-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> http://chiffonrouge.org
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> ---------------------------
> 1) Two US Soldiers Killed, 12 Wounded In Rocket Attack
> On US Army Base
> 2) Four Iraqi Policemen Injured In Grenade Attack In
> Kirkuk
> 3) Ethnic Turkmen Leader Killed, Another Injured In
> Post-War Internecine Violence
> 4) 82 Killed, Over 200 Injured In Iraq Suicide
> Attacks, Explosions
> 5) 100 Feared Dead In Suicide Bombings
> 6) Iraq's Calendar Of Death
> 7) British Soldier Killed In 'Tragic Accident,'
> Bringing UK Fatalities To 58
> 8) Cold Comfort: Spouse Killed In Iraq, Afghanistan?
> Fast-Talking, Purple-Suited 'TV Entrepreneur' Offers
> Cash
> 1)
> http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=2479598
> The Scotsman
> February 2, 2004
> Two American Soldiers Killed in Central Iraq
> "PA"
> One American soldier was killed and 12 others injured
> in a rocket attack today on an Army base in central
> Iraq, the U.S. military said.
> Another soldier was killed and two others hurt in a
> vehicle accident, when their Humvee overturned near
> the town of Haditha, 175 kilometres (105 miles) west
> of Balad, the military said. It said the condition of
> the two injured soldiers was not known
> The rocket landed inside a logistics support base of
> the 4th Infantry Division in Balad, 80 kilometres (50
> miles) south of the division's headquarters in Tikrit,
> an Army statement said.
> It said two of the injured soldiers were in a serious
> condition. Following the attack, troops detained 16
> people including four women for questioning, it said
> without elaborating.
> Tikrit, the hometown of Saddam Hussein, is part of the
> Sunni Triangle, where most of the anti-U.S. insurgency
> has taken place.
> The deaths raised to 524 the number of U.S. service
> members who have died since the Iraq war began in
> March.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> 2)
> http://www.iribnews.com/Full_en.asp?news_id=197635
> Islamic Republic Of Iran Broadcasting
> February 1, 2004
> 4 Iraqi police injured
> Kirkuk, Feb 1 - Four Iraqi police were injured Sunday
> in an attack in the northern city of Kirkuk, where
> security forces have been deployed en masse amid fears
> of an attack timed to coincide with major muslim
> holiday of Eid al-Adha, police said.
> "Unknown attackers threw a grenade at a police patrol
> at 5:30 am, before dawn prayers in the al-Uruba
> district of eastern Kirkuk," police colonel Khattar
> Abdullah Aaref said."
> Four police were injured, one seriously," he said.
> On Saturday, more than 5,000 officers were deployed
> across Kirkuk, 255 kilometres (160 miles) north of
> Baghdad, after threats of an attack during the Eid
> al-Adha feast of the sacrifice which begins sunday.
> Police general Turhan Yussef said 15 police stations
> had been reinforced while vehicles had been dispatched
> to guard mosques across the district.
> Senior coalition officials on Friday said they were
> bracing themselves for a possible increase in violence
> during the three-day Eid festivities.
> A homemade explosive device on Saturday killed three
> US soldiers riding in a convoy southwest of Kirkuk, a
> US military spokesman said.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 3)
> http://www.iribnews.com/Full_en.asp?news_id=197607&n=38
> IRIB (Iran)
> February 1, 2004
> Turkmen official killed in Iraq
> Kirkuk, Iraq, Jan 31 - An Iraqi Turkmen party official
> was killed Saturday and another injured in an attack
> near this northern oil city, a police official said.
> Mahdi Hussein Turkmani was killed and Hussein Abbas
> injured when assailants opened fire from a car on
> their car in the mostly Turkmen town of Taza, 15
> kilometres (nine miles) south of Kirkuk, police
> colonel Turhan Yussef said.
> The two men are leadership members of the Iraqi
> Turkmen front, a group opposed to Kurds' demand of a
> federated state in northern Iraq.
> The Kurds view the Turkmen front as a pro-Turkey
> party.
