-Caveat Lector-

The way it was reported in the papers here is that the job layoff came
because Kodak had to work with the change to digital photography.  Here
in Chicago we have story after story about companies sending jobs to
other countries.  Primarily I'm socially conservative, but I think we
have to face that two things are happening.  There is corporate
consolidation taking place.  Fewer and fewer independent companies and
more under single banner corporations with many subgroups.  Then there
are what Democrats call tax cuts to the rich, which seem to be tax cuts
not for individuals who will use that money to start jobs in the US, but
who use that money to support where they can gain the largest profit,
from corporation who send their jobs overseas.  Middle and lower class
people who get money back from the tax cuts are supposed to spend that
money to keep the economy up.  People in the US have an ideal of
economic prosperity which they believe is sustained by their own
efforts.  Go to college, work hard, and you entitled to a two car garage
next to a nice large home or condo in the suburbs.  It's why people have
come here from other countries, for that opportunity.  This is not going
to continue under the new one-world plan when income is to be equalized
across the world.  The more corporate consolidation that takes place, so
much more smoothly the transition will be to a two tier system where
there will be those who have the power and those who do not, and
individuals who want to be part of the power structure better not think
they have any freedom of speech. No more middle class.  Social
conservatism will fall victim to this system.  Abortion and euthanisa
will delete the unproductive.  Homosexuality, because it produces no new
mouths will be acceptable.  Animal rights will transfer normal
compassion for humanity to animals.  The environmental concerns will
supplant concern for humans.  The move from monotheism (Judaism,
Christianity) will be replaced by New Age spirituality without morality.
(You can feel good about yourself without having responsibility for
anything.)   And so the change taking place goes.  This commentary may
seem a long way from Kodak sending jobs overseas, but I don't believe in
missing the "woods" picture while concentrating on the trees in the

Right now Bush appears to be an unknowledgeable flunky.  Heaven knows
his image of one of "sincere."  I see no Democrat who has integrity, who
doesn't buy into the one-world line.  If someone appeared on the tube
who claimed to be a savior of America, I would probably run for the
hills, knowing that he/she was a set up.

The bottom line is that we will probably have to go through much
destruction for many years with very few of us surviving because the
one-world system doesn't work where human nature is concerned.  Another
reason I have very little hope for the future is that I see people
hidden in their own little created caves, hoping the world passes them
by without their putting out any effort to help the community at large.
Oh well, some did survive the Nazi holocaust of Jews, Germans, Polish
people, Christians, and other groups.  Wishing is as good as working for
those who survive, but for the others...........

-----Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Nakano Nakamura
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Where Did all the Kodak Jobs Really Go?

-Caveat Lector-

--- Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Where did all the Kodak jobs go?
 At the end of last year Kodak had a workforce of
 20,600 in Rochester. That's down from 2002 when
 Kodak had 22,000 employees in Rochester. So, where
 did the jobs go? Most of Rochester's job losses went
 overseas. Kodak says it has major manufacturing
 operations in 13 other countries.
Nakano comments:
The "master plan" calls for reducing America to
the status of a third-world country. It's working.
Kraft Foods is also announcing huge new job layoffs.
I hear many rosey reports about how the U.S. economy
is "recovering strongly" and even predictions the
Dow will shoot up to 15,000. This is pure bullhockey!
The U.S. is running horrific trade deficits and our
main export is American jobs which will never come
back. We all can't make a living by selling hamburgers
to each other.

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thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of
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