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-Caveat Lector-

* * * * * * * * * * * * REMINDER * * * * * * * * * * * * *

On the days that I don't publish, like today, you will
receive Bill Bonner's DAILY RECKONING. This will help you
to keep pace with the changes in the markets.  Bonner and
I agree on most things in the field of economics, so the
two letters will reinforce each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Grumpy Old Men

The Daily Reckoning

London, England

Wednesday, 17 March 2004, St Patrick's Day


*** Why America's economy and stock market are going
down... In a word, debt.

*** Economics is not a hard science...

*** Are people really safer now... what would Thatcher have
done? Benedict Arnold CEOs? Another Nazi drops dead...



We were being interviewed yesterday by a French financial
publication and had been asked to explain why we were so
'negative' on the U.S economy.

"Debt levels are too high. The last time it was so cheap to
borrow money - back in the Eisenhower era - total debt in
the U.S. was less than 150% of GDP. In fact, it was almost
always under 150% of GDP... except during bubble periods.
Now, it's higher than it's ever been, at more than 300% of
GDP. The New York Times tells us that the average family's
debt went up by 50% over the last 13 years... from $54,000
to $79,000. And over the last 18 months, the Feds have been
adding to the national debt at the rate of $2 billion per

"Of course, many economists - including Alan 'Bubbles'
Greenspan himself [more on this in Friday's essay] -
pretend to see no problem. They seem to argue that you can
continue to borrow forever. But we all know it's not true.
At some point, lenders refuse to lend more... and/or the
debtor himself can no longer afford to keep up with his
interest payments.

"Just think about it... if you really could increase your
debt indefinitely, who wouldn't? Borrowing is now a whole
lot easier than working for a living. Inside work. Clean.
No heavy lifting. Try to imagine a man who uses mortgages
and credit cards... increasing his debt year after year... Or
a family that, generation after generation, merely lived on
a expanding line of credit... Or a nation to which the rest
of the world lent more and more of its savings...

"No happy examples come to mind. Because they don't exist.
People try to live off of credit, but they usually end up
disgraced... or blow their brains out."

"But here in France we are great admirers of the U.S.
economy," replied the reporter. "The U.S. GDP is growing
faster than in Europe. And surely you have some of the best
people in the world working at the Fed. They must see the
problems. They must have a way of managing them... "

"Ah," came our ready response. "All over the world, people
think that the world economy is a machine and that
economics itself is the science of how to make the machine
run properly. They conclude that the good scientists at the
Fed - such as Professor Bernanke from Princeton - will make
the proper adjustments. The trouble is, the world economy
is not a machine and economics - if it is a science at all
- is a human science, not a hard science. If you heat up
water to 212 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on pressure and
so forth, it boils. Every time. But human responses are
impossible to predict. They depend on whatever fool idea
humans happen to have at the time.

"Imagine that you do your maths (as they say in England)
and that you come to the realization that - as a scientific
observation - stocks produce greater profits than bonds. If
this were accepted as scientifically valid... it would be
irrational for investors to put their money into anything
other than stocks. Stocks would, then, rise dramatically -
convincing even diehard skeptics, who would then buy
stocks, too. Stocks would be hot... while bonds would cool
down and ice over. Pretty soon, bonds would yield 10% or
more (in 1978 you could get 15% from a U.S. government
bond!)... and stocks would produce no yield at all... and no
hope of capital gains, for all the world's money would be
already invested in them.

"But the observation that stocks outperform bonds is based
on investors' attitudes and reactions from a period when
investors did not believe that stocks were better
investments. Stock prices from the period - much lower -
reflected the belief that stocks were, on the contrary,
risky... and that investors needed a greater return to make
up for the risk.

"And so it doesn't take long for the sharp, cynical
investor to see that the 'stocks are always better than
bonds' idea is flawed. The smart money pulls out of the
boiling stock market... just as Buffett, Soros, Rogers,
Templeton, and Grantham have largely done already [More on
these 'Elite Old Guys,' below... ]. Later, the mob of
lumpeninvestors catches on... and may, in a moment of sudden
panic, realize that its goose has been cooked. Stocks
crash. In effect, this generation of investors rediscovers
the risk that their fathers and grandfathers always knew
was there - the kind of risk that 'science' can't
measure... the kind of risk the Feds can't protect you

Alan Greenspan sees no problem. But Americans are not so
sure. Consumer confidence dropped in the latest period.

