-Caveat Lector-

Harry Meeker wrote:

>> Dear Alton,

>> Thank you for such a wonderful gift filled  knowledge and wisdom.

>> Harry


>> Alton Kanter wrote:


>> > >


>> > >From: Alton Kanter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> > >Subject: Deepak Chopra Wisdom

>> > >Cc:

>> > >Bcc:

>> > >X-Attachments:

>> > >

>> > >Dear Sisters and Brothers,

>> > >

>> > >this just came thru to me.  It seems quite provocative of an extended

>> > >discussion of several possibilities:

>> > >

>> > >1. an analysis of Deepak Chopra's teachings/writings in general

>> > >2. His call here for a new theory of reality

>> > >3. the nature of our ability to "create"

>> > >4. what exactly is "healing" and being a "healer" ?

>> > >5. you add to the list and let's start?

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >>One More Reality To Go, by Deepak Chopra, January, 1999

>> > >>

>> > >>We've spent the past millennium unraveling the mysteries of
>science. Now

>> > >>let's open the window to miracles and inner space.

>> > >>

>> > >>All around us, an infinite new reality is peering through the
>cracks of

>> > >>our rigid, bounded conception of the known. If our future is going
>to be more

>> > >>than just a repetition of the past, we will have to leave the known

>> > >>and discover a region of reality not yet explored--the realm of the

>> > >>impossible.

>> > >>

>> > >>Consider this experience of a friend of mine. He pulled the
>ligaments in his

>> > >>right foot during a workout. Hobbling and in constant pain, he went
>to an

>> > >>orthopedist, only to be told that surgery might be in the offing.
>He was

>> > >>reluctant to have an operation and waited, hoping the condition

>> > >>improve on its own. When it didn't, he decided on impulse to visit a

>> > >>Chinese healer.

>> > >>

>> > >>The healer looked at the injured foot and touched it lightly. Then
>he walked

>> > >>behind my friend's back and made a line of Xs in the air, up and
>down his

>> > >>spine. "Try to walk now," he said. My friend got up and, to his

>> > >>astonishment, walked around the room free of pain. He asked the

>> > >>what he'd done. "Your body is a projection of your mind, a pattern

>> > >>energy held together by your awareness. When you are aware that it

>> > >>well, you hold your body together in a healthy state. But pain

>> > >>your awareness to withdraw from your body. You no longer held the

>> > >>image, so I adjusted it for you." My friend shook his head. "But
>all you

>> > >>did was move your hands in the air," he protested. "No, I was

>> > >>your energy," the Chinese healer corrected. "Certain channels were

>> > >>that needed to be open--very simple." The most remarkable aspect of

>> > >>healing experience is that my friend did not sense that his entire

>> > >>had been changed for the better. Although he was pleased that his

>> > >>was healed, at first he had no understanding of the key to the
>mystery of

>> > >>this "very simple" procedure.

>> > >>

>> > >>The power exercised by the healer operated from a level deeper than

>> > >>friend--most people--can access. When I pointed this out, my friend

>> > >>suddenly remembered something important he'd overlooked. "The
>healer told

>> > >>me that anyone can learn to do the same kind of work," he said,
>"but the

>> > >>first step is giving up the idea that it is impossible."

>> > >>

>> > >>I can cite books filled with nuggets of the unknown--the

>> > >>are pure gold: eyewitness accounts of psychokinesis, telepathy,

>> > >>cures, premonitions that came true, prayers that were answered,

>> > >>seen in two locations at once, holy figures who emanated light from

>> > >>bodies and angels encountered by the roadside on rainy nights.

>> > >>

>> > >>How do we explain the documented experience of an Italian military

>> > >>in the Sixties, his hip totally dissolved with cancer, who visited

>> > >>shrine at Lourdes and grew a new hip in a matter of months! And
>what about

>> > >>the dying lymphoma patient in the Fifties who was injected with

>> > >>solution as a placebo and, because he believed the injection was

>> > >>chemotherapy, had every trace of cancer vanish from his body in a

>> > >>of days--the tumors "melting like snowballs on a hot stove," as one

>> > >>commentator described it. Are these not impossible" achievements?

>> > >>

>> > >>Writing about the "rare but spectacular phenomenon of spontaneous

>> > >>remission," the renowned physician-essayist Lewis Thomas declares,
>"No one

>> > >>has the ghost of an idea how it happens. It is a fascinating
>mystery but

>> > >>at the same time a solid basis for hope in the future."

