-Caveat Lector-

At 01:29 AM 4/20/99 -0400, Colleen Jones wrote:

>Thomas Alva Edison and Tesla?  Well  when you consider ARCO oil is using
>his work to destroy our country through this insane Weather Program,
>brining on the torndoes, hurricanes....drought in Florida burning....no
>kidding....these people are now going to further use the weather, as a
>weapon, as they did in Viet Nm to bring on the monsoons six months

A relevant excerpt from William R. Lyne's book, "Space Aliens from
the Pentagon".

Pages 17-18

--- begin excerpt ---

In 1940, (Wm. L. Laurence, New York Times, Sept 22, 1940), Tesla
announced his _Teleforce_ (italics), consisting of four _already tested_
inventions, as follows:

"(1) A means of producing rays in the free air without a vacuum;
 (2) a method off producing a very great electrical force;
 (3) a method of amplifying this electrical force; and
 (4) a new method for producing a tremendous electrical _propelling_

To show you how insidious the mis-informationalists are, and how easy it is for
them to dupe 'sensation-addicts', there have several recent instances where
the misinformation regarding the four listed inventions, from the original 1940
New York Times article, has been repeated, based on an original "patent",
in which the misrepresentations were originally made in a sly and oblique
way that few would suspect, right under the noses of the "Tesla experts". The
four inventions were already tested at the time, and (4) was a propelling
force. Anyone who ran down the original article to examine it as I did, would
know that.

Among the several places I have discovered this misrepresentation, was a
so-called "patent" on HAARP (High Frequency Auroral Research Project).
The only purpose for such a fraudulent misrepresentation would be for the
explicit purpose of misrepresenting the original Tesla material, to those
studying Tesla's work, because it represented one of the few 'unretrieved'
leaks of Tesla's discovery of the flying saucer propulsion system. The patent,
(No. 4,686,605, issued to Bernard J. Eastlund, Spring, Texas, 1983) is
now owned by Arco Power Technologies, Inc., under which they are to
perform some "top secret" tests for the government, from the North Slope
of Alaska, and was alleged to be one of three patents previously locked
up under a Navy security order. To begin with, patents are not issued on
inventions primary to secret projects. Whatever the real purpose of the
HAARP project, you can bet your booties it isn't what they say it is.
Secondly, the real purpose  of planting the false particulars of the 'patent'
in publications read by 'alternative researchers', was to obscure and
misrepresent Tesla's discovery of the ether propulsion system used on
flying saucers.

And who is ARCO? (Atlantic Richfield Oil Company) was created by Trilateral
Commission member Robert O. Anderson, of Roswell, New Mexico, the creator
of  Diamond A Cattle Company, the largest holding company in North America,
which owns all known oil shale deposits in North America, and almost all
mineral rights in the North Slope of Alaska. ARCO moved to garner a monopoly
on solar and alternate energy resources after the "fuel crisis" of 1974.

The misinformation placed in the 'patent' was repeated (NEXUS Magazine,
April-May 1995 - Extraordinary Science, Jan-Feb-Mar, 1995) just precisely
where it shouldn't have been, but just precisely  where the Secret Government
wanted it. Once something like this gets started, where does it stop? Those
who should have known better, did nothing to stop it. Where the ball goes,
nobody knows. We cannot allow this Trilateralist misrepresentation of Tesla's
work to go unchallenged.

--- end excerpt ---


"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson

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