> Kirkuk, 255 kilometres (160 miles) north of Baghdad,
> has been the scene or ethnic rivalries between Arabs,
> Kurds and Turkmen.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 4)
> http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_2-2-2004_pg1_3
> Daily Times (Pakistan)
> February 2, 2004
> 82 killed, over 200 injured in Iraq suicide attacks
> and explosions
> * US troops arrest 35 Iraqis
> * Wolfowitz makes surprise visit to Iraq
> BAGHDAD: Some 56 people were killed and approximately
> 200 wounded when two suicide bombers blew themselves
> up at two Kurdish party offices in the northern Iraqi
> city of Arbil and an explosion at an arms depot killed
> 20 Iraqis on Sunday.
> Suicide attackers detonated belts of explosives inside
> two Kurdish political offices packed with people
> celebrating Eid ul Azha, officials said.
> US Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy head of
> coalition operations, told a press conference that
> there were reports of a number of senior Kurdish
> officials being killed in the blasts.
> One of the two Kurdish parties that were targetted
> quickly blamed Islamist extremists for the deadly
> attacks on the first day of Eidul Azha.
> The bombers separately entered the offices of the
> Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan
> Democratic Party (KDP) and detonated explosive belts
> amid lax security because of the start of Eid.
> Witnesses said that among the dead were a senior
> member of each party, Saad Abdallah from the KDP, and
> Shahwan Abbas from the PUK.
> Twenty Iraqis who were killed when they stormed a
> munitions depot and it blew up, the Polish spokesman
> for the multinational force in Iraq said.
> "About 20 people got into a fortified building shortly
> after midnight (early Sunday) and caused an explosion
> in the huge munitions depot in the desert, 180
> kilometres southwest of Karbala," Colonel Robert
> Strzelecki said quoted by the Polish news agency PAP.
> "The intruders were detected by radar, but our
> soldiers did not have the time to stop them," he
> added.
> A mortar bomb exploded on a crowded Baghdad street
> late Saturday in the northern Baladiyyat district of
> Baghdad, killing four Palestinians and one Iraqi and
> leaving 14 wounded. More than 500 people gathered in
> the capital on Sunday for the funerals of the four
> Palestinians, as gunshots rang out to mourn the dead
> and protest against the violence.
> An Iraqi Turkmen party official was also shot dead and
> another died from his wounds Sunday after an ambush by
> unidentified gunmen near Kirkuk, a police official
> said.
> Four police officers were injured on Sunday in Kirkuk
> shortly after dawn prayers, when attackers lobbed a
> grenade at a police patrol. More than 5,000 police
> have been deployed in the city amid fears of Eid
> violence.
> A US soldier was killed on Sunday and 12 others
> wounded when an American base was pounded by rockets
> near Balad, a US military spokesman said.
> US troops on Sunday concluded three days of raids in
> the northern Iraqi town of Bayji which netted 35
> people suspected of anti-coalition activities and
> large quantities of weapons, a military spokeswoman
> said.
> The raids - dubbed Operation Final Cut - were launched
> on Jan 28 and left three Iraqis dead on Thursday, said
> Major Josslyn Aberle, from the Tikrit-based 4th
> Infantry Division.n.
> US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz made a
> surprise return to Iraq on Sunday.
> Wolfowitz, one of the chief architects of the 2003
> US-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein, was expected
> to meet US troops during his first visit here since
> October when a rocket struck his hotel.
> Amid the unrest, Adnan Pachachi, the outgoing
> president of the interim Governing Council, announced
> plans to resurrect Iraq's once powerful Defence
> Ministry and US overseer Paul Bremer said there were
> now more Iraqi forces on the ground than coalition
> troops.
> "Right now in Iraq, there are more Iraqis providing
> security than there are coalition forces here," said
> Bremer, as 500 policemen graduated a training course
> in Jordan. -Agencies
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 5)
> http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/02/01/1075570299564.html
> Associated Press
> February 2, 2004
> 100 feared dead in suicide bombings
> Up to 100 people are feared dead after two suicide
> bombers blew themselves up at the offices of two rival
> Kurdish parties in northern Iraq, packed with hundreds
> of people celebrating a Muslim holiday.
> The dead include the governor of the region, ministers
> in the local administration and several senior
> officials, Mohammed Ihsan, the minister for human
> rights for the Kurdish regional government said.
> The near-simultaneous attacks at the offices of the
> Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of
> Kurdistan took place as party leaders were receiving
> hundreds of visitors to mark the start of the four-day
> Muslim holiday, Eid Al-Adha, or the Feast of
> Sacrifice.
