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Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 12:27:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JBirch] Kerry in TNA

"According to Kerry, JBS members were 'paranoid individuals' whose methods and ideas 
'threaten freedom itself.' He said that the Birch Society's ideas were 'political 
filth' and that 'we should denounce its racism, its anti-Semitism, its sexism, its 
profound anti-Americanism.'" (See below)

 * * *

On January 26th, the Senate voted 55 to 45 in favor of a motion by Senator John Kerry 
(CFR) to table (kill) an amendment by Senator Helms that would have stripped S.J. Res. 
32 from the State Department authorization bill. Senators Kerry and Dodd assured their 
colleagues that "this is a sense-of-the-Senate resolution. It does not mandate or bind 
us to anything." The resolution merely puts the Senate on record in favor of advancing 
the ICC "exploratory process," Kerry said. That "exploration" will soon lead to 
adoption of an International Criminal Court treaty, unless American voters send strong 
messages of opposition now -- and in November.

 * * *

Kerry Was Negative Too
        ITEM: According to the November 24th New York Times, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) 
"was disturbed by the 'meanness' of the political campaign that ended earlier this 
month. 'The really negative advertising turned a lot of people off,' he said .... 
Senator Kerry says attacking an opponent's voting record, for example, is 'fair 
stuff.' What he objects to, he says, are attacks that 'deal with character, and imply 
a lack of patriotism.'"
TNA / December 22, 1986   (p. 29)
        BETWEEN THE LINES: Like so many politicians, Senator Kerry has not practiced 
what he preaches. His 1984 campaign for the Senate was marked by the very things he 
now says bother him. For example, Kerry called his opponent, Ray Shamie, "the favored 
candidate of the right wing," and he said that the only people "better off today than 
they were four years ago" were "the special interests, the very wealthy, the defense 
contractors, the cronies of the President and Republican Party leaders."
TNA / December 22, 1986   (p. 29)
        On October 15, 1984, Kerry really took the low road when he delivered a speech 
denouncing Shamie for having described members of The John Birch Society as "decent 
people from the mainstream of America:" According to Kerry, JBS members were "paranoid 
individuals" whose methods and ideas "threaten freedom itself." He said that the Birch 
Society's ideas were "political filth" and that "we should denounce its racism, its 
anti-Semitism, its sexism, its profound anti-Americanism."
TNA / December 22, 1986   (p. 29)
        When it comes to mean and negative campaigning, John Kerry does not have to 
take a back seat to anyone.

 * * *

 The Birch Log                                    John F. McManus
Veterans Poorly Served
        In 1971, Vietnam veteran John Forbes Kerry led a group known as Vietnam 
Veterans Against the War (VVAW). His near-treasonous activity with VVAW during that 
period won him front-page praise from the Communist Daily World and the participation 
in his efforts of numerous Communists.
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
        When the war wound down, Kerry started running for political office, first 
unsuccessfully for a Massachusetts congressional seat, then successfully as a county 
district attorney. In 1982, he won election as Massachusetts lieutenant governor, a 
post he abandoned in 1984 when he won the race to become one of the Bay State's U.S. 
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
Quite A Senate Record
        In the sixteen months he has been in the Senate, Kerry has predictably 
distinguished himself as a far-out Leftist. He has attempted to hold up U.S. weapons 
testing to appease the Soviets; tried to cancel immigration restrictions keeping known 
Communists from entering the U.S.; stumped so hard for the Communist government of 
Nicaragua that fellow Massachusetts Democrats characterized him as "the senator from 
Managua"; supported sanctions against anti-Communist South Africa; criticized 
anti-Communist South Korea; favored federal funding of abortion; backed Big Labor's 
pet projects; crusaded for the dangerously anti-American Genocide Treaty; and voted 
overwhelmingly for more government.
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
        His first act upon entering the Senate in January 1985, however, was to 
introduce legislation to grant a federal charter to the Vietnam Veterans of America 
(VVA). The Senate finally approved the measure in early April. With its charter, VVA 
will now have access to space and resources in the Veterans' Administration offices, 
and the kind of official status needed to solicit funds from private donors. Now 
claiming to speak for the nation's Vietnam veterans, Kerry surely hopes that the 
disgraceful anti-war campaign he carried on while American forces were still engaged 
in combat will be forgotten as he praises them for their efforts "in Southeast Asia, 
where they served their country." If many of them knew what Kerry was doing while they 
were dodging bullets in Vietnam's rice paddies and jungles, they would likely reject 
their self-appointed spokesman.
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
The Kerry Antics
        The December 12, 1971 Boston Herald Traveler pointed out that Kerry-led 
demonstrations opposing the war welcomed "revolutionary Communists," something Kerry 
admitted but found "not relevant." It also reported that he freely joined in 
demonstrations organized by the Reds themselves. Earlier, the former military officer 
and his band of Communists and others staged a rally in Washington at which they 
proudly displayed a portrait of Communist Party leader Angela Davis. Then, they defied 
a specific Supreme Court order and camped out on the Capitol Mall. For months during 
this period, Kerry received warm and repeated praise from the Communist press. And in 
1972, the Lowell (Massachusetts) Sun described a mocking cover photo on Kerry's book 
The New Soldier as full of "contempt for everything [the flag] stands for."
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
        On May 3, 1972, the Boston Phoenix reported that Kerry had defiantly given 
back the medals he had earned in Vietnam. When he ran for office, he tried to appear 
as a medal-winning patriot. Confronted with evidence of his earlier discarding of the 
awards, he insisted the medals he returned were not his.
TNA / June 2, 1986   (p. 53)
        If John Kerry had ever apologized for his sordid anti-war activities, no one 
could properly make an issue of them. But he hasn't. And his pro-Communist 
proclivities of the early 1970s are now matched by similar leanings as a U.S. Senator. 
The veterans he now champions are poorly served by such a leader. And so are the good 
citizens of Massachusetts, many of whom have begun to realize what men like John Kerry 
are doing both to them and to our nation.

