-Caveat Lector-

July 11-14, 2004 - Conference Dates

Origin of Petroleum -- Biogenic and/or Abiogenic and Its Significance 
in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Productions

Sponsored by American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Program Committee

Michel Halbouty, Michel T. Halbouty Energy Co. Peter Odell, Erasmus 
University Barry Katz, ChevronTexaco Ernest A. Mancini, University of 
Alabama. Conference Site and Dates July 11-14, 2004 Vienna, Austria

Conference Goals

Discuss the evidence and data for an organic and abiogenic origin of 
petroleum; discuss the types of tests that could be designated to 
determine the mechanism for the formation of petroleum; discuss the 
similarities and differences in exploration strategies using an organic 
model compared to an abiogenic model for the origin of petroleum; 
discuss and debate these exploration strategies; discuss the 
ramifications of an abiogenic origin of petroleum in estimating basin 
resources and in determining field reserves; and discuss the 
significance of an abiogenic origin of petroleum to the future supplies 
of petroleum.


An understanding of the origin of petroleum is a crucial element in the 
design of successful hydrocarbon strategies and in their production. 
Such knowledge is also important in estimating sedimentary basin 
resources, in determining field reserves, and in predicting the future 
availability of petroleum supplies globally.

Most members of AAPG have been taught and accept that the origin of 
petroleum is organic. Therefore, exploration strategies are designed 
using geochemical data from sedimentary petroleum source rocks. 
Petroleum resources available in a given sedimentary basin are 
estimated based on the organic and physical characteristics of the 
source rock and their thermal and chemical alteration histories, 
similarly field reserves are determined based not only on structural 
and reservoir parameters but also upon source rock data. This 
methodology has been used widely by the petroleum industry. What if the 
source of petroleum is not from sedimentary source rocks, but from an 
abiogenic source that is not limited by the physical, chemical, and 
biological constraints that affect the type, quality and volume of 
petroleum derived from an organic source?

For half a century, scientists from the former Soviet Union (FSU) have 
recognized that the petroleum produced from fields in the FSU have been 
generated by abiogenic processes. This is not a new concept, being 
first reported in 1951. The Russians have used this concept as an 
exploration strategy and have successfully discovered petroleum fields 
of which a number of these fields produce either partly and entirely 
from crystalline basement. Is this exploration strategy limited to the 
petroleum provinces in Russia or does such a strategy have application 
to other petroleum provinces like the Gulf of Mexico or the Middle 
East? Some believe this is a possibility for fields in the Gulf of 
Mexico, and others argue for application to fields in the Middle East.

Along these lines, this Conference is designed to provide an 
opportunity to present the hypotheses, evidence and data for an organic 
origin of petroleum and for an abiogenic origin of petroleum through 
oral and poster presentations. Day 1 sessions mostly address the 
abiogenic side, whereas on Day 2, the organic and alternative origins 
are discussed. Day 3 addresses combination origins, as well as economic 
significance of the various exploration and production strategies 
discussed. Ample time is scheduled for discussion and debate of the 
hypotheses for the origin of petroleum, and the program will conclude 
in a summary panel discussion at the end of Day 3. The significance of 
an organic compared to an abiogenic origin of petroleum to the industry 
will be emphasized and demonstrated through presentations on 
exploration strategies using both organic models and abiogenic models. 
Ample time is scheduled to discuss and debate the similarities and 
differences of these exploration strategies. Also, the ramifications of 
basin resource estimations and field reserve determinations will be 
discussed, and the significance of these estimations and determinations 
in the prediction of the future worldâ??s supply and price of petroleum 
will be debated. Other topics include the differences in modeling 
approaches of petroleum origin, generation, expulsion and migration 
under an organic origin compared to an abiogenic origin. Presentations 
on petroleum migration will address the timing and distance of 
migration under the scenario of an organic origin and under a scenario 
of an abiogenic origin. Ample time is scheduled to discuss and debate 
the significance of migration, the timing of migration, and the 
migration distance given an organic origin or an abiogenic origin.

