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-Caveat Lector-

* * * * * * * * * * * * REMINDER * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the days that I don't publish, like today, you will
receive Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you
to keep pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and
I agree on most things in the field of economics, so the
two letters will reinforce each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Stupid And Horrible

The Daily Reckoning

London, England

Monday, 2 February 2004


*** GDP up at 4% rate... thank God for residential

*** Employment benefits run out for record number of
people... .7.7 million jobs missing. Where to look? India?

*** Japan defends the dollar... Ernest Hendon dies... Gold
over $400...


We are surrounded by fraud. Immersed in it. Saturated by
it. Swamped... drenched... it drips off our noses and our
ears. We drown in it.

We enjoyed a phony boom, suffered through a mountebank of a
bust... and are now in the midst of a real imposter of a
recovery - there are still no jobs.

If payrolls had expanded the way they usually do following
a recession, there would be 7.7 million more jobs on offer
than there are today, says Stephen Roach. And the
Washington Post tells us that a "record number of people
are about to run out of unemployment benefits."

There are jobs available, adds the Detroit Free Press, but
they are not the same quality jobs as those that were lost.
While well-paying, skilled manufacturing jobs are
disappearing, they are being replaced by 'service sector'
employment - usually at lower rates. Addison provides some
detail below...

Of course, there is nothing wrong with work in the service
sector. But the best of the service jobs - in software
development, for example - seem to be going to India.
Continuing our research into the subcontinent, we picked up
a copy of BusinessWeek magazine. GE Capital Services now
has 16,000 workers in India, we discovered. IBM Global
Services has 10,000. For Oracle, the count is 6,000.

"As hiring explodes in India," says BW, "the jobless rate
among U.S. software engineers has more than doubled to 4.6%
in 3 years."

China takes the manufacturing jobs. Now, India takes the
best of the 'service' jobs. And just as China is depressing
wages and prices in the manufacturing sector worldwide, so
does India threaten high-tech salaries... as well as
prices... in service industries. Per-capita income in India
is less than $1.50 per day. Some five hundred million
Indians live on less than $1 per day. There is plenty of
room for businesses all over the world to cut costs by
outsourcing to India.

How much outsourcing will affect the average American is
unknown. Two hundred years ago, we note mischievously, the
average American or European had a standard of living not
very much superior to that of the average man in India or
China. Would it be so unlike Nature to level out the
playing field... before tilting it in the other direction?

Over to Addison with more news and insight:


Addison Wiggin in Paris...

- "The stock market entered January like the proverbial
lion," our literary New York editor opined over the
weekend, "and exited it like a lamb... a slightly crippled
lamb." The Dow began to limp late in the month and despite
ending all but even, fell 80 points the final week. The
Nasdaq fell equally lame in the final week - losing 2.7%
through Friday - but closed out the first month of the year
with a respectable 3.1% gain.

- A strong opening month, market history buffs will note,
often portends a strong market throughout for the year.
Given these rather mixed numbers at the close of business
January 30th, we Daily Reckoneers are, well, rather tepid
about our expectations for the rest of the year.

- We kid... we're actually rather dour. Particularly since
the lingering doubts we had about the stock market at the
end of last month greet us bright in early this month, too.
Friday, we looked at the eerie parallels between a rising
speculative market in 2003 and those of the bubble year
1999 - just four short years ago. "How soon people forget,"
we misquote Bambi Francisco from CBSMarketWatch.com, who
delved into the details on your behalf.

- Today, we remind you that the economy still lies
prostrate in the balance... waiting breathlessly to learn
which way the scales of economic uncertainty will tip. On
the one hand, we've got a rising stock market, the
concomitant "wealth effect," and a 4th-quarter GDP figure
now in at a "disappointing" and "less-than-expected" - but
still totally unbelievable - 4 percent. Quants, analysts,
pundits, columnists, talking heads and other financial
media ne'er-do-wells all seem to agree that the U.S.
economy grew 3.1% for the year.

- The balance begins to sway a little toward the beautiful
'r' word... the word economists and politicians alike love
to roll off their collective tongue: "recovery."

