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Pro-Israel Versus Pro-American

by Stefan Lense

January 11, 2004

Much of the conservative movement has been hijacked by pro-Israel neocons. Almost all conservative talk show hosts have jumped on the neocon bandwagon. These neo-conservatives are strange people. They constantly point out the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the "liberals" but when they themselves behave similarly, the excuses and rationalizations sound worse than those of an alcoholic who can't see the garbage can full of wine bottles. If you listen to a neocon this week, chances are that you will hear about how "wonderful" things are going in Iraq. Using a theme that appeals to people's emotions, they talk about how "noble" the occupation is because we have "freed" the Iraqi people. Conveniently they forget the carnage of "Shock and Awe" and operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Desert Fox, Desert Thunder and Desert Quagmire.

When the pretext for invasion was finding "weapons of mass destruction" and people believed the spin about Iraq giving weapons to terrorists, "Shock and Awe" was a politically appropriate name for the operation. The neocons told us that terrorists --with help from Saddam-- would soon be poisoning our cities with anthrax. It would be worse than 911. Now, after almost a year with no banned weapons found, the neocons have switched pretexts (and operation names) in order to justify the continued occupation.

Neo-Conservativism is dominated by Zionists. It is disgraceful that so many conservatives have allowed their movement and philosophy to be hijacked by Jewish wire-pullers and their stooges. Neocons think nothing of spending 200 billion to make war on and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq --neither of which supplied even one 911 attacker. Meanwhile, there seems to be nothing that Israel can do wrong, in these people's eyes. Killing children, killing American and British peace activists and bombing civilian neighborhoods is fine if the perpetrators are Israelis. Meanwhile, Serbia and Iraq can't sort out their own civil wars without American interference. To people who can think for themselves, the phenomenon of the Neo-conservatives being yes-men for Israel on every issue is very strange. Most conservatives are well-educated and can think independently on many issues. They can see through the socialist tax-and-spend crowd, but they suddenly lose their objectivity (and their courage) when the subject is Israel. Conservative talk show hosts have set a bad example, bowing down before the Jews to keep their radio license and most of their listeners haven't caught onto this fact.

Bill Clinton used the military in Haiti and Kosovo and occasionally bombed a Muslim nation if -for example- an aspirin factory somehow annoyed him. Every time Clinton used the military, the conservatives attacked him for wasting money or even "wagging the dog." Rush Limbaugh, king of the Clinton-haters, repeatedly said "The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things." George W. Bush said during one of the 2000 presidential debates, "I don't think our troops ought to be used for what's called nation-building." Now, they are out there with straight faces saying that this is different. Hmm. Imagine an alcoholic saying "I wasn't going to drink any more- I know I said that, but ...this is different! I have a good reason- you would drink too if you had the same circumstances! Don't look at that garbage can full of bottles."

Operation Iraqi Freedom (or whatever it's called now) is at best "nation-building." Realistically the occupation of Iraq is intended to suppress all anti-Zionist Iraqis and to deny them any political freedom --otherwise we would let the Iraqis have a free election and get out. The Zionists in our government now have to use a Clinton-like rationale for being there. We are still "helping the Iraqis" and our forces are still "needed" there. The unbelievable part is that day after day we hear bragging about how wonderful it is that Americans are building schools, training cops, and doing all these things that Clinton was hated for when he did them in Haiti and Kosovo. Neocons see nothing wrong with any of this even though California had a 38 billion dollar deficit the same year Bush approved 87.5 billion for Iraq.

Attempting to understand the psychology of such people is interesting. If you consider the idea that the nation-building is to build a nation that is neutered militarily and ideologically in order to make the area safe for Israel, then it all makes sense. Claim that you're "liberating" them, but then find a thousand excuses why the Iraqis can't elect a democratic government months -or even years- after their so-called liberation. The reason for delaying a democracy is so that a Jewish-controlled media can be set up in Iraq so that their people will eventually be as brainwashed and sheepish as the average American. The bad news for the neo-cons is that this will not work the same way in the Middle East. Iraq is really three nations in one, all with separate interests, and there are many more complicated issues involved. In order to "control" a nation, Jews need to be at least one percent of the population. Very few Jews are rushing into Iraq to form the necessary backbone for a controlled, brain-washed slave nation.

To understand the average Republican conservative Zionist, one must look to religion. Especially in the southern U.S., the Jews are still the Chosen Ones despite that "little" incident in which the Jews plotted against and murdered the Son of God. The Parable of the Vineyard, John 8:44 and Revelations 2:9 do not exist in the world of the pro-Zionist Gentile. All the New Testament references to Jews as "devils, liars and murderers" are ignored. It would be "rude" to mention recent history in which communist Jews enslaved eastern Europe and Jewish commissars mass murdered 20 to 30 million White Christians. (History tends to repeat itself and modern-day Jews would like to create a liberal tyranny in America with no guns or free speech and Hillary as the new Stalin). Facts do not penetrate the remarkably dense skulls of the pro-Zionist cultists.

Then there is the worn-out Holocaust story --hammered into the heads of people throughout the Western world by the Jewish controlled media and public schools. Because of the Holocaust, the world owes the Jews a living and Jews can never be judged by the same standards as all other nations. Even more bizarre is the idea that Israel is our ally. This is about the same relationship as having a bobcat for a pet. It does whatever it feels like doing including biting the hand that feeds it.

Neocons never tire of saying Israel is the "only democracy" in the Middle East. Palestinians make up a large percentage of Israel and have almost no representation and even less political power. Palestinians have been treated considerably worse than the Kurds over the years, but being sympathetic to Kurds is in vogue while having any sympathy for Palestinians is totally unacceptable. Even the controlled media admits that Israel kills three Palestinians for every Israeli killed. If the militant Palestinians randomly kill civilians with suicide bombs and Israel randomly kills three times as many civilians with tanks and air attacks, why are the Palestinians the bad guys and the Israelis the good guys?

The Israeli democracy argument is absolute nonsense and the most ridiculous reason for an alliance that I have ever heard. The most baffling part of this is that no one questions this "alliance" --even those who are not really Zionists. Well, here at EURO we question these things regularly. Anyone reading this who opposes the unconditional support of Israel can help by questioning and speaking out against this unholy alliance at every opportunity. Keep it simple: Why should we support a state that oppresses its minority population and makes enemies for us all over the Muslim world? What does America get out of this alliance? (More grief than anything.) Let people give their answers and it will become obvious who would be the best recruits for EURO. It's easy!!

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