For further information contact: Debbi Boonstra, AAPG Education Dept., 
P.O. Box 979, Tulsa, OK 74101-0979. Fax: (918)
560-2678. E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



AAPG HEDBERG RESEARCH CONFERENCE Origin of Petroleum: Biogenic and/or 
Abiogenic and its Significance to Hydrocarbon Exploration and 
Production July 11-14, 2004, Vienna, Austria Program of Presentations

Monday, July 12, 2004

Introduction to Conference

M.T. Halbouty, Michael T. Halbouty Energy Co., Houston, TX Introduction 
to the Hedberg conference on "Origin of Petroleum: Biogenic and/or 
Abiogenic and its Significance to Hydrocarbon Exploration and 

MONDAY ORAL SESSION Origin of Petroleum Session Abiogenic Origin / 
Mantle Section

B.M. Valyaev, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Isotopic geochemical indicators of the genesis of oil 
and gas

J.C. Charlou, Laboratoire Geochimie/ Metallogenie, Plouzane, France 
Abiogenic petroleum generated by serpentinization of oceanic mantellic 

A.H. Rankin, Kingston University, Surrey, UK Alkaline igneous rocks of 
the Kola Peninsula: potential source rocks for abiogenic hydrocarbons 
via Fischer-Tropsch type reactions

T. Laier, Geol. Survey of Denmark & Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark Gas 
with abiogenic signature in association with organic bitumen in 
alkaline rocks of the Ilimaussaq intrusion, Greenland

N.J.P. Smith, British Geological Survey, Notts, UK Evidence for 
abiogenic gases, their relationship with hydrocarbons and a tentative 
hydrogen exploration strategy

R.M. Yurkova, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. Of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia The ultrabasic rocks serpentinization as a source of 
hydrocarbon fluids

M.N. Smirnova, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Oil and gas-bearing ring structures as channels of deep 
hydrocarbons injection

M.V. Rodkin, Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia Geotectonic 
situations of possible realization of processes of abiogenic generation 
of oil and gas

R.F. Mafoud, McNeese State Univ., Lake Charles, LA Abiogenic origin of 

N.G. Holm, Stockholm University, Swedan Weathering of ultramafic rocks 
as a source of abiotic hydrocarbons

A. Egorkin, GEON Center, Moscow, Russia Features of the crust and 
mantle structure under hydrocarbon provinces

A.N. Dmitrievsky, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Polygenesis of oil and gas

M.V. Bagdasarova, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Endogenic regimes of oil- and gas-bearing basins and 
types of fluids systems in their depths

V. Kolodiy, IGGG, National Academy of Science/Ukraine, L'viv, Ukraine 
Oil and gas origin - constraints from their migration and accumulation 
(hydrogeological aspects)

N.A. Ozerova, Inst. of Geol. of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy 
and Geochemistry, Russian Acad. of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Problems of 
mercury within the Astrakhan gas-condensate field (Russia)

Afternoon Discussion: Abiogenic Origin

MONDAY POSTER SESSION Exploration & Production Strategies Session 
Abiogenic Origin and Strategy Section

P. Szatmari, Petrobras Research Center, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
Petroleum formation over serpentinizing peridotites: the evidence of 
trace elements

A.A. Kitchka, CASRE, Nat'l. Acad. of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine Juvenile 
petroleum pathway: from fluid inclusions via tectonics to its 
commercial fields

I.N. Plotnikova, Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, 
Russia Inorganic origin of petroleum and new geological criteria of 
hydrocarbon exploration in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

J. Seewald, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA Isotopic and 
chemical composition of natural gas from the Potato Hills Field, 
southeastern Oklahoma: evidence for and abiogenic origin

A. Dmitrievsky, Inst. of Oceanology, Russian Acad. of Sciences, Moscow, 
Russia Abiogenic methane formation in the ocean floor

R. Gottikh, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Principles and key diagram of the abiogenic origin of 
bitumen and oil (by the example of ancient platforms)

M. Lebedynets, L'viv Nat'l. Univ., Ukraine Hydrogeological conditions 
of oil- and gas-content of Pre-Cambrian basement of north side of 
Dnieper-Donets Depression

B. Pisotskiy, Geosystem all-Russia Research Institute, Moscow, Russia 
Reducing fluidization and petroleum accumulation in ancient platform 

M.V. Rodkin, Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia On the evaluation 
of contribution of methane of abiogenic origin in commercial gas fields

