-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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-Caveat Lector-

The patent ran out and Diesel died seven years before
Cummins(it sounds like) started using petroleum fuel.
Diesel used peanut fuel. Ford used alcohol for a while.
The use of diesel engines in German and French
submarines could have gotten Diesel dumped overboard
on his way to England. His strange behavior could have
been because he knew the risk of making a trip to



The development of the diesel engine and biofuels run concurrent in
their history, weaving a story of technological advancement and
political and economic struggle. The story of the diesel engine is the
more technological aspect of this history, but it becomes easy to see
how the political and economic aspects of biofuels impacted its evolution.

Rudolph Diesel (1858-1913) developed a theory that revolutionized the
engines of his day. He envisioned an engine in which air is compressed
to such a degree that there is an extreme rise in temperature. When fuel
is injected into the piston chamber with this air, the fuel is ignited
by the high temperature of the air, exploding it, forcing the piston down.

Diesel designed his engine in response to the heavy resource consumption
and inefficiency of the steam engine, which only produced 12% efficiency.
On February 27, 1892, Diesel filed for a patent at the Imperial Patent
Office in Germany. Within a year, he was granted Patent No. 67207 for a
"Working Method and Design for Combustion Engines . . .a new efficient,
thermal engine."

With contracts from Frederick Krupp and other machine manufacturers,
Diesel began experimenting and building working models of his engine. In
1893, the first model ran under its own power with 26% efficiency,
remarkably more than double the efficiency of the steam engines of his
day. Finally, in February of 1897, he ran the "first diesel engine
suitable for practical use, which operated at an unbelievable efficiency
of 75%.

Diesel demonstrated his engine at the Exhibition Fair in Paris, France
in 1898. This engine stood as an example of Diesel's vision because it
was fueled by peanut oil - the "original" biodiesel. He thought that the
utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his engine. He
hoped that it would provide a way for the smaller industries, farmers,
and "commonfolk" a means of competing with the monopolizing industries,
which controlled all energy production at that time, a
s well as serve as an alternative for the inefficient fuel consumption
of the steam engine. As a result of Diesel's vision, compression ignited
engines were powered by a biomass fuel, vegetable oil, until the 1920's
and are being powered again, today, by biodiesel.

The early diesel engines were not small enough or light enough for
anything but stationary use due to the size of the fuel injection pump.
They were produced primarily for industrial and shipping in the early
1900's. Ships and submarines be
nefited greatly from the efficiency of this new engine, which was slowly
beginning to gain populariity.

Rudolph Diesel literally disappeared in 1913. There is some question of
the timing of Diesel's death. Some think it might have been accidental
or even a suicide. However, others considered a possible political
motivation. Diesel did not agree with the politics of Germany and was
reluctant to see his engine used by their Naval fleet. With his
political support directed towards France and Britain, he was on his way
to England to arrange for them to use his engine when he inexplicably
disappeared over the side of the ship in the English Channel. This
clearly opened the way for the German submarine fleet to be powered
solely by Rudolph Diesel's engine. The Wolf Packs, as they were to
become known, inflicted heavy damage on Allied shipping during World War
I. Still others believed that the French may have been responsible.
Their submarines were already powered by diesel engines. They may have
been trying to keep the engines out of both the British and German hands.

Whether by accident, suicide or at the hand of others, the world had
lost a brilliant engineer and biofuel visionary.

The 1920's brought a new injection pump design, allowing the metering of
fuel as it entered the engine without the need of pressurized air and
its accompanying tank. The engine was now small enough to be mobile and
utilized in vehicles. 1923-1924 saw the first lorries built and shown at
the Berlin Motor Fair. In 1936, Mercedes Benz built the first automobile
with a diesel engine - Type 260D.

Meanwhile, America was developing a diesel industry. It had always been
part of Diesel's vision that America would be a good place to use his
engines. Size, need, and the access to biomass for fuel were important
and part of the American scene. Adolphus Busch acquired the rights to
the American production of the diesel engine. Busch-Zulger Brothers
Diesel Engine Company built the first diesel engine in America in 1898.
But, not much was done with development and design of the
 engine here until after World War I.

Clessie L Cummins, a mechanic-inventor who had been set up in business
in 1919 by the investment banker William Glanton Irwin, purchased
manufacturing rights to the diesel engine from the Dutch licensor Hvid.
He immediately began working on
 the problems, which had been inherent in the engine since its inception
- those of size, weight, and instability created by the fuel system.
Cummins soon developed a single disk system that measured the fuel
injected. Like the other early engines, Cummins' products were
stationary engines and his main market was the marine industry.

