By popular demand, here is yesterday's installment in the US v. Johnson
cypherpunk trial. It is expected to end today, according to email last
night from CJ's attorney, Gene Grantham:

>We expect the trial to conclude tomorrow and a ruling by Judge Bryan is
>expected tomorrow, as well.  Judge Bryan is an excellent judge, but I can't
>even begin to predict what his ruling will be.

Blanc was called to testify because her name was mentioned in a email
message posted to cypherpunks (allegedly by CJ) that ranted about Bill
Gates and Microsoft products. The IRS and DoJ argue it was a threat.
Details at (

Also John Gilmore has found a list of CJ's country music albums:



From: "Blanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 22:44:44 -0700

I appeared today in Tacoma, for all of about 10 minutes, at Gene Grantham's
request.   I did have to wait around about 1 hour because the other
was taking longer than expected.   I walked up to the doors once and peeked
and could slightly hear Jeff Gordon under questioning, saying inaudible things
about "cypherpunks" this and "cypherpunk" that.

I went for some tea across the street, looked around at the Dave Chihuly
glasswork in the lobby, daydreamed on the witness bench about marble fountains
in ancient Roman civilization and how the Moors and Romans ended up as
and Italians.  Then I was called to speak.

I was asked by G. Grantham about the nature of the list and the kind of
posted.   (typical explanation).   He asked if I was aware of Jim Bell and his
essay on AP,  did I enter into the discussions on the subject, and what was my
opinion on the matter ("I disagreed").

Several questions on Toto's posts:   I considered them performance art,
satirical, joking [etc],  the kind of creative stories a writer would post,
didn't read them all, didn't take them very seriously.  Did I know about
the AP
bot web page.  I did, but didn't read most of those messages, didn't look
at the
site, didn't seriously consider that such a bot was up and functional.

What was my reaction on seeing  the particular post with the header containing
my name :  Wasn't sure if it was really a "Toto" post;  was puzzled and
surprised by it, being very different from his typical style.

And you didn't want your name associated with it?  Correct.  Outside of the
context of list discussions such a message could easily be misconstrued and

So you thought it was unwise for someone to send out this kind of post?  I
thought it was foolish.

Then CJ brought up a question about whether I had received a couple of other
emails from him, which I could not recall.   He began a second question, but
Judge Bryan would not allow him to continue (don't remember what the issue
but my impression is that he was tired of hearing anymore about who sent or
received which messages from who.)

Judge Bryant then asked me, "So you,ve never met Carl Johnson, have you?"
"Well , " -  he casually waved his hand in CJ's direction  -   "there he is."
(laughter).   CJ pointed to Gene Grantham beside him and said "And this is

Then the Dark Side got up and inquired about the message which I posted
here the
other day (in the reply to Hettinga's "Osama Tim Laden" post).   It was on the
ledge in front of me, in the 2nd big, fat binder full of Toto's and cpunk
exhibit #25.   "Are those little doohickeys on the side Toto's statements?"
And the other part of the message is what you said?"

He started to ask me about what I thought about something, but the judge
intervened.   This judge reminded me of a teacher, or Judge Judy Watkins,
to the prosecutor, "You don't ask the witness whether they agree with your
statement.  You ask them about the content of the message.  We're talking
fundamental content here, not whether she agrees with you or not."

Basically he then inquired whether I thought the message would be taken
seriously by Billg & company.  No.  Like I said in the message, I expected
would just keep it on file but not pursue it. (which is what happened)  But I
did recognize a message of that type could be misinterpreted or misunderstood?

A few objections went back & forth during all of the questioning, with the
basically reemphasizing that it was the content that mattered in the
communications, not tangential considerations.   Then I left the perch and the
judge called it a day.   I observed as CJ put his hands behind him and cuffs
were put on them.   He turned back and looked at me; I lifted my hand a bit in
greeting & acknowledgement.  And that was that.

Gene Grantham said he thought tomorrow morning the judge would make his
decision.   I asked him if he would post a message to the list about it,
send something to John Young, and he said he would.


p.s.    I recognize the extreme & utter importance of haivng a hired gun handy
for those special occasions when you're suddenly ambushed by the Matrix,
but it
ought to be kept  in mind, foremost and nevertheless, that it was not I who
created the situation, provoking a visit from the AI Agents, wherein in any
I myself was not the target of investigation and would therefore feel less the
immediate reaction to hai-karate self-defense (I haven't been through BUMMER).
One part to keeping AI Agents away is to prevent from deliberately creating
cause for suspicion in the first place, like not waving a red flag in front of
them and yelling 'fire'.   After that, it's much more difficult to keep
them at
bay (3 months and $10K? yikes!  Better you than me, GilMorpheus <g>).

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