The economy is in full 'recovery,' say the experts. But
mortgage foreclosures, personal bankruptcies, and late
payments are at record levels. White-collar workers are
having a hard time finding new jobs. Blue-collar workers'
real earnings per hour have been going down for the last 30

And now the bear market rally of October 2002-March 2003
seems to be rolling over. Stocks bounced back yesterday... .
but the trend seems to be down. And just when it looked
like they might go up forever!

*** The Paris HQ is mysteriously silent today. We're told
the weather has finally turned and the sun is shining,
which might help to explain things. In any event, we trudge
along... alone.

*** The press release from the FOMC meeting yesterday was a
"non-event." Bonds rallied within minutes and yields
tanked, but nothing much else happened. The euro gained
half a centime against the dollar - which, by session's
end, changed hands for two less yen than the day before.

*** What must Mr. Mizoguchi be thinking? Despite spending a
third of a trillion dollars trying to keep the dollar up,
yesterday it fell again - over 1% against the yen. Surely,
he must be wondering if he has wasted his countrymen's
money. Surely, he must be thinking about alternative uses
for Japan's savings. Surely, he must be twitching...

*** "Where are the jobs?" asks a Business Week headline.
But the poor newsmagazine seems to have no clue. Jobs are
disappearing, it says, not because of Kerry's 'Benedict
Arnold CEOs,' but because of 'productivity.' To this we can
only give a Mogambo-style reply - hahaha. Productivity
rises with the advance of technology and material progress.
We're trying to get this straight, in case someone asks
us... let's see... the more prosperous and productive we
become, the fewer jobs there will be, right? According to
this theory... if progress continues as it usually does,
soon none of us will have jobs! Ha, ha, ha...

But don't worry... we'll think of something, says Business
Week (presumably, something not subject to productivity

"History has shown time and again that jobs follow growth,
but not necessarily in a simple, linear fashion. America
has a dynamic, fast-changing economy that embodies Joseph
A. Schumpeter's ideal of creative destruction. We are now
experiencing the maximum pain from the wreckage of outmoded
jobs while still awaiting the innovations that will
generate the work of the future. While America's faith in
its innovation economy has often been tested, it has never
been betrayed. Given the chance, the economy will deliver
the jobs and prosperity that it has in the past."

Ha, ha, ha, ha...

*** Terrorist attacks in London are "inevitable," say the
English papers. London's mayor said it would be
"miraculous" if the capital avoided a Madrid-style attack.

*** "Have the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq really made
the world safer?" Europeans are asking themselves.

"The whole thing seems mad," said an English journalist at
dinner last night. "We suffered IRA bombings in London for
many years, decades in fact. We knew they operated out of
Ireland... but we didn't declare war on the Irish. Osama bin
Laden might have been captured and brought to justice by
now if we hadn't gone off on this grandiose 'War on Terror'
thing. I mean, nation building... clashing
civilizations... what nonsense. There are always dreadful
people doing dreadful things. You need to track them down
and bring them to justice... not stir up every crackpot and
malcontent against you.

"Someone asked Margaret Thatcher what she would have done.
Would she have taken the British to war in Iraq? No, she
said... it was 'too uncertain.' Smart woman. But she's a
real conservative. These neo-conservatives who seem to be
in charge of American foreign policy are really something
else altogether.

"I knew Richard Perle [a top neo-conservative idea monger]
when I was a correspondent in Washington. Delightful,
charming man. But completely mad."

[Ed note: In a related vein, Doug Casey passes on some
rather startling observations from a correspondent "in
country" in Iraq... in an article on the Daily Reckoning
website. You don't want to miss it:

On The Ground In Iraq
http://www.dailyreckoning.com/body_headline.cfm?id=3829 ]

*** Pity the poor prosecutors. They were all set to bring
an aging Nazi to justice for his role in the murder of
Italian civilians in 1994 when the old man, 95, died. We
can only hope the trial goes on... but at a higher court.

How different this 'War on Terror' is from the old-
fashioned kind. Yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of
the 'Great Escape,' from Stalag Luft III in Germany. The
breakout by 76 POWs was celebrated in the film of the same
title with Steve McQueen and James Coburn. Typically,
Hollywood made the Americans heroes... but there were no
Americans involved. They were mostly RAF airmen. And
contrary to the film account, very few actually got away.
Hitler personally ordered the execution of 50 of the
captured soldiers, to set an example.

Only six of the original escapees remain alive. Two of them
who gathered at the British Imperial War Museum yesterday
to mark the occasion had actually escaped a second time.
Late in the war, German guards - regular soldiers, not the
SS - helped them get away.

