-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.16/pageone.html">Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 16
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 19, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 16
Editor & Chief: Emile Zola
New World Order Uber Alles

by Uri Dowbenko

As NATO leaders gather in Washington, D.C. on April 24 to celebrate the
50th anniversary of the alliance, the continued viability of an
organization rooted in the Cold War is being seriously questioned. With
the addition of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic as new members,
it is clear that NATO’s original anti-Communist role has been relegated
to the trashcan of history.

US officials are scrambling to create a new raison d’etre for the
continued existence of this dinosaur. So-called "peacekeeping" missions
and the supposed prevention of the spread of nuclear, biological and
chemical warfare have formed the rationale for public consumption.

Of course, the undeclared and illegal war in Kosovo is a textbook study
of the new modus operandi. Whatever the supposed hidden agenda of a
globalist cryptocracy may be, NATO has become the de facto army of a
"new world order" -- the iron fist in the velvet glove of a
intercontinental exercise of arbitrary power.

Following high-profile international muscle-flexing in Panama, Haiti,
Somalia, Iraq and Bosnia (
http://www.weu.int/institute/occasion/1andreat.htm), the militaristic
new world order has come out of the closet like gangbusters. Maybe even
multinational gangbangers. (Perhaps previous attempts to forge UN
"Peacekeepers" into obedient storm-troopers were deemed failures, and
thus NATO emerged as a more controllable and thus more efficient

Kiss Your Sovereignty Goodbye

Like the intellectual elites of the 1930’s obsessed with National
Socialism (Naziism) or International Socialism (Communism), the current
version of internationalists are likewise paving their own road to a
globalist hell with good intentions.

Using the Hegelian model of history, first there was Capitalism
(thesis), then Communism (antithesis), and now there’s the New World
Order, or Globalism (synthesis). The latter has risen from the ashes of
the Cold War and the formerly "competing" ideologies like a phoenix.

Globalism is the trendy philosophy for the new millennium. In his book
Megatrends 2000, Olympian futurist John Naisbitt calls it "free market
socialism" -- a hybrid economics that combines welfare state policies
with mega-corporate business on a global level.

Globalism, however, is also a secular religion with a dogma all its own.
Its primary belief system is the notion that the usefulness of the
nation-state is over, that national sovereignty is a thing of the past,
and that a one-world government is inevitable. National sovereignty --
and individual sovereignty for that matter -- is passe.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former Columbia University professor, President
Carter’s former National Security advisor, and a founder of the
Trilateral Commission, has often been a mouthpiece for globalist views.
Speaking at the Gorbachev Foundation’s State of the World Forum in 1995,
he said "We cannot leap into world government in one quick step. [It]
requires a process of gradually expanding the range of democratic
cooperation." In plain language, he means that people must continually
be brainwashed until they accept the globalist "reality."

Eurocrat Jean-Marie Guehenno hints at global hegemony or one world
totalitarianism, calling it an "empire without an emperor." Guehenno
wrote The End of the Nation-State (1995) which was called La fin de la
democratie, or The End of Democracy in the original French version.
Since nation-states are obsolete, he claims, " ‘wise men’ capable of
thinking through the finite world that has become our common lot" must
be entrusted to guide us into what he calls an "Imperial Age."
Presumably, Guehenno counts himself as one of the so-called "wise men"
who will rule the planet.

Such a collection of "wise men" can form a "global politburo" to run the
world as posited by Paul Mazur in Unfinished Business (1979). This is
obviously a hot topic. Both End of the Nation State (this one by Kenichi
Ohmae, 1996) and a book entitled Our Global Neighborhood (written in
mind-warping bureaucratese by the loftily-named Commission on Global
Governance, 1995) provide more background on the globalist philosophy
and globalist plans for your future.

Behind the Curtain of the Propaganda Machine

For a highly entertaining -- and educational -- peek at how government
spin doctors are promoting the globalist agenda, take a look at the
website of the United States Information Service (
http://www.usia.gov/usis.html ).