 * * *

NATION                                                                   BCCl's 
Democratic Connection
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        The Democratic Party is sitting on a scandal that could threaten its control 
of the U.S. Congress. Leading Democrats face charges that, in exchange for political 
contributions, they had federal regulators go easy on a Florida savings and loan that 
eventually failed, costing taxpayers over $2 billion.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        But this wasn't just an ordinary federally-insured savings and loan. CenTrust 
Savings Bank of Miami had financial links to the Arab-owned Bank of Credit and 
Commerce International (BCCI), the scandal-ridden international banking institution 
accused of involvement with terrorists and arms- and drug-traffickers.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
Kerry Investigating Self
        Incredibly, one of the Democrats implicated in the scandal is leading the 
Senate investigation of BCCI. He is Senator John Kerry, less well-known, but just as 
left-wing as his senior colleague, Ted Kennedy.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        BCCI has already pied guilty to money-laundering charges involving cocaine 
profits, and has been fined $15 million by a U.S. District Court in Tampa. It has also 
been indicted in New York for fraud.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        Democrats are scrambling to contain the damage being caused to their party by 
the scandal, even while they claim to be getting to the bottom of it. On the Senate 
side, Kerry's subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations has 
taken the lead, with the Massachusetts senator insisting that he was suspicious of 
BCCI's alleged criminal activities as early as 1988.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        However, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift reports that Kerry steered clear of the 
scandal early on because of warnings that prominent Democrats such as Clark Clifford 
were involved. Clift reports, "Democratic sources confirm that Kerry was made aware 
'through the grapevine' that his efforts would have repercussions and that 'he would 
pay a price.'"
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        So far, Kerry has tried to use his hearings to divert attention from the BCCI 
connection of U.S. political figures to the CIA's alleged links to the bank. But a 
report issued recently by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah links Kerry and other 
top Democrats to CenTrust.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        The Hatch report, written by Republican staff investigators for the Senate 
Judiciary Committee on Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights, documents an 
interlocking relationship between CenTrust and BCCI through Saudi Arabian investor 
Ghaith Pharaon, a major shareholder in both institutions and an alleged front man for 
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        The BCCI connection makes the CenTrust case even more notorious than that of 
the Lincoln Savings, owned by Charles Keating, which gave rise to the so-called 
"Keating five" S&L scandal.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
Permissive Posture
        As in the Keating case, the key questions raised in the Hatch report on 
CenTrust concern whether or not top political figures -- mostly Democrats -- put 
pressure on federal regulators to go easy on the bank in exchange for political 
The report states, "It is unclear to what extent CenTrust's political contributions, 
coupled with the campaign spending of other savings and loan institutions, may have 
influenced Congress to take a permissive posture toward savings and loan regulation 
during the 1980s."
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        The chairman of CenTrust, David Paul, has been described by columnist Warren 
Brookes, as a "key angel" for the 1988 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, then 
headed by Kerry. CenTrust contributed $328,000 to political action committees from 
1984 to 1988 that mostly backed Democrats.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        Paul, reportedly under investigation by the Justice Department, refused to 
cooperate with Hatch's investigators on the grounds that he is a potential witness in 
various legal proceedings involving BCCI. The report strongly urges that Paul be 
subpoenaed to testify before the Senate under oath.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        But columnist Brookes and others note that Paul has been conspicuously missing 
from witness lists drawn up by Kerry's subcommittee.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        An analysis of Paul's desk calendar and telephone logs over a period of 
several years found at least 120 contacts between Paul and elected officials or their 
staffs. The names included not only Kerry, but Democratic Senators Joseph Biden (DE), 
Wych Fowler (GA), Bob Graham (FL), John Breaux (LA), Don Riegle (MI), and Alan 
Cranston (CA).
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        Breaux, according to one entry, used Paul's personal yacht, the Grand Cru. The 
yacht was just one manifestation of what the Hatch report calls Paul's "lavish 
personal lifestyle." Paul had use of limousines purchased or rented for him by 
CenTrust, while his bank leased a corporate jet used on several occasions to transport 
"guests" such as Senator Kerry.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        Paul's compensation, over the five year period, 1984-89, was reported to be 
more than $16 million. In addition, he received a reported $6.1 million in mortgages 
to purchase and renovate his home.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        Paul's papers and telephone logs reveal that, while cultivating American 
politicians from 1984-88, he was "in frequent and sometimes daily contact" with 
Pharaon, according to the Hatch report.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        The information released by Hatch, who openly acknowledges that he was misled 
by BCCI officials in the past, appears to suggest that the Paul-Pharaon connection was 
just one aspect of a secret BCCI effort to acquire important segments of the U.S. 
banking industry, and that some U.S. politicians were wined and dined in an effort to 
get them to look the other way.
TNA / October 8, 1991  (p. 16)
        But many of those politicians belong to the political party that now controls 
both houses of the Congress and can thwart a real inquiry.

