-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Fake Crimes
by Paul Craig Roberts

Studies show Americans close to being the worst
educated and least aware population among
first-world countries. Americans easily stumble
into war and give up their rights because of
exaggerated fears of terrorists and criminals.
Americans have been losing accountable
government, liberty and justice for a long time. At
some point these values become irretrievable.

Consider justice. The US has the highest rate of
incarceration in the world and imprisons 6 to 10
times as many people as any other industrialized
country. Between 1990 and 2000 the US population
increased 13%. The US prison population more
than tripled.

There are hundreds of thousands of innocent
Americans in prison. They are there because the
criminal justice system no longer works to discover
the truth of a crime, but to convict at all cost
whoever happens to be charged with a crime. And
they are there because the US criminalizes more
acts than any other country in the world, including
tyrannical police states.

In the US there are three categories of prisoners: the
guilty, the innocent, and those convicted as a result
of prosecutors' interpretations of vague and broad
statutes that deem conduct to be criminal that
reasonable people  and every other country  do
not recognize to be criminal.

For example, in the Martha Stewart case, the
prosecutor criminalized her exercise of her
constitutional right to declare her innocence. He
said it constituted fraud for her to declare her
innocence and tacked on the charge. Remember that
if you ever stand before a judge.

Almost everyone in prison is wrongfully convicted,
even the guilty. According to the US Dept. of
Justice (sic), 95% of criminal convictions result
from plea-bargains. What is a plea bargain but
self-incrimination, conviction without a trial by jury
and without a test of the evidence against the

An uninformed public believes plea bargains to be
sweet deals for criminals. Sometimes they are, but
more often pleas result from prosecutors piling on
charges until the defendant, innocent or guilty, cries
"uncle" and gives up.

Prosecutors not only coerce defendants, they coerce
witnesses to give false testimony. Sometimes
coercion takes place behind closed doors. Other
times it takes place in full public view.

Consider husband and wife defendants Andrew and
Lea Fastow in the Enron case. The Fastows have
two young children. In order to coerce
"cooperation" and testimony against Enron
executives, the federal prosecutors threatened to put
both father and mother in prison, effectively
rendering the two young children orphans.

In Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz's
immortal words, Andrew Fastow is being taught not
only to sing but also to compose. To keep his wife
out of prison, he will give the prosecutors whatever
testimony they want against his bosses.

The American public watches all this in plain view
and then believes the testimony!

You may think that Enron officials deserve what
they get. But do you approve of the illegal and
unethical methods used to produce the convictions?
In effect are the prosecutors as guilty of criminal
behavior as those they pursue?

"Junk bond king" Michael Milken was put into a
similar situation. Unless he agreed to a plea, the
prosecutors threatened to indict his younger brother.

If prosecutors can so easily frame the wealthy and
politically connected, what do you think happens
daily to the inner city poor?

Prosecutor Rudy Giuliani was a master at using the
media to destroy the reputations of his victims, thus
pre-empting a trial where evidence of a crime could
be tested. Giuliani climbed over the bodies of his
high-profile victims to become mayor of New York
and a 911 hero.

Now it is Martha Stewart and mutual funds who
have been targeted as a prosecutor's path to a
political career.

Martha Stewart is falsely charged with "insider
trading," an offense of which she cannot be guilty as
she is not an insider and had no information from an

Legal scholar and law school dean Henry Manne
has shown (Wall St. Journal, 1-8-04) that
prosecutor Eliot Spitzer's charges against mutual
funds are largely trumped-up. The offenses are
partly the unintended result of a Security and
Exchange Commission "reform," which capped
redemption fees that mutual funds used to
discourage market timers.

Prosecutor Spitzer's claims about mutual funds are
based, not on law, but on an academic paper written
at the Stanford University Graduate School of
Business. In other words, the prosecutor has a
"theory." Professor Manne has shown the academic
paper to be incorrect. What we are witnessing is a
mutual fund witch-hunt based on an incorrect
academic theory.

And Americans think they live under a rule of law!

No doubt some mutual fund managers exercised bad
judgment and some may have broken some rules.
But Spitzer's ambition has blown the cases out of
proportion. We certainly do not want to criminalize
bad judgment. It is hard to find a worse case of bad
judgment than the Bush administration's invasion of

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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