- On the other hand, we've got a slew of jobs that have
still failed to materialize and 70% of the U.S. economy
dependant on U.S. consumers going into debt in order to
keep up with appearances. Nearly two and half million
people have lost their jobs since 2001. And 375,000 of
those collecting unemployment in January ran through all of
their allotted federal subsidy - a fate now facing roughly
2 million more by June. The number of workers claiming
"part-time employment for economic reasons" has been
hovering dangerously close to 5 million for the last 4

- And despite the widely held belief that new jobs are on
the way, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics released last week, the average salary a U.S.
worker can expect to pull down has dropped from $44,570 to
$35,410 since 2001. Salaries down nearly 10k a year... in
less than three... if that isn't 'deflation,' we're not sure
we'll recognize it when it comes. Our friend Greg Weldon
adds this ominous statistic: "disposable income" collapsed
in the 4th quarter from the tax-cut-boosted $160 billion
reported in Q3 to a less-than-paltry $1.7 billion. That's a
99% drop, nay collapse, in the amount of cash sloshing
around in John Q.'s wallet.

- The balance sways at first, then snaps back toward
"recession"... the dreaded 'r' word only we editors of the
grizzly realist persuasion think is, if not sweet sounding,
at least appropriate.

- Still, lacking any clear momentum on either side of the
fulcrum, we wait. And wonder. What could tip the scales
decidedly in either direction? Well, if we learned anything
from last week's word play in the FOMC press release, is
not this market and economy more than a little jittery
about the prospect of rising interest rates?

- "The last time interest rates were this low in the United
States," writes Pirate Investor's Porter Stansberry, "was
the late 1950s. Back then the dollar's value was still tied
to gold. Money had a firm value. And people weren't afraid
to save it. In all, U.S. - consumer, corporate and
government - savings totaled 12% of GDP. So, when someone
wanted to borrow money, there was plenty of money

- "How much capital is available inside the United States
economy?" the curious reader might want to ask.

- "Well," Stansberry replies, "in last year's third
quarter, U.S. corporations borrowed $49 billion. They
didn't save anything. The U.S. government - you know it
didn't save a penny. According to its own accountants, it
is currently $43 trillion in the hole. Looking only at the
government's bills that were due in 2003, we should see a
$300 billion deficit - the largest ever. The consumer is
borrowing too - more than $700 billion in 2003. We're all
borrowing! All of us. Nobody is saving."

- "Back in 1959," Porter notes, "total borrowing came to
about $56.8 billion inside an economy that produced $507
billion in GDP (debts were 11% of GDP). Our borrowing could
easily by financed by our saving (12% of GDP), with some
left over to lend to others. Not anymore. In 2003 alone,
our borrowing came to $1.3 trillion. And we did not furnish
this cash from our own coffers - in fact we didn't save at
all. Instead we borrowed from foreigners. And they're not
very reliable. Foreigners are sensitive to the falling
value of our currency."

- What does all this debt - backed up by little savings -
mean? The cozy answer is: rising interest rates,
eventually. How soon is anyone's guess. Porter suspects
late March. (You can read Porter's speculative musings on
rising rates at the Daily Reckoning website:

Springtime - The Turning Point For Interest Rates

- Mortgage rates have already risen off multi-year lows.
Will the Fed move to raise the overnight funds rate,
too... in an election year? Given how quickly the dollar
resumed weakening following the Fed's press release, they
may not have a choice...


Bill Bonner, back in London...

*** "Residential Investment" is said to account for nearly
a third of GDP growth in the last quarter. Thus does the
whole bogus recovery depend on artificially low interest
rates, made possible thanks to the kindness of Chinese
strangers (who buy U.S. bonds).

*** Last year, Japan spent $187 billion trying to keep the
dollar up. In January, the total soared to $67 billion. We
don't know how long Japanese central bankers can remain
delusional... but when the money or the delusions run out,
dear reader, you don't want to be holding dollars.

*** Gold rose on Friday. It now trades at slightly over
$400. Close enough - buy!

*** As we noted on Friday, the cures offered by world
improvers are usually phony... but so are the ailments they
were meant to treat. For one generation, the world is
running out of energy... for another, it seems to have too
much. The world is overcrowded, say the chattering classes
of the 1960s; now, there are not enough young people to
support Social Security, they say when they get older! In
one era, there are too many Jews... too many
Hottentots... too many Papists or Holy Rollers; in the next,
the problem is racism, sexism, or religious bias.

