, who were left with nothing constructive to say in the run-up to the presidential elections. There is no doubt that Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld thought they were killing three birds with one stone, but these academic retards were evidently looking north from Baghdad towards Tikrit when they hatched the plan, and forgot to look in their rear view mirrors. Had they bothered to do so, whatshisname would have been hurriedly buried again forever, with a giant D9 bulldozer blade

The population of Iraq is almost evenly split between Sunni Muslims in the north of the country, generally controlled by the Baath Party, and Shiâite Muslims in the south, who are heavily influenced and thus motivated by Shiâite clerics. It was the southern Shiâites who were approached by the CIA during late 1990 and early 1991, with a request that they âRise up against Saddamâ, who, the CIA assured them, âwas severely weakened by the Gulf War.â The nice folk from Langley also offered the hapless Shiâites limitless quantities of hard cash, weapons, ammunition, Coca-Cola and Big Macs.
Quite why the Shiâites chose to believe the CIA with its obvious Mossad connections, we may never know, but they took up their Ak-47s and RPGs and headed north anyway, slaughtering everything in sight that looked even remotely like a Sunni Muslim. President Hussein was not best pleased, and sent about three Republican Guard tank divisions to meet the Shiâites head-on. Though actual numbers are still elusive, it is widely believed that between 15,000 and 20,000 Shiâites were killed in less than one month.
The Shiâites desperately tried to contact their new friends at the CIA for air support, ammo, and all the others things Langley had promised by the ton, but sadly all they got was an answering machine. Apparently the spooks were away on vacation in Florida, and in no mood to be disturbed by a bunch of âAyrabsâ they had forgotten weeks earlier. Put another way, in the finest traditions of the American Intelligence Community, the CIA had backed out of the deal.
And so it was that in less than a calendar month, the Shiâite Muslims of southern Iraq learned two very powerful emotions. First was acute fear of Saddam Hussein, and second was acute hatred of the CIA and all Americans in general. In order to understand the monumental cock-up that Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld have just made with the Tikrit mega-scam, it is vital to understand the difference between these two emotions, and the implications that flow from them.
The only thing stopping southern Iraqi Shiâites from killing the American invaders, was fear that when the U.S. was eventually driven out of Iraq, Saddam would again crush them as he did back in 1991. But by âCapturing Saddamâ the Americans have removed that fear, thus inviting Moqtada al-Sadr to open a southern front against the invaders.
This is where the hatred comes into play. Not only do the Shiâites blame America for getting fifteen to twenty thousand of them killed back in 1991, they also rightfully blame America for their thousands of citizens killed and horribly maimed by fragmentation weapons, since the illegal invasion started earlier this year. Every Shiâite male in southern Iraq wants a piece or several pieces of a U.S. soldier, and with Saddam Hussein now âin captivityâ, they are no longer inhibited in their actions. The Shiâites feared Saddam, but they certainly do not fear Americans, who they collectively and disdainfully regard as undisciplined rabble.

The bottom line is that Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld have taken the brakes off a giant million-man Shiâite war machine called the Mehdi Army, and all Moqtada al-Sadr has to do now to start it rolling, is turn the ignition key. Remember, the Shiâite Mehdi Army brackets all American exfiltration routes south towards Kuwait, which is the only way out for 110,000+ American servicemen.
Exactly when Moqtada al-Sadr will pounce is hard to say. He may start attacking convoys within weeks, or he might take the view that it would be better to wait a few months and let the northern Sunni counter-insurgency teams further weaken American military resolve. Either way, Moqtada al-Sadr gets the pick of all American convoys trying to leave Iraq in a hurry, which to borrow an old military term, means an incredibly âtarget rich environmentâ. Do you remember the awesome devastation on the âHighways of Deathâ leading out of Kuwait during Gulf War One? Just like that, but substitute American bodies for the Iraqi bodies you saw there thirteen years ago.
About the only way this mayhem might be stopped, would be to allow whatshisname to escape from custody at Baghdad Airport, before the Russians, French, Germans [and other defrauded âdonorâ nations] demand that he be publicly fingerprinted in open court, by a team of impartial forensic experts using simple fifty-dollar fingerprint kits. The âescapeâ would have to be convincing, i.e. very dramatic and faithfully recorded on video, with whatshisname diving fearlessly across impossibly high sand dunes, amid the noisy clatter and multiple red streaks of American tracer bullets.
On their current track record the he Hollywood producers of the exciting docu-drama âSpider Hole in Tikritâ should be able to manage this with ease, and the new film might have the effect of inhibiting the Shiâites all over again, thereby possibly delaying or stopping the upcoming and very unpleasant 2003 rerun of the 1968 Tet Offensive.