It was also during the 1920's that diesel engine manufacturers created a
major challenge for the biofuel industry. Diesel engines were altered to
utilize the lower viscosity of the fossil fuel residue rather than a
biomass based fuel. The petroleum industries were growing and
establishing themselves during this period. Their business tactics and
the wealth that many of these "oil tycoons" already possessed greatly
influenced the development of all engines and machinery. The alteration
was first step in the elimination of the production structure for
biomass fuels and its competition as well as the first step in forcing
the concept the of biomass as a potential fuel base into obscurity,
erasing the possibilities from the public awareness.

It was the influences of the industrial magnates during the 1920's and
1930's on both the politics and economics of those times that created
the foundation for our perceptions today.

Transesterification of vegetable oils has been in use since the
mid-1800's. More than likely, it was originally used to distill out the
glycerin used for making soap. The "by-products" of this process are
methyl and ethyl esters. Biodiesel is composed of these esters. Ethyle
esters are grain based while methyl esters are wood based. They are the
residues of creating glycerin, or vice versa. Any source of complex
fatty acid can be used to create biodiesel and glycerin. Early on,
peanut oil, hemp oil, corn oil, and tallow were used as sources for the
complex fatty acids used in the separation process. Currently, soybeans,
rapeseed (or its cousin, canola oil), corn, recycled fryer oil, tallow,
forest wastes, and sugar cane are common resources for the complex fatty
acids and their by-product, biofuels. Research is being done into o
il production from algae, which could have yields greater than any
feedstock known today.

Ethanol and methanol are two other familiar biofuels. Distillation of
grain or wood, resulting in an ethyl or methyl alcohol, is the process
by which these two biofuels are created. Ethanol, made from soybeans or
corn, is a common biofuel in the midwest. The viscosity of the
"original" biodiesel is lowered by addingapproximately 10% methanol or
ethanol to the biodiesel esters. Methanol is prefered because there has
a more reliable and predictable biodiesel reaction.

However,  ethanol is less toxic and is always produced from a renewable
resource. The lower viscosity brings biodiesl in line with the viscosity
requirements of today's diesel engines, making it a major competitor to
petroleum based diesel fuel.
In 1898, when Rudolph Diesel first demonstrated his compression ignition
engine at the World's Exhibition in Paris, he used peanut oil - the
original biodiesel. Diesel believed biomass fuel to be viable
alternative to the resource consuming steam engine. Vegetable oils were
used in diesel engines until the 1920's when an alteration was made to
the engine, enabling it to use a residue of petroleum - what is now
known as diesel #2.

Diesel was not the only inventor to believe that biomass fuels would be
the mainstay of the transportation industry. Henry Ford designed his
automobiles, beginning with the 1908 Model T, to use ethanol. Ford was
so convinced that renewable resources were the key to the success of his
automobiles that he built a plant to make ethanol in the Midwest and
formed a partnership with Standard Oil to sell it in their distributing
stations. During the 1920's, this biofuel was 25% of S
tandard Oil's sales in that area. With the growth of the petroleum
industry Standard Oil cast its future with fossil fuels. Ford continued
to promote the use of ethanol through the 1930's. The petroleum industry
undercut the biofuel sales and by 1940 the plant was closed due to the
low prices of petroleum.

Despite the fact that men such as Henry Ford, Rudolph Diesel, and
subsequent manufacturers of diesel engines saw the future of renewable
resource fuels, a political and economic struggle doomed the industry.
Manufacturing industrialists made modifications to the diesel engines so
they could take advantage of the extremely low prices of the residual,
low-grade fuel now offered by the petroleum industry. The petroleum
companies wanted control of the fuel supplies in the United States and,
despite the benefits of biomass fuel verses the fossil fuels, they moved
ahead to eliminate all competition.

One player in the biofuel, paper, textile, as well as many other
industries, was hemp. Hemp had been grown as a major product in America
since colonial times by such men as George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson and has had both governmental and popular support. Hemp's long
history in civilization and the multitude of products that can be
derived from this single plant has made it one of the most valuable and
sustainable plants in the history of mankind. More importantly to the
biofuel industry, hemp provided the biomass that Ford needed for his
production of ethanol. He found that 30% hemp seed oil is usable as a
high-grade diesel fuel and that it could also be used as a machine
lubricant and an engine oil.

In the 1930's, the industrialists entered the picture. William Randolph
Hurst, who produced 90% of the paper in the United States, Secretary of
Treasury, Andrew Mellon, who was a major financial backer for the DuPont
Company which had just
 patented the chemical necessary to process wood pulp into paper, the
Rockefellers, and other "oil barons", who were developing vast empires
from petroleum, all had vested interest in seeing the renewable
resources industry derailed, the hemp industry eliminated, and biomass
fuels derided. A campaign was begun to discredit hemp.

