-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector-
Here is the study I've made today, trying to enlighten myself on what really happened at Hiroshima & Nagasaki and to see what's the connection between those events and what happened 4 years earlier at Pearl Harbor.
Many of you might dream these things, still a remember won't offend anybody, I hope.
Here is a link where at I preliminary studied the topic and which contains the chronological events since 1945 March 25  to  1945 September 9.

Here is the link where from where I've drawn the latest conclusions:
I extracted the most important paragraphs for two main reasons:
- to shorten it for the ones who don't have time to read the whole article


- because it is full of spicy details which uselessly makes it look biased against the American side. 
Here are the main ideas of the article:
<<World War approached, the U.S. began to see Japan as a potential rival
in the Pacific, a power that threatened to close the door on U.S. influence.>>
<<Whereas the U.S. justified its imperial policies with references to "democracy"
and "freedom," Japanese officials spoke of "building a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
Sphere" and liberating Asians from "American and British imperialism."
Like the U.S. in the Philippines, such rhetoric covered a policy of brutal colonialism.>>>
<<<In the buildup to war, the U.S. engaged in a series of actions designed to draw
Japan into attacking it. This was necessary, U.S. officials felt, because opinion
polls in 1940 still showed that a majority of Americans were opposed to direct U.S.
involvement in the European war.>>>
<<<Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the
Office of Naval Intelligence, the man in charge of routing communications
intelligence to Roosevelt between early 1940 and the Pearl Harbor attack,
wrote a memorandum in October 1940, advocating eight actions designed to
provoke a Japanese attack.>>>
<<<Roosevelt remarked,
"I just want them to keep popping up here and there and keep the Japs guessing."
The day after McCollum's memo, Roosevelt was quoted as saying, "Sooner or later
the Japanese would commit an overt act against the United States and the nation
would be willing to enter the war.">>>>
<<<Events unfolded as scripted, the U.S. tightening the screws by degrees on Japan.
In July 1940, Roosevelt cut off the supply of oil, scrap iron, and aviation gasoline
to Japan; however, it allowed Japan to purchase enough oil from U.S. suppliers to keep
its military operations running.>>>
<<<In spite of the risk involved, however, in letting the Japanese fire the first
shot, we realized that in order to have the full support of the American people
it was desirable to make sure that the Japanese be the ones to do this so that
there should remain no doubt in anyone's minds as to who were the aggressors.>>>
<<<British Minister of Production Oliver Littleton was more abrupt in his assessment:
"Japan was provoked into attacking Pearl Harbor. It is a travesty on history even
to say that America was forced into the war.">>>
<<<The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor, U.S. officials not only maneuvered Japan
to attack, but knew that the attack was coming at Pearl Harbor. McCollum, the
intelligence officer who had devised the plan to provoke Japan into attacking
the U.S., dismissed as "rumor" a January 1941 report from the third secretary
of the U.S. embassy in Tokyo that he had received information from a reliable
Peruvian minister that "Japanese military forces were planning, in the event
of trouble with the United States, to attempt a surprise mass attack on Pearl Harbor
using all their military resources.">>>
<<<More importantly, U.S. naval intelligence had not only broken Japan's
"purple code" used to transmit diplomatic messages, but also had cracked the code
used by the Japanese navy to transmit radio messages, according to Stinnett's research.
Assistant Chief of Naval Operations Rear Admiral Robert Ingersoll wrote a letter on October 4, 1940, to the U.S. Navy's two Pacific commanders explaining, "Every major movement of the Orange (America's code name for Japan) Fleet has been predicted.">>>
<<<Records of U.S. Naval Intelligence Station H indicate that the commander of the
Japanese attack, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, dispatched 13 radio messages, none of
which has been released to the National Archive, November 24-26, when Japan's fleet
was heading toward Hawaii.>>>
<<<After December 7, a wave of racist hysteria swept the United States.>>>
<<<On February 19, 1941, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing
the removal and internment of persons of Japanese ancestry living on the U.S. West Coast.>>>
<<<General John De Witt of the Western Defense Command, the man in charge of
implementing this order, referred to Japanese as an "enemy race." He told a congressional committee that "we must worry about the Japanese all the time until he is wiped off the map">>>
<<<From the moment the atomic bombs were dropped, U.S. officials began justifying
their action on two grounds: as retaliation for Pearl Harbor, and because the bombings
"saved American lives."
Truman's first official statement after Hiroshima read in part, "The Japanese
began the war from the air at Pearl Harbor. They have been repaid many fold.">>>
<<<In later years, Truman was fond of citing the "fact" that had the U.S.
not dropped the atomic bomb, "half a million" American troops WOULD HAVE DIED
in the planned land invasion of Japan.>>>
<<<Japan's cities were devastated, its people were demoralized, and its soldiers
no longer had the capacity or will to fight. Japan had even made indirect overtures
to the U.S. to discuss the possibility of surrender-rebuffed by Truman, who demanded
"unconditional surrender.">>>
<<<Dropping the bomb, then, had nothing to do with "saving lives"-a perverse notion in any case.>>>
<<<Then what was the purpose of unleashing this death and destruction? It was about demonstrating to U.S. allies and rivals, in particular RUSSIA, the other key victor of the war, who would be top boss in the postwar world. With the atomic bomb, the U.S. no longer needed Russia to open a second front with Japan. In one stroke, the U.S. was able to keep Russia out and show the world the effects of its new weapon.>>>
<<<In mid-May, Stimson had a long conversation with Assistant Secretary of War John McCloy about how to "deal with Russia." Stimson said it was a time to let our actions speak for words. The Russians will understand them better than anything else. It is a case where we have got to regain the lead and perhaps do it in a pretty rough and realistic way....
I told [McCloy] this was a place where we really held all the cards. I called it a royal
straight flush and we mustn't be a fool about the way we play it. They can't get along
without our help and industries and we have coming into action a weapon which will be
unique.... [L]et our actions speak for themselves.>>>
<<<Historian Herbert Feis concluded,

It is quite possible that it was thought the proof of the power of the weapon,
as demonstrated in actual warfare, might be an effective source of added authority
to the American Government in the settlement of matters at issue with the Soviet Union.
In 1941, the U.S. entry into war was not about revenge, but American empire. Revenge was the public campaign, racist hysteria a means to prepare young working-class men to die, but the aims reflected the interests of men with names like Rockefeller and Morgan. >>>
<<<If Roosevelt justified mass internment and Truman the obliteration of two cities,
all on the basis of an attack that killed about 2,400 military personnel at Pearl Harbor,
then what will Bush justify on the basis of the September 11 attacks? As U.S. warplanes and missiles bombard Afghanistan, a country already reduced to rubble and starvation by 20 years of warfare-much of it fueled with funds from Washington- do pilots scream "Remember September 11!" as they do?>>>
<<<Today, war is again being waged to advance the economic and strategic goals of the world's only military superpower, and again it is being waged in the name or justice
and revenge. Today, we must remember our history if we are to resist this war.>>>

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