-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/19/99)  --  "For many years the United States has been
using depleted  uranium,  a  by-product  from  the  production of
enriched fuel for nuclear reactors and  weapons,  to  manufacture
shells,  bullets  and  protective  armour  of tanks.  This excess
uranium, composed mainly of  the  uranium isotope U-238 is called
'depleted' because it has a lower  than  normal  content  of  the
isotope  U-235,  the  fissionable  material.  But it has one very
'excellent'  property;  it  is  extremely  dense  and  capable of
penetrating heavily armored vehicles." [1]

This means that a depleted  uranium  (DU) shell will go through a
tank's armor like a hot knife through butter.  That's why,  since
about 1990, it's become the latest craze in war.

Besides dropping "cluster bombs"  on  Yugoslavia,  NATO  is  also
using  these  depleted  uranium shells in its current "conflict."
"The broader public  is  mostly  uninformed  about  the fact that
30-millimetre ammunition fired by the GAU-8A gun mounted  on  the
American  A-10 aircraft, contains depleted uranium and that it is
on the list of the  ammunition  which  has been prohibited by the
Geneva Convention, as are cluster bombs, sources in the  Konghill
Laboratories in Great Britain have stated..." [2]

"The pointed  bullet  made  from  depleted  uranium  in a plastic
casing which significantly increases its  penetrating  power,  is
also  used  in  the  manufacture  of  warheads for the 'Tomahawk'
cruise missiles, which are  used  for the destruction of concrete
facilities."  [3]

The explosion of these DU shells "creates uranium oxide which  is
dispersed  into particles the size of 0.5 to 5 microns, which, if
carried by  the  wind  may  be  dispersed  to  areas  hundreds of
kilometres away from the site."  [4]

"It has also been pointed  out  that  the  life  period  of  that
substance  is  about  one  million  years  and  that it cannot be
removed from the body, exposing  to radiation caused diseases and
the possibility of an early death not only  the  people  who  are
shot  by  it,  but  also  the  persons  who handle that dangerous
ammunition." [5]

Something  to think about:  will your son or daughter be handling
depleted uranium shells soon? Are they doing so already??

After the Vietnam War,  there  was  a mysterious illness plaguing
returning veterans; the Pentagon stonewalled for years before  it
finally  admitted  the  toxic  effects  had  been caused by Agent
Orange.  After the  Persian  Gulf  War,  many  U.S. veterans also
suffered from a mysterious illness,  called  Gulf  War  Syndrome.
But  Washington,  DC is again stonewalling about what it is.  The
Project Censored 1997  Yearbook  lists  the  link  between use of
depleted uranium shells during the Gulf  War  and  the  Gulf  War
Syndrome as one of its "Top 25 Censored Stories of 1997." [6]

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark has called for a ban on
the use of DU weapons, calling them "an  unacceptable  threat  to
life,  a  violation  of international law and an assault on human
dignity."  According to Clark,  "Of  the  697,000 U.S. troops who
served in the Gulf, over 90,000 have reported  medical  problems.
Symptoms  include  respiratory,  liver  and  kidney  dysfunction,
memory  loss,  headaches,  fever,  low blood pressure.  There are
birth defects among  their  newborn  children.   DU  is a leading
suspect for a portion of these  ailments.   The  effects  on  the
population  living  in Iraq are far greater.  Under pressure, the
Pentagon has been forced  to  acknowledge  Gulf War Syndrome, but
they are still stonewalling any connection to DU." [7]

"After  the  war  in Bosnia, during which NATO also used depleted
uranium ammunition in its attacks,  there  has been a rise in the
recorded number of cases of leukemia  in  the  areas  where  A-10
aircraft had been involved." [8]

Since its beginning in 1942, at the  Massachusetts  Institute  of
Technology's  metallurgical  lab,  the  Starmet  Corporation "has
continued  to  be  a  leader  in  new  materials  development and
innovative  technology  serving  the  global  marketplace."   The
Starmet   Corporation   manufactures   depleted   uranium    (DU)
ammunition.  Indeed, boasts Starmet at their web site, "Starmet's
low cost DU manufacturing capabilities make it one of the leading
suppliers  of  low  cost  ammunition  for U.S. government weapons
systems.  Our anti-armor tank penetrator munitions helped bring a
quick conclusion to the Desert Storm conflict." [9]

Will we be seeing,  in  the  not-too-distant  future,  widespread
occurrences  of  a  "Kosovo War Syndrome," secretly caused by the
continued  use  of  these  depleted  uranium  weapons?   Will our
soldiers,  returning  from  Kosovo,  first  be  given  a  heroes'
welcome, but then  get  tossed  on  the  slag  heap  by  actually
indifferent  Washington  leaders?   Our ill soldier-heroes of the
Gulf War were told  they  were  just "imagining things" when they
began showing up at Veteran's Administration hospitals.  It seems
likely  that  returning  soldiers  of  the   Kosovo   "conflict,"
suffering  from terrifying disease, will also be flushed down the

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "A New Kind of Nuclear War," by Dr.  Helen  Caldicott.   From
book,  *Metal  of Dishonor*.  Available from International Action
Center.    For   more   information,   call   212-633-6646,   fax
212-633-2889 or e-mail to mailbox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2] "NATO Uses Prohibited Ammunition." 4/18/99
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] *Project Censored Yearbook: 1997*.
[7] "An International Appeal to Ban the Use of  Depleted  Uranium
Weapons," drafted by Ramsey Clark.
[8] "NATO Uses Prohibited Ammunition." 4/18/99
[9] From the Starmet Corporation web site.

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