Rumsfeld claimed at a press conference on Tuesday 16th December that DNA tests have confirmed that the man who crawled out of the Tikrit spider hole is Saddam: "I guess you'd call it proofâ, he said. âI think it's probably 99-point something per cent proof positive.â This claim is absurd, because even if you accept that DNA testing might be valid under certain limited circumstances, a proper comparison takes upwards of two whole days in a fully equipped laboratory.
The first White House claim of a âSaddam Hussein DNA matchâ was made less than twelve hours after whatshisname was taken into custody, which is absolutely impossible, but that no longer matters one way or the other. Just a few months ago, startled scientists in New Zealand discovered that completely unrelated people on the North and South Islands had âidenticalâ DNA, which finally finished off frantic claims that DNA is the new âMagic Bulletâ of forensic detection.
Fingerprints are quite different, because they are absolutely unique to each and every individual on the face of the earth. Sharon Pink, CEO of British Foundry Company Morris Singer, certainly recognized this fact when she watched American tanks rolling under the Victory Arch in Baghdad on television. âThe foundry director remembered that we had Saddam's thumbprint in the safe. I knew they had Saddam's DNA but still wondered if we should alert the Government to ask if the security services wanted the thumbprint for identification.''
At that time, several months ago, British Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed. In a letter he thanks Sharon Pink for her "unusual offer of the thumbprint of Saddam Hussein", and reveals that Foreign Office officials have passed the information on to Christopher Segar, the head of the British Office in Baghdad. Sharon says she's moved the thumbprint out of the foundry for safekeeping, and is waiting to hear if the Foreign Office is interested. Other silicone copies of the 1986 thumbprint are also held in Germany.
The Americans and British are now so desperate to perpetuate their Saddam whatshisname myth, it seems likely that the security services will grab these silicone copies and destroy them as quickly as possible, but this need not defeat those determined to identify whatshisname at any forthcoming war crimes show trial. All that needs to be done is send a âbrass rubbingâ expert up one of the arms of the Victory Arch, armed with a four square meter piece of paper and some sticks of charcoal. He should take a rubbing of Saddamâs giant thumbprint, and then reduce it photographically to life size. Perfect!
A request here for Iraqi counter-insurgency teams: If you should see an academic-looking boffin climbing up your war memorial with a giant sheet of paper and sticks of charcoal, please leave him alone, because he is working in the best interests of Iraqi national security. However, if you should see a bunch of Americans attempting the same climb armed with heavy-duty angle-grinders, they will be members of the CIA attempting to destroy the evidence, and should therefore be shot immediately by your snipers. Please remember to use special frangible ammo, which will literally tear the spooks to ribbons, but is incapable of damaging the priceless bronze thumbprint needed for identification purposes. Thank you

Just in case a couple of 2,000# laser-guided American bombs should suddenly appear out of nowhere one dark night and destroy the Victory Arch, there are a further six of Saddam Husseinâs exact thumbprints scattered across Iraq, though I feel sure you will understand that for security reasons I am not prepared to reveal the locations of all of them. One other obvious example is located in the reflective pool of the Umm al-Ma'arik mosque shown above, a stunningly beautiful war monument to the âMother of all Battlesâ. President Saddam Husseinâs thumbprint here is a giant 24-foot wide mosaic, easily large enough to be photographed from the air, which makes reduction for identification purposes even easier.
At the beginning of this report, you were deliberately led to believe that that the actions of Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld regarding the Tikrit mega-scam, were those of simple academic fools with no combat experience; in other words three political dummies with insufficient military analytical skills to recognize the deadly dangers that âSaddamâs Captureâ would pose for more than one-hundred-thousand American troops, effectively marooned in Iraq by Moqtada al-Sadrâs vengeful million-man Shiâite Mehdi Army. Sadly, available hard evidence indicates this is the flip-side of the real truth.
After the top-secret American âRed Dawnâ teams had already left their bases for Tikrit, and only two hours before whatshisname was ceremonially dragged out of his spider hole, I posted a report on the Internet called âFortress Americas â Ben Gurionâs One True Zionâ, which, for the first time ever, publicly revealed highly-classified eyes-only Zionist plans to overrun and conquer the Americas.
Part of this Fortress planning calls for the â biological crippling of at least fifty-percent of active-service United States military unitsâ, in order to undermine U.S. military resistance, and for the same reason calls for the bulk of remaining American military personnel to be decoyed away from the United States, on the basis of a falsely-generated âTerrorist Emergencyâ in the eastern hemisphere.

Now think about this people, think about it very carefully. Dick Cheney, leader of the Tikrit mega-scam trio, has been an obsequious Zionist doormat for more than two decades, and as Vice President of the United States of America he also has direct access to all strategic and tactical data on Iraq, as do Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld.
It is therefore impossible to believe that these three conspirators could have been unaware of the deadly danger posed by Moqtada al-Sadrâs vengeful million-man Shiâite Mehdi Army, which has the easy ability to cut large chunks of the American military in Iraq to bloody ribbons, thereby severely âundermining U.S. military resistanceâ to the Zionist conquest of the Americas.
Put simply, the U.S. political leadership is deliberately undermining the U.S. military, in order to assist in the subordination and partial destruction of the American people.

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