-Caveat Lector-

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Today 4/18/99 on Sam $ Cokie's gab fest, Mad Albright denied that there is
preperation for inserting ground troops. -- J2


WASHINGTON, Apr. 16 -  Senator James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the
Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness, said today that the
deployment of ground troops into the Yugoslavian “combat zone” has already
begun, despite denials from the White House that the administration is even
contemplating such a move.

“For all practical purposes, the debate about ground troops is over,”
Inhofe said. “As I predicted months ago, and as I warned at the outset of
the air campaign, President Clinton has always wanted U.S. ground troops in
Kosovo, they always knew that air power alone would not work, and now the
initial deployments are going on as we speak.

“The announcements this week, that 4,800 soldiers are being dispatched to
staging areas in Albania to support our Apache helicopters and that up to
33,000 guard and reserve troops are being activated, tell the story.

“Why are all these 4800 troops going in?," Sen. Inhofe asks.  "Not simply
to fly the Apaches that are being deployed. A typical Apache battalion
numbers fewer than 400 troops. So why are the other 4,000 and more troops
there? Because this is a dangerous environment, with no support
infrastructure, that poses great risk to our forces on the ground. Indeed,
the President this week declared Albania and other areas surrounding Kosovo
as an official ‘combat zone’ for military pay purposes. And I am convinced
this is only the beginning."

“In my judgment, this deployment is not only a mistake, it a clear
violation of the law. The Roberts Amendment to the Defense Appropriations
Bill specifically prohibits such troop deployments to Albania and other
named countries in the Balkans before a series of conditions are met and
notices are given to the Congress. This provision has not been fully
complied with regarding the troop transfers with the Apaches.”

Inhofe emphasized that this troop deployment and the combat zone
designation were ordered this week directly by the President in his role as
Commander-in-Chief. These actions were taken during the very week the
President maintained in public statements that he has “no intention” to
deploy ground troops.

Inhofe said this kind of deception and dishonesty continues to undermine
the President’s credibility with the public and with other countries
throughout the world.

Inhofe expressed concern for the safety and welfare of U.S. troops and
emphasized that his statements today were motivated solely by a concern
that the deployments to the Yugoslavian theater would serve to weaken the
military’s ability to defend America and America’s truly vital security
interests around the world.


I posted this a little while back. -- j2

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I don't believe this scenario (below) at all. This is all show biz.
If the point of this NATO aggression is to break off another piece of
Yugoslavia and insert NATO occupation forces into the Balkans, then
ground forces are the linchpin of this plan. The differences are over
WHEN ground troops will take part and not whether they will.

They have been waiting for public opinion to catch up with the
propaganda. That has now happened and Clinton is ready to be
" convinced " to use ground troops. The CFR/NWO packed Congress
will make it easy to send Americans to kill and die for the New World
Order. This crazy situation turns the concept of patriotism on its
head. The American government is drumming up patriotic feelings in the
general population to send Americans abroad to fight a non-American

The entire operation is illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional. DON'T
for America or America's interests. They are NATO. NATO IS NOT
NON- Americans are making military decisions for American military
personnel and equipment.

Protest the aggressive and illegal war against Yugoslavia. This is not an
issue of Left or right. It is patriotic and moral to stop the New
World Order from destroying independent countries who wish to be free of the
New World Order and that includes many Americans.



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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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