In almost every case, the 'problem' often goes away as soon
as the next generation... to be replaced with the opposite
problem... or one even more moronic or lethal.

Materialism is ruining the planet... Oh no! Or do we need to
increase production in order to support poor people? The
earth is over-heating... or is it cooling off? We don't
know, but let's do something about it immediately.

Like a panicky crowd on the deck of a ferry, the whole
human race threatens to capsize and sink... not because of
any natural problems, but merely because it tends to go
overboard with its worries du jour.

*** This happy thought came to us while reading this week's
issue of the Economist. We turned first to the obituaries,
naturally, for that is the only honest information in
today's media. When a man is dead, there is no mistaking
it. Or lying about it. Or doing anything about it. You can
lower rates, pass laws, and kick him all you want. The poor
man still won't move.

There on page 73 of the Economist is the death notice for
Ernest Hendon, a man who died two weeks ago at the age of
96. Mr. Hendon was the subject of a study of syphilis.
Beginning in 1932, a group of researchers decided to keep
an eye on him, waiting for him to die so they could cut him
up and see how the disease did him in. Instead, the subject
had the rare pleasure of watching the watchers drop dead.

Pretending to treat his ailment, the health officials did
nothing... but watch. Decades later, the courts pretended to
correct the injustice by making lawyers rich. Hendon got a
check for $37,500 and free health care for life as
compensation for the wrong that apparently hadn't been done

The charge leveled at the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and the
public health services was pretense too: racism. Tuskegee
is a Black institution, started by George Washington Carver
more than a century ago. Many of the nurses who carried out
the study were black.

They were not racists; they were opportunists... like the
rest of us... taking advantage of an opportunity to make a
little money, get their names in the paper, and maybe even
learn something.

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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Mogambo on Monday! Why
imposing tariffs on foreign goods in order to "level the
playing field" is, to quote the Guru, a very "stupid idea."

By the Mogambo Guru

Lou Dobbs, talking head commentator who was brought back
out of retirement because he has that warm and avuncular
way about him, has decided that we need tariffs on imports.
Why? Many people, it seems, would like to "buy American,"
but can't find things made in America. This is, according
to this Dobbs guy who ought to put his tail between his
legs and slink back into retirement, horrible.

And why can't people find things "made in America" to buy?
Because of price. Things made in America are too darned
expensive, what with the crushing regulatory burdens of
government and bankrupting levels of liability insurance
occasioned by an out-of-control legal system where people
are actually suing, and winning, because they are not happy
with the downside of acting like irresponsible brain-dead
morons. And probably many other things to, but they all
come down to, and you might want to write this down, the
money. Everything nowadays is about the money. It's always
about the money.

So therefore foreign companies can undercut American
producers with one hand behind their backs. And the result
of the fight in the arena of business warfare is that the
American companies are beaten to death, and that is why
nothing is made in America anymore.

So what to do? Well, for the Leftist Losers and their
fellow-traveler commie buddies, the solution is tariffs.
The idea is simplicity itself: If you can make foreign
imports expensive, then American businesses can compete on
a "level playing field." And you know what? It will work!
It will work great! Suddenly, you will see lots and lots of
American companies, employing American workers, making
extremely expensive things to sell, the same things that
used to be sold by foreigners at much cheaper prices!

I can see a wave of hands as each and every one of you has
your hand up in the air, all competing for my attention,
hoping so urgently that I will call on you to explain what
is so horribly, horribly wrong with this stupid idea that I
even turn around and write on the blackboard, "What is
wrong with this stupid idea?"

The correct answer is: "Because it leads, as it is designed
to lead, to higher prices. And no theory of economics has
ever postulated that economic vitality can be achieved by
having prices go higher. Bad things happen when prices go
higher! It is called inflation!"