> "These figures are estimates but I believe about 60
> people were killed at the PUK and about 80 at the KDP.
> There are a tremendous number of injured," Ihsan said.
> "On the first day of Eid we receive people and
> well-wishers and that's why security wasn't as tight
> as during the rest of the days," he said.
> "They (the attackers) took advantage of this," he
> said.
> He said the attacked offices were not the headquarters
> of the two parties but branch offices.
> He said a state of emergency has been declared in the
> Kurdish area and doctors have been asked to return
> from Eid vacation. An urgent appeal has been issued to
> residents to donate blood.
> Irbil is about 325km north of Baghdad.
> Ihsan said those among the dead are Irbil Governor
> Akram Mintik, Deputy Prime Minister Sami Abdul Rahman,
> Minister of Council of Ministers Affairs Shawkat Sheik
> Yazdin, and Agriculture Minister Saad Abdullah.
> A KDP official, speaking on condition of anonymity,
> said "dozens have been killed and dozens were
> injured". He said the casualties are being evacuated
> to two hospitals in the region.
> PUK spokesman Qubad Talabani told CNN that the death
> toll "could well be in the dozens and the numbers are
> rising . . . by the minute".
> "The scene is pretty chaotic at the moment. We are
> hearing reports of many casualties. There are many,
> many injured as well," he said, adding he could not
> confirm that senior officials were killed.
> The PUK and KDP parties control the Kurdish-dominated
> provinces of northern Iraq where most of the country's
> minority Kurds live. There was no claim of
> responsibility. However, a radical Kurdish group,
> Ansar al-Islam, operates in the Kurdish region and has
> been linked by US officials to al-Qaeda.
> Thousands of people crowded outside Irbil's hospital,
> looking for loved ones but were kept out by police.
> Officials said the top Kurdish leaders were greeting
> people when the attacker approached them and detonated
> the explosives strapped around his body.
> The second attack took place at about the same time in
> the office of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan across
> town, PUK spokesman Kadhim Ali said. He said several
> people were killed and injured in the PUK attack.
> US military officials had said they were prepared for
> any upsurge of violence in connection with the
> holiday. The start of the Islamic fasting month of
> Ramadan last year marked a sharp escalation in
> violence against the US-led coalition and its Iraqi
> allies.
> The attacks occurred a day after a car bomb outside a
> police station in the northern city of Mosul killed at
> least nine people and injured 45.
> Irbil houses the Kurdish parliament. Under US-led
> aerial protection, Iraqi Kurds, ethnically distinct
> from the majority Arabs, have ruled a
> Switzerland-sized swath of northern Iraq since the end
> of the Gulf War more than a decade ago.
> The last major attack in Irbil occurred on December 24
> when a suicide bomber detonated an explosives-packed
> car in front of the Kurdish Interior Ministry, killing
> four civilians and inuring 101.
> In September, a suicide car bomber struck the US
> intelligence headquarters in Irbil, killing three
> Iraqis.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 6)
> Al-Jazeera (Qatar)
> February 2, 2004
> Iraq's calendar of death
> Fifty-six people were killed and some 200 wounded  on
> Sunday when twin suicide bombers blew themselves up at
> the offices of the two major Kurdish parties in the
> normally tranquil Kurkish-held city of Kirkuk.
> The country, invaded by US-led forces in March, has
> been rocked by attacks since US President George Bush
> declared major combat operations over on 1 May.
> Following is a list of the most deadly attack:
> 2003
> 24 June: Six British military police are killed in the
> southern Shiite town of Al-Majar Al-Kabir in a
> gun-battle with residents, angry about house searches
> for illegal weapons using dogs, considered unclean in
> Islam.
> 5 July: Seven US-trained Iraqi police recruits are
> killed and 40 wounded in a blast at a training centre
> in Ramadi, west of Baghdad.
> 7 August: A car bomb outside the Jordanian mission in
> Baghdad kills at least 14 people and wounds dozens.
> 11 August: Six Iraqi prisoners die and 59 are wounded
> when the Abu Gharib prison west of Baghdad comes under
> mortar fire.
> 19 August: A truck bomb outside UN headquarters in
> Baghdad kills 22 people, including the world body's
> Iraq envoy, Sergio Vieira de Mello.