 * * *

Justice Obstructs
        The scene fades and when the lights come up Manhattan district attorney Robert 
Morganthau is center stage. The son of Henry Morganthau Jr., Roosevelt's controversial 
Treasury Secretary, he is an elderly man with a lined face. Morganthau testifies that 
because of BCCI acquisitions in New York, he has been trying to get records on BCCI 
from the Justice Department since March 1990, but that he has had no cooperation. He 
says that the Justice Department has not only failed to probe BCCI itself, but is also 
"part of a concerted campaign to detail any full investigation." In fact, he says, 
"Justice has been deliberately impeding our investigation ... asking witnesses not to 
cooperate with us."
TNA / December 31, 1991   (p. 24)
        Morganthau indicts Agha Hasan Abedi and former BCCI chief executive officer 
Naqvi for grand larceny, which could bring a 25-year prison term. But Naqvi is in Abu 
Dhabi, which is ruled by the largest shareholder of BCCI, and Abedi is safely out of 
reach in his walled villa in Karachi, well protected by his old friend Nawarz Sharif, 
now prime minister of Pakistan. Morganthau knows he has little chance of getting his 
hands on either of them. He says that this is only 25 percent of the case he intends 
to build.
TNA / December 31, 1991   (p. 24)
        A lanky man with a full head of dark hair now takes Morganthau's place. He is 
Senator John Kerry (D-MA), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Narcotics and 
Terrorism. Kerry reveals that for the past three years he has been attempting to 
investigate BCCI, but that "the Justice Department put roadblocks in our path .... "
TNA / December 31, 1991   (p. 24)
        Kerry says that as long ago as 1988, his investigators gave the Justice 
Department evidence that BCCI was engaged in the international laundering of drug 
money. Not long afterward, he says, his subcommittee was unable to get an extension 
from Senator Claiborne Pell (D-RI), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and a 
member of the CFR, who found the investigation "distasteful." "I don't like to see the 
Foreign Relations Committee involved in this sort of thing," Pell told Kerry.
TNA / December 31, 1991   (p. 24)
        In 1989, says Kerry, he provided the Justice Department (Richard Thornburgh) 
with taped debriefings of a senior BCCI official describing the BCCI-First American 
relationship; he even tried to get Justice Department prosecutors to meet the witness. 
But Justice indicated it wasn't interested, that it "didn't have the manpower" to 
debrief the witness.

 * * *

Hanoi and Money
TNA  March 22, 1993   p. 29
        When Senator John Kerry (DMA), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on 
POW/MIA Affairs, was given access to a Vietnamese military museum, it was part of the 
tactic meant to show what great guys they have in Hanoi and how deserving they are of 
having the U.S. ease the embargo and open full relations. Never mind that the 
"openness" of Hanoi only proved that they have been lying for two decades about what 
the Reds knew. But now Mobil wants oil rights and Boeing wants to sell jets to the 
Vietnamese. Kerry, along with fellow Select Committee members Hank Brown (R-CO) and 
Tom Daschle (D-SD), indicated that a reward is needed to show Hanoi how much we 
appreciate their "help."