Well, up until a couple of years ago, this was correct. It
was only until the arrival of Ben Bernanke, an insane,
horrible little man from a horribly hot place, that anyone
dared to advance a theory that inflation was good, and that
we ought to actually try and reach some target of
inflation! By printing money! Trying to create price
inflation through the time-honored tradition of printing
money! This is insane!

But we were talking about inflation. I walk over to the
video equipment and rewind back to where I abruptly changed
the subject, and then I relive that whole moment, and I am
instantly galvanized. "Yes!" I scream. "Wake up people! You
will not like inflation! Nobody likes inflation! It means
that your standard of living is going to take a nosedive
unless your income also rises as fast as prices, and I
laugh like a demented hyena - owwwwww, ow ow owwwwwwww wow
wow wow wow! - at the idea, as the aggregate 'you' in
America is NOT going to have wages rise as fast as prices,
and forgive me for my brutal honesty here, but I can state
with some conviction that the majority of you are already
so overpaid that the idea of paying you more is absolutely
ludicrous. So if that sounds like you, then don't be making
plans for a higher income to offset the higher prices."

Especially now that so many people rely on government
checks every month. They are soon going to be screeching,
and their lobbyists are going to be screeching, and their
relatives are going to be screeching, and editorials in the
newspaper are going to be screeching, and all the Leftists
are going to be screeching, and all the people who are
going to be hit up for money by these people are going to
be screeching, about how they are, pause for dramatic
effect, suffering. Suffering! And you know what? They WILL
be suffering! And why are they suffering? Because, and
watch my lips, people, because their incomes will NOT be
increasing as fast prices, and they will suffer a falling
standard of living!

And they do not want a falling standard of living! Nobody
wants a falling standard of living! And why are they
suffering a falling standard of living? Because prices went
up, and they can only afford to buy less stuff, because
their incomes didn't go up as fast and they simply RUN OUT

So, tariffs make things cost more. I call this the TMTCM
Principle. And here is Lou Dobbs, looking you right in the
eye and telling you that your retired parents, and the
sick, and the infirm, and everybody else in America who
depends on a government check, and most everybody else,
too, is going to suffer a fall in their standard of living.
And every month all of us will still spend all of our
money, but we will be able to buy less and less stuff. And
this horrid little twerp is all for it, and recommends that
exact course of action.

To hell with Lou Dobbs.

But Lou can count on the support of Charles Schumer,
Leftist Loser Democrat in Congress, who is from New York,
and is reported to be pushing for a 27.5% tariff on Chinese
imports. I shake my head in weary resignation. I have made
my feelings plain about the execrable Charles Schumer many
times in the past, and about the New York ninnies who
elected this laughable clown to Congress, so I will not
expand on that theme. But it is not surprising to hear that
this Schumer character is proposing such a stupid and
horrible idea.

And now we have reached the end game of the stupid and the
horrible, and you will notice how the phrase "stupid and
horrible" keeps popping up, so you know it must be true.
Here we have Congress and the Federal Reserve and the media
and White House all trying to force prices higher while
holding incomes low, which is the exact OPPOSITE of what
government should want for the people! The exact, one
hundred and eighty-degree opposite!

Stupid and horrible.


The Mogambo Guru
for the Daily Reckoning

-- Mogambo Sez: To show you that there are poets amongst
us, as we slop around in the fetid swamp of economics and
are always disgusted at how it makes our feet stink, a
friend sent me a little present last week, and the poetry
was how she wrapped it. Her cryptic note was "The wrapping
paper is real U.S currency - just practicing!" Fabulous!
How clever!

Anybody who recognizes that the currency is being debased
to the point where it is worthless enough to wrap presents
with, and then actually does exactly that as a symbolic
gesture, ought to be honored for her charming wit. To show
you that I am just the kind of guy to do that, I bow deeply
from the waist and chant "We're not worthy! We're not

Editor's note: Richard Daughty is general partner and
C.O.O. for Smith Consultant Group, serving the financial
and medical communities, and the editor of the Mogambo Guru
economic newsletter, an avocational exercise the better to
heap disrespect on those who desperately deserve it.

The Mogambo Guru is quoted frequently in Barron's, The
Daily Reckoning, and other fine publications. If you're
inclined to read more, you'll find the whole Mogambo here:

The Writing On The Wall

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