You’ll find, for example, Clinton’s remarks to Air Force personnel and
others at Barksdale Air Force Base, Bossier City, Louisiana, home base
for the B-52 bombers used in the US government-sponsored terrorist
bombings in Kosovo.

On April 12, 1999, Clinton cranks up the spiel for the military
personnel (aka "cannon fodder") and their families. He thanks all the
attending yes-men, then adds "We also have the FEMA Director here, James
Lee Witt, because, you know, you’ve had some pretty tough natural
disasters here recently, and we’re here doing double duty." Huh?

The lies, then, flow smoother than Cutty Sark. And then there’s the
punch line -- the bribe to keep them all quiet: "Our tax laws give the
President the authority to issue an executive order granting tax
benefits to Americans serving in a combat zone or supporting combat
efforts," said Clinton. "I want you to know that I will issue that
executive order for our forces who are working to save Kosovo. This will
mean that for military personnel serving in the combat zone, most or all
pay for each month served will be tax-free, not withheld from paychecks,
not subject to IRS claims later. They will also be eligible for some
additional pay for service."

Tax-free government-sponsored terrorism! Whadda deal! At least it
diverts attention from Bill Clinton’s domestic political problems, such
those relating to Chinese espionage and campaign finance.

Why Are We in Kosovo?

Aside from Bill Clinton’s problems at home, the recent revelations by
the London Times – "Drug Money Linked to Kosovo Rebels," (April 24,
1999) – that the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is funded by
organized crime and money-laundered drug profits should make everyone
pay attention.

The uncanny parallels with other CIA-funded "freedom fighters" in
Nicaragua, Kurdistan, and Afghanistan point to the war in Kosovo as a
drug war which has little to do with "humanitarian" concerns.

According to Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at the
University of Ottawa, "the supply route for arming ‘freedom fighters’
are the rugged mountainous borders of Albania with Kosovo and Macedonia.
Albania is also the key point of transit with the Balkans drug route
which supplies Western Europe with grade four heroin. 75% of the heroin
entering Western Europe is from Turkey, and a large part of the drug
shipments originating in Turkey transits through the Balkans."

According to the DEA, it is estimated that 4-6 metric tons of heroin
leave each month from Turkey on the way to Western Europe. The
(Albanian) Kosovo Liberation Army is most likely another drug-money
funded creature of the CIA like the Nicaraguan Contras.

Is the NATO bombing of Kosovo a cover story for a multinational gangwar
for control of heroin trafficking?

Or, are there also mineral reserves in Yugoslavia which are likewise a
source of contention? Is Slobodan Milosevic another out-of-control
Frankenstein monster, clandestinely created by our own policy makers
much like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, the recent "Hitler" of the 1991 Gulf

After all, NATO’s record is historically clear. Millions of Lithuanians,
Estonians, Latvians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, and other victims of
Communism were murdered without a peep from NATO. Instead, NATO’s first
and only war has been to attack Yugoslavia, a sovereign nation that had
in no way operated outside its own borders. So what, exactly, is NATO’s

A Serbian joke says "NATO" stands for "Nazi American Terrorist
Organization." But it’s no laughing matter. NATO’s forces could be the
shock troops in your own future.


Uri Dowbenko is the CEO of New Improved Entertainment Corp. He can be
reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol. 3, No. 16, April 19, 1999
Published by
Laissez Faire City Netcasting Group, Inc.
Copyright 1998 - Trademark Registered with LFC Public Registrar
All Rights Reserved

The Laissez Faire City Times is a private newspaper. Although it is
published by a corporation domiciled within the sovereign domain of
Laissez Faire City, it is not an "official organ" of the city or its
founding trust. Just as the New York Times is unaffiliated with the city
of New York, the City Times is only one of what may be several news
publications located in, or domiciled at, Laissez Faire City proper. For
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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