Playing on the racism that existed in America, Hurst used his newspapers
to apply the name "marijuana" to hemp. Marijuana is the Mexican word for
the hemp plant. This application along with various "objective" articles
began to create a fear. By 1937, these industrialists were able to
parlay the fear they created into the Marijuana Tax Act. This law was
the precursor to the demise of the hemp industry in the United States
and the resultant long reaching effect on the biofuel, petroleum and
many other industries. Within three years, Ford closed his biofuel plant.

At the beginning of World War II, the groundwork for our current
perceptions of biofuels was in place. First, the diesel engine had been
modified, enabling it to use Diesel #2. Second, the petroleum industry
had established a market with very low prices for a residual product.
Third, a major biomass industry was being shut down. Corn farmers were
unable to organize at that time and provide a potential product to
replace hemp as a biomass resource. Finally, industries with immense
wealth behind them were acting in concert to push forward their own
agenda - that of making more wealth for themselves.

It is interesting to note that, during World War II, the United States
government launched a slogan campaign, "Hemp for Victory", to encourage
farmers to plant this discredited plant. Hemp made a multitude of
indispensable contributions to the war effort. It is also interesting
that, during World War II, both the Allies and Nazi Germany utilized
biomass fuels in their machines. Despite its use during World War II,
biofuels remained in the obscurity to which they had been forced.

Post war brought new cars and increased petroleum use. The petroleum
industries quietly bought the trolley car systems that ran on
electricity and were a major part of the transportation infrastructure
system. They dismantled them. The trolleys were then sporadically
replaced with diesel buses. These industries also pushed the government
to build roads, highways, and freeways ("the ultimate solution to all
our transportation and traffic problems"), so the automobiles they
produced had a place to operate. This newly created transportation
infrastructure was built with public funds, supporting and aiding the
growth and strength of the petroleum, automobile, and related industries.

By the 1970's, we were dependent on foreign oil. Our supply of crude
oil, as are all supplies of fossil fuels, was limited. In 1973 we
experienced the first of two crises. OPEC, the Middle Eastern
organization controlling the majority of the oil in the world, reduced
supplies and increased prices. The second one came five years later in 1978.

As was noted in the Diesel Engine section, automobile purchasers began
to seriously consider the diesel car as a option. What is more, people
began making their own biofuel. The potential of biofuels reentered the
public consciousness.

The years since have brought many changes. Over 200 major fleets in the
United States now run on biodiesl with entities such as the United
States Post Office, the US Military, metropolitan transit systems,
agricultural concerns, and school
districts being major users.

The biodiesel produced today can be used in unmodified diesel engines in
almost all temperatures. It can be used in the individual automobile or
larger engines and machines. The base biomass comes from soybeans and
corn in the Midwest with tallow from the slaughter industries becoming a
third source. Sugar cane provides the biomass for Hawaii and forest
wastes are becoming a source in the Northwest.

The embargo on Cuba halted oil importation depriving it of heating oil.
They discovered that recycled fryer oil made a good biomass for fuel.

Today, the fast food industry is the one of the largest and fastest
growing industries in the United States and, in fact, the world. This
industry can provide a major resource for biofuels - the recycled fryer
oil. The Veggie Van traveled 25,000 miles around the United States on
recycled fryer oil as did a group of women.

In Europe at this time, there is an option for biodiesel in many gas
stations and vehicles that use diesel are readily available. Over 1000
stations in Germany alone offer biodiesel for their customers. Over 5%
of all of France's energy use
s are provided by biodiesel.

Journey to Forever, a non-government organization, traveled from Hong
Kong to Southern Africa producing their own biodiesel along the way and
teaching the people of the small hamlets and villages how to make their
own biofuel for use in
 their heaters, tractors, buses, automobiles, and other machines they
might have.

We have the opportunity and the resources to shed our dependence on
foreign oil, if we choose. As in the 1930's, we are faced with
tremendous political and economic pressure creating similar challenges.
The enormous influence of the petroleum industries and other industries
that might be threatened and/or impacted by a resurgence of the
renewable, biomass, and associated industries is being felt on all
levels. One only needs to look to Washington to see how that pressure is
being played out. It is a time of choice and one in which small actions
can lead to greater impact. Biodiesel remains in the political and
economic arena and is playing a part in this process as the awareness
alternative fuel spreads through the consciousness of the general public.

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