A.P. Shilovsky, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Hydrocarbon accumulations in Moscow syneclise sediments 
discovering perspectives

I.N. Plotnikova, Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, 
Russia New data on the origin of the Romanshkino Oil Field (Tatarstan, 

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

TUESDAY ORAL SESSIONS Origin of Petroleum Session Organic Origin / 
Sedimentary Section

M. Hovland, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway Hydrocarbons in deep water: a 
brief review of some DSDP/ODP results

W. Dow, Consultant, The Woodlands, TX Terrestrial and algal biomarkers 
in oils from South Vietnam fractured basement reservoirs: Undeniable 
evidence of biogenic origin

J.A. Williams, Consultant, Tulsa, OK Definitive Biogenic Attributes of 
Crude OK

C. Barker, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK The complementary roles of 
kinetics and thermodynamics in the generation and preservation of oil 
and gas

J. Hulston, Inst. of Geol. and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New 
Zealand Helium and carbon isotope evidence for the organic origin of 
natural gases from Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

S.C. Brassell, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN Molecular signatures 
as evidence for the biogenic origin for petroleum

V. Dieckmann, GFZ - Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Characterising and 
predicting the petroleum formation and cracking from unknown source 
rocks using reservoir oil-asphaltenes

I. Guliyev, Geol. Inst. of Azerbaijan Nat'l. Acad. of Sciences, Baku, 
Azerbaijan Oils and gases of mud volcanoes of the South-Caspian 
Basin-geological, geophysical and geochemical indicators of genesis

V.P. Isayeva, Irkutsk State Univ., Irkutsk, Russia Genesis of oil and 
gas in the sediments of Baikal Lake

M.V. Rodkin, Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia Biogenic model of 
oil generation from the point of view of abiogenic criticism

A.A. Brown, Consultant, Richardson, TX Origin of high helium 
concentrations in dry gas by water fractionation

Origin of Petroleum Session Alternative Origin Section

C.W. Hunt, Consultant, Calgary, Canada Hydrides and anhydrides

L. Sangely, CNRS, University Henri Poincare, France Abiogenic origin of 
carbonaceous matter in unconformity-type uranium ore deposits of 
Saskatchewan (Canada)

R. Ehrlich, Residuum Energy Inc., SLC, Salt Lake City, Utah On the 
detection of abiotic constituents in crude oils and natural gas

A.A. Drozdovskaja, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine 
Geological and physical & chemical criteria of the abiogenous origin of 
hydrocarbons in the early Precambrian

II.K. Karpov, Lukoil - VolgogradNIPImorneft, Volgograd, Russia 
Thermodynamic simulation of hc geochemical stability in oil-gas-bearing 

O. Fialko, Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Kiev, Ukraine The 
cavitationally-fluctuational mechanism of high-molecular hydrocarbons 
formation and their deposits in fractured rocks

M. Sprynskyy, Inst. of Geol. & Geochem. of Combustible Minerals, Nat'l. 
Acad. of Ukraine Hydrogeological conditions of oil- and gas-content of 
autochthon deposits of Ukrainian Carpathians

V. Sozansky, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine Significance 
of abiogenic origin of oil: deep origin of salt rocks

Y.O. Muraveynyk, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine Origin of 
petroleum and big bang 65 m.y. ago in core of the earth

J.R. Wilson, Centre for Future Technologies, Idaho Falls, ID Meteorites 
and deep-earth reactors

M.T. El-Bakai, Petroleum Research Center, Tripoli, Libya Trace elements 
and stable isotopes for the Abu Ghaylan Formation (Upper Triassic), 
central Jabal Nafusah, NW Libya

Afternoon Discussion: Organic Origin and Alternative Origin

TUESDAY POSTER SESSIONS Exploration & Production Strategies Session 
Organic Origin and Strategy Section

D.H. Welte, International University of Bremen, Germany Understanding 
the origin of petroleum and predicting its occurrence

W. Dow, Consultant, The Woodlands, TX The petroleum system paradigm and 
the biogenic origin of oil and gas

B.J. Katz, ChevronTexaco, Houston, TX From source to reservoir - the 
generation and migration process

E.A. Mancini, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL Upper Jurassic 
(Oxfordian) Smackover carbonate petroleum system characterization and 
modeling, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA

E.G. Areshev, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia South 
Vietnam shelf basement oil - evidence of the new earth crust oil and 
gas bearing stage existence

A. Sheikina, Lukoil - VolgogradNIPImorneft, Volgograd, Russia Solid 
bitumen as an indicator of oil accumulation process in the Tengiz 

E. Ablia, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Hydrocarbons in rocks 
from basement - geochemical view

V. Robison, ChevronTexaco, Houston, TX Inferred origin of hydrocarbons 
in the northern deepwater Gulf of Mexico

Exploration & Production Strategies Session Combination Origin and 
Strategy Section

L. Anissimov, Lukoil, Volgograd, Russia Two models of the Middle 
Devonian petroleum system in the Volgograd Region: the pros and cons

S.A. Guberman, Digital Oil Technologies, Cupertino, CA Technology for 
finding of giant oil and gas fields as practical application of a 
petroleum origin concept

A. Harutyunyan, State Engineering Univ. of Armenia, Yerevan, Rep. of 
Armenia Genesis of organic and inorganic hydrocarbons in earth crust of 
lesser Caucasus

A.K. Nazipov, Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia 
Precambrian basement of the Republic of Tatarstan and the origin of oil 

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

WEDNESDAY ORAL SESSIONS Origin of Petroleum Session Combination Origin 
/ Deep Fluids-Sedimentary Section

Y. Pikovskii, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Gas-hydrothermal 
oil-making plumes: exploration and production aspects

Y. Svoren, Inst. of Geol. & Geochem of Combustible Minerals National 
Academy of Science of Ukraine, L'viv, Ukraine New theory of synthesis 
and genesis of natural hydrocarbons: abiogenic-biogenic dualism

A.E. Lukin, Chernigiv Branch of UKRSGRI, Chernigiv, Ukraine Origin of 
petroleum in the light of geosynergetic concept of natural 
hydrocarbon-generating system

S.B. Keith, Sonoita Geoscience Research, Sonoita, Arizona Hydrothermal 

M. Chudetsky, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Geofluids, underground biosphere and oil enriched with 
isoprenoid hydrocarbons

A.N. Dmitrievsky, Oil & Gas Problems Inst., Russian Acad. of Sciences, 
Moscow, Russia Fluid dynamics viewpoints on hydrocarbon accumulations 

V.F. Luzin, Irkutsk State Univ., Irkutsk, Russia Theoretical 
considerations on oil and gas origin

A.P. Rudenko, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia The 
physico-chemical aspect of petroleum fields formation

B. Sokolov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Hydrocarbon 
generation - fluid-dynamic conception

V.P. Isayeva, Irkutsk State Univ., Irkutsk, Russia Oil and gas 
formation in the sedimentary rocks from the positions of the chemical 

M. Boris, Ivano-Frankivsk National Tech. Univ. of Oil & Gas, Ukraine 
Genesis both formation of oil and gas rocks - an important 
scientific-practical problem of oil and gas geology

I. Berezowskyy, IGGG, National Academy of Science/Ukraine, L'viv, 
Ukraine Geochemistry of metal-content of oils of Pre-Carpathian oil and 
gas region

Afternoon Discussion: Combination Origin

Economic Significance Session

H.R. Nelson, Dynamic Resources Corp. Barker, TX Dynamic replenishment

V.A. Trofimov, Inst. for Geology & Dev. of Fossil Fuels, Moscow, Russia 
Natural Hydrocarbon Channels (Hydrocarbon Pipes) and Replenishment of 
Oil and Gas Fields

A.N. Reznikov, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia New 
possibilities in estimating initial potential petroleum resources

P.R. Odell, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Some 
hypotheses on economic aspects of abiogenic oil and gas exploitation

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 (continued)

Summary Discussion of Conference

M.T. Halbouty, Michal T. Halbouty Energy Co., Houston, TX

P.R. Odell, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

B.M. Valyaev, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

A.A. Kitchka, CASRE, National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine

A.E. Lukin, Chernigiv Branch of UKRSGRI, Chernigiv, Ukraine

Y. Pikovskii, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

B. J. Katz, ChevronTexaco, Houston, TX

E.A. Mancini, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
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