> UN chief envoy Sergio Vieira de
> Mello (R), was killed in August
> 29 August: A car bomb kills 83 people, including
> Iraq's leading Shiite politician, Ayatollah Muhammad
> Baqir al-Hakim, and wounds 125 outside one of Shiite
> Islam's holiest shrines in the central Iraqi city of
> Najaf.
> 25 September: Eight Iraqi civilians die and 18 are
> injured when a mortar bomb strikes a crowded square in
> Baquba, a city northeast of Baghdad.
> 12 October: At least six people are killed and 10
> seriously wounded in a suicide car bombing outside the
> Baghdad Hotel, home to US security personnel and
> contractors, as well as some members of the US-backed
> Governing Council.
> 26 October: Rockets pound Baghdad's Rashid Hotel where
> US Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is staying,
> killing a soldier and wounding 17 other people.
> 27 October: Explosions across Baghdad target four
> police stations and the International Committee of the
> Red Cross, killing at least 43 people and wounding
> 200.
> 2 November: A Chinook helicopter carrying US troops on
> leave is shot down by a missile near Fallujah, killing
> 16 soldiers and wounding 26.
> 7 November: A US Black Hawk helicopter is downed in
> Saddam's hometown of Tikrit, north of Baghdad,
> probably by a rocket-propelled grenade, killing all
> six aboard.
> 12 November: A truck bomb attack in Nasiriya, southern
> Iraq, kills 28 people, including 19 Italians in the
> worst attack on Italian troops since World War II.
> 15 November: Two Black Hawk helicopters collide over
> the northern city of Mosul after reportedly coming
> under fire, killing 17 US soldiers.
> 22 November: At least 18 Iraqis are killed in twin
> suicide bombings on police stations north of Baghdad.
> 29 November: Ambushes kill seven Spanish intelligence
> agents near Suwayrah, south of Baghdad, two Japanese
> diplomats and their Iraqi driver near Tikrit, two US
> soldiers near the Syrian border and a Colombian
> civilian contractor in northern Iraq.
> Iraqi police walk past a burning
> car after a bombing near a hotel
> 14 December: An explosion at the Khaldiya police
> station in western Iraq kills 16 policemen and two
> civilians, including a seven-year-old girl, and wounds
> 29 more people, the day after the capture of former
> president Saddam Hussein.
> 15 December: Two nearly simultaneous car bombs kill
> eight people and wound at least 17 at Baghdad police
> stations.
> 24 December: A suicide bombing kills five people,
> including the bomber, and wounds 101 when a pick-up
> truck blows up at interior ministry offices in the
> Iraqi Kurdish city of Arbil.
> 27 December: Seven coalition soldiers -- five
> Bulgarians and two Thais -- and 12 Iraqis are killed
> and at least 180 people wounded, most of them Iraqis,
> in a multiple car bomb and mortar attack in the
> central city of Karbala.
> 31 December: Eight people are killed and 24 wounded
> when an explosives-packed car rams into a popular
> Baghdad restaurant on New Year's Eve.
> 2004
> 18 January: At least 25 people, mainly Iraqis, are
> killed and about 130 in a devastating suicide car
> bombing outside the US headquarters in Baghdad. At
> least two of the dead are believed to be US
> contractors.
> 1 February: Fixty-six people are killed and some 200
> wounded when twin suicide bombers blew themselves at
> the headquarters in the normally tranquil Kurdish-held
> city of Arbil of the two leading Kurdish political
> parties.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 7)
> Femail (Britain)
> February 1, 2004
> Soldier killed in accident in Iraq
> 1st February 2004
> -Mr Thomson's death brings the total death toll of
> British soldiers in Iraq to 58. Since May 1 last year,
> when President George Bush declared the main
> hostilities of the conflict were over, 25 British
> soldiers have died.
> A 22-year-old British soldier has been killed in a
> "tragic accident" in Iraq, the Ministry of Defence
> announced.
> Robert Thomson, from West Lothian, who was serving
> with 35 Engineer Regiment, normally based in
> Paderborn, Germany, was killed in Basra on Saturday,
> an MoD spokesman said.
> He said: "It is with very deep regret that the
> Ministry of Defence has to confirm that Sapper Robert
> Thomson was killed in a tragic accident in Basra on 31
> January 2004."
> He added: "Our thoughts are very much with his family
> at this difficult time."