Bill Bonner,
The Daily Reckoning

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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Investment advice from the
world's most experienced investors: Two votes for gold. One
vote for high-yielding stocks. One vote for currencies
outside the dollar. And more...

by Steve Sjuggerud

It hit me late last night as I watched George Soros being
interviewed... there are the Grumpy Old Men... and then there
are the Elite Old Guys. The Elite Old Guys are the
investors you'd REALLY want to have on your side.

The Grumpy Old Men are the folks that have been bearish
their whole lives. There are thousands of these guys -
smart and poor - because they never stepped up to the plate
to buy.

Then there are the Elite Old Guys - and these are the guys
worth listening to. To carry any credibility with me, you
have to have said both "buy" and "sell" in your investment

Sounds simple, I know. But you'd be amazed how short the
list of Elite Old Guys is - the list of investors that are
concerned about making money rather than being proven

Let's take a look at the most credible investors on Wall
Street - that small handful of Wall Street old-timers that
have actually survived horrible bear markets, that bought
stocks heavily when prices were low and nobody was willing
to buy, and are still around today and are still relevant.

Richard Russell is 79 years old. He's written his Dow
Theory Letters newsletter since 1958. He is incredibly
bearish today. He has nearly all his assets in tax-free
municipal bonds. But he's no Grumpy Old Man. When nobody
believed stocks could go higher, Russell put all his assets
AND all the money he could borrow into the stock market in
1958. He held tight through 1966, then sold it all,
catching one of the great runs in stocks in history.

Today, he sees the big money in gold and gold shares, his
largest position outside of his bonds. He cites Newmont
Mining as his favorite in his latest newsletter - a name
familiar to Daily Reckoning readers, I'm sure.

Then there's David Dreman. Last week, I read the original
1980 version of his book, Contrarian Investing Strategies.
Wow was Dreman bold... In the 1960s he was frustrated with
how expensive stocks were. He recounted in his book: "When
I was a student reading the newspapers of the 1930s, 1940s
and 1950s, I was amazed by the value so abundant in the
stock markets... I felt a little cheated because I thought
the great days of investment coups all lay in the past."

But then 1980 came. Stocks were cheap, and Dreman became a
mega-bull, saying in his book... "Since the 1930s [with the
exception of the 1974 market] stocks have never been as
totally washed out as they are today... the stock market
appears cheap by nearly every historical standard."

"The Death of Equities" was the headline of BusinessWeek
magazine at the time. Yet Dreman was buying with all he
had. These days, Dreman manages billions of dollars and
writes a column for Forbes. He's been recommending
financials and smoking stocks.

George Soros, the most successful investor alive -
including Warren Buffett - needs no introduction. Lately,
the 74-year-old's biggest trade is betting against the U.S.
dollar (you may recall he famously made a $1 billion
dollars betting against the British pound). Soros is doing
this by buying other currencies (euro, Aussie, and NZ
dollar) and buying gold. He told CNBC "... I now have a
short position against the dollar because I listen to what
the secretary of the Treasury is telling me."

Mark Mobius, the youngster in the group in his sixties,
still travels to bizarre places looking for investments for
you and me 300 days a year. Mobius sees value everywhere
today - everywhere that most people are afraid to look,
especially emerging markets - like Korea, South Africa,
Russia, etc.

And lastly there's John Neff. Neff called the bottom in
stocks on the cover story of Barron's in September of 2002.
His personal portfolio is loaded with
homebuilders... interesting to note.

Two votes for gold. One vote for high-yielding stocks. One
vote for investing in currencies other than the dollar. One
vote for emerging markets. And one vote for homebuilders.
That's the favorites list of the Elite Old Guys.

It's hard to argue with decades of extraordinary success.
These guys haven't cared what anyone else has thought.
They've done it their own way. These are the guys with real

I hope your portfolio isn't too far from what the most
credible investors in the world are doing.


Steve Sjuggerud
for The Daily Reckoning

Editor's Note: Dr. Steve Sjuggerud has worked in the
investment world as a stockbroker, the vice president of a
$50 million global mutual fund, an international hedge fund
manager, and the director of several research departments.
An international currency expert, he is also a member of
the Oxford Club advisory panel.

With high-yield plays, gold plays, outside-the-dollar
plays, emerging markets plays, and homebuilders, Dr. Steve
Sjuggerud's recommendations in his monthly letter, True
Wealth, are right in line with the Elite Old Guys'

To learn more, see:

True Wealth

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