>> > >>

>> > >>On the eve of the first millennium, the greatest event in
>history--the end

>> > >>of the world--was predicted. It failed to happen. Now, on the eve
>of the

>> > >>year 2000, the greatest event in our history is within reach: the

>> > >>explanation of the material universe--creation, time, space, the
>origin of

>> > >>DNA and the physical dimensions beyond the four we have already
>mapped. It

>> > >>is the realization of the so-called Theory of Everything, or TOE.

>> > >>Hawking foresaw it as knowing the mind of God, or, in non-religious

>> > >>coming to grips with a universe that has no beginning and no end, no

>> > >>boundaries in time and space, no limits of any kind.

>> > >>

>> > >>So-called miracles, anomalies and "impossible" phenomena that stand

>> > >>outside material existence await to be included in a Theory of

>> > >>No matter how much information we gather about them, anomalies are

>> > >>not explainable as information, energy or even as virtual

>> > >>invisible

>> > >>power source that supplies the physical universe with its atoms and

>> > >>molecules.

>> > >>

>> > >>What will it be like to live in a TOE world? It seems inevitable
>that when

>> > >>we exhaust our curiosity about physical existence, we will at last

>> > >>ready to explore the next universe: the immaterial domain of

>> > >>consciousness in other words, inner space.

>> > >>

>> > >>For example, if you tried to explain Beethoven's Fifth Symphony by

>> > >>apart a CD player, you would be totally stymied. The CD player can

>> > >>transmit the music, and the electrical patters of that transmission

>> > >>incredibly complicated, but the origin of the music lies with

>> > >>himself. He is the next universe, and so are you and I.

>> > >>

>> > >>Go outside where you can stand on the grass and look up at the sky.

>> > >>your hands in the air and feel the heat of the sun, the movement of

>> > >>wind brushing over your skin. As the wind touches your hand, it

>> > >>molecules of every chemical needed to create life. As the sun warms

>> > >>face, it radiates all the energy that generates life. You are
>nothing more

>> > >>than these chemicals, this energy, but with one tremendous
>difference: An

>> > >>invisible principle holds you together.

>> > >>

>> > >>Because of this invisible principle, you were created out of the

>> > >>of atoms that fly through the universe. Instead of being scattered

>> > >>a galactic dust cloud, your body has organized itself into
>thousands of

>> > >>precise operations. With every breath, you inhale hundreds of
>millions of

>> > >>gaseous molecules, and within a tenth of a second, the ones that

>> > >>life--primarily oxygen and hydrogen-enter your cells to create
>enzymes and

>> > >>proteins.

>> > >>

>> > >>How do they know to do this! They don't. The oxygen in your blood
>is no

>> > >>more alive than the oxygen in a diver's tank; the sugars in your
>brain are no

>> > >>more intelligent than those in a sugar cube. Yet the whirlwind
>turns into

>> > >>life somehow, and the invisible principle causes this

>> > >>

>> > >>Although the principle cannot be nor weighed, it possesses certain

>> > >>qualities

>> > >>

>> > >>   * It is intelligent.

>> > >>   * It is conscious of itself.

>> > >>   * It has power.

>> > >>   * It can organize things, creating complexity out of simplicity.

>> > >>

>> > >>Without any religious belief, you know that these qualities exist in

>> > >>yourself, as human beings have known for centuries. The invisible

>> > >>operates within all life, and it cannot be extracted without doing

>> > >>The cells of your body will be chemically the same the instant
>after you die

>> > >>as the instant before, yet some difference has occurred to cause
>death. The

>> > >>composition of a shopping cart full of groceries is the same as
>that of a

>> > >>fetus in the womb, yet the fetus is imbibing something that makes
>it alive

>> > >>and growing.

>> > >>

>> > >>The invisible principle doesn't need your cooperation to support
>life, but

>> > >>if you choose, you can bring it into your awareness. This is how the

>> > >>spiritual connection is made.

>> > >>

>> > >>The Theory of Everything, as currently envisioned, will unite the

>> > >>fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetism, gravity and the
>strong and

>> > >>the weak interactions) into a single unified field theory. But as

>> > >>virtual graviton joins the virtual photon in a grand theoretical

>> > >>one glaring flaw will become evident. Physics treats the universe
>like a

>> > >>thing, an object that scientists stand outside of and measure, when

>> > >>reality we humans are all woven into the universe. We are children
>of the

>> > >>field, and our minds must explain themselves or risk being wrong

>> > >>everything else. Faith is at its best when it leads to an

>> > >>

>> > >>In ancient India, one truth applied to the whole universe: "As is

>> > >>microcosm, so is the macrocosm. As is the human body, so is the

>> > >>body." Quantum physics is on the verge of asserting the same truth
>but in

>> > >>different words: One unified field embraces galaxies and cells,
>stars and

>> > >>atoms, quasars and thoughts.