> An MoD spokeswoman said unmarried Mr Thomson died
> following an engineering accident relating to his job
> in the 35 Engineer Regiment.
> The spokeswoman said: "The death was engineering
> related, and was not as a result of a road crash, or
> enemy fire.
> "An investigation has been launched into what happened
> and it would be wrong to comment at this stage."
> Mr Thomson's regiment carries out a variety of roles
> from construction to trench building, the spokeswoman
> said.
> Mr Thomson's death brings the total death toll of
> British soldiers in Iraq to 58. Since May 1 last year,
> when President George Bush declared the main
> hostilities of the conflict were over, 25 British
> soldiers have died.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> 8)
> http://www.estripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=20193
> Stars And Stripes
> February 1, 2004
> Widows can turn to TV entrepreneur
> By Sandra Jontz
> -Lesko is the goofy, fast-talking entrepreneur, clad
> in a purple suit peppered with question marks, who has
> gained recognition through his television commercials
> hawking products and services to help people hunt for
> money hidden in government coffers.
> ARLINGTON, Va. - Meighan Adamouski isn't too proud to
> accept help.
> She needs all the aid she can get since her husband,
> Army Capt. James Adamouski, died when his Black Hawk
> crashed in the early days of the Iraq war.
> As a 30-year-old graduate student of public
> administration at George Mason University in Fairfax,
> Va., and living with her in-laws, she's more than
> interested in help finding free college tuition
> uncovered by a self-appointed advocate: Matthew Lesko.
> Lesko is the goofy, fast-talking entrepreneur, clad in
> a purple suit peppered with question marks, who has
> gained recognition through his television commercials
> hawking products and services to help people hunt for
> money hidden in government coffers.
> There are billions of dollars in services from job
> training to health care just waiting for someone to
> claim - but government agencies don't advertise them,
> Lesko said.
> But he's cracked the code and hired a staff to do all
> the research, for a fee, and usually a hefty one at
> that, said the 60-year-old former sailor who served
> three years, two months and nine days, "but who's
> counting," he says.
> "I did it for real rich people who wanted to get real
> richer," he said of search services that often charged
> thousands of dollars in fees. Now, he publishes a
> phone book-sized reference book, also available for
> sale.
> But his services are free to surviving spouses of
> troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
> "The victims of 9/11 died in an accident, and they got
> an average of $1.7 million apiece," Lesko said in a
> recent interview. "The people who are fighting for our
> freedoms, their families, they don't seem to get a
> whole lot. We have people dying for this country and
> they and their families deserve every little benefit
> this country has to offer.
> "There's more than $350 billion given out by federal,
> state and local governments for so many things, but
> they don't advertise so people don't know about it,"
> Lesko said.
> He's not too worried about folks who might try to dupe
> him out of a free search or two. "We're not going to
> sniff under anyone's rug to find if they're cheating
> us. If someone's going to try to take advantage,
> that's just terrible."
> Lesko's offer couldn't come at a better time, said
> Adamouski and Kristen Andrade, whose husband, Spc.
> Michael Andrade, was killed Sept. 24 in Iraq when his
> Humvee collided with a 5,000-gallon fuel tanker.
> Both widows have heard complaints from others who
> didn't know about services available to them, such as
> through Army Emergency Relief.
> It came as no surprise to AER's Greg Mason that
> surviving spouses have said they didn't know anything
> about benefits and services provided, such as
> interest-free loans.
> "If there are a number of spouses who have not heard
> about us for months, I don't doubt that. . Generally,
> it's the knowledge of the soldier in the military, and
> whether he takes that home and tells his spouse is
> iffy at best," said Mason, the deputy director of
> finance retired colonel who spent 28 years in the
> Army.
> Andrade is still finding her way, and thinks Lesko
> might be a good avenue.
> "There is so much I don't know about benefits and all,
> and I'm sure this could really help," she said. "When
> they contacted me, I was surprised. I said 'Wow,
> people are actually thinking about us.' I think this
> will be helpful to people left behind."
> - More information is available at:
> www.helpyourself.lesko.com
> Surviving spouses can request help by e-mailing:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by calling (301) 929-8400.
> _______________________________________________
> Anti-imperialiste mailing list
> http://chiffonrouge.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/anti-imperialiste

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