 * * *

After stalling for three years to lift the embargo, last year George Bush resorted to 
the most phony and cruel delaying tactic he could have come up with -- demanding an 
accounting for the 2,273 American servicemen still missing in Indochina. This in the 
face of the endless impeddiments, denials, obfuscations, and outright lies emanating 
for years from Washington in its coverup of our missing men.
TNA / June 28, 1993  (p. 28)
        Falling in with the charade, Vietnam started an unprecedented cooperation with 
U.S. investigators. Heading the U.S. team was President Bush's special envoy, General 
John Vessey, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and long-time member of the 
CFR. No evidence of surviving servicemen was found. Mr. Bush then sent Vietnam War 
veteran Senator John Kerry (D-MA) to Vietnam. Kerry, founder of Vietnam Veterans 
Against the War, after a day in Hanoi said he had investigated reports of 50 live 
sightings and found no evidence of their truth. He recommended that the U.S. reward 
Vietnam within a month for its cooperation.
TNA / June 28, 1993  (p. 28)
        It looked as though the Insiders were finally ready. In December of last year, 
Mr. Bush loosened the embargo; rejoicing U.S. companies were henceforth allowed to 
sign contracts, open offices, hire staff, and conduct marketing studies. In January, 
the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIAs, headed by Kerry, reported that no American 
captives remain alive; the U.S. didn't knowingly abandon any of them or cover up any 
evidence; groups insisting otherwise are merely exploiting the issue for financial 
TNA / June 28, 1993  (p. 28)
        Although a tantalizingly brief report was leaked that Hanoi's UN envoy had 
tried to defect to provide MIA data, this quickly disappeared from the news and U.S. 
companies headed for Hanoi, their sights fixed on Vietnam's cheap labor ($1 a day), 
abundant deposits of oil, coal, and minerals, plus a strategic location. By the end of 
March, 623 projects totaling $4.6 billion had been approved.
TNA / June 28, 1993  (p. 28)
        Meanwhile Japan, which has been in a fever to invest in Vietnam, has held back 
all these years "in deference to the U.S. embargo." The real reason has had a lot more 
to do with money. Hanoi is badly in arrears to the IMF, the funnel through which our 
tax dollars have been sustaining that communist regime all along. This debt has made 
Vietnam ineligible for more IMF and World Bank funding. Development on the scale 
Vietnam needs will require huge sums -- the State Department says $50 billion to start 
with. But how could the work begin without the cash cows to pay for it? In AApril a 
"group of nations" agreed to provide loans to pay off the old IMF debt; Mr. Clinton 
prepared to "normalize relations"; the IMF, World Bank, and Asian Development Bank 
prepared to rain hundreds of millions of tax dollars on the Insiders.
Then a bothersome fly appeared in the ointment. An American researching in Soviet 
archives discovered a 1972 report prepared by the Vietnam military that indicated 
Vietnam held more than twice as many U.S. prisoners as were released a year later. But 
again, not to worry. General Vessey said he would "ask Hanoi to explain the document." 
President Clinton sent Senator Kerry back to Hanoi to deliver a message to Viemamese 
leader Le Duc Anh. Kerry "hinted that the U.S. might lift its embargo if Hanoi 
supplies more information." Our assessment of Insider intentions: Once Hanoi issues 
another denial, the last chapter of the tragic story of our missing men will have been 
written. The book will be closed, the agonies of the abandoned will pass into history, 
and the Insiders will inherit Vietnam.

 * * *

A column carried by the Scripps Howard News Service on January 2nd, "Home-front 
Problems for Clinton on Vietnam," by Jack R. Payton, foreign editor of the St. 
Petersburg Times, is typical of the coverage given to the shameful Senate measure, 
which passed 62-38:
TNA / March 7, 1994  (p. 17)
        [T]he two men pushing the resolution were John Kerry, D-Mass., and John 
McCain, R-Ariz. Both are Vietnam veterans. Kerry was wounded three times fighting the 
Vietnamese Communists and won a Silver Star. McCain, a fighter pilot and also a Silver 
Star winner, was captured and held prisoner for almost six years. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., 
another senator supporting the resolution, lost a leg and won a Medal of Honor in 
Vietnam. Nobody can accuse any of these men of being unpatriotic or soft on communism 
[emphasis added].
TNA / March 7, 1994  (pp. 17-18)
Obstructionist Senators
        Nobody except those who are familiar with their careers, that is. Senators 
Kerry and McCain have been key obstructors of the investigations into POW/MIA matters 
and have been hellbent, it seems, to sweep aside all delays to normalization of 
relations with Vietnam. As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, 
the suave Kerry, aided by the irascible McCain, did everything possible to debunk the 
evidence and witnesses brought forward to show that live POWs remained in Southeast 
Asia after Operation Homecoming, the official return of our POWs in 1973. As Al 
Santoli, journalist, author, Vietnam veteran, and noted POW-MIA investigator, reported 
in a January 24, 1994 column in the Washington Times, "Sen. John Kerry had 120 boxes 
of potentially explosive National Security Agency files reclassified before Senate 
[POW/MIA] investigators could study them."

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