>> > >>

>> > >>For nearly a hundred years, we have known that the material world
>is an

>> > >>illusion. Everything that seems solid-a rock, a tree, your body--is

>> > >>actually 99.999 percent empty space. Within this void, packets of

>> > >>wink in and out of existence millions of times per second. When you

>> > >>a baseball, you see a solid sphere making an arc through the air.
>But in

>> > >>truth

>> > >>the baseball is an energy packet with no hard-edged boundaries of
>any kind,

>> > >>disappearing completely and reappearing slightly ahead of itself in

>> > >>space-time.

>> > >>

>> > >>You, and everything around you, are a cloud of probabilities

>> > >>yourselves in the quantum field. Nothing you sense is reliable---no

>> > >>sound, taste, touch or sight actually exists. You are swimming
>through the

>> > >>quantum soup, trying to understand infinity with the crude tools of

>> > >>five senses. Your brain disappears and reappears at every second,
>and yet

>> > >>this magic act occurs too quickly for you to detect it. You try to
>change the

>> > >>whirling dance of the cosmos into slow-motion events that seem

>> > >>

>> > >>When people catch up to reality and stop moving in slow motion,
>they will

>> > >>realize that the Theory of Everything suddenly makes things real
>for the

>> > >>first time. We will be free to throw away the crude tools so long

>> > >>outmoded--our limited senses, the conditioned beliefs frozen in our

>> > >>brains, the stupefying legacy of materialism-and truly become free.

>> > >>

>> > >>As we cross this new frontier, we will find that there is one more

>> > >>to go before we know who we are and what reality is. I join with
>those who

>> > >>believe the Age of Information is about to become the Age of

>> > >>and that cyberspace will implode into inner space. When that
>happens, the

>> > >>next generation of scientists the Einsteins of consciousness--will
>emerge to

>> > >>explore this new universe. A technology of mental physics will be

>> > >>established. In effect, that's what healers, miracle workers,

>> > >>saints and other "anomalous" people already know how to apply; they

>> > >>the technicians of their own awareness.

>> > >>

>> > >>You cannot be a respectable futurist without making predictions,
>and mine

>> > >>center on self-knowledge. "Know thyself" will become the most

>> > >>dictum for the next millennium. Psychology will give way to a hard

>> > >>of consciousness, and there will be new rules for living:

>> > >>

>> > >>   * Every thought causes a shift in the whole field of reality.
>With your

>> > >>     slightest desire, you make the universe tremble.

>> > >>

>> > >>   * Information cannot be created nor destroyed, only rearranged.

>> > >>     every possible piece of knowledge can be accessed in the mind,

>> > >>     regardless of time and space.

>> > >>

>> > >>   * The entire cosmos is intelligently ordered and
>self-organizing, There

>> > >>     is no essential difference between life and nonlife, except for

>> > >>     intensity of awareness and concentration of information.

>> > >>

>> > >>   * Any aspect of reality can be changed at the quantum level by

>> > >>     its information and energy. The technology to create such
>shifts is

>> > >>     contained in the human mind.

>> > >>

>> > >>   * The brain is the sender and receiver of mental activity, but
>it isn't

>> > >>     the mind. Mind is a nonlocal phenomenon. It has no fixed place

>> > >>     time or space but is a quality of the field. In other words,
>when you

>> > >>     have a thought, you are activating the cosmic computer.

>> > >>

>> > >>The future lies with the cosmic computer, and we will rely on it to

>> > >>organize our thoughts, wishes, visions, plans and, eventually, our

>> > >>world.

>> > >>Next ime you think of someone's name, only to have that person call

>> > >>on the

>> > >>phone, and next time you finish someone else' thought or have an

>> > >>overwhelming sensation of deja vu, don't dismiss it. You just
>accessed the

>> > >>nonlocal mind, at least in a small way. You are touching the
>control panel

>> > >>of the cosmic computer.

>> > >>

>> > >>There is tremendous mystery in every coincidence, every flash of

>> > >>inspiration, every new insight. With the desire and willingness to

>> > >>these mysteries as we cross the border of the second millennium,

>> > >>possibilities will become open to us. There is one more verse to go.

>> > >>

>> > >>----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

>> > >>

>> > >

>> > >Aloha Nui Loa ( nui loa implies the superlative)........Alton

>> > >

>> > >

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